Health Chapter 3

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List ten of the body's responses when it goes into fight-or-flight mode.

-Flow of blood to brain increases -Lump forms in throat as muscles contract -Pupils open wide -Heart rate and blood pressure increase -Flow of blood to digestive system reduced. Digestion slows. More stomach acid produced -Adrenaline released into blood -Muscles tense. More energy produced by cells -Flow of blood to skin reduced. Sweating increases -Breathing rate increases -More sugar released into blood. Ability of blood to clot increases.

List the four general types of stressors. Write a brief explanation of each, and also give an example of each type.

-Major Life change: something in your life that changes in a big way. (i.e. experiencing death of a loved one) -Catastrophe: an event that threatens lives and may destroy property. (i.e. tornado) -Everyday problems: minor everyday problems that occur. (i.e. too much homework) -Environmental problems: conditions in your immediate surroundings that change. (i.e. if you get to school and can't find stuff)

How is a catastrophe similar to a major life change? How is it different?

A catastrophe could in some ways be a major life change if it destroys something you love. But a catastrophe is more of a situation.

Define perfectionist

A person who accepts nothing less than excellence.

What are the three stages of the stress response?

Alarm Stage; Resistance Stage; Exhaustion Stage

What is meant by the term stressor?

An event or situation that causes stress is called a stressor.

A doctor with a patient who complains about stomach pains is likely to do a series of tests to determine the cause. Why might the doctor also ask about the patient's mental and emotional health?

Because if the patient has a poor level of mental and emotional health, they could be under a lot of stress.

Why might two individuals have different responses to the same stressor?

Because it depends on how well you assess the situation.

Describe four ways that you can recognize when you are under stress.

Behavioral Changes Physical Changes Changes in Thinking Emotional Changes

List three stressful experiences that you have faced in the past two weeks. Next to each, note whether it was a positive or a negative experience for you.

I had a dog that passed away a week after we got him (negative) I had a ton of homework last weekend (negative) *cough cough english* We got another dog (positive)

Impatience is a common personality trait. Predict how impatience could affect a person's level of stress.

If someone is impatient, then it could bring their stress levels higher than they already are.

The weather report says there is a 50% chance of rain. How might our optimism or pessimism affect how you interpret this report?

If you are optimistic then you would think that there is a 50% chance of it not raining (glass half full thinking), but if you are pessimistic then you would think about how there is still a 50% chance that it is going to rain (glass half empty thinking).

How does personality affect a person's response to stress?

It influences your assessment of a situation.

Define distress

Negative stress

When do people experience stress?

People experience stress when they are being challenged or threatened.

Define eustress

Positive stress

What is the relationship between stress and illness? Why is it important to identify signs of stress early?

Stress can trigger certain illnesses, reduce the body's ability to fight an illness, and make some diseases harder to control. If you identify the warning signs early, then you can prevent yourself from getting sick.

What is stress? Explain how stress can be both positive and negative.

Stress is the response of your body and mind to being challenged or threatened. Positive stress is called eustress and negative stress is called distress. Eustress can help you escape from a dangerous situation, promote personal growth or help you accomplish your goals. Distress can cause negative tolls on performance if the stress levels get too high.

Define resilience

The ability to bounce back from extreme or prolonged stress.

Define pessimism

The tendency to focus on the negative and expect the worst.

Define optimism

The tendency to focus on the positive aspects of a situation.

What is the key factor in determining whether a person has resilience?

Whether or not they have the support of family and friends.

After a volleyball match, Sayuk receives stats from Coach Vis. When he gets home, Sayuk watches game tape to double-check the stats. Based solely on this behavior, do you think Sayuk is a perfectionist? Explain.

Yes, because he didn't trust someone else and wanted to make sure that it was perfect and not off by any points or whatever it is the stats record.

Explain why getting your driver's license could be classified as a major life change.

You are now expected to know how to drive and you have a sense of freedom.

Explain how changes that occur during the alarm stage could help you escape from a threatening situation.

Your body releases adrenaline during the alarm stage. This could cause you to be more alert and in better physical condition.

Why is the body's response during the first stage of stress called the fight-or-flight response?

Your body's reaction is to fight the stressor or escape the stress.

Define catastrophe

an event that threatens lives and may destroy property

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