Harvey Miss Kelly Lines

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I ask for your opinon


Mother stop this


Veta would be happier at home with me Harvey and Myrtle May

*enter with flower in her hair

I liked that warm tone you had in your voice just then


I left the water running on her!


To who?

A white rabbit. Six feet tall

VETA: We were born and raised there. It's old but we love it. It's our home.

And you wish to enter your brother here at the sanitarium for treatment. Your brother's name?

But I've told it all.

Are you sure?

VETA: Very well. Tell him I'm here.

Right away. *Exits

WILSON: That Simmons dame.

Did you catch her?

Shcizopchronic all the way across the floor

You really shouldn't have paid him any mind, he was my date not yours

WILSON: Make it snappy.

You're Mr. Dowd?

SANDERSON: Beautiful, and dumb too. It's almost too good to be true.

Doctor, I feel terrible. I didn't know. Judge Gaffney called and said Mrs. Simmons and her brother would be out here, and when she came in here, you don't have to be sarcastic.

He seemed quite dissapointed

Dr Sanderson

Now I must look in in that Simmons woman.

Dr Sanderson! You say that you can get to anyone you want to, well, how can you do that?

VETA: Well I don't like to be pushed off onto any second fiddle.

Dr. Sanderson is nobody's second fiddle. He's young of course and he hasn't been out of medical school very long, but Dr. Chumley tried out twelve and kept Dr. Sanderson. He's really wonderful...to the patients.

ELWOOD: Thank you. I'll have two. Allow me.

Dr. Sanderson is very anxious to talk to you he'll be here in a minute, please be seated.

SANDERSON: Why didn't someone answer the buzzer.

I didn't hear you, Doctor.

SANDERSON: look Kelly, he'll probably be fit to be tied, but he's a man isn't he?

I guess so, his name is mister.

VETA: That's his office isn't it? Well you march right in there and tell him that I want to see him. If he knows who's in here he'll come out here.

I wouldn't dare disturb him, Mrs. Simmons. I would be discharged if I did.

SANDERSON: Oh well then p, if you're sorry that fixes everything. Oh, no!

I'll do it, Doctor. I'll do it. Miss Dunphy will you please unlock the door to Number 24 and give Mr. Dowd his clothes and...

My dear you will never look lovelier!

I'll never feel happier. I just know it. *Kisses him

ELWOOD: Elwood P.

I'm Miss Kelly.

And you miss Kelly?

I-*looks at Sanderson

How would I know?

Please hurry Mr dowd were all so worried

Oh baby!

See you later. *Blows kiss and exits

There is only one thing that I dont like about this Dowd business.

What's that?

WILSON: Yeah, but how about giving me a lift just the same?


SANDERSON: Oh, don't I? Stop worrying. We'll squirm out of it some way.

Where are you going?

A big white rabbit do you?

Maybe Dr. Chumley did go to Charlie's place

Dont touch him Wilson

Maybe he isnt lying Wilson's

Wait a minute

Mr. Dowd

That's what we are trying to figure out.

Mr. Dowd walked in here by himself

I have things to do

Mr. Dowd what is there to do?

SANDERSON: Would you like me to open a window?

Mr. Dowd, Dr. Sanderson wants to know if he should open a window.

VETA: He's in a taxicab down in the driveway. I gave the driver a dollar to watch him, but I didn't tell the man why. You can't tell these things to perfect strangers

Mr. Wilson, would you step down to a taxi in the driveway and ask a Mr. Dowd if he would be good enough to step up to room 24 South Wing G.


Mrs. O. R. Simmons, 343 Temple Drive, is that right?

VETA: It's... Oh...

Mrs. Simmons, what is your brother's name?

VETA: Thank you

The rates here Mrs. Simmons, you'll find them printed on this card.

Goodbye now

*Places chair back. Whew now I can breathe again.

ELWOOD: After you.

*Sits. Could I get you a magazine to look at?

Very well, Lynman.

*Takes him to door

Rose room at the frontier hotel

*aggressive. oh really I didnt notice you

Dont mention it

*deep breath. Dr Sanderson

There was a man here

*Enters with hat


*Flushes. Yes doctor. *exits

Hand me that hat

*Grabs hat

The nerve of this guy

*Kelly dials phone

Did Wilson get what he was after?

*Nod. Yes, doctor. *Rise

SANDERSON: Ask him to step down to the office right away.

Ask him to step down to the office right away. There's been a terrible mistake and Dr. Sanderson wants to explain.

Have her taken here immediately, and I will prescribe preliminary treatment bi must contact her brother. Dowd is the name. Elwood P. Dowd. Get him on the phone for me, will you please, Miss Kelly?

But Doctor. I didn't know it was the woman who needed the treatment. She said it was for her brother.

SANDERSON: Of course she did. It's the oldest dodge in the world. Always used by he cunning type of psychopath. She apparently knew her brother was about to commit her, so she came out here to discredit him. Get him on the telephone, please.

But doctor, I thought the woman was all right, so I had Wilson take the brother up to No. 24 South Wing G. He's there now.

The rest of him - well

But she was beautiful though

SANDERSON: I never mention your name, except in my sleep.

But this man Dowd.

SANDERSON: Don't let him get away. I'll be right back.

But what shall I say to him? What shall I do? He'll be furious.

I really must be getting downtown

Charlie's place? is doctor chumley anywhere around there? He was there with Dowd earlier! What? Well dont bite my head off! *Hangs up. My that man was mad, he said Mr. Dowd was welcome but his friend was not.

VETA: I'm sorry. Life is not easy for any of us. I'll have to hold my head up and go on just the same. That's what I keep telling Myrtle and that's what Myrtle Mae keeps telling me. She's heartbroken about her Uncle Elwood. Elwood P. Dowd. That's it.

Elwood P. Dowd. His age?

VETA: Forty-seven the 24th of last April. He Taurus, Taurus the bull. I'm Leo, and Myrtle is on a cusp.

Forty-seven is he married?

SANDERSON: Her condition is serious, don't let her get away.

I can't believe it.

His friends name was Harvey


Was it Dowds?

He had his hat on. maybe it was a relative to one of the patients?

Kelly? What are you getting emotional about?

He may be a peculiar man with funny clothes but he knows how to act his manners where perfect.

I didn't miss that

He wouldnt sit down until I sat down. He told me I was lively and he called me dear. I would go have a drink with him if you werent.

SANDERSON: I've got to tell the chief about it, Kelly. He may want to handle this himself.

He'll be furious. I know he will. He'll die. And then he'll terminate me.

Company I kept

I beg your pardon Doctor

SANDERSON: Miss Kelly and I have made a mistake here this afternoon, and we want to explain it to you.

It wasn't Dr. Sanderson's fault, Mr. Dowd. It was mine.

WILSON: She's there now. Brought her in through the diet kitchen. She's screamin' and kickin' like heck. I'll hold her if you'll come and undress her.

Just a second, Wilson. Dr. Sanderson told me to stay here till her brother comes down.

Was there anyone with Dowd when you saw him Miss Kelly?

No, doctor, not when I saw him.

Police accident bearue

Not yet I just talked to them, they havent seen him.

VETA: That will be taken care of by my mother's estate. The late Marcella Pinney Dowd. Judge Gaffney is our attorney.

Now I'll see if Dr. Sanderson can see you

You're a wonderful girl Miss Kelly

Now let me tell you something you - you *angry

SANDERSON: What have we available, Miss Kelly?

Number 13 upper West R., is ready, Doctor

ELWOOD: After you, my dear.

Oh I really can't thank you. I'm in and out all the time. But you mustn't mind me. Please sit down.

You are a very amazing young man

Oh Lyman did you hear?!

ELWOOD: I would much rather look at you, Miss Kelly, if you don't mind. You really are very lovely.

Oh well. Thank you. Some people don't seem to think so.

I've got a date tonight anyways

Oh yes, by all means, I have no intention of going anyway. The idea bored me stiff, I wouldn't go if I wouldn't go anywhere anytime again.

SANDERSON: You had Wilson take the brother in? No gags, please Kelly. You're not serious, are you?

Oh, I did, doctor. I did. Oh, Doctor, I'm terribly sorry.

VETA: Dr. Sanderson? I want to see Dr. Chumley himself.

Oh, Mrs. Simmons. Dr. Sanderson is the one who sees everybody. Dr. Chumley sees no one.

SANDERSON: the responsibility is all mine, Kelly.

Oh, no. Tell him it was my fault, Doctor.

SANDERSON: You have a nice sense of humor, hasn't he Miss Kelly?

Oh, yes, Doctor. *In love

But you dont have to go


Spare these good wishes Miss Kelly

On second thought I guess I cant. Forget it *Turns away

VETA: He's still head of this institution, isn't he? He's still a psychiatrist isn't he?

Still a psychiatrist! Dr. Chumley is more than that. He is a psychiatrist with a national reputation. Whenever people have a mental breakdown, they at once think of Dr. Chumley.

WILSON: slick as a whistle. She was comin' along the path hummin' a little tune. I jumped out at her from behind a tree. I says, "Sister, there's a man wants to see you." Shoulda heard her yell! She's wacky all right.

Take her to No. 13 upper West R.

SANDERSON: Explain? Apologize!

Thank heaven they hadn't put him in the hydro tub yet. She'll let him out.


Thank you I may call you later. *Hangs up

ELWOOD: Let me give you one of my cards. If you should want to call me, call me at this number. Don't call me at that one. That's the old one.

Thank you.

2 holes cut in the crown of the hat! See!

That's strange!


The girl you were with

WILSON: Ask him?

This is his sister, Mrs. Simmons.

ELWOOD: This afternoon, you say?

We do hope you'll understand, Mr. Dowd

SANDERSON: Go into your old routine, you know, the eyes, the swish, the works. I'm immune, but I've seen it work with some people, some of the patients out here. Keep him here, Kelly, if you have to do a strip tease.

Well of all the, oh you're wonderful, Dr. Sanderson! You're just about the most wonderful person I ever met in my life. *Kicks chair


Well, I'd like to say that I wish you a lot of luck too. and I'm sorry to see you go.

SANDERSON: Main gate. Henry, Dr. Sanderson. Allow no one out of the main gate. We're looking for a patient. I shouldn't have left her alone, but no one answered the buzzer.

Wilson was in the south, Doctor.

ELWOOD: Perfectly all right, and if you lose it, don't worry, my dear. I have plenty more.

Won't you have a chair please Mr. Dowd.

Dr Sanderson! Miss Kelly!

Yes doctor

We'll get that woman put of the tub

Yes doctor. *Follows

May I hold your hand?

Yes if you want to. Bill Chumley is so worried. Something must have happened to the doctor. Won't you please try to remember something something that might help him. please?

VETA: no, Elwood never married. He stayed with mother. He was always a great home boy. He loved his home.

You have him with you now?

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