HDFS202 Exam 2: Chapter 5-6

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Which of the following is an accurate statement concerning men, women, and intimacy?

. Men and women may define intimacy differently.

Which of the following is NOT a way that religion influences gender roles?

Religious colleges and universities tend to hire more full-time female faculty to provide role models for their students

In terms of parent/child communication styles which of the following is true

Fathers use more directives and more threatening language with boys than with girls.

Which of the following statements is NOT an assumption of feminist theories?

Feminists argue that gender scripts are more important in childhood than adulthood.

Which of the following is true about sexual harassment?

Few women experience sexual harassment in the workplace.

_____________________ refers to people's unequal access to wealth, power, status, prestige, opportunity, and other valued resources because of their gender

Gender stratification

__________ refers to the process of treating and evaluating men and women differently because of their sex.


Which of the following is NOT a reason why romantic love was less common in the 1800s?

Greater geographic mobility meant that people did not stay in one place long enough.

Chemical substances secreted into the bloodstream by glands of the endocrine system are called


Which of the following is NOT a benefit of traditional gender roles?

Husbands and wives can share economic and child rearing responsibilities.

Which of the following statements might be used to measure to what extent a person exhibited ludus style of love?

I could get over my partner fairly easily and quickly.

Which of the following statements indicates a storge style of loving?

I expect always to be friends with the people I date.

Which of the following statements might be used to measure to what extent a person exhibits agape style of love?

I would rather suffer than let my partner suffer.

Which of the following is a negative consequence of the feminization of love?

It intensifies the conflicts over intimacy between women and men.

Which theorist developed six "styles of loving"?


Which of the following statements about the functions of love is FALSE?

Love guarantees we will live a very long life.

Which of the following is a true statement about love?

Love is based on respect.

According to the text's discussion of newspapers and magazines

Magazines that emphasize women's appearance hold the largest share of the magazine market

Which of the following is NOT a cost of traditional gender roles?

Men may come to resent a wife who refuses to contribute economically to the family.

Which of the following is an accurate statement?

Men seem to fall in love faster than women.

__________ are people who have exaggerated feelings of power and self-importance.


According to the text which of the following statements is FALSE?

Our genetic predispositions are not affected by socialization.

Which of the following statements might be used to measure to what extent a person exhibits eros style of love?

Our lovemaking is very intense and satisfying

Which of the following statements about arranged marriages is FALSE?

Parents never take their childrens' desires into account when planning the marriage.

According to the text, which of the following statements concerning the influence of peers is false?

Peer influence usually decreases as children get older.

______________________ is a collection of attitudinal or organizational biases in the in the workplace that prevent women from advancing to leadership positio

The glass ceiling

Which of the following is true concerning love and emotional and physical abuse?

Violence is never a manifestation of love.

Which of the following is true about gender roles?

We learn to become male or female through interactions with family members and the larger society

Hazen found that __________ adults had a tendency to fall in love easily and wanted a commitment almost immediately.


According to the text's discussion of jealousy, people who are jealous

are insecure, have low self-confidence, and are possessive.

Which theory proposes that "our primary motivation in life is to be connected with other people—because it is the only security we ever have"?

attachment theory

Hazen found that __________ adults reported little trust for other people, had the most cynical beliefs about love, and were not very good at either intimacy or making a commitment.


A little girl watches her mother vacuum the floors in their house. She asks for a toy vacuum so that she can also clean house. According to social learning theory, the child is learning gender roles through


Sociologist Erving Goffman coined the term ____________________ to refer to the information and cues we provide to others to present ourselves in a favorable light while downplaying or concealing our less appealing qualities.

impression management

According to social learning theory, a little boy who refuses to wear pink because a male friend of his was teased by his peers is learning gender roles through

indirect reinforcement.

According to those who argue that biology shapes our behavior, differences in male and female beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors are


Providing for the family economically is an example of a(n)

instrumental role.

People born with both male and female sex organs are called


According to Sternberg, which component of love encompasses feelings of closeness, connectedness, and bonding?


According to the text's discussion of self-love, self-love

is an important basis for self-esteem.

One difference between romantic love and long-term love is that romantic love

is self-centered.

Which of the following is true about the guilt trip?

is used to justify actions that really have nothing to do with love.

Surveying two centuries of anthropological reports, Hupka concluded that

jealousy is neither universal or innate.

The person, usually the mother or a daughter, who spends a lot of time writing to family members, visiting friends and families, and organizing or holding family gatherings during holidays or for special events like birthdays and anniversaries is called a


According to the text, our culture of individualism

leaves us unequipped to handle the hard, painful, or demanding aspects of love.

Romantic love thrives on two beliefs:

love at first sight and fate.

According to Sternberg, which component of love leads to romance, physical attraction, and sexual consummation?


Male violence and aggression are more likely to occur in

patriarchal societies.

A _________________ consists of people who are similar in age, social status, and interests.

peer group

What is the natural amphetamine called that revs up the brain, causing feelings of elation, exhilaration, and euphoria


In the United States, the early colonists believed that marriage should be based on

politics and economics.

Computer-dating services which match couples based on characteristics such as background, education, religious views, occupational interests, and recreational pursuits are based on what style of loving


Which of the following is a quality of love and not just friendship?

priority over other relationships

In Reiss's wheel theory of love, stage one is the __________________ stage. Without this stage, would-be lovers do not have enough in common to establish an initial interest.


___________________ is an intense feeling that can provide ecstasy when fulfilled or deep suffering when the feeling isn't reciprocated

romantic love

A limitation of cognitive development theory is that it

says little about individual differences among children.

Hazen found that __________ adults, who generally described their parents as being warm and supporting, reported trusting and happy relationships that lasted an average of ten years.


According to Ainsworth, in which type of infant-mother attachment style does the infant show some distress when left with a stranger, clings to the mother for a short time when she returns and after a short time goes back to playing and exploring?

secure attachment

_____________ is an attitude or behavior that discriminates against one sex, usually females, based on the assumed superiority of the other sex


__________________ is the study of how biology affects social behavior.


Which of the following is included in the "rules" discussed in the text for creating a loving environment?

Stable relationships are always changing.

Which theory focuses on components of love, rather than types or stages of love?

Sternberg's triangular theory

According to ___________________, gender roles are socially constructed categories that emerge in social situations.

Symbolic interactionism

Which theory would argue that we "do gender," consciously and unconsciously, by accommodating our behavior to other people's gender role expectations.

Symbolic interactionism

From the biological perspective, which of the following is the reason that lovers may feel "high" or as if they are being swept away?

They are being flooded with natural amphetamines which cause feelings of elation and euphoria

In what ways might androgyny be beneficial for men?

They could refrain from risky sexual behavior used to demonstrate sexual prowess

Which of the following is NOT a way that traditional gender roles are profitable for businesses?

Women are less likely to take part-time jobs, leaving more jobs available for men.

Which of the following is not a reason why so few women are in political office?

Women tend to see themselves as overqualified for political office.

According to exchange theory, romantic love tends to be short-lived among adolescents because

adolescent love is usually intense, but also self-centered.

According to the text's discussion of advertising,

advertising negatively affects women's views of their own bodies.

According to Lee, which type of love is altruistic, self-sacrificing, and directed toward all humankind?


When both culturally defined masculine and feminine characteristics are blended within the same person, it is called


Caring means doing all of the following EXCEPT

being submissive to the other person.

Infants who displayed anxious/ambivalent attachment styles showed distress at separation from their mothers

but rejected their mothers when they returned.

According to Reiss's wheel theory of love, the wheel

can turn many times.

Which part of love involves wanting to help the other by providing aid and emotional support whenever needed?


According to cognitive development theory

children use cues to evaluate the behavior of others as either gender appropriate or not

Which theory argues that children acquire male or female values on their own by thinking, reasoning, and interpreting information in their environment?

cognitive development theory

Which part of love refers to a person's intention to remain in a relationship and work through problems?


Compared with female speech, male speech often reflects

conversational dominance.

A limitation of symbolic interactionism is that interactionists

credit people with more free will than they have.

According to the text, people are brought together by

cultural norms and values.

From her studies of three tribes of New Guinea Margaret Mead concluded that attributes considered either feminine or masculine are

culturally rather than biologically determined.

Many children, especially girls, whose parents have undergone hostile divorces report that they are

cynical about love

A criticism of social learning theory is that it puts too much emphasis on

early socialization

Americans generally see women as


According to Sternberg, if a couple is "perfectly matched," they will be

equally passionate, intimate, and committed.

According to Lee, which style of lovers often wear matching T-shirts, identical bracelets, and matching colors, and order the same foods when dining out?

eros lovers

The hormone that is dominant in females is


Nurturing and supporting family members is an example of a(n)

expressive role.

According to Cancian, excluding men's ways of showing affection is the

feminization of love.

Learned attitudes and behaviors that characterize people of one sex or the other is referred to as


Characteristics, attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that society expects of males and females are called

gender roles

Expectations about how people will look, act, think, and feel based on their sex are

gender stereotypes.

According to the text's discussion of teachers, schools, and gender-related messages

girls with disruptive behavior problems often receive less attention than boys with or without behavior problems

Dana currently has several lovers. She prefers to have sex for fun rather than emotional rapport and avoids commitment. According to Lee, which style of love is Dana exhibiting?


Which of the following is NOT a basis for mutual commitment?

maintaining a strong sense of self within the relationship

According to Lee, which style of love is characterized by obsessiveness, jealousy, possessiveness, and intense dependency?


In a(n) __________, women control cultural, political, and economic resources


According to social learning theory, children learn gender roles through all of the following except


Research that asked people about their actual experiences with infidelity found that

men and women were more jealous of emotional infidelity than sexual infidelity.

When children play with same-sex peers, they are

more likely to participate in gender-typed play.

Cross-cultural studies of equality between men and women in societies around the world has shown that

most of the world's women live in countries that rank from "medium" to "bottom 10" on the Global Gender Gap Index.

The case of Brenda/David, where the baby boy who lost his penis and was raised as a girl, seems to lend credence to the idea that

nature is stronger than nurture in determining gender identity and sexual orientation.

The __________ debate refers to the controversy over whether differences in the ways men and women behave reflect innate biological differences or social and cultural expectations


According to Reiss's Wheel Theory of love, couples in the ________________ stage of a relationship are more likely to discuss hopes, desires, fears, and ambitions and to engage in sexual activities.


Chromosomes, anatomy, hormones, and other physical and physiological attributes determine our


If a father gives his son advice on how to play soccer and a mother tells her daughter that she is a good cook, the parents are engaging in

sex-stereotypical encouragement.

A psychological state in which a person wants to obtain a sexual object that one does not now have, or to engage in sexual activity in which one is not now engaging, is referred to as

sexual desire.

In his analysis of couples, P.M. Brown found that people experience intimacy when they

share a mutual emotional interest in each other.

Gender is based on

social and cultural expectations

Romantic and long-term love relationships involve __________ in the sense that they provide rewards and costs to each person.

social exchange

Which theory maintains that people learn new attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors through social interaction as a result of reinforcement, imitation, and modeling?

social learning theory

According to Lee, which type of love is slow-burning, peaceful, affectionate, and comes naturally with the passage of time and the enjoyment of shared activities?


The hormone that is dominant in adult men is


According to the text's discussion of fathers and children,

the amount of time employed fathers spend with their children under age 13 on workdays has increased

Sociobiological explanations of behavior differences between males and females are controversial because

there is hardly a single behavior that is not influenced socially.

In countries that rank highest on the Global Gender Gap Index

there is still areas of inequality between men and women.

Women are more likely to express love verbally, while men are more likely to express love

through action

Individuals in same-sex relationships

want to be emotionally close

According to the text's discussion of housework,

women sometimes complain that men's participation is often peripheral.

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