Henry VIII - Government

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Who were the 4 people that Henry took the most counsel from after fall of Cromwell?

Norfolk and Gardiner on one side and Cranmer and Seymour on the other

What religious based act happened during Henry's second Parliament of Feb 1512-March 1514?

One restricting the benefit of clergy

Why were the Earl's of Surrey and Norfolk arrested?

Because Surrey suggested that Norfolk should be Edward's regent, which the king saw a dangerous

Why was More executed in 1535?

Because he refused to take the oath of alligience to Henry VIII as Head of the Church in 1534

Why did the Pope not grant papal dispensation for the marriage?

Because he was under the control of Charles V, Catherine's nephew, after he had sacked Rome

What is the general interpretation as to why Wolsey wanted to rise so high within the church?

Because it gave Henry great control over the English church, so it was strongly in the King's interest

Why was Henry VIII not financially well off?

Because of inflation and he had a fixed wage

Why did Henry divorce Anne Boleyn?

Because she was convicted of adultery with quite dubious claims

Why did Henry take a step back towards Catholicism after 1539?

Because the French and Spanish were no longer at war so were prepared to launch an alliance against Henry

Why was this still not enough?

Because the government expenditure between 1509 and 1520 was 1.7 million

Why did Henry argue/believe that his marriage to Catherine was invalid?

Because they was a paragraph in Leviticus that said one should not marry his brother's widow

What did Wolsey did in May 1527 to try and get Henry his divorce?

Bought him to a fake court and accused him of living in sin, to which Henry pleaded guilty

How did Henry balance his sons regency council?

By having reformers such as Cramner on it as well as traditionalists such as Bishop Tunstall

Who did Henry marry after Catherine Howard?

Catherine Parr

What did Henry do in 1531 to further pressurise the Pope into granting him his divorce?

Clergy was collectively accused of praemunire and fined. Led a forced acknowledgment from them that Henry was head of the English church

When did Cromwell become a councillor, Master of the Kings Jewels and then King's Chief Councillor?

Councillor: 1530 Master of Jewels: 1532 Chief Councillor: 1533

Who did Henry appoint as the new archbishop of Canterbury in 1532?


What did the Act of Restraint of Appeals do?

Declared that appeals could not be made to Rome regarding church court decisions on the basis of 'matrimonial' matters and other areas

Who was chief of the council immediately after Wolsey's death?

Duke of Norfolk

Which two famous and wealthy members of the nobility were sent to prison as a result of the Star Chamber?

Earl of Northumberland in 1516 Sir Robert Sheffield in 1517

What did Anne Boleyn's father become?

Earl of Wiltshire

What did the Jurisdiction in liberties act do? and when was it? (2 things)

Ended the independence of the County of Durham and meant that future judges would be appointed by the king 1535

How many times did Parliament meet between 1529 and 1536? and How many times after that?

Every year (8) and then 7 out of the next 11 years

When was Henry's third Parliament and what was the main event during it?

Feb 1515-Dec 1515 Act restricting the benefit of clergy not renewed despite an apparent anti-clerical atmosphere in the Commons

Who did Henry remove from his sons regency council in 1546?

Gardiner and Norfolk

What did the Act of 1543 do for Wales?

Made Wales and Welshmen equal under the law to Englishmen and allowed Wales to send 24 MPs to Parliament

Why did Henry immediately want a divorce with Anne of Cleves?

Man got catfished

Who did James V marry and why was this significant?

Mary of Guise, who was part of the greatest Catholic noble family in France

What were Catherine Parr's religious belief's?

Moderate protestant and a humanist

What was Royal Supremacy?

That the King and not the Pope had control over the church of England

Why did Wolsey recall Parliament in 1523?

To raise money for a war, demanding £800,000

What did Wolsey particularly use the Star Chamber for?

To challenge the power of the nobility

Why was Cromwell executed?

As a result of a conspiracy created by Gardiner and the Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk and also because his many enemies made him a scapegoat for the Anne of Cleves marriage. The king came to realise and regret this a few months later

Why was the Earl of Norfolk not executed?

Because Henry died on the morning of his supposed execution (28th January 1547)

Why was Scotland important to Henry?

Because James V was Henry's nephew, so was in with a chance of succeeding him

What did Wolsey put forward in 1516?

A plan to improve the legal system, making it cheaper and fairer by using the Star Chamber

What did the Statute of Six Articles represent? (1539)

A retreat from the Lutheran position adopted in 1536

What did Cromwell create with regards to government?

A very efficient system that would still be able to function if the monarch was away or a minor was on the throne

How many times was Parliament summoned before 1529?

4 times in 20 years

How old was Catherine of Aragon by 1926?


When was Wolsey arrested and charged with treason?

4th November 1530

How many times had Parliament met before 1529


What were the 3 factions that emerged in Henry's court as it became clear that Wolsey was not able to solve his matter

- Conservatives hostile to Wolsey and against a divorce eg Duke of Norfolk and Bishop Gardiner - Those in favour of a radical solution for divorce eg Boleyn family, Cromwell and Cranmer - Strong Conservatives who supported Catherine eg Thomas More and John Fisher

What 3 reasons suggest that Cromwell may have been behind Anne's downfall?

- Disagreed with her over patronage and foreign policy - Saw Conservatives and Seymours gaining power and wanted to remain on the 'winning' side - Many members off Boleyn's faction were executed after her

What two things ensured that Parliament grew in power throughout Henry's reign?

- His need for money to finance wars - His use of Parliament to solve his 'great matter'

What 4 factors meant that the church was weaker in 1529 than it had been for most of the years preceding this?

- Humanists such as Colet and Erasmus had levied criticism of it - Lawyer, Christopher St German helped to assert the legal supremacy of English law over the canon law of the church in 1528 - The 'Collectanea Satis Copiosa' by Cramner and Foxe, provided Henry with a theological, legal and historical basis for splitting with the church (effectively provided royal supremacy over the church) - Henry received expert opinion on marital situation from a number of continental universities, many of which were favourable to Henry

What are the 5 main pieces of evidence to support Elton's thesis that Cromwell achieved a revolution in government?

- King became supreme head of the church - National sovereignty for the first time - Cromwell increased power and status of the king - Cromwell strengthened Common Law as Wolsey had weakened it - enhanced the power of Parliament

What 3 things did Henry do in 1532 to further pressurise the Pope into granting him his divorce?

- Passed the Act in Conditional Restraint of Annates - Passed the HOC supplication against the ordinaries - Formal submission of the clergy to Henry VIII

What 3 things did the Eltham Ordinances do?

- Reduced number of Gentleman of the Privy Chamber from 12 to 6 - Replaced the Groom of the Stool, Sir William Compton, with Henry Norris - Introduced the Council Attendant on the king, made up of 20 councillors meant Wolsey could keep a close eye on all these councillors

What 6 Acts were introduced by Cromwell in 1534 and what did each do?

- Second Act of Annates: confirmed the first and laid out how to elect bishops and abbots - Act to stop Peter's Pence: abolished payment of taxation to Rome - Act of Supremacy: Made King supreme head of the Church - Act of Succession: Made daughter Mary illegitimate - Treason Act: Made calling King or Queen a heretic as treasonable - Act for First Fruits and Tenths: clerical taxes were to go to the king not the pope

What did the Earl of Surrey ask from Henry and what happened as a result?

6,000 more men, which was too expensive so Henry reinstated the Earl of Kildare

How many cases did Wolsey hear in the court of chancery?


How many cases did Wolsey hear in the Star Chamber? How did this compare to the reign of Henry VII?

1,685 - 10x more than Henry VII

When did Wolsey pass an Act of Resumption in Parliament?


When did Wolsey pass and then ban the enclosure act?

1515 and 1523 (but only for 18 months)

When was the use of the Star Chamber extended and why?

1516 to help root out corruption throughout the country

What was significant about Thomas More's actions at Henry's third parliament and what year was this in?

1523 Made the first known plea for freedom of speech for MPs

When was the Earl of Kildare sent to the tower of London and why?

1534 because he had enemies who were good friends with the Boleyn's

When and why did Parliament called the marriage null and void?

1540, because the Spanish French alliance was falling apart so a German alliance was no longer as important to Henry

When was Catherine condemned for treason by an Act of Attainder?

1542 - consequently executed

How many men gathered to resist the amicable grant forcing Henry to abort it?


How many acts did Parliament pass in Cromwell's 8 years as chief minister?


When was Wolsey ordered to hand over his seal of office?

22nd September 1529

When was Cromwell executed and what did Henry do on the day of his execution?

28th July 1540 and married Catherine Howard who was the niece of one of Cromwell's biggest enemies, the Duke of Norfolk

How did the House of Lords change after the dissolution of the monasteries?

29 abbots were removed

When did Anne Boleyn have a miscarriage that Henry describes as a judgement of God?

29th January 1536

Who was given control of the King's dry stamp in August 1546?

Anthony Denny

How did Gardiner try and dispose of Cramner and what happened?

Accused him of heresy, however Henry put Cramner in charge of investigating himself and as a result Henry removed Gardiner form the list of future councillors for Edward

What did the Court of Augmentations deal with?

All income raised from the dissolution of the monasteries

Who dominated the Privy Council by the time of Henry's death?

Hertford and Dudley

When was the Star Chamber formed and who was it's preseident?

In 1487 by an Act of Parliament and the Lord Chancellor (Wolsey)

What was the amicable grant and when was it?

In theory a freely given gift to the king, but in reality a heavy tax, without parliamentary approval 1525

What did Cromwell do in 1536 with regards to Wales?

Introduced the Act of Union, which abolished the marcher lordships and incorporated Wales into the English legal and administrative system

What was a major fault of the court of chancery?

It was very slow due to it's popularity

When was the Council Learned abolished?

Jan 1510 at Henry's first parliament

When did Henry secretly marry Anne Boleyn?

January 1533

What are John Guy and Peter Gwyn's interpretations of Wolsey as Chancellor?

John Guy: Used office to advertise political authority Peter Gwyn: Wanted to carry out the wishes of the king

When was Anne officially crowned Queen?

June 1533

When was Cromwell arrested?

June 1540

How many Parliaments were called during Wolsey's period of dominance?

Just one (1523)

What 3 things was the Court of Chancery used for?

Problems relating to - Enclosure - Contracts - Land left to other in wills

What did Cromwell do to the Privy council?

Reduced it from 70 men to 19 and it become a more formal and efficient administration

What were the Eltham Ordinances and when were they introduced?

Reforms of the finances of the Privy Council and Wolsey's attempts to disarm his enemies (1526)

What did each of Henry's 3 major measures in 1532 do?

Restraint of Annates - Withdrew first years income from the office of Bishop, which had traditionally gone to Pope Supplication against Ordinaries - Increased pressure in the HOC Submission - asserted Henry's authority in all but law, promoted resignation of More

When was the First Act of Annates and what did it state?

Said that new Bishops were consecrated by an English Archbishop rather than bishops in Rome and prevented the payments made yearly by bishops to Rome 1531

What did Wolsey do with regards to the Privy Chamber in 1519?

Secured the removal of the 'minions' who were a group of young courtiers that enjoyed both friendship and favour from the king (and who also distrusted and disliked him) and replaced them with his own supporters

What did Henry do with regards to Ireland in 1520?

Sent the Earl of Surrey there with 1,100 men to replace Kildare

What happened with Catherine Howard

She committed adultery with a few men and Cranmer finally told the king

How much did Wolsey raise in subsidies, clerical taxation and forced loans between 1509 and 1520

Subsidies: £322,099 Clerical taxation: £240,000 Forced Loans: £260,000 Total of £822,000

What was the main overflow tribunal?

The White Hall tribunal

Who become Lord Chancellor after Wolsey?

Thomas More

Why did More resign in 1532

Was very principled and increasingly unhappy with the king's divorce

How much did the Tudor Subsidy bring in during Wolsey's reign?

over £300,000

What happened in 1536 up North as a result of the Pilgrimage of Grace?

the Council of the North was given a lot more power so the King;s authority was felt more directly

Why did Wolsey dismiss Parliament in 1515?

to stop it criticising the church

how much did Henry raise from forced loans in 1542 and 1545?


How much did crown income rise by after the dissolution of the monasteries?

£150,00 to £300,000

How much did he get in the end

£150,000 spread out over 2 years

How much was raised by the Parliament subsidies towards war in 1543 and 1545?

£430,000 - an unprecedented amount

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