health and safety

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Under the Health and Saftety regulations of 1981 what is the employer entitled to provide for first aid

the HSWA 1974 was made stricter by the the health and safety regulations 1981 which require employers to provide adequate health and safety facilities for employees who become injured or ill during work

What does COSHH state that the employers responsibilities are to do

- Assessment the employer must conduct a suitable and sufficient assessment on the likely risks to the employees before they are exposed to substances hazardous to health - Control of exposure where the assessment indicates that employees are exposed to substances hazardous to health the employer must try to eliminate this exposure by using control of exposure ( e.g. extraction systems, ventilation) - Monitoring the employer must ensure that the exposure of substances hazardous to health is monitored regularly and full records are kept - Instruction, training, information employer must provide suitable and sufficient information training and instruction to employees likely to be exposed to substances hazardous to health on risks to there health and safety due to exposure and precautions which must be taken

what is included in the safety policy statement

- General policy- the companies commitment to provide the safest and healthiest work environment - Organisation- to specify the lines of communication on health and safety matters - Arrangements to carry out the policy - training of staff to avoid hazards, supervision of staff and steps to be taken after a accident

what are the measures of the manual handling operations

- avoid hazardous manual handling operations - conduct a risk assessment when hazardous operations cannot be avoided - reduce risks from the following by using mechanical assistance

what does the HSE supporting document state about ways to reduce damage to workers hearing

- conduct a risk assesment and identify the size of the problem and the employees who are affected - remove loud peaks of noise where this is impossible reorganise and redesign the workplace e.g. new equipment, enclosures on machinery , increasing damping and noise proofing and changing layout of work place - providing hearing protection for employees

What are the responsibilities of the responsible person

- conduct fire risk assessment - put procedures in place protecting the health and safety of workers and visitors - make sure other key requirements are met regarding - escape routes and fire exists - notices of indication of what actions to be taken during the event of a fire, the position of fire extinguishers and emergency escape routes and fire assembely points - fire detection and fire fighting equipment

what are the objectives of the health and safety act

- facilitate the introduction of new health and safety regulations and repeal outdated ones - maintain and improve the health and safety of people at work - protect people other than workers from risks arising from the activities of people at work against there health and safety - control the keeping of dangerous substances - control the emmisions of noxious substances into the atmosphere

what are the facilities required for health and safety

- provision and use of first aid kits and equipment and consideration of travelling first aid kits in vehicles - the training of staff to become first aiders through organisations e.g. red cross st johns ambulance etc it is seen to be adequate if there is a ratio of 1 first aid trained person between 50 employees in a low risk environment

what are methods which can be taken to reduce risks of display screen equipment

- repositioning of exisiting equipment or providing nw equipment to allow workers to sit comfortably and in correct posture - retraining workers of correct posture and hand position - providing additional equipment document holder footrest - programming in work to allow breaks away from screen - ensure that characters are of reasonable size and readable behind background - positioning screens or fitting blinds to avoid glare

what are the general duties required under Management of health and safety requirements 1999

- risk assessment all employers are required to conduct an assessment on the risks to the health and safety of staff and other people arising out of work activities. employers with 5 or more employees are required to keep record of risk assessments and include the following # the identified risks # any existing control measures and there efectiveness # the population affected by the risks - health and safety arrangements- all employers are required to produce health and safety arrangements including # planning to eliminate risks # suitable organisational structure # control measures to ensure decisions are implemented # monitoring and review procedures - competent person - every employer needs to appoint a competent person to assist in meeting health and safety requirements - health surveillance- this is required where the risk assesment indicates that work activities are causing risk to health and safety of certain workers in this case employer needs to set up a system of health surveillance and the relevant workers will need to be regularly examined and full records kept - emergency procedures - there needs to be suitable procedures drawn up and communicated to all employees in case of event causing iminent danger - information to employee # the risks to health and safety identified in the risk assesment # the protective and preventitive measure # identity of person asisting in health and safety matters - training - the employer must provide adequate training to employees at recruitment and when the operations of business change and expose new risks the approved code of practice recommends regular refresher training - temporary workers - employees on fixed term contracts, contractors, employees from agencies are all covered by regulations and they all need to be aware of the skills or qualifivcations required to do the ob safely and need to be made aware of any health surveillance required - external contacts- an employer must have external contacts particularly with emergency medical workers, rescue workers and first aid - employee responsibilities

what does the workplace regulation 1992 EU 89/654 deal with

- ventilation, access to clean or purified air - minimum adequate room temperatures - adequate provisions of natural or artificial light - minimum room dimensions and space - cleanliness of workplace and waste removal - procedures to prevent falling equipment causing injury - safe construction of workplace and maintenance of floor - adequate toilets and washing facilities - suitability and availability of clothes, changing facilities - availability of drinking water - work areas and seating - facilities away from work areas for breaks for workers - safety of windows and skylights

what are the work place issues covered by the Eu daughter directives

- work place environment - display screen equipment - manual handling of loads - personal protective equipment - provisions of the use of work equipment

who is exempt from the act

1 october 2015 self employed employers whose activities pose not threat to the health and safety of worker or the public

how long should a written report be made for deaths, specified injuries, dangerous occurrences

10 days

what is the date of health and safety act


what is the date of the control of noise regulations at work


what is the minimum period a employer must produce a safety commitee

3 months after a request with AT LEAST 2 safety representitves

how long should records of re-portable events be kept

3 years

How long should the accident book be kept

3 years from last entry

what is the eu directive of personal protective equipment


what are the objectives of COSHH

Control of substances hazardous to healh regulations 2002 have the main objective of controlling the exposure of workers to substances hazardous to health

Under the Regulatory Reform 2005 what does each business premises require

Each business premises requires a responsible person in charge of fire safety

what is meant by work equipment

photocopiers, vehicle hoists, ladders, power hand tools , hand tools e.g. knives, saws etc.

what is PPE

PPE is an equipment worn or held by workers e.g. helmets, eye protectors, clothes to protect against the weather

When should PPE be used

PPE should be used as a last resort and it needs to be intended for its purpose and approved by an independant inspecting body who will issue an approval mark . An employer must provide training on how to use PPE and maintain it

What does RIDDOR stand for

Reporting of injuries diseases and dangerous occurrences

who can elect safety representitives

safety representitives are elected from the employees of the employer by a recognised independant trade union

What is the general duty for employers for first aid

Under the HWSA 1974 the employers duty is to protect the welfare health and safety of employees in practice the employer is required to provide first aid arrangements

what are the employers duties to other people

Under the act the employer must protect the health and safety of people other than his employees which may be affected by the works activities

What are the employees duties

Under the health and safety act 1974 the employees duties are to take reasonable care of there own safety and the safety of other people which may be affected by there acts or omissions and to cooperate with the employer when carrying out requirements of the act

where can smokers smoke

outside in enclosed space

what must employers provide for smokers

a smoking shelter provided half the wall is exposed to open air

how long should accidents causing more than 7 days incapacity of work be reported

accidents causing more than 7 days incapacity of work don't need to be reported immediatly by telephone but a written report MUST be sent to the ICC within 15 days of the accident on the online reporting system the 7 days doesnt include the day the accident occured

What do employers require to record minor accidents in

an accident book

what does COSHH stand for

control of substances hazardous to health

which eu directive does the Manual handling operations regulation 1992 implement

eu directive 90/269

what happens if an employer doesn't take out liability insuarance

he will be fined £2500 each day of non compliance

how long should deaths, specified injuries, dangerous occurences be reported

immediatly to the ICC by telephone or online the staff at ICC on the telepone will generate an automatic report and send it to the employer for checking and filing this report covers the employers responsibility to produce a written report within 10 days

what does the display screen equipment regulations 1992 cover?

it covers most computers used at work on a day to day basis but it doesn't cover cash registers, calculators or display screens in cabs it implements the EU directive 90/270

what has to be done with the safety statement

it needs to be communicated with all employees and updated

what does the display screen equipment regulations 1992 require employers to do

it requires employers to make a risk assessment of any risks to the health and safety of workers and take steps to minimise these risks

when did england prohibit smoking in public places

on 1 july 2007

What does RIDDOR require managers and employers to do

the Reporting of Injuries diseases and dangerous Occurences regulations 2013 require managers and employers to report to the HSE Incident Control Centre ( ICC) at Caerphilly if any of the following events occur - death - specified injury - includes fractures apart from toes, fingers, thumbs, serious burns ,loss of sight and unconciousness caused by head injury - dangerous occurences- these are potentially dangerous events and have to be reported even if no injury is caused examples include overturning or collapse of a fork lift, collapse of scaffolding, release of dangerous substances on the road - accidents causing more than 7 days incapacity of work - occupational diseases e.g. dermatitis, occupational cancer, tendinitis caused by repetitive activities - gas incidents usually with piped supplies of flammable gas

what are the employers general duty

the act itself doesn't contain requirements only broad guidelines those relating to the employer are - safe equipment e.g. axle stands, jacks, loading equipment - safe place of work - safe access to and from work - safe work systems - healthy working environment - adequate facilities e.g. washing, cleaning and eating - training supervision and instrustion to ensure safety of staff - arrangements of the handling storage and loading of articles and substances used at work

what does the employer have to provide for users of display equipment ?

the employer has to provide regular eye sight checks and tests when requested as well as adequate training on how to use the equipment as well as information on all health and safety aspects relating to the work of employee

what does the act say the employer must do with the safety representives

the employer must discuss health and safety arrangements and matters with the safety Representatives

what does the employer have to do with this insuarance

the employer must display the certificate of the employers liability insurance at the place of work or have an electronic copy ready for inspection

what must the employer provide to the safety representives to carry out there work

the employer must give the safety representitives time off work with pay to ccarry out there duties and recieve training approved by the TUC or trade union to prepare for there role

who is the employers duty to protect

the employers general duty is to ensure the health and safety of his employees wherever reasonably practicable

why was the employer liability act 1969 required

the employment liability act 1969 was required for the simple reason although an employee may sue an employer for damages of inuries suffered if the employer is insolvent then he is unable to pay

what do all premises and vehicles have to display which is related to smoking

the international no smoking sign

what happens if the employer doesn't display the certificate

then they will be fine £1,000 for each day of non compliance

What must employees do with PPE

they must use any PPE provided and report any loss or defect of equipment to the employer

what is the experience needed by the safety representitives

they need 2 years experience with the employer or 2 years employment in a similar job

what insurance do employers need to take out

they need to take out insurance against the liability of employees becoming injured or contracting a disease at work

what do the provision of the use of work equipment regulations 1998 require the employer to do an what eu directive is implemented

they require the employer to make a risk assessment on the potential risks to the health and safety of worker and other people arising out of works activities . EU 89/ 655

what is the objective of control of noise regulations

to minimise the damage to workers hearing through long term exposure of average noise and short term exposure to loud peaks of noise

when does an employer have to produce a safety policy statement

when he has 5 or more employees

what will happen if employees and employers disobey rules on smoking

will be given fixed penalties , prosecution and even significant fines

what are the safety representives entitled to do

with reasonable notice the safety representitives are entitled to inspect the workplace for any hazards and inspect documents relating to the workplace or employees they represent

what is the minimum insurance cover

£5 million arising out of a single occurence

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