Harry Potter Trivia

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At what time does the Hogwarts Express depart Kings Cross?

11 AM

At what age was Hagrid expelled?


What is Luna's patronus?


Who destroys Salazar Slytherin's locket?

Ron Weasley

In which chapter did we first meet Hagrid

The boy who lived

How many rolls of parchment did Snape assign the students for their essay on werewolves?


How many times did Tom Riddle apply to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?


How many unforgivable curses are there?


In which year are Harry and his classmates taught about non-verbal spells?


When Harry first visited Hagrid's hut, what was on the inside of the door?

A crossbow and a pair of boots

What did Hagrid tell Harry he wanted more than anything in the world when he was young?

A dragon

During Harry's first Hogwarts Express ride, Fred and George get distracted because Lee Jordan has what?

A giant tarantula

What is Dumbledore's brother's name?

Aberforth Dumbledore

Why was Hagrid expelled from Hogwarts?

Accused of using slytherin's monsters to kill students

Who destroys Marvolo Gaunt's ring?

Albus Dumbledore

What is Dumbledore's full name?

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

What is Fred and George's birthday?

April 1st 1978

What is Dumbledore's sister's name?

Ariana Dumbledore

What is Ginny Weasley's birthday?

August 11th 1981

What will the reductor curse (reducto) do to an object?

Blast it to pieces

When did we first see Hagrid with Harry in the books?

Bringing Harry as a baby to the Dursleys

What wizarding treats does Harry buy from the trolley on his first Hogwarts Express journey?

Cauldron cakes, Chocolate frogs, droobles blowing gum, bertie's every flavor beans

In which book does Harry not travel on the Hogwarts Express?

Chamber of secrets and Deathly Hallows

In which Hogwarts Express compartment does Professor Slughorn invite Harry to have lunch?

Compartment C

To build the Hogwarts Express, the Ministry of Magic performed the largest-ever (blank) charm

Concealment charm

What is Voldemort's birthday?

December 31st 1926

What is Lily's patronus?


What is Snape's patronus?


Which mark did Hermione achieve in her defense against the dark arts O.W.L. exam?

Exceeds expectations

Which incantation would you use to disarm an opponent?


What is the game that Harry and the others play on the train at the end of Chamber of Secrets?

Exploding Snap

What is Luna Lovegood's birthday?

February 13th 1981

What did Hagrid have his class study after Draco got hurt by the hippogriff?


What twin is older: Fred or George?


What was Hagrid's mothers name?


What did Professor Quirrell's classroom smell of?


Who is the first person that enters Harry's compartment on the train?

George Weasley

What was Hagrid's half brothers name?


Who destroys Tom Riddle's diary?

Harry Potter

What's the first thing Hermione says to Harry and Ron on the Hogwarts Express?

Has anyone seen a toad? a boy named Neville's lost one

Why did Hagrid and Madame Maxime fall out at the Yule Ball?

He asked if she was a half giant

What did Hagrid give Harry for his 11th birthday?


Who destroys Helga Hufflepuff's cup?

Hermione Granger

What is Ginny's patronus?


What is Ron's patronus?

Jack Russell Terrier

What is Lily Potter's birthday?

January 30th 1960

What is Neville Longbottom's birthday

July 30th 1980

What is Harry Potter's Birthday?

July 31st 1980

Before becoming a teacher, what was Hagrid's job title at Hogwarts?

Keeper of keys and grounds/ groundskeeper

In the fifth book, which member of the Order of the Phoenix does NOT come to greet Harry at Kings Cross station?

Kingsley Shacklebolt

The Patronus Charm is known to fight Dementors. But what other magical creature does it work against?


What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?


Which Defense Against the Dark Arts professor set a 'sort of obstacle course' practical exam?


What are the collective works of Gilderoy Lockhart?

Magical me (autobiography), Gilderoy Lockhart/s guide to household pests, Break with a banshee, gadding with ghouls, holidays with hags, travels with trolls, Voyages with vampires, wanderings with werewolves, year with the yei, marauding with monsters, and who am i?

What is Ron Weasley's birthday?

March 1st 1980

What is James Potter's birthday?

March 27th 1960

During his trip to recruit the giants, where did Hagrid have a disagreement with a vampire?


During the Dementor Patrol on the Hogwarts Express, who tries to sit on Crookshanks?


To which character does Ginny introduce Luna Lovegood on the Hogwarts Express?

Neville Longbottom

Who destroys Nagini?

Neville Longbottom

In Order of the Phoenix, who does Harry end up sharing a compartment with while Hermione and Ron go on Prefect duties?

Neville, Luna and Ginny

What is Neville's patronus?


What is Sirius Black's birthday?

November 3rd 1959

What song did Slughorn and Hagrid sing at Aragog's funeral

Odo the hero

Which Minister for Magic saw the potential for a magically-modified train to take students to Hogwarts?

Ottaline Gambol

What is Hermione's patronus?


Which mark did Harry achieve in his Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L. examination?


What spell does Draco Malfoy use on Harry when he realizes he's spying in his compartment?

Petrificus Totalus

What is Dumbledore's patronus?


What is the name of Ron's owl that joins him on the Hogwart's Express at the end of Prisioner of Azkaban?


When Amycus Carrow took over Defense Against the Dark Arts, what did he make the students do?

Practice an unforgivable curse on each other

What is Molly Weasley's maiden name?


What power does mastering the art of Occlumency give you?

Repel mind reading

What is the incantation of the spell that can expel a boggart?


What treat did Hagrid like to bake?

Rock cakes

What is Hermione Granger's birthday

September 19th 1979

How did Hagrid acquire his flying motorcycle

Sirius Black

Who was the original secret keeper for the Potters?

Sirius Black

What happens if someone were to read the curse book, sonnets of a sorcerer?

Speak in limericks for the rest of your life

What is Harry's patronus?


Which book did Hagrid assign to his Care of Magical Creatures class?

The monster book o' monsters

In what year are Defense Again the Dark Arts students taught about Horcruxes?

They are not taught about them.

Why were many pure-blood wizarding families outraged by the mere idea of the Hogwarts Express?

They found it demeaning using muggle transport

A mixture of powered silver and dittany can be used to do what?

To cause a fresh werewolf bite to seal

Why did Hagrid tell Harry he would love to see him win the Triwizard Tournament?

To show everyone you dont have to be a pure blood to succeed

Who is the first adult Harry encounters on the Hogwarts Express?

Trolley Witch

Who destroys Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem?

Vincent Crabbe

Who kills Harry Potter?


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