HEA 100 Chapter 1-4

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30 ) Stress management consists of A) finding balance and developing coping strategies. B) eliminating all sources of stress. C) learning to juggle as many tasks as possible. D) firmly controlling reactions to stress.


A bias-motivated crime is A) a hate crime. B) intimate partner abuse. C) a crime committed by a stranger. D) a crime that was not reported to the police.


Assault, homicide, and suicide are all examples of A) intentional injuries. B) unintentional injuries. C) reported injuries D) criminal acts


Emotional health can best be described as being able to A) feel and express emotions appropriately. B) think clearly, without emotional influence. C) maintain satisfying interpersonal relationships. D) adapt to various social situations.


Luci has worked as a customer service representative for two years. She believes that this job has improved her ability to cope with a variety of stressful situations and is confident in her ability to do so. Luci is exhibiting which of the following personality traits? A) self-efficacy B) Type A C) Type B D) low self-esteem


The expected number of years of life remaining at a given age, such as at birth, is known as A) life expectancy. B) population control. C) mortality. D) morbidity


Which of the following represents the primary difference between emotional health and mental health? A) Emotional health deals with feelings rather than thought processes. B) Mental health does not encompass our responses to stimuli. C) Mental health does not assume responsibility for our actions. D) Emotional health deals specifically with thought processes rather than feelings.


A disease that begins slowly, progresses over a period of time, and that may resist treatment is a(n) A) acute disease. B) chronic disease. C) behavioral disease. D) hereditary disease.


A growing risk of violent incidents on college campuses has caused colleges to respond by A) enacting more restrictive admissions policies. B) revising prevention and emergency response strategies. C) doing more extensive background checks on students and faculty. D) decreasing ways to notify students and faculty of immediate risk.


David woke up in the middle of the night because he smelled smoke. This most likely caused him to experience A) insomnia. B) the flight-or-fight response. C) the adaptation syndrome. D) the resistance response.


James lost his job and was unable to pay his rent. His frustration built to the point that he initiated a physical fight with a friend. James is displaying A) primary aggression. B) reactive aggression. C) spontaneous rage. D) negativity.


Jo has been seeing a stress-management counselor since she moved to a new city to attend college. Which of the following is the most likely recommendation of the counselor? A) Keep reminding yourself that you should be able to handle this. B) Work to maintain healthy relationships with family members and old friends, while also cultivating new sources of social support. C) Drop one of more classes or extracurricular activities to open up more time to relax. D) Treat yourself to a favorite meal or dessert when you're feeling particularly stressed.


Keisha has a negative attitude about life and puts herself down all the time. Keisha is displaying A) a dysfunctional response. B) low self-esteem. C) poor self-control. D) clinical depression.


The ability to think clearly, analyze information, and use one's mental capacity to meet life's challenges is known as A) social health. B) intellectual health. C) physical health. D) emotional health.


The six dimensions of health A) affect health independently of each other. B) interact continuously. C) seldom influence one another. D) affect either the mind or the body.


Together, self-awareness, self-management, internal motivation, empathy, and social skills are MOST closely associated with A) intellectual health. B) emotional intelligence. C) psychoneuroimmunology. D) happiness.


Which of the following categories describes the small stressors, frustrations, and petty annoyances that collectively can add up to a higher level of stress? A) adjustments B) hassles C) pressures D) choices


Which of the following is TRUE about stress? A) Stress is only produced by externally imposed factors and is always negative. B) Stress is a mental and physical response to real or perceived changes and challenges. C) It is possible to eliminate all stressors in our lives if we try hard enough. D) Stress does not affect a person's general health.


Which of the following were cited by college students in a national survey as major impediments to performing well academically? A) substance abuse B) stress, anxiety, and sleep difficulties C) repeated strep infections D) carrying a too-heavy course load


A dysfunctional family is defined as a family in which A) one or both parents intentionally attempt to undermine children's sense of self-confidence. B) one or both parents engage in illicit drug use or other criminal behavior. C) the physical or mental illness of one or more family members frequently overwhelms the family's capacity to cope. D) there is violence; physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; significant discord; or other negative family interactions.


All of the following are likely to influence your response to stress EXCEPT A) your past experiences. B) your personality. C) your friend's level of stress. D) your general health status.


Jane is sedentary and obese. What effect, if any, do these factors have on her health? A) They affect her physical health only. B) They affect her physical and emotional health only. C) They impede her progress toward high-level wellness. D) They affect her health only if she has a family history of health problems related to obesity.


Ken is the new pastor at a local church. He is both nervous and excited about his new post and is looking forward to meeting all the members of his new congregation. This process will take some time and effort, but he is convinced that it will help him learn how to serve them better. Ken's situation is an example of A) distress. B) anticipation. C) eustress. D) reactivity.


Rape that involves a stranger is classified as A) sexual harassment. B) aggravated rape. C) sexual assault. D) simple rape.


Social and cultural factors that increase the likelihood of violence include all of the following EXCEPT A) poverty. B) unemployment. C) social support. D) political differences.


Spiritually healthy people believe A) that it is important to give up control over their lives. B) in a god or other higher power. C) that they are part of a something larger than the purely physical dimension of existence. D) in an afterlife.


The stress hormone cortisol plays a major role during the stress response in A) increasing heart and respiratory rates. B) decreasing appetite and thirst. C) mobilizing nutrients to meet energy needs. D) relieving pain.


Which of the following factors plays a significant role in health disparities? A) procrastination B) laziness C) economic status D) poor choices


Which of the following hormones might contribute to the "Freshman 15"—the tendency to gain about 15 pounds during the first year of college? A) testosterone B) estrogen C) cortisol D) epinephrine


Which of the following is a social contributor to sexual violence? A) overdramatization of the situation B) showing compassion for victims C) blaming the victim D) women sharing in the planning and cost of dates


Young adults (ages 15-24) are most likely to die from A) heart disease. B) cancer. C) accidents. D) homicide.


A term used to encompass mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of health is A) socioemotional. B) holistic. C) psychiatric. D) psychological.


Allen visits his aunt every month the day after her Social Security check arrives and badgers her until she writes him a check for $100. This is an example of A) intimate partner violence. B) a bias-motivated crime. C) neglect. D) elder abuse.


Breakdowns in the criminal justice system contribute to violence because A) there are too many prisons. B) sentences in various jurisdictions range from lenient to excessive. C) prisoners serve their full sentences and may complete training programs while incarcerated. D) prisons are overcrowded and prisoners may be released early.


Jose's belief that he can successfully pass his biology midterm is an example of A) self-satisfaction. B) self-esteem. C) self-reliance. D) self-efficacy.


Violence against people or property that is rooted in political or social objectives and intended to intimidate is A) aggression. B) violence. C) stalking. D) terrorism.


Which of the following is NOT a common sign of major depression? A) memory lapses B) sleeping too much C) weight loss or gain D) feeling highly energetic


Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning an individual's emotional health? A) Emotional trauma can affect a student's academic performance. B) An emotionally healthy person responds appropriately to upsetting events most of the time. C) Emotional health interacts with other aspects of an individual's health. D) An emotionally healthy person keeps feelings inside to avoid burdening others.


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