Health Chapter 9

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A desire for food that is based on emotions and other factors rather than nutritional need


A feeling of physical discomfort that is caused by your body's need for nutrients

Body Composition

A measure of how much body fat you have, as compared to muscle and bone


A person who does not eat meat/ vegans eat no food from any animal source

Fad Diet

A popular diet that may help a person lose or gain weight but without proper regard for nutrition and other health issues

Body Mass Index(BMI)

A ratio of your weight to your height

Food Allergy

A response by your immune system to the proteins in certain foods


A term used to describe a person who is heavier than the standard for the person's height


A term used to describe a person who is lighter than the standard for the person's height


Adults who have a BMI of 30 or higher

Food Intolerance

An inability to digest a particular food or food additive

6'1" 245lbs: BMI=32.3 5'6" 150 lbs: BMI=24.2 62" 210lbs: BMI=38.4 60" 110lbs: BMI=21.5 6'4" 320lbs: BMI=38.9

Calculate the body mass index for the following: a) 6'1" 245lbs b) 5'6" 150 lbs c) 62" 210lbs d) 60" 110lbs e) 6'4" 320 lbs

Heredity can affect a person's weight because there is a link between body weight and heredity. Activity level can affect a person's weight because the more active you are, the more regulated your body weight is. Body composition can affect a person's weight because if you have a lot of muscle, you will have a higher weight, and if you have a lot of fat, you will have a higher weight.

Describe how heredity, activity level, and body composition can affect a person's weight.

Diabetics can control the amount of carbohydrates in their diets by replacing some carbohydrates with foods that are high in unsaturated fats, such as peanut butter and almonds.

How can diabetics control the amount of carbohydrates in their diets?

Type 2 diabetes is related to diet because it is a condition in which the blood contains high levels of glucose.

How is type 2 diabetes related to diet?

People who have more muscle mass tend to have a higher BMR than those with less muscle mass because muscle burns calories. Younger people tend to have a higher BMR than older people.

How might muscle mass affect BMR? How does BMR change as a person ages?

5 factors that affect the food you choose to eat are personal preferences(foods you love), cultural background(foods your heritage may influence you to eat), time and convenience(foods that you can make or buy at your convenience), friends(foods that are influenced by your friends), and the media(foods that are influenced by advertisements, news articles, diet books, and more).

List and describe 5 factors that affect the food you choose to eat.

3 diet-related recommendations that athletes should follow are that athletes should consume extra calories to fuel their higher level of physical activity, they should drink plenty of water to replace the fluid loss in perspiration, and they should practice carbohydrate loading which is the practice of greatly increasing carbohydrate intake and decreasing exercise on the days immediately before a competition.

List three diet-related recommendations that athletes should follow.

People eat to meet their nutritional needs, to satisfy their appetite, and to supply their body with energy.

List three main reasons why people eat.

Three types of information included on a food label to help you evaluate the food are nutrient and health claims, daily values, and open dates.

List three types of information included on a food label to help you evaluate the food.

Daily Values

Recommendations that specify the amounts of certain nutrients that the average person should obtain each day

Carbohydrate Loading

The practice of greatly increasing carbohydrate intake and decreasing exercise on the days immediately before a competition.

Basal Metabolic Rate(BMR)

The rate at which you use energy when your body is at rest

Two diseases associated with being overweight are high blood pressure and excess cholesterol in the blood. Some health risks associated with being underweight are anemia, heart irregularities, and trouble regulating body temperature.

What are two diseases associated with being overweight? What health risks are associated with being underweight?

-Free: fat free(contains less than 0.5 g fat) and sugar free(contains less than 0.5 g sugars) -Low in: low in calories(contains less than 40 calories) and low in sodium(contains less than 140 mg sodium) -High in: high in vitamin C(one serving provides 20% or more of the Daily Value for vitamin C) -Light: contains 50% less fat or at least ⅓ fewer calories -Excellent source of: excellent source of calcium(one serving provides 20% or more of the Daily Value for calcium) -May reduce your risk of heart disease: can appear on fiber-containing grain products, fruits, and vegetables that are also low in saturated fat and cholesterol

What do the following terms mean on a food label? a) Free b) Low in c) High in d) Light e) Excellent source of d) May reduce your risk of heart disease

-Sell by: this tells you the last day the product can be sold -Best if used by: this is a date that tells you how long the product will be at peak quality -Do not use after: this is a date that tells you when the product expires

What do the following terms mean? a) Sell by b) Best if used by c) Do not use after

A fad diet is a popular diet that may help a person lose or gain weight but without proper regard for nutrition and other health issues. Two problems associated with fad diets are (1) people losing weight and then becoming bored with the diet, so they quit the diet, and (2) these diets exclude important nutrients, so they can put a dieter's health at risk.

What is a fad diet? Describe two problems associated with fad diets.

Basal metabolic rate is the rate at which you use energy when your body is at rest. The higher your BMR, the more calories you burn.

What is basal metabolic rate? How does your base metabolic rate affect your calorie needs?

Carbohydrate loading is the practice of greatly increasing carbohydrate intake and decreasing exercise on the days immediately before a competition. Athletes hope to gain extra energy available to the muscles during the competition.

What is carbohydrate loading? What do athletes hope to gain from this practice?

Hunger is a feeling of physical discomfort that is caused by your body's need for nutrients, but appetite is a desire for food that is based on emotions and other factors rather than nutritional need.

What is hunger? Distinguish hunger from appetite.

Daily Values are recommendations that specify the amounts of certain nutrients that the average person should obtain each day. They are useful as a guide to eating because they show the percentages for each nutrient in a specific food.

What is meant by percent Daily Value? How are Daily Values useful as a guide to eating?

The formula for calculating body mass index is weight(in pounds) divided by height(in inches) squared times 703. If someone has a healthy body mass index, then their weight is proportional to their height and age.

What is the formula for calculating body mass index? What does it mean for someone to have a healthy body mass index?

The United States Food and Drug Administration(FDA) oversees the requirements of food labels.

What organization oversees the requirements of food labels?

I would recommend that they eat a healthy amount of calcium in their meals or they might experience bone loss.

What recommendation would you make to a vegetarian about his or her diet?

Fad diets are not effective for long-term weight loss because dieter's become bored with the diet after they have lost some weight, and they quit the diet.

Why aren't fad diets effective for long-term weight loss?

Exercise is an important part of a weight-loss program because if you decrease your calorie intake but do not exercise, your basal metabolic rate goes down. Exercise is also important for gaining weight because exercising will help you maintain fitness and gain healthy muscle mass.

Why is exercise an important part of a weight-loss program? Why is exercise also important for gaining weight?

It is important to identify any food sensitivities because if you have an intolerance or allergy and you didn't know it, you might have a reaction that could cause harm to your body.

Why is it important to identify any food sensitivities?

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