Health & Safety Final Review

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Roughly what percentage of American households today include children?


What percentage of college students gains the rumored "freshman 15"?


What is the absence or suppression of menstruation?


Levi is overwhelmed to the point of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion by the constant demands of a 9-hour workday, long commute, and the need to care for his elderly mother. He is experiencing _____.


Which stage of labor involves the opening of the cervix?


Which type of health encompasses our ability to perceive reality as it is, to respond to its challenges, and to develop rational strategies for living?

economic health

Heat cramps are caused by profuse sweating and the consequent loss of _____.


Which factors are most relevant to overall psychological health?

emotional & cultural awareness

Which of the following is at the highest level of Maslow's pyramid of human needs?

fulfillment of one's potential

The eu- in eustress means _____.


Which of these has NOT proven to be effective in reducing BMI and weight?

herbal supplements

A principle characteristic of an anaerobic exercise is its _____.

high intensity

Which method of hormonal contraceptives has the lowest failure rate?


Stress is NOT related to which of the following?

improved immune response

What bodily process slows when leptin levels are low?


Which of the following applies to subtle racial expressions that can undermine a minority student's confidence and ability to bond with others?


Henry's mother believes that sex is only appropriate in a loving relationship. What type of message is she sending Henry?

not nonexploitative

What is NOT typically true about fast-food restaurant food?

not there is a link between eating two or more high-fat fast-food meals a week and an increased risk of diabetes.

Which birth control method has the added benefits of decreasing menstrual flow and cramping, PMS, acne, risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers, and the development of ovarian cysts?

oral contraceptives (combined pill)

Fellatio refers to the practice of _____.

oral stimulation of a man's genitals

Cunnilingus refers to the practice of _____.

oral stimulation of a woman's genitals

_____ is the ability to respond to routine physical demands with enough reserve energy to cope with sudden challenges.

physical fitness

The best weapon against cancer and heart disease is ____.


_____ is a relaxation technique that works by intentionally increasing and then decreasing tension in the muscles?

progressive relaxation

Interpreting behaviors in terms of early experiences and unconscious influences is integral to which type of therapy?

psychodynamic therapy

From which foods do Americans get most of their complex carbohydrates?

refined grains

_____ is a neurotransmitter that has been shown to affect mood, sleep, and appetite.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about _____ of young adults between ages 18 and 24 get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep.


According to the American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment, _____ percent of college students said that sleep difficulties have affected their academic performance.


On average, we devote 40 percent of our limited social time to the five most important people we know, who represent just _____ percent of our social world.


In evaluating and determining online health information is valid, which of the following is important?

Author's experience and education Date of publication Checking references Website creator and potential bias

Ethan has been eating salads without first washing the lettuce. He risks ingesting which type of bacteria?

E. coli

After the zygote begins to divide, a fluid-filled ball of cells called _____ attaches to the uterine wall.

a blastocyst

Addison has a dog whose loyalty and devotion makes Addison feel better about herself. Addison has _____.

a companion animal

A compulsion is best described as _____.

a repetitive behavior performed according to certain rules

What drugs do medical abortions use?


Which method of birth control is the least expensive and most effective?


The first-line therapy for the relief of low back pain is _____.


_____ requires working out strenuously without pushing to the point of breathlessness.

aerobic exercise

Which racial or ethnic group in the United States is most likely to develop cancer?

african americans

Cidney has not experienced a menstrual cycle for more than 4 months. Which condition applies to Cidney?


Which activity is characteristic of people who have maintained a weight loss of at least 30 pounds for at least 1 year?

an hour of moderate physical activity almost every day

Based on a statistical snapshot, what is the most prevalent mental health problem among male undergraduates?


_____ couples are least likely to cohabit.

asian & non-hispanic white

Which disorder causes communication and social impairments, and affects those afflicted to varying degrees?

autism spectrum disorder

Which term refers to the belief that a proposed change in behavior will be advantageous to your health?


The goal of _____ in reducing stress is to produce a state of tranquility; it usually results in producing brain waves that are slower and more regular than normal waking brain waves?


The term contraception refers to _____.

birth control

What change is most likely to occur during the third trimester of pregnancy?

braxton-Hicks contractions

Which theory of stress did psychologist Richard Lazarus develop?

cognitive-relational model

Which change model, rather than assigning blame, puts responsibility on people to acquire whatever skills or power they need to overcome their problems?


_____ proteins contain all the nine essential amino acids the body cannot make.


Within the brain, branching fibers of a neuron that receive impulses from axon terminals and conduct these impulses toward the nucleus are known as _____.


According to recent research, happy marriages allow both partners to self-actualize and _____.

develop to their fullest potential

Resolving to never drink and drive after the death of your friend in a car accident an example of which process of change?

emotional arousal

Elijah focuses on clear, manageable goals and tends to rely on identifying and understanding emotions. This aspect of Elijah's behavior exhibits high _____.

emotional intelligence

Which term refers to the ability to monitor and use emotions to guide thinking and actions?

emotional quotient

Which change model reflects the approach adopted by Alcoholics Anonymous?

enlightenment model

A graduate degree in psychology and more than two years of supervised clinical training in dealing with relationship problems is needed to become which medical professional?

family therapist

Which characteristic applies to "visceral" obesity?

fat deposited deep within the central abdominal area of the body

Which term do researchers use to describe informal conversations about body image, weight, and shape?

fat talk

One benefit of using the contraceptive patch is that _____.

fertility returns quickly after its use is discontinued

Which characteristic applies to organic foods?

fertilized w/o sewage sludge

Which of these is an example of an enabling behavior?

helping the person w/an addiction cont. w/his or her life commitments

Dieticians recommend using artificial sweeteners _____.

in moderation

Which type of love refers only to two people falling in love and not the building of a relationship together?


Which factor contributes the least to happiness?


If you want to improve your speed, try _____ training, repeated hard runs over a certain distance, with periods of relaxed jogging in between.


Which is true of intimacy?

it t is a process of revealing and wanting to be known by another.

The traditional family with a breadwinner and a homemaker has been replaced by what some call the _____ family.


Which part of the female sexual anatomy constitutes the fleshy inner folds that border the female genital area?

labia minora

Aria adheres to a diet of dairy products as well as grains, fruits, and vegetables. What type of vegetarian is Aria?


Which medical professional has completed a two-year graduate program in helping counseling people with mental problems?

licensed clinical social worker

Which type of love makes you feel like you are becoming one with your partner and retaining your sense of self, and involves an overriding passion that sets it apart from all other love relationships in one's life?

mature love

A homosexual individual is attracted primarily to _____.

members of the same sex

Birth control pills have an advantage in that they _____.

might decrease menstrual flow and cramping

Which change model sees failure to take responsibility for smoking or excessive drinking as a sign of character weakness?


Based on epidemiological studies, what is the most frequently reported traumatic event?

motor vehicle accident

A statistical snapshot of mental health among today's undergraduates shows that about _____ percent have been diagnosed with or treated for depression over the past 12 months.

not 10

Research has shown that students who smoke and start to have respiratory symptoms move into which stage(s) of change?

not contemplation

For enhanced _____, you need to stretch muscles beyond their normal length.

not intensity

Anthony tends to feel that he is in control of whatever circumstances life presents. In doing so, he is exhibiting which emotional state?

personal mastery

Instead of letting a traumatic experience from her past consume her, Zoey decides to view her stressful situation as a challenge to be met rather than a threat to her health. Zoey is exhibiting _____.


Scarlett sees food as her enemy and has begun smoking to help control her weight. What type of anorexic is she?


Addison's cardiologist has advised her to eat foods high in omega-3 fatty acids. Which dish would fulfill this recommendation?


Abnormalities in brain structure and chemistry that result in symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thinking are characteristics of which of the following?


Which part of the male sexual anatomy is a pouch of skin that contains the testes?


Which labeling component refers to a specific amount of food that contains the quantity of nutrients described on the Nutrition Facts label?


Whether at work, at lunch, or at the subway station, Lianne spends as much time as possible in nonsmoking areas. Which change process is Lianne illustrating?

social liberation

Which of the following contributes to one-third of American children and adolescents being overweight?

spending hrs on screen time

In which stage(s) of non-REM sleep do brain waves become larger and punctuated with occasional sudden bursts of electrical activity?

stages 2 only

If you lift a few weight repetitions with very heavy loads, you will probably develop muscle _____.


Regarding regular exercise, which of the following is true?

there can be improvement in sexual functioning

Generally, people with anorexia nervosa are _____.

thinner than they think

Which part of the male sexual anatomy is a canal through which urine and seminal fluid leave the body?


Dylan consumes only plant foods and occasionally takes vitamin supplements for vitamins found only in animal food products. What type of vegetarian is Dylan?


To deal with the stress of her illness, Sophia pictures herself basking in the sun. Which relaxation technique is she using?


The benefits of vitamin ___ include better absorption of calcium, formation and maintenance of strong bones, and enhanced immunity.

vitamin D

What is an example of isotonic exercise?

weight lifting

As a heterosexual male, Joseph is attracted to _____.


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