Healthcare Management Final Exam

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Adams's equity theory states that an employee's motivation is affected by _________________.

Both a and b

Which of the following needs are identified by McClelland's acquired needs theory?

Affiliation and achievement

The targets managers use to measure performance should be based on which of the following?

All of the above

The set of forces that leads people to behave in particular ways is known as __________.


The set of values, norms, guiding beliefs, and understandings that is shared by members of an organization and taught to new members is known as __________.


Which of the following types of communication has become more common with organic organizations?

Diagonal communication

The Six Sigma quality management program strives to eliminate defective products and services by using which of these methods?

Eliminating variation in systems and processes

Which of the following conditions would be best for goal-setting theory?

Employees have specific goals and get feedback on progress toward goals.

When a manager implements change, which of the following would not be a good assumption?

Employees will be ready to change at similar times and speeds.

Sometimes, decision makers use the ___________ approach to deliberately avoid blinders, biases, groupthink, flawed assumptions, and closed-mindedness.


Which of the following communication channels would provide the most information "richness" for a manager communicating with an employee?

Face-to-face conversation

True or false: Emotions just happen, so emotional intelligence cannot be learned or managed.


True or false: Employees are more likely to directly resist change than to indirectly resist it.


According to the text, during the 1990s, when there was much radical change, managers learned that they need to do which of the following?

Manage the amount of change and the pace of change

Which of the following statements about McClelland's acquired needs theory is not correct?

McClelland's needs are the same as Maslow's needs.

A force field analysis enables managers to do all of the following except what?

Measure the outcome of change

Which of the following is not one of the four skills needed for emotional intelligence?

Relationship awareness

True or false: According to management consultant Peter Drucker, the first rule in decision making is that one does not make a decision unless there is disagreement.


True or false: Alderfer's ERG theory overcomes some criticisms of Maslow's beliefs about motivation.


True or false: Although change management is not a distinct management function, it is used to perform the five management functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling.


True or false: Although it may be hard to find, gather, and make available to others in the organization, tacit knowledge comprises much of an organization's unique, valuable knowledge.


True or false: Change in healthcare may be deterred by workers whose identity and self-image are strongly linked to their profession and only weakly to their organization.


True or false: Professionalism includes personal conduct.


True or false: The Golden Rule (i.e., treating others as you wish to be treated) might not always be the best approach for cultural competence.


True or false: The rational approach to decision making presented in chapter 13 consists of steps that first identify the problem and then steps that solve the problem.


Which of the following is not an important part of the rational decision-making process?

Using democratic decision making

A manager would correctly perform root cause analysis by repeatedly asking which of these questions?


A situation in which a person's self-interest interferes with that person's obligation to another person, organization, profession, or purpose is known as _______________.

a conflict of interest

Managers use a ______________ to show actual performance data and trends, such as rejected claims, compared to performance standards, including the range of normal performance.

control chart

Sometimes, decision makers worry that, if they try to figure out the whole solution and decide everything at once, by the time they do all that, the situation will have changed and they will have to figure it out again. So instead, they use the ____________ approach.


Sometimes, if time is short, problems are complex, precedents do not exist, and facts are scarce, experienced decision makers use the ___________ approach.


Managers use a ____________ to show performance data trends, such as trends for customers' tweets.

line graph (also called a run chart)

Paying attention, avoiding the urge to speak, not interrupting, being open-minded about content, and showing interest are good ways to improve one's _____________.


Sometimes decision makers conduct a limited search for alternatives and choose an early solution that will achieve their minimum acceptable results. This is known as the ___________ approach.


Which of these factors would be least likely to influence culture in a healthcare organization (HCO)?

A competitor's new building and equipment

Which of the following is an example of a change in the external environment that a nursing home must adapt to?

A new nursing home offering similar services opens five miles away.

Cultural competency in a healthcare organization can be improved by using _______________

All the Above; Staffing methods and principles, Planning methods and principles, and control methods and principles

Which of the following sources affects the ethics of an organization?

All the above

Which of the following statements regarding organizational culture is not correct?

Culture changes quickly.

Balanced scorecards present a balanced view of an organization and typically include which of the following measures?

Customer service and internal business processes

Which of the following is not a normal cause of conflict in organizations?

Employees working independently

True or false: Culture is viewed as the "soft side" of management and thus not very important.


True or false: In order to control performance, managers should first measure performance.


True or false: Managers often have difficulty shaping culture in their organizations because organizational culture is influenced mostly by the external environment.


True or false: Problems related to the quality of healthcare are mostly due to individual mistakes by employees rather than organizational systems and management.


True or false: Professionalism is based on professional standards but not ethical standards.


True or false: Studies have consistently shown a 60 to 70 percent success rate for organizational change projects.


True or false: The primary purpose of communication by managers is to motivate people.


True or false: The rational approach to decision making is based on logical reasoning and deliberate analysis that can be done well using bounded rationality.


Which of the following types of communication is essential for interprofessional patient care and project teams?

Horizontal communication

Which of the following is correct about Herzberg's two-factor theory?

Intrinsic factors can effectively motivate workers.

Data analytics at a large healthcare system is likely to include all of the following except what?

Intuitive analytics

Which of the following organizational characteristics is not a likely reason why employees may resist change within an organization?

Organic structure

According to Maslow, which of the human needs in his hierarchy should be satisfied before safety and security needs can be met?


Current thinking offers new ideas about Maslow's original hierarchy of needs theory. These new ideas include all of the following except what?

Power is a sixth type of need.

Leaders and managers of HCOs should be concerned with four main types of ethics. These types include which of the following?

Professional ethics and managerial ethics

Which of the following statements is not correct regarding Kotter's eight-step approach to large-scale change?

Project management is separate from this eight-step approach and should not be used with it.

In which step of Lewin's three-step change process would a manager reward and reinforce the change and make it part of the daily routine?

Refreezing the situation

True or false: An ethical dilemma is a situation such that, no matter what is decided, someone will suffer.


True or false: Top management of an organization should allow individual departments to develop their own subcultures that may differ somewhat from the overall organizational culture.


When espoused values differ from observed values, employees will pay more attention to and follow the observed values.


In which step of Lewin's three-step change process would a manager explain to employees why change is necessary and also create dissatisfaction with the current way?

Unfreezing the situation

A worker is motivated to give more effort to her work because she thinks that will produce the performance needed to obtain a reward she really wants. This demonstrates which theory?

Vroom's expectancy theory

Which of the following would be most effective for communicating extensive technical information and precise details of a new project to members of a large project team?

Written documents

Managers use a _____________ to show and compare performance data, such as performance data for multiple patient care units.

bar graph (also called a bar chart)

The ethical principle that emphasizes doing good and promoting the welfare of others is ____________.


Herzberg studied the relationship between hygiene factors (e.g., company policies, pay, supervision, working conditions) and __________.


Decisions that are often difficult to define and diagnose and that tend to present alternatives with uncertain cause and effect are known as ________________.

nonprogrammed decisions

Managers use a _____________ to show how all performance data are divided into data categories—for example, how all patient complaints are divided into five categories of complaints.

pie chart

The _________________ enables managers to identify, arrange, and analyze the tasks, activities, and steps required in sequence to transform inputs into outputs and thereby accomplish a specific outcome.

process map (also called flowchart)

The three dimensions of performance developed by Donabedian are ________________.

structure, process, and outcome

True or false: Hackman and Oldham's job characteristics model provides a useful approach for redesigning jobs to improve worker motivation.


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