Hamlet Vocab

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Impotent - definition

adj. Lacking physical strength or vigor; weak

Retrograde - definition

adj. Reverting to an earlier or inferior condition

Frailty - Syn/Ant

Syn: weakness, fault, sin, vice, failing, defect, blemish, flaw, fallibility, imperfection, foible, susceptibility Ant: strength, virtue

Beguile - definition

tr. v. To deceive by guile (Guile: n. Sly or cunning intelligence)

Canonize - definition

tr. v. To declare (a deceased person) to be as honorable as a saint

Encumber - definition

tr. v. To hinder or impede the action or performance of

Circumscribed - definition

tr. v. To limit narrowly; restrict

Emulate - definition

tr. v. To strive to equal or excel, esp. through imitation *Shakespeare uses "emulate" as an adjective ("a most emulate pride"). This usage of the word is obsolete. Used in this context it means that an action or sentiment is driven by envy or a feeling of rivalry.

Illuminate - definition

v. To provide or brighten with light

Usurp - definition

v. intr. To take over or occupy without right

Ecstasy - etymology

Gk: existanai (to displace, derange) *possibly fr. Gaulish: comboros

Canonize - etymology

Gk: kanōn (measuring rod, rule)

Satyr - etymology

Gk: saturos

Beguile - etymology


Quintessence - etymology

Med. Lat: quīnta essentia fr. quīnta (fifth) + essentia (essence)

Hue - etymology

OE: hīw, hēo (color, form)

Encumber - etymology

OFr: encumber (to block up)

Harbinger - etymology

OFr: herberge (lodging), of Gmc. orig.

Satyr - definition

n. (From Greek mythology) A woodland creature with a goat's legs, ears, and horns

Calumny - definition

n. A false statement maliciously made to injure a reputation; the utterance of malicious falsehoods

Promontory - definition

n. A high ridge of land jutting out into a body of water

Hue - definition

n. A particular gradation of color; a shade; an aspect

Distilment (distillate) - definition

n. A purified form; an essence

Affectation - definition

n. A show, pretense, or display; a behavior that is assumed rather than natural

Umbrage - definition

n. A vague or indistinct indication

Ecstasy - definition

n. Intense joy or delight

Harbinger - definition

n. One that indicates or foreshadows what is to come

Sentinel - definition

n. One that keeps guard; a sentry

Libertine - definition

n. One who acts without moral restraint

Ostentation - definition

n. Pretentious display meant to impress others; (archaic: an exhibition)

Frailty - definition

n. The condition of being morally or physically weak

Quintessence - definition

n. The pure, highly concentrated essence of a thing

Equivocation - definition

n. The use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to avoid committing oneself (Equivocate: intr. v. To avoid making an explicit statement; to intentionally mislead by making a statement open to multiple interpretations)

Firmament - definition

n. The vault or expanse of the heavens; the sky

Sentinel - etymology

Ital: sentinella, prob. fr. OItal: sentina (vigilance) fr. Lat: sentīre (to feel)

Equivocation - etymology

LLat: aequivocus (equivocal)

Emulate - etymology

Lat: aemulus (emulous)

Affectation - etymology

Lat: affectātiō (to strive after)

Calumny - etymology

Lat: caluī (to deceive)

Circumscribed - etymology

Lat: circumscrībere (to write around)

Distilment (distillate) - etymology

Lat: dustillāre (to trickle)

Expostulate - etymology

Lat: expostulāre fr. postulāre (to demand)

Firmament - etymology

Lat: firmāre (to strengthen)

Frailty - etymology

Lat: frangere (to break)

Impotent - etymology

Lat: in + potēns (to be able)

Libertine - etymology

Lat: līber (free)

Illuminate - etymology

Lat: lūmināre (to lighten up) fr. lūmen (light)

Ostentation - etymology

Lat: ostentāre, freq. of ostendere (to show)

Promontory - etymology

Lat: prōmonotorium prob. fr. prominēre (to jut out)

Retrograde - etymology

Lat: retrōgradī (to go back) fr. retrō- (retro-) + -gradus (walking)

Umbrage - etymology

Lat: umbra (shadow)

Usurp - etymology

Lat: ūsūrpāte (to take into use)

Sentinel - Syn/Ant

Syn: Sentry, guard, lookout, watchman, watch, ward, picket, patrol, scout, ranger, guardian, guardsman

Encumber - Syn/Ant

Syn: burden, weigh down, load, load down, obstruct, hinder Ant: unload, unburden, unencumber

Circumscribed - Syn/Ant

Syn: circle, encircle, outline, define, delineate; surround, enclose, encompass; limit, proscribe, restrict, restrain, confine, impede, hem in, check, curb, bridle, corset, fix Ant: expand, extend, enlarge, open, unfetter

Hue - Syn/Ant

Syn: color, coloration, shade, tint, tincture, tone; cast, tinge

Beguile - Syn/Ant

Syn: delude, deceive, dupe, bamboozle, ensnare, lure, trick, cheat, hoodwink, hoax; lull, distract, enchant, charm, bewitch, captivate, please, cheer; entertain, divert, amuse, occupy Ant: enlighten, disabuse, make weary; alert, alarm, jar

Quintessence - Syn/Ant

Syn: essence, elixir, heart, core, pith, soul, gist, marrow, sum total, quiddity, distillation; embodiment, exemplar, personification

Distilment (distill) - Syn/Ant

Syn: evaporate, condense, vaporize

Emulate - Syn/Ant

Syn: follow, copy, imitate; rival, mimic, ape

Promontory - Syn/Ant

Syn: headland, hill, high point of land, point, neck of land, spur, ness, cape, peninsula, embankment; projection, overhang, precipice, jutty; cliff, bluff, height

Equivocation - Syn/Ant

Syn: hedging, evasion, ambiguity, avoidance, deceit, deception, deceptiveness, duplicity, prevarication, quibbling, spuriousness, stonewalling, waffling

Harbinger - Syn/Ant

Syn: herald, precursor, forerunner, indication, announcer, signaler, proclaimer; omen, portent, token, clue, symbol

Impotent - Syn/Ant

Syn: ineffective, powerless, frail, feeble, weak, disabled, helpless, paralyzed; feckless, hapless Ant: potent, powerful, puissant, forceful, vigorous

Illuminate - Syn/Ant

Syn: light, illumine, irradiate, brighten; clarify, explain, elucidate, instruct; exemplify Ant: darken, obliterate, becloud, benight, cloud, obscure

Umbrage - Syn/Ant

Syn: offense, pique, resentment, displeasure, grudge Ant: pleasure

Affectation - Syn/Ant

Syn: pretense, pretension, sham, false air, insincerity, artificiality Ant: naturalness, genuineness, artlessness, simplicity

Ostentation - Syn/Ant

Syn: pretension, pretentiousness, semblance, show, showiness, pretense, pretext, display, pageantry, pomp, pompousness, flourish

Libertine - Syn/Ant

Syn: profligate, debauchee, rake, voluptuary, reprobate, lecher, roué, sensualist, seducer, immoralist; satyr, womanizer, goat Ant: prude, puritan

Expostulate - Syn/Ant

Syn: protest, object, remonstrate, inveigh against, enjoin, plead with, exhort, forewarn, counsel, caution, reason against

Ecstasy - Syn/Ant

Syn: rapture, exaltation, bliss, elation, euphoria, fervor, intoxication, rhapsody, transport Ant: agony, affliction, distress, misery, torment

Retrograde - Syn/Ant

Syn: regressive, backward Ant: forward

Canonize - Syn/Ant

Syn: sanctify, glorify, beautify, bless, consecrate, dedicate

Usurp - Syn/Ant

Syn: seize, steal, grab; take, appropriate, commandeer, preempt, arrogate, encroach upon, infringe upon Ant: give up, surrender, yield, relinquish, renounce

Firmament - Syn/Ant

Syn: sky, heavens, vault, welkin, the blue, air, ether, canopy, space, outer space, the void, interstellar space, intergalactic space

Calumny - Syn/Ant

Syn: slander, libel, defamation, backstabbing, vilification, depreciation, backbiting, animadversion, deprecation, revilement, calumniation, malice, innuendo, denigration; slur, smear, insinuate, barb Ant: praise, acclaim, kudos, encomium, eulogy

Expostulate - definition

intr. v. To reason earnestly with someone in an effort to dissuade or correct them

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