HED 110 (Access to Health) 11,12,13,15,19,20

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Which of the following is true regarding responses to violence on campus?

"Bystander" education is one of the new strategies for helping prevent a sexual assault.


(in healthy lungs, millions of tiny hairlike projections) respiratory passages sweep away foreign matter, which is expelled from the lungs by coughing, However, the cilia's cleansing function is impaired in smokers lung by nicotine, which paralyzes the cilia.

benefits of quitting smoking

- According to the American Cancer Society, many tissues damaged by smoking can repair themselves. - As soon as smokers stop, the body begins the repair process. Within 8 hours, carbon monoxide and oxygen levels return to normal, and "smoker's breath" disappears. - After 1 year of not smoking, the risks for lung cancer and stroke decrease.

Testing for HIV

- ELISA test: HIV antibody test - antigen test (p24) - DNA or RNA test - Viral load test: to detect HIV genetic material and estimate the level of virus in the blood

Preventing HIV infection

- Get educated - Eliminate the risks: practice abstinence, be monogamous in relationships, don't share needles, syringes, drug injection equipment, or any other item that puts a person in contact with blood, get tested to be sure

cardiovascular system

- Over one third of all tobacco-related deaths occur from heart disease.- Smokers are 2 to 4 times as likely to suffer strokes.- The risk of dying from a heart attack falls by half after 1 year without smoking.

breaking the nicotine addiction

- The road to quitting may include antismoking therapy. - Operant conditioning pairs smoking with an external stimulus. When the stimulus is removed, the hope is that smoking will cease. - Self-control therapy aims at identifying the situations associated with smoking and then teaching skills needed to resist smoking.


- a large and varied group of synthetic agents that stimulate the central nervous system. - drugs that stimulate neural activity, causing speeded-up body functions and associated energy and mood changes - drugs prescribed to treat ADHD are stimulants and are increasingly abused in college

public lice

- also called "crabs" are small parasitic insects that are usually transmitted during sexual contact more annoying than dangerous, they have an affinity for pubic hair and attach themselves to the base of these hairs, where they deposit their egg (nits). one to 2 weeks later, these nits develop into adults that lay eggs and migrate to other body parts. - parasitic insects that can inhabit various body areas, especially the genitals.


- diagnosis symptoms or conditions that occur frequently - over the counter remedies - first aid - periodic checks - self-help books - mediation or relaxation - healthful diet, rest, exercise

signs and symptoms

- in men with symptoms, there may be painful urination, an urge to urinate frequently, or difficult urination, as well as a watery, pus-like discharge from the penis. a typical symptom is a white, milky discharge from the penis by painful burning urination 2 to 9 days after contact epididymitis can also occur as a symptom of infection. -most women do not experience any symptoms, but other may have vaginal discharge or a burning sensation on the urinating.with symptoms may have a yellowish discharge, spotting between periods, occasional spotting after intercourse. the organism can remain in the women's vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes for long periods with no apparent symptoms other than an occasional slight fever.


- is caused by bacterium called treponema pallidum. while syphilis used to be disease that occurred most commonly among heterosexual and certain minority groups, today, 83% of syphilis cases occur in men who have sex with men - one of the most widespread bacterial STIs; characterized by distinct phases and potentially serious results. primary, secondary, latent, late.

pregnant women with syphilis

- premature births -miscarriages -still births -transmit the infection to unborn child (congenital syphilis) can causes death; severe birth defects such as: -blindness -deafness -disfigurement -developmental delays -seizures -other health problems.

when to seek help

- serious accident - chest pains - trauma to the head or spine (headache, vision, consciousness, vomiting, convulsions, paralysis) - high temp (children 102 and adults 103) - slurred speech tingling - reactions - weight loss - diarrhea or vomiting - blue lips eyelids or nail beds - lump- blood in urine or stool - yellowing of skin whites of eyes - pain - symptoms that persists - pregnant

sexual assault forms

- sexual intercourse (of whatever type) - sodomy - fondling or unwanted sexual touching - attempted rape

Assessing Health Professionals what makes a great health professional?

- takes time to listen, explains diagnosis and treatment options - competency , respect, genuine concern

power and control wheel

- using intimidation - using emotional abuse - using isolation - minimizing, denying, and blaming - using children - using male privilege - using economic abuse - using coercion and threats

legalization of marijuana and medical uses

-24 states and the district of columbia is known to have several medical purposes. it helps control such side effects such as: -severe nausea -vomiting produced by chemotheraphy -the chemical treatment for cancer

absorption and metabolism

-About 20% of alcohol diffuses through the stomach lining into the bloodstream.-The other 80% passes through the lining of the upper third of the small intestine. -The concentration of the alcohol; quantity consumed; amount of food in stomach; pylorospasm (spasm of the pyloric valve in the digestive system); your metabolism, weight, and BMI; and your mood all affect the absorption of alcohol.

high-risk drinking and college students

-According to a recent study, 1,825 college students die each year due to alcohol-related unintentional injuries -Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death among 18- to 24-year-olds, and alcohol is the leading contributor to those deaths.-Consumption of alcohol is the number one cause of preventable death among college students.

cost to society

-Alcohol-related costs to society are estimated to be well over $249 billion annually when health insurance costs, criminal justice costs, treatment costs, and lost productivity are factored in. -A recent study suggests that underage drinking costs society.

BAC and gender

-Because women tend to have more body fat and less water in their tissues than men of the same weight, they will become more intoxicated after drinking the same amount of alcohol.-Women have half as much alcohol dehydrogenase, the enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the stomach before it reaches the bloodstream and the brain, as men.

Children and ETS

-Children exposed to ETS are more likely to have: SIDS, Low-birth weight, Bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma, Reduced lung function, Middle-ear infections, Lung cancer, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis later in life -ETS increases children's risk of lower respiratory tract infections. chemicals in tobacco smoke also shows up in breast milk, breastfeeding may pass more chemicals to the infant of a smoking mother.

ETS and additional health problems

-Develop cough, headaches, itchy eyes, allergic reactions, difficulty in breathing, nausea, and dizziness. -Allergies will be exacerbated-Nonsmokers can be affected by effects of ETS hours after they leave a smoky environment: Carbon monoxide lingers in bloodstream five hours later -increase the risk of breast cancer in women; cancer of the nasal sinus cavity and of the pharynx in adults; and luekmia, lymphoma, and brain tumors in children.

short term effects of alcohol

-Drinking depresses the central nervous system (CNS).-Drinking leads to dehydration and headache. -Alcohol irritates the gastrointestinal system. (if consumed on an empty stomach) -People who drink as little as one to three drinks a day may increase the risk of experiencing an irregular heartbeat. -Drinking too much even on a single occasion may increase the risk of stroke, high blood pressure, or damage to the heart muscle. -Excessive drinking can lead to a hangover. -Alcohol use plays a significant role in the types of injuries people experience. -Alcohol influences one's ability to make good decisions about sex because it lowers inhibitions. -Alcohol is a key factor in many rapes and in domestic violence. -Alcohol contributes to weight gain; the freshman 15.-Alcohol, used either alone or in combination with other drugs, can lead to alcohol poisoning (also known as acute alcohol intoxication).

alcohol and pregnancy

-Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is associated with alcohol consumption during the first trimester, which may affect organ development; alcohol consumed during the last trimester may affect CNS development.-An estimated 40,000 infants in the United States are affected by FASDs each year.

MDMA (Molly)

-MDMA (in powder or crystal form called "Molly", short for molecule has become a popular festival drug. unlike ecstacy, which tends to be laced with ingredients like caffeine or methamphetamine. Molly is considered pure MDMA, molly contains 0 effects. effects of MDMA: -grinding one's teeth -dehydration -feeling anxious -having trouble sleeping -fever -losing appetite -elevated blood pressure -high body temperature -depression -liver,kidney and heart failure and possible death.


-Over half of alcoholics relapse within the first 3 months of treatment. -Treating an addiction requires more than getting the addict to stop using a substance; it also requires getting the person to break a pattern of behavior that has dominated his or her life. -Many alcoholics refer to themselves as "recovering" throughout their lifetime rather than "cured."

treatment programs

-Pharmacological treatments: Disulfiram (Antabuse), Naltrexone, Acamprosate (Campral) Support groups: 1. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 2. Al-anon which helps adult relatives and friends of an alcoholic 4. A-lateen designed for teens living with alcoholic parents 5. Women for Sobriety , Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS)

alcohol and energy drinks: a dangerous mix

-Students who report mixing alcohol with energy drinks tend to drink more—8.3 drinks vs. 6.1 drinks. -Those who mixed alcohol with energy drinks (AMEDS) also report not noticing the signs of intoxication (dizziness, fatigue, headache, and trouble walking).

absorption and metabolism (pt 2)

-The pyloric valve controls the release of stomach contents into the intestine. -Carbonated beverages cause the valve to relax and empty the stomach contents more rapidly. -High intakes of alcohol cause pyloric spasms that prevent the stomach contents from emptying.-If the irritation continues, it can cause vomiting.

drinking and driving

-Traffic accidents are the leading cause of accidental death for all age groups from 5 to 65 years old. -Approximately 1 of 3 crash deaths, or nearly 11,000 fatalities each year, are alcohol-related.-A recent survey showed that 23% of college students reported that they had driven under the influence of alcohol.

why people smoke

-addiction -limited education -behavioral dependence -weight control -genetics -parental role models -mental disorders -stress

effects of alcoholism on friends and family

-alcohol abusers and alcoholics hurt more than just themselves. -children in alcoholic dysfunctional families generally assume at least one of the following roles: 1. family hero 2. scapegoat 3. lost child 4. mascot

treatment and recovery

-alcohol withdrawal can result in a severe syndrome known as delirium tremens (DTs),which is characterized by confusion, delusions, agitated behavior, and hallucinations. -Intervention treatment programs: 1. Private treatment facilities 2. Family therapy 3. individual therapy 4. group therapy

chlamydia treatment

-antibiotics -practice celibacy

gonorrhea treatment

-antibiotics (becoming increasingly resistant)

syphilis treatment

-antibiotics for all stages except late

herpes symptoms

-antiviral medications can shorten outbreaks -only treatments for symptoms, no cure

smoking cessation medications

-bupropion (an antidepressant) is FDA approved as a smoking cessation aid. -varenicline reduces nicotine cravings and urge to smoke and blocks both drugs may cause changes in behavior such as hostility, agitation, depressed mood, and suicidal thoughts or actions.


-chronic lung disease in which the tiny air sacs in the lungs are destroyed, making breathing difficult. -is a chronic disease in which the alveoli (the tiny air sacs in the lungs) are destroyed, impairing the lungs ability to obtain oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.

HIV symptoms

-degenerative changes in immune system

abuse of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs

-different forms. including pills, liquids, nasal sprays, and topical creams. -although many people assume that no harm can come from legal nonprescription drugs, OTC medications can be abuse. -OTC drug abuse can involve taking more than the recommended dosage, combining it with other drugs, or taking it over a long period of time. -OTC drugs that are subject to misuse and abuse: - (caffeine pills and energy drinks) (energy drinks, OTC caffeine pills and pain relievers containing caffeine are feine in large doses can result in tremors/shaking restlessness and edginess, insomnia, dehydration, panic attacks, more closely at caffeine. -gold medicines (cough syrups and tablets.) -diet pills : (contain stimulant such as caffiene or an herbal ingredient claimed to promot weight loss such as hoodia gordonii) -sleep aids : harmful in excess as they can cause problems with the sleep cycle, weaken areas of the body, or induce narcolepsy (a condition of excessive, intrusive sleepiness). continued use can lead to tolerance and dependence. -pseudophedrine : (cold and allergy medication ingredient that is frequently abused, most commonly in the illegal manufacture of methamphetamine).

HIV treatment

-drugs available to slow progression -drugs available to inhibit invaders -no cure

abuse of illicit drugs

-illicit drug users span all age groups, genders, athnicties since remained stable around 27 million users per year.

effects of bath salts

-intense stimulation -alertness -euphoria -elevated mood -pleasurable rush users may describe feelings of: -closeness -sociability -moderate sexual arousal other symptoms include: -shortness of breath -loss of appetite -changes in body temperature -hot flashes & sweating more effects: -cardiovascular system -rapid heart beat -increased blood pressure -chest pain -psychiatric effects at higher doses consists of -anxiety, agitation, hallucinations behavior. depression and suicide have been reported for use.

more info of tobacco

-is linked to other cancers as well. the rate of pancreatic cancer is more than twice as high for smokers as for nonsmokers. typically the prognosis for people with pancreatic cancer is not good. -smoker are at increased risk to develop cancers of the lip, tongue, salivary glands, and esophagus. a growing body of evidence suggests that long-term use of smokeless tobacco increases the risk of cancers of the larynx, esophagus, nasal cavity, pancreas, colon, kidney, and bladder.

mescaline (peyote cactus)

-is one of hundreds of chemicals derived from peyote cactus, a small, button-like plant that grows in the south western United States and in Latin America. Natives of these regions have long uses dried peyote "buttons" for religious purposes. it is both powerful hallucinogen and a central nervous system stimulant. -users typically swallow pieces of the cactus called buttons which are chewed or soaked in water to create a liquid that is intoxicating. -mescaline are likely to be synthetic chemical relatives of the true drug. street names of these produce of the drug. street names of these products include DOM,STP,TMA and MMDA any of these can be toxic in small quantities. the effects of mescaline include: -visual hallucinations -altered states of consciousness -occasionally users feel anxious -have episodes of revulsion side effects of mescaline: -vomiting -dizziness -diarrhea -headache -effects persist up to 12 hours

crabs symptoms

-itchiness -sores -blue/grey skin color pubic area


-men can suffer injury to the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and bulbouthral glands, as well as arthritis like symptoms and inflammatory damage to the blood vessels and heart. -men also experience epididymitis- inflammation of the area near the testicles. -in women chlamydia-related inflammation can injure the cervix or fallopian tubes, causing sterility and it can damage the inner pelvic structure, leading to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). if an infected women becomes pregnant, she has a high risk for miscarriage and stillbirth. Women with chlamydia and those who are sexually active with multiple partners are also at greater risk for (urinary tract infections - UTIS) symptoms of a UTI in women include a burning sensation during urination and lower abdominal pain. a UTI can be diagnosed through a urine test and treated by antibiotics. if i left untreated, UTIS can cause kidney drama. UTIS occur in men, but much less frequently than in women. one form most commonly caused by Chlamydia trachomatis is nongonoccoal urtheirtis. chlamydia may also be responsible for one type of conjuctivitis an eye infection that affects adults who dont wash their hands after intimacy and touch their eyes. it can be spread to infants, who can contract the disease from all infected mother during delivery. Untreated conjunctivitis can cause blindness.


-mixtures of drugs and a waxy medium designed to melt at body temperature after being inserted into the anus or vagina -however the drug enters the system. it eventually finds its way to the bloodstream and circulates throughout the body.

what's your risk?

-more sexual partners a person has, the greater risk for contracting an STI. adolescents aged 15 to 24 account for nearly half of the new cases of STIS each year in America. four out of 10 sexually active teen girls have been infected with an STI and while rates of HIV are low among adolescents, males aged 13 to 19 make up 80 percent of HIV diagnoses.


-most commonly reported STIs in the United States -an infection caused by a bacterium that affects the vagina in females and the urethra in males -bacterially caused STI of the urogenital tract. -chlamydia can be transmitted via sexual contact with penis, vagina, mouth, or anus of a person who is infected. a mother can also transmit infection to her baby during child-birth.

pipes and hookas

-not risk free options -pipe smoking carries risks similar to cigar smoking. -hookah smoking originated in the middle east and involves burning flavored tobacco in a water pipe and involves burning flavored tobacco in a water pipe and inhaling the smoke through a long hose. -hookah use include a possibility of infectious disease transmission by sharing a pipe.

trichomoniasis treatment

-oral metronidazole for both partners to avoid ping pong

respiratory disorders

-over time, cumulative lung damage can lead to same age. over time, cumulative lung damage can leave to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: - Chronic bronchitis - Chronic emphysema - There is no known cure for emphysema, and the damage is irreversible. Approximately 80 percent of all cases of emphysema are related to cigarette smoking.

alcohol and prescription drug abuse.

-recent studies have shown that men and women with alcohol use disorders are 18 times more likely to report non-medical use of prescription drugs than people who do not drink at all. -polydrug Use

environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)

-smoke from tobacco products, including secondhand and mainstream smoke. -smoke that enters the atmosphere from the burning end of a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, as well as smoke that is exhaled by smokers; also called secondhand smoke -every year ETS is responsible for thousands of deaths of lung cancer and heart disease in nonsmoking adults, as well as hundreds of infant deaths from SIDS among babies who live with smokers. because their bodies and brains are still developing. infants and children are particularly vulnerable to the toxins in secondhand -smoking. -it can cause respiratory problems, including lower respiratory infections and increased frequency and severity of asthma attacks, and other health concerns, such as greater risk of ear infections.

risks of environmental tobacco smoke

-smokers breathe less tobacco than active smokers do, they still face risks from exposure. according to the ALA (american lung association). second hand smoke contains hundreds of chemicals known to be toxic or carcinogenic. -including formaldehyde, benzene, vinyl chloride, estimated to be responsible for approximately 3,400 lung cancer deaths in nonsmoking adults 46,000 coronary and heart disease deaths in nonsmoking adults who live with smokers, and higher risk of death in newborns from sudden infant death syndrome. -the environmental protection agency has designated secondhand smoke known as carcinogen. there are more than 70 cancer- causing agents found in secondhand smoke. there normal functioning of the heart, blood, heart disease. -studies indicate that non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke were far more likely to have coronary heart disease and stroke than nonsmokers not exposed to smoke.

syphilis symptoms

-some get no symptoms at all -primary: chancre -secondary: rash, white patches, hair loss, fever, inflamed nodes -latent: invades body organs -late: heart damage, CNS damage, blindness, deafness etc


-synergism is also called (potentiation). -The interaction of two or more drugs in a way that increases each other's effects -synergism reaction : can be dangerous or deadly.


-the introduction of drugs through the skin. -the nicotine patch is a common example of a drug that is administered in this manner- or through the mucous membranes, such a those in nose (snorting) or in the vagina or anus.

candidiasis treatment

-topical or suppository antifungal drugs

sexual dysfunction and fertility problems

-toxins in cigarette smoke damage blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the penis and leading to an inadequate erection. -impotence may indicate oncoming cardiovascular disease. -in women, smoking can lead to infertility and problems with pregnancy. women who smoke increase their risk for infertility, ectopic pregnancy, miscarrying also increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome and the chances of a baby being born with a cleft lip or cleft palate.

crabs treatment

-treatment for lice (wash everything basically)

nitrous oxide

-used as a dental or minor surgical anesthesia. it is also a propellant chemical in aerosal products such as whipped toppings. users who inhale nitrous and illusions. -effects also include pain relief and a silly feeling (nickname laughing gas). effects include: -dizziness -loss of balance -dissociation -impaired memory -cognition -sustained inhalation can lead to unconsciousness, coma and death.

women and smoking

-women are 25 times more likely to die from lung cancer than nonsmoking women compared to 30 years ago. - smoking reduces a woman's life expectancy on average by at least 10 years. -women who smoke have two to four times the risk of heart disease and stroke. -postmenopausal women who smoke have lower bone density than do woman who never smoked. putting these women at increased risk for osteoporosis.

a BAC as low as _______________ increases the likelihood of a driver being involved in a fatal car crash.


signs of impending problems with alcohol

1. Drinking alone or secretively 2. Using alcohol deliberately and repeatedly to perform or get through difficult situations 3. Feeling uncomfortable on occasions when alcohol is not available 4. Escalating alcohol consumption beyond an already established drinking pattern 5. Consuming alcohol heavily in risky situations, such as before driving 6. Getting drunk regularly or more frequently than in the past 7. Drinking in the morning or at other unusual times

Interpersonal violence examples

1. Homicide 2. Hate and bias-motivated crimes 3. Domestic violence or IPV 4. Child abuse and neglect 5. Elder abuse6. Sexual victimization 7. Bullying

symptoms of FAS

1. Mental Retardation 2. Small Head Size 3. Tremors 4. Abnormalities of the Face] 5. Limbs 6. Heart 7. Brain Children with FAS may experience problems such as: 1. Poor Memory 2. Impaired Learning 3. Reduced Attention Span 4. Impulsive Behavior 5.Poor Problem Solving

identifying an alcoholic

1. craving 2. loss of control 3. tolerance 4. psychological dependence 5. withdrawal symptoms must be present to qualify a drinker as an addict.

tobacco use disorder

1. use of tobacco in larger amounts or over a longer period of time than intended; 2. persistent desire and unsuccessful efforts to cut down or quit 3. spending a large amount of time getting or using tobacco 4.craving tobacco 5. tobacco use interfering with work, school or social obligations. 6. reoccurring social or personal relationship issues cause by smoking in bed 7.

how many do not have health insurance? (19)

15% of adults aged 18-24

the stomach absorbs

20 %

If a man and a woman drink the same amount of alcohol, the woman's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) will be approximately __________.

30 percent higher than the man's BAC

how many have been admitted to the hospital?

31.5 million

the small intestine absorbs

70 %

Which of the following is a common sign of gonorrhea in men? ______________________________

A "Milky" Discharge from the PENIS


A form of sexual assault involving penetration without consent, with body part or object. Can include: - vaginal sex -oral sex - anal sex Incidence:1 in 5 women and 1 in 33 to 1 in 59 men will be raped in their lifetime.- 80% of women are raped before age 25- 25% of men are raped before age 10

Cross-tolerance occurs when ___________________________________________________

A person develops a Physiological Tolerance to one drug and shows a similar tolerance to selected other drugs as a result.

Of the following conditions, which would be appropriately managed by self-care? ________________________

A sore throat, runny nose, and cough that persist for several days.

A component of your rights as a patient includes informed consent. Informed consent means that before you receive any care you: _________________________________

All of the Above.

Which medical system is based on treating the patient's symptoms using scientifically validated methods. ____________________

Allopathic Medicine

Which os the following is a key provision of the ACA? _________________________________

American with preexisting conditions can't be denied coverage.

cardiovascular effects

An increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol "good" cholesterol among moderate drinkers. Alcohol's effects for Cardiovascular: 1. blood clotting 2. insulin 3. sensitivity 4. inflammation However alcohol consumption is not a preventative measure against heart disease it causes many more hazards than benefits. 1. Heavy or Regular Drinking is a major cause of degenerative disease of the heart muscle called (Cardiomyopathy and Heart Arrthyhmias). - Irregular heartbeats.

Which is a common type of over-the-counter drug? _________________



Any activity that is expected of someone joining a group or team that humiliates, degrades, abuses or endangers, regardless of whether the person consents to the activity.

stalking and cyberstalking

Any course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear. Can include: - visual or physical proximity - written or verbal communication - implied or explicit threats Incidence: - 15% of women and 6% of men have experienced stalking - Highest in the 18-24 year-old age range - Mostly an ex from a previous relationship

sexual assault

Any sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the consent of the recipient. Can include: - sexual intercourse (of whatever type) - sodomy - fondling or unwanted sexual touching - attempted rape

which of the following ethnic groups has the lowest rates of alcoholism?

Asian American

In a sociology class, some students were discussing sexual assault. One student commented that some women dress too provocatively the assumption this student made is ____________________________

Blaming The Victim

contributing Factors to violence

COMMUNITY-Unsafe environment, Inadequate police and social services SOCIETAL- -Social and cultural norms supporting male dominance and violence as a means of solving problems. (increases risk) -Policies and programs that remove inequalities and disparities and discourage discrimination. (reduce risk) -Extreme beliefs, religious or otherwise. (increases risk) -Political differences. (increases risk) -Breakdown in criminal justice system (increases risk) -People in crisis, depressed, feel threatened, or stressed (increases risk) SUBSTANCE ABUSE- -40% of violent crimes involve alcohol. -80% of offenses leading to prison time involve alcohol. -Suicide attempts and completions are highly correlated with AOD.

Which of the following is recommended in the case of rape? _________________________________

Call 9-1-1 immediately.

The most widespread sexually transmitted bacterium is ________________________


Which tobacco product contains eugenol, which allows smokers to inhale smoke more deeply? _________________

Clove Cigarrettes

What type of environments do STI pathogens prefer? ______________________________

Dark, Moist Places

Deborah, 28, is a single parent of two children who works full time as a cashier. Her income is 130% of the federal poverty threshold. Which of the following statements about her health insurance coverage is true? ____________________________________

Deborah and her two children qualify for insurance coverage through medicaid, presuming their state has accept federal medicaid expansion funding.

What is the term for an amount paid directly to a provider by a patient before his or her insurance carrier will begin paying for services? ________________________


Generally, the first step in a drug treatment program is ____________________________


the majority of HIV infections arise from the following:

EXCHANGE OF BODY FLUIDS (substantial research indicates that blood, semen and vaginal secretions are the major fluids of concern.) -since the vaginal area is more susceptible to microtears and has a greater surface area, and because a woman is exposed to more semen than man is to vaginal fluids. - women are 4 to 10 times more likely than men to contact HIV through unprotected heterosexual intercourse and 80% of HIV in women is through heterosexual contact. CONTAMINATED NEEDLES - illicit drugs are the most obvious members of this category, people with diabetes who inject insulin or athletes. who inject steroids may also share needles. -sharing needles and engaging in high-risk sexual activities increases risks dramatically tattooing and body piercing can also be risky. (HIV/ AIDS REMAINS A DEVASTATING PROBLEM THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. OVER 70 PERCENT OF THE NEW CASES OF HIV GLOBALLY OCCUT IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. THE WOMEN AND CHILD SHOWN HERE AWAIT TREATMENT OUTSIDE A CLINIC IN RWANDA).

Jake was raised in an alcoholic family. To adapt to his father's alcoholic behavior, he played the good, obedient son. Which role did Jake assume?

Family Hero

smoking rates are the highest among which of the following education levels? __________________

GED diploma

Of the following. the type of managed care that most greatly restricts choice of physicians and services is ______________________

Health Maintenance

Freebasing is ______________________________

Heating a Drug and Inhaling the Vapor.

Which of the following STIS cannot be treated with antibiotics? __________________


Complementary Health Approaches focus on treating the mind and the whole body, which makes them part of a ______________________

Holistic Approach

Interpersonal violence

Homicide, Hate and Bias, Domestic Violence, Child abuse and Neglect, Elder abuse, Sexual Victimization, and Bullying

Which of the following is a tip to protect yourself from assault?

If you're going somewhere alone, tell others where you are going and when you expect to be back.

tar and carbon monoxide

In addition to nicotine, two of the most harmful substances in tobacco smoke are

violence (20)

Intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or a group or community that results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in: - injury - death - psychological harm - mal-development - deprivation

drug misuse

Involves using a drug for a purpose other than that for which it was intended.

A major health risk of chewing tobacco is _________________


The most commonly reported illicit drug used on college campuses is __________________________


chlamydia symptoms

Men: -painful urination -urge to urinate frequently -watery-puss like discharge from penis Women: -yellowish discharge -spotting (between periods and after sex)

gonorrhea symptoms

Men: -white milky discharge from penis -burning urination -epididymitis Women: -most show no symptoms -some have discharge or burning urination

Which of the following is classified as a stimulant? ________________________


___________________ is an example of an intentional injury.


Which of the following is a true statement about HIV? ______________________________________________________________

New cases of HIV have dropped dramatically in the last decade in the United States.

What is the major psychoactive ingredients in tobacco products? _____________


violence on the U.S. campuses

One of the most prevalent types is IPV - Emotional abuse (10.3% of women and 5.8% of men) - Stalking (6% of women and 2.5 % of men) - Physical abuse (2.2% of women and 1.2% of men) - Sexual violence (2.4% of women and 1% of men)** Fewer than 25% of campus crimes are reported

The most common method for taking drugs is. ____________________________

Oral Ingestion

Part B

Pays for: hospital outpatient physician and other OT services provided by independent practitioners.

The psychoactive drug mescaline is found in what plant? _____________________________

Peyote Cactus

Rebecca takes a number of medications for varius conditions, including Prinivil (an antilhypertensive drug), insulin (a diabetic medication) and Claritin (an antilhistamine) This is an example of ____________

Polydrug Use

Which of the following is an example of a harm reduction strategy? __________________________

Providing Clean Needles, and Syringes to (Heroin user)

Drugs that have the potential to alter mood or behavior are called ________________________

Psychoactive Drugs

An emotional reaction brought about by a frustrating life experience is called. __________________________

Reactive Agression

marijuana and driving

Reduces reaction time 60-80% of marijuana users drive while high 6-12% of non-fatally injured drivers had THC in their bloodstream

Jack beats his wife Melissa "to teach her a lesson." Afterward, he denies attacking her. The phase of the cycle of violence that this illustrates is _______________________


effects of chronic marijuana use

Respiratory damage, impaired cognition and memory, testicular cancer, mental health disorders, poor sleep quality


STI caused by the herpes complex virus (aka genital herpes)

When Jane began a new job with all male coworkers, her supervisor told her that he enjoyed having an attractive woman in the workplace, and he winked at her. His comment constitutes _____________________________

Sexual Harassment

Which is sidestream smoke? _________________________________________

Smoke released from the burning end of a cigarette

What are the 2nd and 3rd leading causes of death in the 15-34 year old age group?

Suicide and Homicide *Violence is a chronic disease status bc it represents a pervasive threat to society

IPV Cycle/Cycle of Abuse

Tension, Violence, Honeymoon Note: Battered Woman Syndrome, a documented subgroup of PTSD, can occur when someone has been through the cycle at least twice.

Which of the following is an example of collective violence? _________________


Which of the following states is correct? _____________________________________________

The Majority of all Sexual Assaults against women are by men who the women know

Which federal policy allows the FDA to regulate the amount of nicotine in tobacco products and to require health warnings on tobacco products? __________________________________________

The Master Settlement Agreement

What type of medicine addresses imbalances of qi? ____________________________

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Can gonorrhea be passed from the mother to the baby?


Which behavior from the following list is considered the riskiest behavior for a sexually transmitted infection? _______________________

Unprotected Oral Sex

sexual harassment

Unwelcome sexual conduct that is related to any condition of employment or evaluation of student performance. Can include: - Unwelcome advances - Requests for sexual favors - Verbal or physical sexual conduct - Unreasonable interference with work or academic performance Two basic forms: - Quid pro quo - Creation of a hostile, intimidating, or offensive environment

How quickly will an individual begin to see health benefits after quitting smoking? _________________________________________

Within 8 Hours

candidiasis symptoms

Women: -burning/itching of vagina -white, thick discharge Women and Men: -white patches in mouth

trichomoniasis symptoms

Women: -foamy, yellow smelly discharge Men: -most have no symptoms -some: mild itchiness/discharge/burning

Does the immune system usually get rid of HPV?

Yes-within 2 years

Which age group is most targeted by tobacco advertisers? ________________

Young Adults age 18 to 24


a class of central nervous system depressant drugs with sedative, hypnotic, and muscle relaxant effects; also called tranquillzers


a colloquial term to describe the combination of disordered eating, excessive physical activity, and heavy alcohol consumption

ayurveda (ayurvedic medicine)

a comprehensive system of medicine, originating in ancient India, that places equal emphasis on the body, mind, and spirit and strives to restore the body's innate harmony through diet, exercise, meditation, herbs, massage, sun exposure, and controlled breathing.


a condition characterized by leathery white patches inside the mouth; produced by contact with irritants in tobacco juice (yellow teeth, bad breathe, and gum disease are part of the problems smokers experience. leukoplakia can appear on the tongue or in the mouth).


a condition of compulsive drug seeking and use even in the face of - consequences tobacco has nicotine that increases dopamine which the affects the brain pathways that control reward and pleasure and that exposure will result in addiction 80% start at 21 and half become regular smokers

preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP)

a daily pill, taken by those having sex with someone with HIV or otherwise at high risk, to help prevent HIV infection.


a disease caused by a retrovirus, the human immunodeficiency virus, that attacks the immune system, reducing the number of helper T cells and leaving the victim vulnerable to infections, malignancies and neurological disorders -AIDS was first recognized in 1980s.

correlation between tobacco consumption and lung cancer death in the united states

a dramatic rise in lung cancer death rates echoed the rise in popularity of cigarettes and other tobacco products in the last century. after tobacco use and smoking rates began to decline in the 1980s. the lung cancer death rates began to decline as well.


a drug interaction in which the effects of one drug are eliminated or reduced by the presence of another drug at the same receptor site


a family of infections characterized by sores or eruptions on the skin


a federal health insurance program that covers people over the age of 65, permanently disabled people, and people with end-stage kidney failure.


a federal-state matching funds program that provides health insurance to low-income people.

human papillomavirus

a group of viruses, many of which are transmitted sexually; some types of HPV can cause genital warts or cervical cancer

patterns of consumption- binge drinking

a pattern of drinking alcohol that brings BAC to 0.08 gram-percent or above; corresponds to consuming five or more drinks (adult male) or four or more drinks (adult female) in 2 hours.

BAC 0.02 percent BAC 0.05 percent BAC 0.08 percent

a person feels slightly relaxed and in a good mood. relaxation increases, there is some motor impairment, and a willingness to talk becomes apparent. lowered alertness, impaired judgment, lowered inhibitions, exaggerated behavior, loss of small muscle control. a person feels euphoric, and there is further motor impairment. slowed reaction time, poor muscle coordination, short-term memory loss, judgement impaired, inability to focus.


a planned confrontation with an alcoholic led by a professional counselor in which family members and friends try to het the alcoholic to face the reality of his or her problem and to seek help

diagnosis and treatment

a sample from urine or fluid from vagina or penis is collected and tested to indentify the presence of bacteria. chlamydia tests are not a routine part of many health clinics, testing procedures. if detected early, chlamydia is easily treatable with antibiotics such as tetracycline, deoxycycline, or erthromycin.

delirium tremens (DTs)

a state of confusion, delusions, and agitation brought on by withdrawal from alcohol


a stimulant drug that is legal in the United States and found in many coffees, teas, chocolates, energy drinks, and certain medications -85% of americans drink at least one caffeinated beverage per day. -caffiene is derived from the chemical family called, xanthines, which are found in plant products such as coffee,tea, and chocolate. xanthines: -mild central nervous system stimulants that enhance mental alertness. -reduce feelings of fatigue, and increase heart muscle contractions. -oxygen consumption, metabolism, and uninary output. -person feels it in 15-45 mins -4 to 6 hours for the body to metabolize half of the caffeine ingested


a synthetic stimulant and mild hallucinogen effect. Produces euphoria and social intimacy, but with short-term health risks and longer-term harm to serotonin-producing neurons and to mood and cognition. -ecstacy can enhance the sensory experience and distort perceptions but it does not create visual hallucinations (effects can last 3 to 6 hours).

cross tolerance

a type of interaction in which two or more drugs produce extremely uncomfortable reactions.


a type of interaction in which two or more drugs produce extremely uncomfortable reactions.


a type of interaction in which two or more drugs work at the same receptor site so that one blocks the action of the other.


a type of interaction of 2 or more drugs work at the same receptor site so that one blocks the action of the other


a white crystalline powder derived from the leaves of the south american coca shrub powerful and addictive stimulant, derived from the coca plant, producing temporarily increased alertness and euphoria


actions that deny equal treatment or opportunities to a group. often based on prejudice.

ethyl alcohol (ethanol)

addictive drug produced by fermentation that is the intoxicating substance in alcoholic beverages.

enzyme that women have less of relating to alcohol absorption

alcohol dehydrogenase

the enzyme that breaks down alcohol

alcohol dehydrogenase

drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time. that lends to passing out is known as _______________.

alcohol poisoning

when amanda goes out with her friends on the weekends, she usually has four or five beers in a row. This type of high-risk drinking is called. _________________

alcoholic addiction

alcohol poisoning

also known as (acute alcohol intoxication). potentially lethal BAC that inhibits the brain's ability to control consciousness; respiration and heart rate; usually occurs as a result of drinking a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time. 0.35 percent of BAC - is dangerously close to lethal dose. Death from alcohol poisoning can be caused by central nervous system.

bias-motivated crime

also known as ethnic violence. Motivated by prejudice and discrimination among ethnic groups in the larger society

standard drink

amount of any beverage that contains about 14 grams of pure alcohol

pelvic inflammatory disease

an infection and inflammation of the pelvic organs, such as the fallopian tubes and the uterus, in the female -untreated PID can lead to infertility, ectopic pregnancy, pain and scarring of the reproductive organs. -chlamydia is one of the worst common causes of PID- one of the most common preventable causes of infertility in the Unite States.

naltrexone (trexan)

an opioid antagonist has been approved as a treatment. it is used to treat opioid use disorders and alcohol use disorders. while on naltrexone, recovering addicts do not get high, so there is no point in using drug.

traditional chinese medicine (TCM)

ancient comprehensive system of healing that uses herbs, acupuncture, massage, and qigong to bring vital energy, qi, into balance and to remove blockages of qi that lead to disease

stalking and cyberstalking

any course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear

acquaintance rape

any rape in which the rapist is known to the victim. a term that replaces the term date rape

how is herpes transmitted?

any sexual contact

sexual assualt

any sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the consent of the recipient


are small hand-rolled, flavored cigarettes that produce three times more carbon monoxide and nicotine and five times more tar than conventional cigarettes.

bath salts

are synthetic (human-made) cathinones, drugs chemically related to the stimulant cathinone, occurring naturally in the khat plant. -designer drug is synthetic powder sold llegally online and in corner stores (these packages contain varius amphetamine or cocaine like substances, such as methylene-dioxyprovalerone (MPDV) act the same as cocaine but 10x stronger.

psilocybin (mushrooms)

are the active chemicals in a group of mushrooms sometimes called "magic mushrooms". psilcybe mushrooms grow through the world can be cultivated from spores or harvest wild. when consumed these mushrooms can cause hallucinations because many resemlbe psilocybe. -Psilocybin is similar to LSD in its physical effects, which generally wear off 6 to 12 hours.

anabolic steroids

artificial forms of the hormone testosterone that promote muscle growth and strength


battery-operated devices that produce a vapor that contains nicotine, which can then be inhaled.

the causes of alcohol abuse and alcoholism

biological and family factors: Alcoholism is 4 to 8 times more common among individuals who have a family history of alcoholism. social and cultural factors: social pressure family attitude toward drinking

fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

birth defect involving physical and mental impairment that results from the mother's alcohol consumption during pregnancy

complementary medical systems

broad approaches to health care that reflect specific theories of physiology, health, and disease that have developed outside the influence of conventional medicine

complications of genital herpes

can be transferred to other parts of the body

physical effects of steroids

cause a state of euphoria and diminished fatigue in addition to increased bulk and power in both sexes. these qualities give steroids an addictive quality. when users stop they can experience psychological with drawl and sometimes severe depression and suicide attempts. effects in women and men of steroids: -including mood swings (agressoin and violence, sometimes known as "roid rage"). -acne -liver damage -elevated cholesterol levels -changes in blood cholesterol -kidney damage -immune system disturbances -danger of transmitting HIV and hepatitis through shared needles. in women large doses of anabolic steroids may trigger the development of masculine attributes such as: -lowered hair -facial hair and body hair -male pattern baldness -enlarged clitoris -smaller breasts -changes in absence of mensuration


chopped leaves and flowers of cannabis indica or cannabis sativa plants (hemp); a psychoactive stimulant

alcoholic hepatitis

condition resulting from prolonged use of alcohol, in which the liver is inflamed; can be fatal

clove cigarettes

contain about 40% ground cloves, about 60% tobacco, and higher levels of tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide than regular cigarettes

allopathic medicine

conventional western medical practice; in theory, based on scientifically validated methods and procedures


dangerous psychdelic drug, known as "acid" has been making a comeback. it is estimated that 9.4 percent of americans aged 12 or older have used LSD at least once in their lifetime. LSD is one of the most potent hallucinogenic drugs. an odorless, water-soluble material, it is synthesized from lysergic acid, a compound found in fye fungus. a common method for taking LSD is by using blotter acid-small squares of blot mixture. the blotter is swallowed or chewed briefly. LSD also comes in tiny thin squares of gelatin called windowpane and in tablets called microdots. Effects of LSD -LSD distorts ordinary perceptions -movement of stationary objects -auditory or visual hallucinations -shortens attention span -more effects are possbile such as decreased agressiveness and enhanced sensory experiences. -LSD is addictive it does produce tolerance, so users may need to take more of the drug to get the same effect.

evidence-based practice

decisions regarding patient care based on clinical expertise, patient values, and current best scientific evidence.

The alcohol with-drawl syndrome that results in confusion, delusion, agitated behavior, and hallucination is known as ___________________.

delirium tremens

who uses conventional medicine

doctors, doctors of osteopathy, and health professionals - massage, supp, therapies


drinking heavily at home before going out to an event or other location


drug that increase activity of the central nervous system. (causing to have anxiety, and agitation often seem jittery or nervous while high.) common used illegal stimulants: -cocaine -amphetamines -methaphetamine common used legal stimulants: -caffiene -nicotine

psychoactive drugs

drugs that affect brain chemistry and have the potential to alter mood or behavior -psychoactive drugs are able to cross the blood-brain barrier to reach receptor sites in the brain, where they can affect cognition,emotions and physiological functioning


drugs that depress the CNS, have sedative and hypnotic effects and are less safe than benzo's


drugs that depress the activity of the central nervous system, reducing anxiety but impairing memory and judgment


drugs that induce sleep, receive pain and produce euphoria; includes derivatives of opium and synthetics with similar chemical properties, also called narcotics


drugs that slow down the activity of the central nervous and muscular systems and cause sleepiness or calmness.

avoiding drug misuse and abuse (13)

drugs work because they physically resemble chemicals produced naturally within the body. most bodily processes result from chemical reactions or from changes in electrical charge because drugs posses an electrical charge and chemical structure.


eye specializes in the medical and surgical care of the eyes, including prescriptions for lenses.

uterus or fallopian tubes

female reproductive organs that may be affected by gonorrhea


forms of alcohol that are metabolized more slowly than ethanol and produce toxic by-products

carbon monoxide

gas found in cigarette smoke that reduces the ability of blood to carry oxygen


general practitioner who receives training similar to a medical doctor's but with an emphasis on the skeletal and muscular systems; may use spinal manipulation as part of treatment

primary aggression

goal-directed, hostile self-assertion that is destructive in nature

12 step programs/ self help groups

group therapy has gained in popularity is in the treatment of substance abuse. for most addicts, recovery is a long, difficult process-for some people it can be lifelong journey. therapy often takes the form of group meetings, such as those held by 12-step programs like narcotics anonymous.

complementary health approaches

health care practices and products commonly used together with conventional medicine

physician assistant (PA)

health care practitioner trained to handle most routine care under the supervision of a physician


health professional who provides patient care in a variety of settings

continuum of disease risk for various sexual behaviors. --------------------------------------------------------------- (there are different levels of various behaviors and various sexually transmitted infections (STIS) however, no matter what, any sexual activity, involving direct contact with blood, semen, or vaginal secretions is high risk.)

high risk behaviors - (unprotected vaginal, anal, and oral sex- any activity that involves direct contact with bodily fluids, such as ejaculate, vaginal secretions, or blood are high-risk behaviors.) moderate - (risk behaviors (vaginal, anal or oral sex with a latex or polyurethane condom and a water-based lubricant used properly can greatly reduce the risk of STI transmission.) dental dams used during oral sex can also greatly reduce the risk of STI transmission low-risk behaviors - (mutual masturbation, if there are no cuts on the hands, penis, or vagina, is very low risk.) rubbing, kissing, and massaging carry low risk, but herpes can be spread by skin-to-skin contact from an infected partner. no-risk behaviors - (abstinence, phone sex, talking and fantasy are all no-risk behaviors).

Part A

hospital insurance portion

reactive aggression

hostile emotional reaction brought about by frustrating life experiences

point to service

hybrid of HMO and PPO - select an network in PCP

illicit drug use on campus

illicit drug use has seen a resurgence on college campuses in recent years. close to 50 percent of college-age students nationwide have tried a using marijuana.

which of the following is typical of a child born with fetal alcohol syndrome? __________________

impaired learning

preferred provider organizations

independent doctors and hospitals that contracts to provide care at discounted rates - they do not coordinate a patient's care

uninary tract infection (UTI)

infection, more common among women than men, of the urinary tract; causes include untreated STI's

sexual transmitted disease (15)

infections transmitted through some form of intimate, usually sexual, contact sexually transmitted infections (STIS) are reported each year, many others are never diagnose or reported often because they are asymptomatic. some STIS particularly chlamydia, gnorrhea, and syphilis are increasing at alarming rates exist by age, race, income, and gender. Early (STIS) can result in sterility, blindness, central nervous system destruction, disfigurement, and even death. infants born to mothers carrying these infections are at risk for a variety of health problems.

signs and symptoms of lice diagnosis and treatment

infestation include -itchiness in the area covered by public hair -blueish gray-skin color in the public region -sores in the genital area diagnosis of public lice involves an examination by a health care provider to identifying the eggs in the genital area. treatment includes: -washing clothes -furniture -linens that may harbor the eggs -takes 2 to 3 weeks to kill all larval forms.

unintentional injuries

injury, death, or psychological harm caused unintentionally or without premeditation

intentional injuries

injury, death, or psychological harm inflicted with the intent to harm

oral ingestion

intake of drugs through the mouth

child maltreatment

intentional abuse or neglect that endangers the well-being of anyone under the age of 18


interaction of 2 or more drugs that produces more profound effects than would be expected if the drugs were taken separately

types of Intentional violence

interpersonal, collective, self-directed


irrational attitude of hostility directed against a person, group, or race, or toward the supposed characteristics of that group.


is a synthetic narcotic that blocks the effects of heroin withdrawal although it is still a narcotic and must be administered under the supervision of clinic or pharmacy staff, methadone allows many heroin addicts to lead somewhat normal lives.


is an herb from mint family. its main active ingredient salvinorin a causes hallucinations by changing brain chemistry. although associated hallucinatory episodes have been described as intense, they are relatively short lasting. often beginning after a . minute and fading after 30 mins. extreme hallucinations often include changes in mood, body sensations, changes to visual perception, emotional swings, feeling detached, and an altered sense of self and reality. SALIVIA'S LONG TERM EFFECTS HAVE NOT BEEN STUDIED.


loss of water from body tissues most of it in the muscles or in cerebral tissues. because water is usually pulled out of cerebrospinal fluid. (fluid within the brain and spinal cord).


lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. - the american cancer society estimates that tobacco smoking causes 90 percent of all cases of lung cancer in men and 78 percent in women. -if you are a smoker, your risk of developing lung cancer depends on several factors. first, the amount you smoke per day is important. -second factor is the age which you started smoking if you started in your teens, you have a greater chance of developing lung cancer than do people who start later.

untreated chlamydia

males- urethritis females- pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, ectopic pregnancy


measure of the % of alcohol in a beverage; the proof is double the percentage of alcohol in a drink standard drink

primary care practitioner (PCP)

medical practitioner who provides preventive care and treats routine ailments, gives general medical advice, and makes appropriate referrals when necessary

generic drugs

medications marketed by chemical names rather than brand names

health maintenance organizations

most common managed care plan - 90 million - covered benefits but no variety

mother to child (perinatal) transmission

mother to child transmission of HIV can occur during pregnancy, during labor and delivery, or through breastfeeding. -without antiretroviral treatment, approximately 15 to 45 percent of HIV-positive pregnant women will transmit the virus to their infant. with appropriate interventions during pregnancy, labor, birth and breastfeeding, transmission rates can be lowered to 5 percent.

hate crime

motivated by a bias against someone's race, gender identity or expression, religion, disability, socioeconomic status, or ethnicity

quitting smoking

nicotine increases heart rate and helps burn calories, food tastes better post smoking

tobacco components

nicotine, gases and vapors, tar

cure or treatment for herpes?

no cure, but is treated by antiviral medications and daily suppressive therapy

nicotine replacement

non-tobacco products that replace depleted levels of nicotine in the bloodstream have helped some people stop using tobacco. the two most common are nicotine chewing up and the nicotine patch, both which are available over the counter. -the FDA has also approved nicotine lozenges, a nicotine, nasal spray, and nicotine inhaler.


nonfood, non-nutritional substances that are intended to affect the structure or function of the mind or body through chemical action

nurse practicioner (NP)

nurse with advanced training obtained through either a master's degree program or a specialized nurse practicioner

HPV symptoms

only available for low-risk types -wart removal

alcoholics anonymous (AA)

organization whose goal is to help alcoholics stop drinking; includes auxiliary branches such as al-anon an alateen

What does nicotine do the cilia in the lungs? ___________________

paralyzes them


payment made to an insurance carrier, usually in monthly installments, that covers the cost of an insurance policy

Intimate partner violence (IPV)

physical, sexual, psychological harm caused by a current or former partner or spouse. - 75% of murder -suicides are completed by an intimate partner.1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 to 1 in 7 men affected by IPV in their lifetime


physician who diagnoses and treats diseases of the teeth, gums, and oral cavity


physician who specializes in the medical and surgical care of the eyes, including prescriptions for lenses.


physiological reaction to excessive drinking including headache, upset stomach, anxiety, depression, diarrhea, and thirst recovery : 12 hours for bedrest, solid food, plenty of water, aspirin or ibuprofen. pill for hangovers: -called blowfish (combination of aspirin).


placing a small amount of chewing tobacco between the lower lip and teeth for rapid nicotine absorption

Why do some college students use drugs?

positive expectations, genetics and family history, substance use in high school, mental health problems, sorority and fraternity membership and stress.


powdered form of tobacco that is sniffed or absorbed through the mucous membranes in the nose or placed inside the cheek and sucked


prepayment of a fixed monthly amount for each patient without regard to the type or number of services provided

non-medical use or abuse of prescription drugs

prescription drug abuse is particularly common among teenagers and young 12 to 17 and 4 percent of people aged 18 to 25 reported abusing prescription drugs in taken from friends or family members who have prescriptions.

types of drugs

prescription drugs over-the-counter (OTC) drugs recreational drugs herbal preparations Illicit (illegal) drugs commercial preparations


primary stimulant chemical in tobacco products that is highly addictive


process in which alcohol vapors are condensed and mixed with water to make hard liquor


process in which yeast organisms break down planet sugars to yield ethanol.


protozoan STI characterized by foamy, yellowish discharge and unpleasant odor

other forms of energy therapy

qigong = brings movement, meditation, and regulation of breathing to increase the flow of qi, enhance blood circulation, and improve the immune function Reiki = nonsuch form of energy therapy, channeling the ki (universal and vital energy) therapeutic touch and therapeutic healing = promotes healing by increasing the flow of body energy and bringing it into balance

simple rape

rape by one person, usually known to the victim, that does not involve a physical beating or use of a weapon

aggravated rape

rape involving multiple offenders, weapons, and victim injuries

alcohol use disorder

refers to problem drinking so severe that at least two or more alcohol-related issues are present, such as engaging in risky behaviors, having problems at 1. work 2. school 3. issues with relationships


second most common bacterial STI in the US; if untreated, could cause sterility-often seen with chlamydia -gonorrhea is also likely largely underreported, with actual estimates approaching double the reported cases. Over two-thirds of reported cases occur in 15-to 24 year olds. -gonorrhea primarily infects the linings of the uretha, genital tract, pharynx, and rectum. -it may spread to the eyes or other body regions by the hands or through body fluids, typically during vaginal, oral or anal sex. it most frequently occurs in people in early 20s.

rape culture

set of values and beliefs that provide an environment conducive to rape.

have the conversation

sex should be reserved for people you know and with whom you've had "the conversation" about STI risks. these simple pointers may help reduce your risks of infection: -don't beat around the bush, ask your partner or potential partner if they had an STI in the past. were they treated? have they been tested? remember people are not always honest in their responses, so don't be gullible. -be yourself and use language you are comfortable with. don't be accusing or apologetic. stay calm. -stress that you are asking because you care about them and yourself and don't want either of you to be at risk. -have the conversation sober, and when you can have a private. comfortable and serious conversation. -ask the right questions to find out their feelings about prevention. ask your partner or potential parter if they would be willing to be tested. -when considering sex, think about your own past history as well as the history of your potential partner. many of these disease are asymptomatic, meaning that you may have no clue that you are a carrier.

routes of transmission

sexually transmitted infections are generally spread through intimate sexual contact such as vaginal intercourse, oral genital contact, hand genital contact, and anal intercourse less likely models of transmission include mouth to mouth contract or contract with fluids from body sores. sti is a different infection caused by different pathogen, all sti pathogens prefer dark, moist places, especially the mucous membranes living reproductive organs, most are susceptible to light, extreme temperature, and dryness, many die quickly on exposure to air. like other communicable infections. STIs have both pathogen-specific incubation periods and periods of communicability time during which transmission is most likely.

lung damage from chemicals in tobacco smoke

smoke particles irritate lung pathways, causing extra mucus production and nicotine paralyzes the cilia that normally function to keep the lungs clear of excess mucus. -the result is difficulty breathing "smoker's cough" and chronic bronchitis. at the same time, tar collects within the alveoli (air sacs). ultimately causing their walls to break, leading to emphysema. tar and other carcinogens in tobacco smoke also cause cellular mutations that lead to cancer.

mainstream smoke

smoke that is drawn through tobacco while inhaling

effects of tobacco tars

smoking the most common form of tobacco use, delivers a strong dose of nicotine along with 7,000 other chemical substances including (arsenic ,formaldehyde, and ammonia) directly to the lungs. tobacco smoke can be found in: chemical weapons, household cleaners, car-exhaust and embalming fluid. -inhaling toxic gases exposes sensitive mucous membranes to irritating chemicals that weaken the tissues and contribute to cancers of the mouth, larynx, and throat. -the heat from tobacco smoke is also harmful to tissues.

massage therapy

soft tissues manipulation by trained therapists for relaxation and healing

amyl nitrite

sometimes called "poppers" or "rush" amyl nitrite is packaged in small cloth covered glass capsules that can be crushed to release the active chemical for the user to inhale. -the drug is often prescribed to alleviate chest pain in heart patients because it dilates small blood vessels and reduces blood pressure. dilation of blood vessels in genital area is thought to enhance sensations or precipitous of orgasm. it also produces fainting, dizziness, warmth, and skin flushing.


sore often found at the site of syphilis infection

receptor sites

specialized areas of cells and organs where chemicals, enzymes, and other substances interact -once a drug reaches receptor sites in the brain other body organs it may remain active for serveral hours before it dissapates and is carried by the blood to the liver where it is metabolized (broken down by enzymes). the porudcts of enzymatic breakdown, called metabolites, are then excreted primarly through the kidney (in urine) or the bowels (in feces). though the skin (in sweat) or the lungs (in expired air).

chewing tobacco

stringy form of tobacco that is placed in the mouth and then sucked or chewed. comes in 3 forms -loose leaf -plug -in a pouch and contains tobacco leaves treated in molasses and other flavorings.


study the complemtayr health approaches using scientific method; and build evidence based on their safety and effectiveness

ergogenic drugs

substances believed to enhance athletic performance


substances capable of creating auditory or visual distortions and unusual changes in mood thoughts and feelings

nicotine withdrawal

symptoms including nausea, headaches, irritability, and intense tobacco cravings suffered by nicotine-addicted individuals who stop using tobacco

nicotine poisoning

symptoms often experienced by beginning smokers, including dizziness, diarrhea, light-headedness, rapid and erratic pulse, clammy skin, nausea, and vomiting

club drugs

synthetic analogs that produce similar effects of existing drugs

signs and symptoms of syphilis

syphilis can occur in four distinct stages. - primary syphilis (the first stage of syphilis is often characterized by development of a chancre *pronounced shank-er) a bateria-oozing sore located at the infection site that usually appears about a month after initial infection. in men the site of the chancre tends to be the penis or scrotum; in women the site of the infection is often internal, on the vaginal wall or high on the cervix where the chancre is not radially apparent making the likelihood of detection small. in both men and women, the chancre will disappear in 3 to 6 weeks. - secondary syphilis - if the infection is left untreated a month to a year after the chancre disappears, secondary symptoms may appear, the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat or genitals. hair loss may occurs, lymph nodes, may enlarge, and the victim may develop slight fever or headache. -latent syphilis (after the secondary stage, if the infection is left untreated the syphilis spirichetes begin to invade body organs, causing lesions called gummas. the infection now is rarely transmitted to others, except during pregnancy. while it can be passed to fetus. - tertiary/late syphilis (years after syphilis has entered the body it effects become all too evident if still untreated. late -stage syphilis indications include heart and central nervous system damage,blindness, deafness, paralysis, dementia, and possible deth.

naturopathy (naturopathic medicine)

system of medicine in which practitioners work to support the body's innate healing mechanisms and use treatment approaches such as diet, exercise, and massage that are minimally invasive

chiropractic medicine

system of treatment that involves manipulation of the spine and neuromuscular structures to promote proper energy flow


technique of traditional Chinese medicine that uses application of pressure to selected points along meridians to balance energy


technique of traditional chinese medicine that involves the placement of long, thin needles to affect flow of energy (q) along energy pathways (meridians) within the body.

learned behavioral tolerance

the ability of heavy drinkers to modify behavior so that they appear to be sober even when they have high BAC levels

tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

the chemical name for the active ingredient in marijuana. is the psychoactive substance in marijuana and the key to determining how powerful a high it will produce. more potent forms of the drug can contain up to 27 percent THC. - hashish, a potent cannabis preparation derived mainly from the plant's thick, sticky resin, contains high THC concentrations. -smoking THC-rich resin extracts called dabbing, is becoming much more common along marijuana users. there extracts contain high levels of THC and have resulted in people ending up in emergency room.

alcoholism or alcohol dependence

the condition that results when personal and health problems related to alcohol use are severe and stopping alcohol use causes withdrawal symptoms

drug abuse

the excessive use of any drug, may cause serious harm.


the failure to provide for child's basic needs

integrative medicine

the integration of complementary health approaches into conventional health care in a purposeful way


the introduction of drugs into the body via a hypodermic needle.


the introduction of drugs through the respiratory tract


the last stage of liver disease associated with chronic heavy use of alcohol, during which liver cells die and damage becomes permanent


the liquid form of the ketamine is used as anesthetic. -in some hospitals and veterinary clinics. special "K" causes hallucinations because it inhibits the relay of sensory input; the brain fills the resulting void with visions,dreams,memories and sensory distortions. the effects of ketamine: (aresimilar to PCP) -confusion -agitation -aggression -lack of coordination aftereffects of ketamine: less severe than lose of ecstacy.


the parent drug of the opioids; made from the seedpod resin of the opium poppy

board certified

the physician has passed the national board examination for their speciality and has been certified

blood alcohol concentration (BAC)

the ratio of alcohol to total blood volume; the factor used to measure the physiological and behavioral effects of alcohol

sidestream smoke

the smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar or exhaled by smokers, commonly called secondhand smoke.

platelet adhesiveness

the sticking-together of red blood cells associated with blood clots. -the oxygen deprivation associated with smoking decreases the oxygen supplied to the heart and can weaken tissues. -smoking contributes to irregular heart rhythms, which can trigger a heart attack. both carbon monoxide and nicotine can precept angina attacks (chest pain due to the heart muscle not getting the blood supply it needs. -stroke occurs when a small blood vessel in the brain bursts or is blocked by a blood clot, denying oxygen and nourishment to vital portions of the brain.

PCP (phencyclidine)

the synthetic substance phencyclidine (PCP) was originally developed as a dissociative anesthetic- patients administered this drug could keep their eyes open, apparently remain conscious, and feel no pain during a medical procedure. -PCP is a white crystalline powder that users often sprinkle onto marijuana cigarettes. effects of PCP: -strong central nervous system depressants -slurred speech -impaired coordination -reduced sensitivity to pain -reduced heart and respiratory rate PCP can also cause a rise in blood pressure, seizures, violent outbursts, coma and possibly death.


the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives


the virus that causes AIDS by infecting helper T cells the virus that causes AIDS and 35 million have died. HIV (is not a virus its a retro-virus its not fungus or bacteria) typically enters the body when another person person's infected body fluids (semen,vaginal,secretions,blood) gain entry through a breach in body defenses. if there is a break in mucous membranes of the genitals or anus (as can occur during sexual intercourse, particularly anal intercourse), the virus enter and begins to multiply, invading the bloodstream and cerebrospinal fluid. it progressively destroys helper T-cells. weakening the body's resistance to disease. HIV/AIDS is not HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS. it cannot REPRODUCE OUTSIDE A LIVING HOST, except in a laboratory, does not survive well in open air. As a result. HIV cannot be transmitted through casual contact, including sharing food utensils. musical instruments etc. research also provides over-whelming evidence that insect bites do not transmit HIV. 1 in 8 people with HIV do not know they have it.

energy therapies

therapies using energy fields, such as electromagnetic fields or biofields


thick, brownish sludge condensed from particulate matter in smoked tobacco


tightly rolled quantities of dried tobacco leaves - 3 fold increase in use- higher levels of cancer causing agents

diagnosis related groups (DRGs)

to control the hospital costs

ending tobacco use (12)

tobacco use is still single most preventable cause of death in the USA. Nearly 480,000 Americans die each year from tobacco-related diseases. 16 million people will suffer from health disorders caused by tobacco. to date, tobacco is known to cause more than 20 diseases, and about a half of all regular smokers die of smoking-related causes. Smoking kills more americans than alcohol, motor accidents, aids, suicide, homicide, illegal drugs combined. any contention by the tobacco industry tobacco use is not dangerous.

other health effects

tobacco use to be a serious risk factor in the development of gum disease. in, addition smoking increases the risk of macular degeneration, one of the most common causes of blindness in older adults. -causes premature skin wrinkling, staining of the teeth, yellowing of the fingernails, and bad breath. -nicotine speeds up the process by which the body uses and eliminates drugs, making medications less effective. in addition, research suggests that smoking significantly increases the risk of alzheimers disease.

manipulative therapies

treatments involving manipulation or movement of one or more body structures or the whole body

managed care

type of health insurance plan based on coordination of care and cost-reduction strategies; emphasizes health education and preventive care

Homeopathy (homeopathic medicine)

unconventional western system of medicine based on the principle that "like cures like" and the "law of minimum dose."

community contributing factors

unsafe environment inadequate police and social services

alcohol abuse

use of alcohol in a way that interferes with work, school or personal relationships or that entails violations of the law

domestic violence (DV)

use of force to control and maintain power over another person within the home environment.

polydrug use

use of multiple medications, vitamins, recreational drugs, or illicit drugs simultaneously

vaccines against addictive drugs

vaccine does not eliminate the desire for cocaine, instead it keeps the user from getting high by stimulation the immune system to attack the drug when it's taken. -clinical human trials are expected to begin soon. vaccines against heroin and methamphetamine are also in development.

rape forms

vaginal, oral or anal sex

collective violence

violence committed by groups of individuals


violence directed at persons affiliated with a particular ethnic group

forms of stalking and cyberstalking

visual or physical proximity written or verbal communication implied or explicit threats

genital warts (HPV)

warts that appear in the genital area or the anus; caused by the human papillomavirus

sexual victimization

when an individual is coerced or forced to comply with or endure another's sexual acts or overtures Takes several forms: - harassment - stalking - assault - rape

AUD in women

women get addicted faster with less alcohol use; with greater risks for: 1. Cirrhosis 2. Excessive Memory Loss 3. Shrinkage Of The Brain 4. Heart Disease 5. Cancers (Mouth, Throat, Esophagus, Liver, Colon). (The Highest Risks for Alcoholism occur among Women who aren't married but are living with a partner, in their 20s or early 30s who also has a husband or partner who drinks alcohol heavily).


yeast-like fungal infection often transmitted sexually; also called moniliasis or yeast infection

can you have Herpes and not have symptoms?


engaging in high risk behaviors

~Being sexually active with more than one person ~Engaging in unprotected sex ~Engaging in sexual activity with high risk partners ~Using alcohol and other drugs

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