Health - Alcohol, Nicotine, and Sidestream Smoking

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purity of drug

"on the street" or drugs from unreliable sources may contain unknown substances in unknown amounts which makes them unpredictable. Many drugs "look-alike" and "act-alike" are also dangerous because you don't know what is in them

Normal serving size for wine is ___ oz.


1.50; 3.50

Bidis cost anywhere from $_.__ to $_.__ per pack


Breathing in even a little secondhand smoke is _______. "No smoking" sections do not protect you from secondhand smoke. Neither does filtering the air or opening a window. However, many states and communities have passed laws making workplaces, public places, restaurants, and bars smoke-free. The U.S. Surgeon General determined that sidestreams smoke is a cause of lung cancer in otherwise healthy nonsmokers.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Breathing in secondhand smoke can cause SIDS, or _______ ________ __________ ___________. Children are more likely to have lung problems, ear infections, and severe asthma from being around smoke. Secondhand smoke can also cause heart disease and lung cancer.

A (what gender?) binge drinker drinks 4 or more alcoholic beverages in one period of time.


rates of absorption and metabolism

Food can alter the rate at which a drug is absorbed. Individuals have different metabolic rates, the rate at which a drug is broken down into a form that it can be eliminated. If its' metabolized quickly the drug might not even have time to effect the person, and if it is metabolized to slowly it may accumulate to toxic levels.

Physiological (effects within the body) effects of alcohol:

The effects of alcohol depend on the concentration of pure alcohol in the drinker's blood alcohol content, or BAC The degree and speed with which people respond to alcohol depend on a number of factors. Food in the stomach slows the absorption of alcohol in the bloodstream: and carbonated beverages speed absorption. The same amount of alcohol usually affects women more than men, and usually the young and elderly more than those of middle age. Adolescents' brains and bodies are more sensitive to alcohol than adults'.

70; 7,000

The tar is a messy mixture of hundreds of toxic chemicals, many of which are known to cause cancer (__ are known carcinogens.) Many of the gases in tobacco smoke are harmful. Altogether more than _________ chemical compounds have been identified in tobacco smoke.

Immediate Physiological (body) Effects of Nicotine:

When tobacco smoke is inhaled, nicotine goes into the lungs and is absorbed into the bloodstream. Nicotine causes an increase in heart rate and constriction (closing) of blood vessels. It increases the use of oxygen, making the heart work harder. Nicotine also prevents hunger contractions in the stomach for up to an hour, slightly increases blood sugar level, and deadens taste buds; thus, a person often has decreased appetite after smoking. Other effects of smoking include stained teeth, bad breath, and the lingering odor of stale smoke on the smoker's skin, hair, and clothes.


after continuous use of a certain drug, people have to increase the dosage to have the desired effects

Beverage alcohol

also known as ethanol, ethyl alcohol, or grain alcohol. Some examples of alcohol include beer, wine, and hard liquor such as vodka, gin, whiskey etc.

general health

any disease, allergy, or other medical problem or mental disorder such as heart disease or schizophrenia, can interfere with the body's ability to deal with unusual problems that might arise from taking drugs.


children and the elderly are often more sensitive to drugs than others are

Alcohol is a __________ which means it slows the function of the central nervous system.


type of drug

different types produce different responses. Each drug has a specific and intended action with different side affects and lasts for different amounts of time.


fine-grain tobacco that often comes in pouches which users "pinch" or "dip" between their lower lip and gum

body weight

people who are heavier than average may be able to take a greater amount of a drug than a lighter person because the proportion of drug in their blood is less.

Names for sidestream smoke

sidestream smoking, second-hand smoking, involuntary smoking, environmental smoking, and passive smoking

Sidestream smoke

smoke that goes into the air directly from a burning cigarette, cigar, or pipe, or from the breath of a smoker.


someone who only has a small amount may show little or no behavioral effects. At higher dosages the person may show extreme fluctuations of behavior and at even higher dosages the affects could be unconsciousness, coma, or death

Sidestream smoking

the act of breathing someone else's smoke in the atmosphere.

method of administration

the manner in which drugs are taken affects the speed, intensity, and duration of the effects. Drugs that are inhaled or smoked take about 5 to 10 seconds for an affect, injected drugs take about 15 seconds, and drugs taken orally take longer because they have to be broken down. However, certain drugs can only be taken in a specific way


the mental state of a person-the person's motivations, expectations, personal problems, etc.-during the drug experience contributes to the effects. People can exaggerate and mask the effects depending on what they want it to do. Studies show that people react to what they believe is an alcoholic beverage even when they haven't drunk any alcohol.

What are the 11 factors that influence drugs?

type of drug, purity of drug, method of administration, dosage, body weight, age, attitudes, tolerance, rates of absorption and metabolism, interactions with other drugs, and general health


users have 50 times greater risk of cancer of the cheek or gums. Chewing and dipping can cause bad breath, leukoplakia(white patches in the mouth which may become cancerous) and other diseases. Teeth may become loose and even fall out.

Smokeless tobacco

users let the tobacco sit in their mouth, suck on the juices then spit them out. The nicotine is absorbed into the bloodstream through the tissues of the mouth

interactions with other drugs

when two or more drugs are taken simultaneously the effects are unpredictable and often dangerous. The combined effect is greater than the individual effects.

Alcohol Treatment Options:

- Friends and family - Peer support groups such as AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) - Therapists - Medical specialists

Symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome:

- small head, small jaw, and small flat cheeks - malformed ears, small eyes - upturned nose, low bridge - small upper mouth and teeth - extra fingers - mental problems

Normal serving size for beer is ___ oz.


Normal serving size for hard liquor is ___ oz.

1-1 1/2

BAC of .05%

Alcohol produces a sense of well-being. Blood vessels dilate, the heart rate increases, blood pressure drops, gastric secretion and urine output increase. Inhibitions, reasoning power, memory, and judgment are affected; the ability to drive and to operate machinery is impaired.

12, 14

Almost a million young people take up smoking every year, and most of them start smoking between __ and __ years of age.

feeling of nausea; natural reaction of vomiting

As if alcohol weren't bad enough by itself, many people use it in combination with other drugs - a very dangerous practice. The common combination of alcohol and marijuana is dangerous because marijuana suppresses the __________ __ _______ and the _______ ________ __ ________, making it possible for a person to drink a potentially lethal amount of alcohol.

Long-term Physiological (body) Effects of Nicotine:

Cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung cancer, emphysema, coronary heart disease, and chronic bronchitis. Other cancers related to smoking include cancer of the oral cavity, esophagus, pharynx, larynx, urinary bladder, kidney, uterine cervix and pancreas. The main illness associated with smoking is lung cancer. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among both men and women in the United States.

Costs to society

Cigarette smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death in the United States, causing an estimated 438,000 deaths - or about 1 out of every 5 - each year. Smokers spend an estimated 88 million more days sick in bed each year than do nonsmokers. Lost productivity, medical expenses, and smoking-related fires are just a few costs to our society. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say smokers cost the country $96 billion a year in direct health care costs, and an additional $97 billion a year in lost productivity.

Chewing tobacco

Comes in shredded, twisted, or "bricked" tobacco leaves that users put between their cheek and gum

BAC of .08%

In all 50 states of the Us, the drinker is considered legally drunk at this level.

Psychological (effects within the mind) of alcohol:

In small quantities, alcohol can induce feelings of well-being and relaxation. It relaxes inhibitions and may help people feel more at ease with others. But it can lead to bad behaviors and consequences such as car accidents and unwanted pregnancies.


In time, the body gets so used to alcohol that it will get withdrawal symptoms if it doesn't get a certain dose. You can start to tremble, sweat, sleep badly, and feel restless.

BAC of .3-.5%

Involuntary reactions of breathing, heart rate, and body temperature control are disturbed. Unconsciousness and even death are possible.

Psychological (effects within the mind) long-term effects of alcohol:

Long term use of alcohol can lead to depression, low self-esteem, inability to control anger, mood swings, personality change when drinking, social problems, and change in friends. Long term drinkers often have episodes of short-term memory loss known as blackouts, which are periods of up to several hours of days during which they talk and act normally, but after which they have no knowledge of where they were or what they did.

Physiological (effects within the body) long-term effects of alcohol:

Long-term heavy drinking can lead to a long list of physical problems. Alcohol can affect the liver and cause diseases, stomach irritation and ulcers, sexual problems, high blood pressure, cancer, stroke muscles diseases, and skin diseases. One of the most severe effects of drinking during pregnancy is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). People with FAS might have problems with learning, memory, attention span, communication, vision, hearing, or a combination of these. These problems often lead to difficulties in school and problems getting along with others. FAS is a permanent condition.

A (what gender?) binge drinker drinks 5 or more alcoholic beverages in one period of time.


Alcohol Breathalyzers

Many officers in the field rely on breath alcohol testing devices (_________ _________ are one type) to determine the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in drunken-driving suspects

inhale it in the smoke; cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco

Most nicotine users _______ __ __ ____ _______ from ____________, ______, and ____ _______

More; 3; tar; nicotine;

Sidestream smoke may be ______ dangerous to the nonsmoker than mainstream smoke is to the smoker. It contains ____ times as much carbon dioxide, up to twice as much ___ and _____, and significantly more 3, 4-benzopyrene and cadmium than mainstream smoke.

Mainstream smoke

Smoke inhaled by a smoker directly

BAC of .2%

Motor muscle control, balance, touch, hearing, sight, smell and taste are measurably impaired. The drinker may stagger, have slurred speech, be easily angered or saddened, or become boisterous. This is the stage most people think as drunkenness.

Immediate Psychological (mind) Effects of Nicotine:

Nicotine can reduce stress, anxiety, and boredom. Nicotine is a stimulant, particularly in the morning and produces a feeling of alertness and an increase in the action of the digestive system. Later in the day it makes people feel tired.


Nicotine is a _____________


Nicotine, in the form of ___________, is the second most popular drug (after alcohol) among adolescents

2; snuff and chewing tobacco

Smokeless tobacco, also called spit tobacco, chewing tobacco, chew, chaw, dip and plug, comes in ____ forms: ______ and ________ _________

bladder, kidney, pancreas, and uterus; heart attacks, strokes, cardiovascular diseases

Smoking can cause cancer of the _______, _____, ________, and _______. Smoking also causes ______ ________, _______ and other ________________

Potential for addiction

People smoke for a variety of physiological and psychological reasons. Tolerance for nicotine begins with the first dose and builds rapidly, so smokers need more nicotine to achieve the same effect. The nicotine level peaks at about the time they finish the cigarette and then begins to decline rapidly. Many smokers want another "hit" of nicotine within half an hour after they finish a cigarette. Different smokers have different withdrawal symptoms, but the following are typical: decrease in heart rate, headaches, lightheadedness, tremors., anxiety, mood changes, irritability, difficulty sleeping, and difficulty concentrating. About half of the high school seniors who smoke want to quit, and most think they will quit within five years, but studies show that 73% still smoke an average of eight years after leaving high school.

BAC of .1%

Reaction times are slower and motor function is impaired. The drinker may show less caution.

cancers; cervix; endocrine; 3

Sidestream smoke also carries higher risk of _______ of the breast, c____x, and e__oc___e glands. Spouses of smokers were as much as _ times more likely to have lung cancer than were spouses of nonsmokers. The spouses have a greater chance of dying from emphysema, asthma, and getting coronary heart disease.

bad smell; low; watering; nose; higher; coughing; wheezing; chest; nausea; headaches; decrease; increase; heart

Sidestream smoke has a __________ ____________ that is unpleasant for many people. This odor clings to the clothes, hair, and skin of all it contacts, and it permeates the carpet, furniture, and drapes of the room in which people smoke. At ___ concentrations, sidestream smoke can cause _______ of the eyes, and running of the _______. At _______ concentration,, it causing c_______, w_______, tightness in the ____, n_____, and h______. Other physiological effects can include a ______ in pulmonary function and _______ in resting ______ rate and blood pressure.

The only way to reduce physiological effects of alcohol:

To lower the BAC, and the only way to do that is to stop drinking. Coffee, cold showers and fresh air won't help a person sober up any faster. Even a modest amount of alcohol can impair judgment and coordination enough to cause serious problems.

(Young or old?) people tend to be binge drinkers, which means they drink many alcoholic beverages at one time


Potential for addiction:

Young people who are prone to alcoholism reach the stage of alcoholic drinking in as little as 6 months to 3 years, compared with 10 years or more for adults.

Bidis; more; insect; flakes; feces; tar; carcinogenic

_____: small filterless cigarettes that may be ____ addictive than regular cigarettes; flavors are mango, chocolate, and mint; made from _____ ridden, diseased _____ of the tobacco plant (which no one wants), can contain animal f____; 5 times the amount of ___; it's cancer-causing, or c_____og___c

Young; twice

_______ children who live with adult smokers have ______ the chance of developing lung diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia as do children who live in smoke-free homes

Cadmium; smaller; distant; diluted

_______ is related to hypertension, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. It contains _____ particles, which can get into the most ____ parts of the lung. However, sidestream smoke is more _____ when inhaled by a nonsmoker than is mainstream smoke inhaled by a smoker. (secondhand)

Tobacco; 7,000; 100; 43

_______ sidestream smoke contains over ______ chemical substances, more than ____ of which are poisonous and ____ of which are known to cause cancer in humans or animals.

Alcohol Ignition Interlock

________ _________ ________ is a device that measures a driver's alcohol level and is linked to the car's ignition. The driver must blow into a tube which measures BAC. The car will not start unless the driver's BAC is below the set percentage. Not all states have adopted this through law.


____________ is a chemical compound that occurs naturally in the tobacco leaf and is highly addictive.

Bidis; child; 10; 1,500; 2,000; 6.5; 30; lung

____s are made in dark, dismal huts amid stench and litter. Some companies use ____ labor. Children as young as __ years old roll _,___ to _,___ bidis a day _._ days a week for under __ cents a day while sitting on damp floors; they suffer from ___ disease from inhaling tobacco dust; have high rates of asthma and TB

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