HES Quiz 2

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True or False. Most of strength gains from resistance training come from muscle cell hyperplasia.


True or false. Distribution of type I and II fibers is primarily determined by type of training.


True or false. Fatigue of the ATP-PCr system occurs with depletion of ATP-PCr stores within 5 seconds of all-out sprinting.


True or false. With aerobic training, the early increase in VO2max is associated primarily with proportional increases in oxidative enzymes.


True/False. The greatest force will be generated by a sarcomere with the shortest length.


True/False. With progressive force generation, the type I fibers are the last to be recruited.


True/false: Hypertrophy can increase muscle fiber's contents and the number of muscle fibers.


As a result of exercise training, _________ fat is used than glucose for a given level of submaximal exercise. a. more b. less c. equal


The two types of muscle hypertrophy are Transient and Chronic

transient and chronic

2. Which one best describes the Principle of Progressive Overload: a. strength gains from training will be lost with cessation of training b. muscles must be loaded beyond normal loading for improvements in strength c. involves systematic changes in training intensity, volume and/or mode d. Overloading will result in muscle damage and loss of strength


Anaerobic exercise training is associated with all of the following except: a. increase in PFK and LDH b. increase in lactate threshold - c. strength by muscles d. increase in muscle hypertrophy of fibers at cell level -


Which one of the following is not true regarding muscle contraction-relaxation: a. calcium is released from the SR and binds to troponin - b. attachment of ATP to the globular head of myosin causes the power stroke - c. attachment of ATP to myosin breaks the cross-bridge - d. ATP is needed for active reuptake of Calcium by the SR


Which of the following is responsible for chronic muscle hypertrophy from regular training? (Pick one) a) greater amounts of actin and myosin b) development of the sarcoplasmic reticulum c) greater amounts of metabolic enzymes d) all of the above e) a and c only


Which one of the following is not an effect of aerobic training? A. ↑ in VO2 max B. ↑ ability to perform submaximal endurance exercise C. ↑ mitochondria number and size - D. ↑ enzymes associated with beta-oxidation - E. ↓ lactate anaerobic threshold


T/F. Delayed-onset muscle soreness is primarily caused by increased blood lactate accumulation from eccentric contractions.


True or false. Even though increases in VO2max are limited after 12-18 months of training, further increases in aerobic performance (as in a 10K race) can continue mainly due to further increases in lactate threshold.


True or False. Males have more visible muscle hypertrophy than females because of testosterone.


Satellite cells play an important role in the regeneration and/or repair of muscle fibers.


T/F Muscle power equals muscle strength times speed of contraction.


T/F. Fatigue occurs at both the muscle level and the central nervous system.


T/F. Heat is a metabolic by-product that can contribute to fatigue.


T/F. High intensity interval training can improve VO2max similar to traditional endurance training despite significantly less time engaged in training.


T/F. Type I fibers are innervated with smaller motor neurons.


The Heritage Study has demonstrated that both VO2max and the change in VO2max with aerobic training are partially determined by genetics.


True or False. The principle of progressive overload implies that progressive increases in resistance and/or number of reps are necessary or further strength gains.


T/F To increase muscular endurance, one should engage in resistance training using higher resistance and a lower number of reps.


Fiber Hypertrophy is associated with all of the following except: A. ↓ protein synthesis in cell B. ↑ factors associated with glycolysis C. ↑ in actin and myosin - D. ↑ SR and Ca++ handling ability - E. ↑ myosin ATPase -


With progressive generation of muscular force to maximum, what is the order of motor unit recruitment: a. Type I, Type IIa, Type IIx b. Type I, Type IIx, Type IIa c. Type Type IIx, Type IIa, Type I


The major causes of muscle fatigue are which of the following (circle all that apply): a. Accumulation of metabolic by-products b. Failure of muscle contractile mechanism c. Altered neural control of muscle contraction d. Lack of fuel for catabolism


Resistance training increases strength due to: (circle all that apply) a. ↑ synchronization of motor units b. ↑ motor unit recruitment c. ↑ coactivation of agonist and antagonist muscles d. ↑ autogenic inhibition by golgi tendon organs e. ↑ muscle fiber contents


There are 2 types of muscle hypertrophy, _____ & _______. a. Chronic b. Hyperplasia c. Transient d. Hypoplasia


What are the effects of aerobic training? (circle all that apply) a. Increases in number of capillaries surrounding type I fibers b. Decreases the release of free fatty acids from adipose tissue for fuel during exercise c. Increases the number and size of mitochondria in the cells d. Decrease the lactate anaerobic threshold


Compared to type II fibers, which of the following are true regarding type I skeletal muscle fibers: (circle all that apply) ** a. slower speed of shortening b. more developed SR c. higher oxidative capacity d. more fatigue resistant e. faster crossbridge formation


With respect to exercise training, what does FITT refer to?

a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Type (mode) d. Time (duration)

1. Major causes of fatigue are: (circle all that apply) a. Inadequate energy delivery/metabolism b. Accumulation of metabolic by-products c. Failure of muscle contractile mechanism d. Altered neural control of muscle contraction


Aerobic training increases (pick all that apply) a. SDH b. citrate synthase c. # of mitochondria d. size of mitochondria


Compared to an untrained person, which of the following enzymes will be higher in a person who is anaerobically trained. (Circle all that apply). a. SDH b. Creatine kinase c. PFK d. LDH e. Phosphorylase


Compared to slow twitch, fast-twitch muscle fibers have: (circle all that apply) a. Less developed sarcoplasmic reticulum b. higher levels of PFK c. faster myosin ATP-ase d. greater capacity for high intensity activities of relatively short duration


Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is associated with which of the following (circle all that are true): ** a. Concentric muscle activity b. Structural damage c. Inflammatory reaction inside muscle d. Accumulation of irritants e. Loss of muscle strength


T/F: Anaerobic training effects include decreased lactate production and decreased lactate tolerance.


Which of the following can occur with aerobic training? (circle all that apply) a. The actual fiber type will change from fast twitch to slow twitch b. Fast twitch will become more glycolytic - c. Fast twitch oxidative will become more oxidative d. Slow twitch fibers will become less oxidative


Which of the following is NOT true of anaerobic training: pick one a. increase in PFK and LDH b. increase strength of muscle c. decrease in lactate production d. increase in myosin ATPase (FT and FOG)


Which one of the following is false about atrophy? a. it can occur within hours of bedrest b. it mostly occurs within the first week of immobilization c. it is the swelling of muscles d. it is due to injury, cessation of exercise, and age


2. Muscle adaptations to aerobic training include which of the following: (circle all that apply) ** a. increase size and number of type 1 fibers b. increase in capillary to fiber ratio of type II fibers c. increase in number and size of mitochondria, and oxidative enzymes d. increase in myoglobin


T/F: Early increases in strength from resistance training are due to cell hypertrophy.


Which one of the following is not true regarding acute muscle soreness: ** a. Occurs during or immediately following strenuous or novel exercise b. Is associated with accumulation of metabolic by-products c. Is associated with edema d. persists for as long as 1 to 2 days post-exercise


Anaerobic sprint training results in a. More synchronous recruitment of muscle fibers b. Increased Calcium handling c. Decreased Myosin ATPase d. Increased coactivation of antagonists e. A & B f. B & C


2. T/F Rigor Mortis, which occurs after death, causes contraction of the muscles due to a lack of both ATP and calcium in the muscle.


Glycolytic System training decreases myosin ATPase.


The effects of strength training are primarily from hyperplasia/hypertrophy (circle one).


With aerobic training, the RER for a given submaximal workload will be higher, lower, or unchanged?


What is the shortest contractile unit of a muscle?


T or F: Long term increases in strength are associated with hypertrophy of the trained muscle.


True or False. During muscle contraction, the primary role of ATP is to provide energy for the working stroke (i.e. sliding of the filaments).


True or False. Optimal force generation depends on the sarcomere length.


True or false. Endurance training may make type IIx fibers look qualitatively more like Type IIa fibers which in turn will look more like type I fibers.


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