The two most common types of missions conducted by EMS air medical operations are scene calls &
interfacility transports
The most common crew configuration for air medical operations in the US is -
An aircraft can decline a request due to 4 things:
poor weather conditions, mechanical failure, patient size & weight
Air medical missions conducted in clear weather often operate under
visual flight rules
Most EMS aircraft operate under what are known as -
(VFR) Visual Flight Rules. Conditions along the intended route must be clear & free of weather such as fog or clouds
Landing zone (LZ) is a temporary location for the landing of a helicopter typically at the scene of an emergency. Good landing zones include:
1. As close the the incident as possible 2. 100ft x 100ft for daytime & 125ft x 125ft for nighttime 3. Little or no slope 4. Free of dry sand & loose debris 5. No utility wires near the site 6. No tall trees/poles 7. Free of roaming animals
Helicopter resources are best for flights up to ______ miles
200 miles
HOTSAW is a common tool for LZ checklist
Hazards Obstacles Terrain Slope Animals Wind
One of the most important things for am EMT at the scene where a helicopter has been requested is to provide the dispatch with -
accurate GPS coordinates
Once the flight crew is safely on the ground, maintain direct eye contact with the pilot/flight crew and do not -
approach aircraft until someone from the flight crew has specifically directed you to do so
It is important to activate an air resource to patients with -
severe trauma & critical medical
If a helicopter is to land at night, NEVER -
shine any kind of light such as a flashlight, at the aircraft. This could temporarily blind the pilot
Air medical resources are most often requested by -
the first responding EMS units