HEA 113 Medical Terminology Ch 2,3,4 Self Test

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The directional term for movement toward the back of the body is:


An "Otoscope" is used to view the:


An "Electro Shock Therapy - EST" is also known as:

Electric Convulsive Therapy

If a tumor is found to be benign, it is:

Encapsulated, slow growing, and expansive

"Therapeutic Touch Therapy" uses the principle that the body produces:

Energy or an aura

The movement in which a limb is placed in a straight position is called:


A "Tonometer" measures pressure within the ________:


A tumor of the fibrous and cartilaginous tissue is called a(n):


A "Pacemaker" can be external or internal and usually generates electrical stimuli to the heart muscle with ________:

Fixed and/or Alternate impulses

The suffix -plas/ia is a compound suffix (2 or more parts) that refers to:

Formation, growth or development

Breaking a compound term into component word parts (usually with its combining vowel or vowels) is called:


The ____________is used to treat brain cancer by directing radiation at precise brain locations.

Gamma Knife

A "EKG or ECG" is used to record information about _____ electrical activity.


A "Thallium - Hot Spot Test" is used to detect _____ damage:


"I swear by Apollo the Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia..." is the beginning of what famous oath?

Hippocratic Oath

The term "hyperplasia" means:

Increase in development

The term "Stetho/scop/e" literally means:

Instrument to examine the chest

The term "Ophthalmo/scop/e" means:

Instrument to examine the eye

The term "Bronchoscope" literally means:

Instrument to view trachea-like structure

"Complimentary or Alternative Medicine" is now referred to as ________:

Integrated Medicine

"Massage and Reflexology" are examples of ________:

Integrated Medicine

The abbreviation "ICU" refers to a(n)

Intensive Care Unit

The "Pyelogram" records information about the _____:

Kidney pelvis

The "KUB" examination looks for defects in the:

Kidney, ureter, and bladder

Cancers of the circulatory system include:

Leukemia and lymphomas

Homeo/path/ic literally means:

Like or same/as disease/refers

A fatty tumor is called a(n) :

Lipoma, steatoma, or adipoma

If an infection is "Chronic" it is characterized by:

Little change, slow progression, and long duration

The abdominal cavity contains the


"_____" produces a radio frequency radiation pulse image of soft and hard tissue in multiple planes.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Scan)-MRI

The correct way to fracture or divide the medical term melanocarcinoma is:


The prefix that means "change or after" is:


"Fluoroscopy" is used to record ________:

Moving body parts

My/o- is the combining form of a word part that means:


Which of these conditions would be treated with Phakic IOLs?


Laser assisted surgery "LASIK" is used to correct:

Myopia (and hyperopia)

"Acu/puncture" literally means ________:

Needle puncture

The medical term for new growth (of abnormal tissue or tumor) is:


What cellular organelle contains chromosomes and has the literal meaning "nut"?


The term "Nebuliz/er" means:

One who causes a mist

A body part which is formed of two or more types of body tissue and performs one or more specific functions is called a(n) ________


The study of disease is referred to as:


The phrase, refers to or _____, is a generalized actual meaning (not a literal meaning) used for the suffixes -a, -ia, -iac, -al, -ar, -ic, -is, -on, -os, -us, -ium, and -um.

Pertains to

The word part attached to the beginning of a word root in order to modify its meaning is called a(n):


The term "Tympanostomy" literally means:

Procedure of cutting and making a mouth-like opening in the ear drum

The term "Surgery" literally means:

Procedure of working by hand

The term "Graphy" means ________:

Procedure using an instrument to record something

The term "Auscult/ation" literally means:

Process or procedure for listening

The term "Percuss/ion" literally means:

Process or procedure of striking

The term that describes the direction closest to the point of origin is:


"Angiograms" are used for ________:

Recording pictures of vessels

The term "ocular" literally means:

Refers to the eye

The term that divides the body into right and left halves is the :

Sagittal Plane

An "EMG" is used to record information about _____ electrical activity.

Skeletal muscle

A 'Plantar Wart' is located on the:

Sole of Foot

Which of these was the first 3D-printed drug approved by the FDA?


"Lithotripsy" is a procedure for crushing ________

Stones or calculi debris

In the medical term 'arthr/itis', -itis is the:


The word part attached to the end of a word root in order to modify its meaning is the:


"Placebo Effect Therapy"(like hypnotherapy) uses the principle of ________:

Suggestion and believability

If one is flat on their back and face up, they are in a _____ position.


A "Spinal Tap" is used to ________:

Take fluid samples from the spinal fluid

Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross is best known for:

The Stages of Death and Dying

The most common combining vowel is ?


The term "Laryngo/scop/y" literally and actually means:

The procedure of viewing and examining the voice box

The term "Biopsy" literally means:

The procedure of viewing life

The combining form hist/o- means:

Tissue or web-like

The term "Phlebotomy" means:

To cut into a vein

The term "Catheter" literally means:

To let down, into

The term "Sphygmo/mano/meter" literally means:

To measure the pulse by hand

The term "metastasis" means:

To spread

The directional term 'lateral' describes movement in which direction:

To the side

The term "diagnosis" means:

Total Knowledge

The directional term 'inferior' describes movement:

Toward the lower end of the body

"Aromatherapy" is a type of integrated therapy that some may feel is _________:

- Suggestive, or placebo effect - Unsupported by clinical evidence - Psychosomatic

The combining form onc/o- means:


The procedure of using an instrument that produces high frequency sound waves to produce an image of the size or shape of a body part is called:


The term that describes movement toward the belly is:


"Cryosurgery" is used to treat ________:

Verrucae or warts

The combining form or term that literally means "internal organs" is:


The term "Intravenous Injection -IV" means:

Within a Vein

The term "Intramuscular Injection-IM" literally means:

Within a muscle

The combining form of a stem word is usually made of two component parts, the _____ _____ and _____ _____:

Word root and combining vowel

The suffix that means "to control or stop" is:


About how many men will develop breast cancer?

1 in 1000

The term "Cryo/surg/er/y" literally means:

A procedure of one who works by hand with cold

The term "Mammogram" means:

A recording of the breast

The term defined as the process of drawing away from the mid-line or middle is:


A "Defibrillator" is used to correct ________:

Abnormal heart beats or rhythms

Verb variations of a stem word usually describe:

Action taken, condition, or state

The term 'coronal' or 'frontal plane' divides the body into the:

Anterior and Posterior portions

The term "Clinical" means:

At patient's bedside

The term "Prognosis" means:

Before knowledge

A trephine is used to remove___


A "EEG" is used to record information about _____ electrical activity.


A "PET Scan" is used to detect glucose or energy use levels of the ________:


An epithelial or covering cell malignant tumor is referred to as a(n):


The directional term that means "toward the lower end of the body" is:


The term that describes movement toward the top of the body is:


In the divided medical term 'arthr/o/pathy', "o" is the:

Combining vowel "used with both the stem word and suffix"

A "_______" is a noninvasive roentgenography diagnostic technique.

Computerized Axial Tomography

Bone is described as _____ tissue.


The term 'af/ferent' (as in sensory impulses) is defined a

Conveying toward the center

The literal meaning of the medical term carcin/oma is:

Crab-like tumor "invades with crab-like leg growths"

Body "X-rays" produce pictures of _____body tissue and bones:


Adjectives usually modify a noun (thing named) denoting quality, quantity, extent, or _____ .

distinction of the object from something else

The combining form that means "cause of (disease)" is:


The medical term that means "the science of or study of body changes caused by disease" is :


In the divided medial term 'osteopor/o/sis', the slash lines (/) indicate that the vowel "o" may be used as part of which word parts?

por- and -osis

"Biofeedback" is a type of _____ therapy:


A "Myelogram" is used to record _______ information:

spinal cord/nerve tissue

In the divided medical term 'sub/hepat/ic', which part is the prefix and which part is the suffix?

sub- and -ic

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