HESI Exam Vocabulary

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relaxes and lifts

During exhalation, the diaphragm does which of the following?

mammary glands

During pregnancy, hormones from the placenta maintain the endometrium and prepare the ------ for breast milk production


Contamination or invasion of body tissue by pathogenic organisms


Expel feces


An opening or an empty area


Panacea means "a remedy that says it will cure all illness and difficulties."


Processes, causes, and effects of a disease; abnormality

holocrine secretion

Produces oil; whole cells of the sebaceous gland are part of this secretion


Inhalation and exhalation of air.

bone to bone

Ligaments connect ____.


ability to share what others are feeling; understanding the feelings of another

vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, and urethra ; seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral (Cowper's) glands

during ejaculatioon the pathway of the sperm includes? along the pathway are glands that produce the semen which include?

31 pairs of spinal nerves

how many pairs of spinal nerves exit the spinal cord?


largest organ of the body


muscle that aids a prime mover in a movement and helps prevent rotation


muscle that opposes or reverses a prime mover

collective noun

names a group of people or things (ex: flock, family, furniture)

abstract noun

names an idea, quality, or characteristic (ex: democracy, persistence)

small intestine ; hepatic portal vein

nutrients are absorbed by the walls of the -----. the amino acids and simple sugars derived from proteins and carbs are absorbed into the lymph by the lacteals, which eventually are added to the bloodstream. all nutrients then enter the ------- --- ---- to be routed to the liver for decontamination.

cyclic ; continuous

reproductive activity is ---- in woman but ---- in men

peripheral nervous system

which subdivision of the central nervous system is comprised of the neurons all over the body

central nervous system

which subdivision of the nervous system is comprised of the spinal cord and brain

red blood cell formation

What Is erythropoiesis?


What is the best definition of the word dichotomy?

division - A dichotomy is a division into two distinct parts.

What is the best definition of the word dichotomy?

If someone is obstinate, you could also say that he or she is stubborn.

What is the best definition of the word obstinate?

The word proximal is used to indicate a central or close relationship.

What is the best definition of the word proximal?

supple - Both supple and sinuous involve bending

What is the best definition of the word sinuous?


Which salivary gland produces mostly mucin?

predicate nominative

a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and renames or identifies the subject (professors are *teachers*)

fallopian tubes then travels to uterus after

In which location does a sperm cell first fertilize an egg?


lengthening; unbending a joint

transverse plane

line that divides the body into upper and lower sections (superior and inferior)


Located behind; in the back


Located outside the body


Located within the body


Lower on the body, farther from the head


Maintenance of body fluid balance


Measures contributing to cleanliness and good health


Microscopic infectious agent capable of replicating only in living cells, usually causing infectious disease


Reddened or ruddy appearance


Reddened, swollen, warm, and often tender


Reduce the angle at the joint

apocrine glands

Sweat glands in the pubic and underarm areas that secrete thicker sweat, that produce odor when come in contact with bacteria on the skin


The --- lobe processes taste, touch, and temperature information


The ---- is the passageway leading from the oral and nasal cavities in the head to the esophagus and larynx.


The ---- lobe is involved with processing auditory information.


The ------- is the muscle layer of the heart


The ____ is the layer of the heart used for contraction that has striated muscle fibers.

temprol lobe

What lobe of the brain is responsible for processing olfactory information?

bladder (cyst means bladder)

What part of the body is being visualized in a cystoscopy?

lumbar Starting at the top of the spine, the cervical vertebrae are numbered C1-C7. Next, the thoracic vertebrae that make up the bulk of the back, is numbered T1-T12. The lumbar vertebrae, the lower region in the back, is numbered L1-L5. The sacrum and the coccyx are not individual vertebrae but instead are fused bony structures

What section of the human spine contains 5 vertebrae?

LH (luteinizing hormone)

What stimulates the interstitial cells of the testicles to produce testosterone?

Subordinate clauses subordinate clauses cannot stand by themselves because they do not contain a complete thought. Here, the reader would be left wondering what happens "until she has had her first cup of coffee."

What type of clause is underlined in this sentence? "Do not talk to mom until she has had her first cup of coffee."

hinge joint

What type of joint is present in the elbow?

tricuspid valve

What valve is responsible for preventing the backflow of blood from the right ventricle to the right atrium?

Superior vena cava

What vein returns blood to the heart, draining the head, neck, and upper torso?

An inability to control breathing

What would result following an injury to the phrenic nerve?

axon terminal ---- Neurotransmitters are packaged into synaptic vesicles that reside in, and are released from, the axon terminal of a neuron.

Where are neurotransmitters released?

epididymis - Sperm are initially created and begin the maturation process in the testes. Then they are stored and go through the final maturation phase in the epididymis, a collection of thin tubes that carries sperm from the testes to the ductus deferens. (The seminiferous tubules are located in the testes.)

Where does the final stage of sperm maturation occur?

yellow bone marrow --- Yellow bone marrow gets its color from the large number of fat cells it contains.

Where is fat stored within the skeletal system?

in the tissues around cells ---- Interstitial fluid is the main component of the extracellular fluid that surrounds the cells of multi-cellular animals.

Where is interstitial fluid found in the body?

neck - The hyoid bone is located between the chin and thyroid cartilage.

Where is the hyoid bone located?


Which blood type is considered the universal donor?


Which cells are responsible for bone formation?

The right atrium is the chamber where blood is received from the superior and inferior vena cavas.

Which chamber of the heart receives blood from the superior and inferior vena cava?

chordae tendineae --- The chordae tendinae are the fibrous strings that attach the valves (cusps) of the heart's lower chambers to the papillary muscles.

Which is not a part of the electrical conduction system of the heart? bundle of His chordae tendineae AV Node Purkinje fibers

NOT TRUE --- adrenaline - Adrenaline is produced by the adrenals, which are endocrine glands.

Which is not produced by an exocrine gland? digestive enzymes milk adrenaline saliva

NOT TRUE ---- It is vascular. ---Epithelial tissue is avascular, meaning

Which is not true of epithelial tissue? It lines cavities in the body. It rests on a basement membrane. It is vascular. It helps form certain glands.

Not True - They are found in the intervertebral discs of the spinal column. --- the intervertebral discs of the spinal column form a fibrocartilaginous joint, which allows slight movement of the vertebrae of the spine.

Which is not true of synovial joints? They are found in the intervertebral discs of the spinal column. They are the most common joint in the body. They have a fluid-filled capsule that surrounds their articulating surface. They are the most moveable joint type in the body.

frontal ----- plus things like motor function, problem solving, and language.

Which lobe of the brain is associated with judgement, planning, impulse control, and social behavior?

lattiumus dorsi

Which muscle is responsible for the adduction of the shoulder?


A word that means the same as another word


A word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb ex: the nurse wears (very) colorful uniforms, the physician operates (quickly)


A word that shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word in a sentence


A word used to join words or groups of words


A writer's attitude toward his or her subject matter revealed through diction, figurative language, and organization on the sentence and global levels.

The decrease in the amount of estrogen produced.

Which of the following would be a direct result of lipid depletion in the human body?


a reason something is not advisable or should not be done


a result or outcome - used as noun or verb (as a result of chemo, i was able to --- a number of changes in my life)

exclamatory sentence

a sentence expressing strong feeling, usually punctuated with an exclamation mark

declarative sentence

a sentence that makes a statement (I went to the store)


a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.


a word that means the opposite of another word


an indication or sign of a condition



Symmetic (symmetrical)

being equal or the same in size, shape, and relative position


being or seeming to be everywhere at once


bending a joint

they also serve to warm, filter, and moisten incoming air

besides conducting gases to and from the lungs, what do the upper passageways also serve to do?

remorseful - When a person is contrite, it means that he or she feels badly about something or feels remorse.

best definition of the word contrite?

small intestine

bile is secreted into which organ


blood cell formation


blood clotting cells

myocardium ; coronary sinus

blood drains from the ---- directly into the right atrium through the ----- ---

coronary arteries

blood is supplied to the heart muscle (the myocardium) by the?


Causing or able to cause disease


by touch


DNA, ribosomes are important in the synthesis of


Difficult to arouse


Diminished or lacking some usual quality or level


Distant; away from the center (such as of the body)


Distinct, separate


Downward measurement from a surface


Draw a limb away from the midline

Fats also known as lipids are broken down using lipase produced by the pancreas and bile produced by the liver but transferred to the small intestine through the bile duct. Pepsin and pepsinogen are responsible for breaking down proteins, not lipids.

Fats are broken down in the small intestine using which enzyme(s)?

muscle cells

filaments are part of what kind of cells?

Bowman's capsule; urine

filtration of blood (urinary) process occurs through the glomerulus in ------ ----- of the nephron. the filtration of blood occurs through the glomerulus under the force of blood pressure. as the glomerular filtrate passes through the nephron, components needed by the body (water, glucose, ions) leave the nephron by diffusion and reenter the blood. water is absorbed at the tubules of the nephron. the final product is produced by the millions of nephrons per kidney is ----


follicle stimulating hormone thryoid stimuliating hormone luteininzing hormone what types of hormone? (act on other endocrine glands)

predicate adjective

follows a linking verb and describes or explains the subject (my professors are *wonderful*)

hydrochloric acid ; chyme

food enters the stomach where gastric glands secrete ----- that breaks down foods and then the stomach muscle churns and mixes the bolus of food, turning the mass into a soupy substance called ---- . the stomach also stores food and regulates the movement of food into the small intestine

mastication (chewing)

food is ingested into the mouth, where it is mechanically broken down by the teeth and tongue in the process of?


front of the body


gametes (sex cells) are formed by?

eccrine glands

glands that produce sweat and regulate body temp; found over most of the body

tropic hormones

hormones on the adenohypophysis are called ----------- because they act mainly on other endocrine glands . They include: growth hormone (somatotropin),,adrenocorticotropic hormone, thyroid stimulating, follicle stimulating, and luteinizing hormone

oxytocin, the labor hormone and antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

hormones released from the posterior lobe of the pituitary include

FSH horomone

horomone that regulates sperm production in men


horomone that stimules the intersisitial cells to produce tosterone

by contracting in response to nervous stimulation

how do muscles produce movement?

they are integral components of the plasma membrance

how do phospholipids function in cells?

Degrees Celcius times (9/5 or 1.8) + 32

how do you convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

Degrees Farenheit - 32 x (5/9 or 1.8)

how do you convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

including the 6 paired bones (ossicles) of the ear, the skull has 28 bones. 14 facial bones 14 cranial vault bones

how many bones are comprised in the skull?


how many centimeters in a foot


how many milliliters per liter

30 miliiliters per ounce

how many milliliters per ounce

There are 128 ounces per gallon.

how many ounces in a gallon

32 ounces in one quart

how many ounces in a quart

16 oz per pint

how many ounces per pint


how many pairs if spinal nerves exit the spinal cord

2.2 pounds/kilogram.

how many pounds in a kilogram

2 - one from the left kidney and one from the right kidney

how many ureters in the body?

sensory neuron

if an impuse is traveling from a sense receptor toward the spinal cord, it is traveling along what type of neuron?


impenetrable, not allowing anything to pass through

can and could

imply power or ability

metabolic pathways

in a cell, reactions take place in a series of steps called


in the uterus, the developing embryo is nourished by the ---- , which is formed by maternal and embryonic tissues.


in this process, dna is duplicated and distributed evenly to two daughter cells and is necessary for growth and repair

FSH ; ovary

in women, each month, under the influence of ----- (hormone), several eggs ripen within the ovarian follicles in the -----.

Possessive Pronouns

Form of personal pronoun that shows ownership or possession. Example: My, mine, his, her, their

Left ventricle, aorta, systemic circuit, vena cava, right atrium, right ventricle, lungs, left atrium

list the correct pathway of blood through the circulatory system?

sublingual, submandibular, and parotid

list the three 3 salivary glands

dorsal and ventral cavity

major body cavities are divided into the


makes up the largest component of whole blood?

Imply permission

may, might


means "dry."


means "of or produced inside of a body or organism."


means "volatile or unstable."


means 4 times a day


means children or offspring


means fear and achievement involves a gain.


means something that lasts for a short period of time


means to be open


means to put or place - use in sentence to determine between lay or lie


means to recline or rest


quick, perfunctory, not thorough


rapid, uncontrolled

amylase ; bolus

salvia contains an enzyme called --- that starts the digestion of complex carbohydrates. a ball of food called a --- is formed

sagitial plane

sectional plane that divides the body into left and right portions

spinal cord - also known as spinal reflexes as they dont reach the brain

simple reflexes only travel through the?


single-celled, microscopic organisms


small fingerlike projections called ---- greatly increase the surface area of the intestinal wall


so gradual as to not become apparent for a long time


tells what the subject is or does, it what is done to the subject. includes the verb and all the words that modify the verb

muscle to bone.

tendons connect ___

FSH (regulates sperm production) ICSH - interstitial cell stimulating hormone or LH simulates the interstitial cells to produce tosterone

testicular activity is under the control of two anterior pituitary horomones, what are they?


the "little brain" at the rear of the brainstem; functions include processing sensory input and coordinating movement output and balance and muscle cordination


the ---- lobe deals with visual processing.

estrogen ; LH ; corpus luteum ; progestrone

the ---- produced by the follicles in the ovary initiates the preparation of the endometrium of the uterus for pregnancy . on day 14 of the cycle, a surge of ----- is released from the pituitary, which stimulates ovulation and the conversion of the follicle to the ----- ----. This secretes the horomone ------ and estrogen, which further stimulate development of the endometrium. if fertilization occurs, the corpus luteum remains functional. if it does not occur, it degenerates and menstruation begins.


the ---- rests on the subcutaneous tissue that connects the skin to the superficial muscles


the ---- system consists of two kidneys, two ureters, a urinary bladder, and the urethra


the ----- arteries begin with the aorta, which sends branches to all parts of the body. as arteries get farther away from the heart, they become thinner and thinner.


the ----- is the inner layer of the heart.


the ----- is the sac surrounding the heart and its greater vessels


the ----- system includes arteries that carry blood away from the heart, veins that carry blood toward the heart, and the capillaries


the -----, the smallest of vessels, are where the exchange of water, nutrients, and waste products take place between the blood and surrounding tissues


the answer to a division problem


the answer to a multiplication problem


the anticipated or expected course or outcome

foramen magnum

the base of the skull


the cells that form compact bones are called


the contraction phase of the cardiac cycle is ------

From ingestion to excretion, the correct order that waste travels through the body is cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon.

the correct order of the flow of waste through the large intestine?

the cranial and spinal cavities

the dorsal cavity includes what

because the main function of each gland is the production of hormones

the endocrine glands, although widely distributed, are grouped together as a system because?


the epidermis is classified as

protein synthesis

the formation of proteins by using information contained in DNA and carried by mRNA

epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous

the four fundamental tissues are

vital functions

the medulla oblongata is responsible for?

prime mover (agonist)

the muscle that executes a given movement is the

the hypothalamus and pituitary gland

the nervous system and endocrine system meet together in what two places?

dendrite : axon

the neuron is composed of a ----- which transmits signals toward the cell body and a ----- that transmits signals away from the cell body


the number that is being divided


the number you divide by

direct object

the object that receives the direct action of the verb


the opening for defecation (expelling of stool) is the


the origin or cause of a disease or condition


the outer most protective layer of skin made from of dead, keratinized epithelial cells


the passageways between the nasal cavities and the alveoli conducts gases to and from the?


the pituitary gland is attached to the hypothalamus by a stalk called the?


the process of chewing

is - make sure the subject and verb match

the question that appears on all of the test ----- inappropriate


the relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle is ----


the smallest arteries are called?


the top number in a fraction


the underlying reason


the upper respiratory tubules are lined with ---- that help to trap debris and keep foreign substances from entering the lungs?

orbits, and the nasal, oral, thoracic, and abdominalpelvic cavities

the ventral cavity includes the

simple predicate

the verb in the sentence which expresses what is said about the subject (the actress WAS not GENEROUS with her friends and family)

thick ; elastic

the walls of arteries are ---- and ---- and they carry blood under high pressure

thinner; elastic; low

the walls of veins are ---- and less ---- than those of arteries because they carry blood under ---- pressure.


the word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun refers

support, movement, blood cell formation (hemopoiesis), protection of internal organs, detoxication, provision for muscle attachment, and mineral storage (calcium and phosphorus)

what are the functions of the skeletal system?

stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, and the inner most stratum germinativum (includes stratum basale and stratum spinosum)

what are the layers of the epidermis from the outer kayer to inner layer

cell body, axon, and dendrites

what are the main parts of a neuron?

reducing inflammation, raising the blood sugar level, inhibiting the release of histamine

what are the roles of cortisol

duodenum, jejunum, ileum

what are the three major regions of the small intestine? ,

Central Nervous System (CNS) and Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

what are the two divisions of the nervous system?

production of gametes (sex cells) and production of hormones and both activities are under the control of tropic hormones from the pituitary gland

what are the two functions of the female and male sex organs? what gland do the hormones needed for these functions come from?

the superior and inferior venae cavae

what are the two largest veins that empty into the right atrium of the heart?

epidermis and dermis

what are the two layers of the skin

steroid and nonsteroid

what are the two major groups of hormones?

the anterior lobe (adenohypophysis) and the posterior lobe (neurohypophysis)

what are the two major portions of the pituitary gland?

eccrine and apocrine

what are the two types of sweat glands

the mandible

what bone in the only moveable bone of the skull?

2 nasal bones, 2 maxillary bones, 2 zygomatic, one mandible, 2 palatine, one vomer, 2 lacrimal, and 2 inferior nasal conchae

what bones are included in the facial bones?

epidermal cells

what cells contain melanin

day 14

what days in a 30 day cycle does a woman ovulate

spermatozoa (sperm cells) ; tosterone

what develops within the seminiferous tubules of each testis in men? the interstitial cells between the seminiferous tubules produce?

All actions of the nervous system depend on the transmission of nerve impulses over neurons, or nerve cells, the functional units of the nervous system

what do all actions of the nervous system depend on?

the electrical activity that precedes contration and relaxation

what do deflections of an EKG represent

The word enervate means to weaken or cause someone to feel drained of energy, weak, or tired. Debilitate has the closest meaning in making someone feel weak or infirm or lacking strength or stamina.

what does enervate mean? what word is it closest in meaning to?

results from the sliding together of actin and myosin filaments within the muscle cell or fiber

what does muscle contraction result from?

bone. cartilage, ligaments. and joints

what does the body framework consist of?

pelvis girdle or os caxae (fused illium, ischium, pubis) and the lower extremities are tge femur (thighbone), tibia, fibula, tarsals (ankle bones), metatarsals (bones of the foot) and the phalanges.

what does the lower portion of the appendicular skeleton consist of?

the brain, the spinal cord, and the nerves

what does the nervous system consist of?


what does the parathyroid horomone regulate?

pectoral or shoulder girdle, clavicle and scapula, and the upper extremity

what does the upper portion of the appendicular skeleton consist of?

pituitary gland

what gland is nicknamed the master gland?


what governs the pituitary gland and is in turn controlled by the feedback of hormones in the blood?

it is acted on by various enzymes from the small intestine and pancreas and bile from the liver

what happens once food is in the small intestine?

the spinal cord

what is 18 inches long and extends from the base of the skull (foramen magnum) to the first or second lumbar vertebra (L1 or L2)?

the heart

what is a double pump that sends blood to the lungs for oxygenation through the pulmonary circuit and to the remainder of the body through the systemic circuit

carbon dioxide

what is a regulator of blood pH


what is controlled by the respiratory control center in the medulla of the brain?


what is received by the atria and is pumped into circulation by the ventricles


what is responsible for the differentiation of cells

secretion and absorption

what is the function of simple columnar epithelium

it is initiated by the sinoatrial node and transmitted along a conductive system through the myocardium. this wave of electrical activity is what is measured on an electrocardiogram (ECG)

what is the heart beat initiated by?


what is the middle region of the humerus called


what is the most widely distributed type of sweat gland?

the cardiac cycle

what is the period from the end of one ventricular contraction to the end of the next ventricular contraction?

to increase its surface area

what is the purpose of the mastification of food?

stimulates the development of the endometrium

what is the role of progestrone in the female reproductive system?


what is the structure that transfers urine from the kidneys to the bladder?

steriod hormones

what kind of hormones enter the target cells and have a direct effect on the DNA of the nucleus?

stratum germinativum

what layer of skin does mitosis occur


what lubricates and dilutes chewed food?


what male horomone influences sperm cell development and also produces the male secondary sec characteristics, such as increased facial hair, body hair, and a voice deepening?

smooth muscle and cardiac muscle

what muscle is involuntary

skeltal muscle

what muscle is voluntary

Calcium and adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

what must be present for a muscle cell to contract?


what organ filters the blood (urinary)


what organ produces insulin?

large intestine

what organ reabsorbs water and stores and eliminates undigested food and has abundant bacteria called the intestinal flora.

protein hormones

what other hormone may steriod hormones be?

vasoconstriction and vasodilation

what results from contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle in arterial walls? these changes influence blood pressure and blood distribution to the tissues.

blood ; plasma

what serves to transport oxygen and nutrients to body cells and to carry away carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes? what contains 10% proteins, ions, nutrients, waste products, and hormones, which are dissolved or suspended in water ?

nervous system

what system enables us to perceive many of the changes that take place in our external and internal environments and to respond to those changes (seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching are examples of perception). enables us to think, reason, remember, and carry out other abstract activities it makes body movements by skeletal muscles possible by supplying them with nerve impulses that cause contraction. it works closely with the endocrine glands, correlating, and integrating body functions such as digestion and reproduction

the respiratory system

what system supplies oxygen to the body and eliminates carbon dioxide?

dendrites (toward) axons (away)

what transmits the impulses toward the cell body? what transmits the impulses away from the cell body? (nervous system)

white blood cells (leukocytes)

what type of blood cells are active in phagocytosis (neutrophils and monocytes) and antibody formation (lymphocytes)

flat bone

what type of bone is the scapula


what type of tissue provides support and structure for the organs?

amount is used when referring to things in bulk (huge amount of paperwork) while number is used referring to individual units (a number of charts)

what's the difference between amount vs number

use between when referring to two people or things and among for more than two people

whats the difference in among vs between?


when osteoblasts become fixed in the dense bone matric, they stop dividing but continue to maintain bone tissue as ----


where are sperm stored once created

carotid body

where are the pressoreceptors and chemoreceptors (specialized sensory nerves that assist with the regulation of circulation and respiration) located

heel of foot

where would you find thick stratum corneum

sensory (afferent) = toward Motor (efferent) = away

which neurons transmit nerve impulses away from the CNS? which neurons transmit nerve impulses away from the CNS toward the effector organs such as muscles, glands, and digestive organs?

endocrine system

which system assists the nervous system in homeostasis and plays important roles in growth and sexual maturation


white blood cells

who (whoever)

who and whom ----- use this one for subjects and predicate nominatives (use it if he, she, they, or I can be substituted into the clause)


who vs whom ---- is the objectice case. use it for indirect objects, indirect objects, or objects of the prepositions)

plasma and formed elements (erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets)

whole blood consists of 55% ------ and 45% ----- ---

stratum germinativum

within what epidermal layer of the skin does mitosis occur?




write the number 1906 in roman numerals


you have broken the end of your femur. what is that area?

proper noun

is the official name of a person, place, or thing (ex: Fred, Paris, UNG)


is the special cell division that takes place in the gonads (ovaries and testes). in this process, the chromosome number is reduced from 46 to 23 so when the egg and sperm meet, the zygote will have the right number of chromosomes


urinate, release urine from the bladder voluntarily

sebacous glands

usually associated with hair follicles -holocrine glands -secrete sebrum (fatty material and cellular debris) -waterproof and lubricates skin absent on palms and sole

right ; left

valves between the atria and ventricles include the tricuspid on the ----- side of the heart and the bicuspid on the ---.


what are active in the process of blood clotting?

semilunar valves

what are found at the entrances of the pulmonary trunk and the aorta?

pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pineal, pancreas, and gonads (ovaries and testes)

what are important endocrine glands?

myofibrils which are made of sacromeres

what are muscle cells made of?

calcium and ATP

what are needed for a muscle cell to contract

ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon and the rectum

what are the 5 portions of the large intestine

7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae, 5 sacral vertebrae (form the sacrum), and the coccygeal vertebrae (tailbone)

what are the 5 subsections of the vertebral column?

hair and nails which are composed of a protein called keratin

what are the appendages of the skin and what are they composed of

humerus, radius, ulna, carpals (wrist bones), metacarpals (bones of the hand), and phalanges (bones of the fingers)

what are the bones of the arm?

single occipital, frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid, paired parietal, temporal, and ossicles of the ear (malleus, incus, stappes)

what are the bones of the cranium?

ovaries and testes

what are the female and males sex organs

muscous membrane, submucous layer, muscular layer, and the serous layer

what are the four main layers of the digestive tract from innermost to outer:

acts as a secondary messenger that remains at the celm surface

cyclic adenosine monophosphate does what?


cells that form compact bone


Impaired or abnormal functioning


The base that pairs with Guanine with DNA


The tube that connects the larynx to the bronchi is called


brief and to the point




red blood cells


spoken, using words


to be responsible

imperative sentence

A sentence that requests or commands. (Go to the store) doesnt usually have subjects


A value that does not change

lay ; lie

'Lay' usually means "to put (something) down" or 'to place (something)". 'Lie' means to "to rest in a reclining position" or "to be situated"


(adj.) open, not hidden, expressed or revealed in a way that is easily recognized (obvious or visible)

adenosine monophosphate (AMP)

(endocrine) most proteins hormones remain at the cell surface and act through a second messenger usually a substance called ?


---- are chemical messengers that control the growth, differentiation, and metabolism of specific target cells


---- are modified for transport of oxygen (circulatory) and most of this oxygen is bound to the pigmented protein hemoglobin.

sensory impulses ; motor impulses

-------- enter the dorsal horns of the spinal cord and ------ leave through the ventral horns of the spinal cord

Simple (spinal) reflexes

----------- are those in which nerve impulses travel through the spinal cord only and so not reach the brain

32 degrees

0 degrees celcius = --- Fahrenheit (freezing point of water)


1 centimeter = ----- millimeters


1 cup == ---- ounces


1 foot = ----- inches


1 gallon = ---- quarts


1 gallon = ----- ounces


1 gram = ---- miligrams


1 inch = ---- centimeters


1 kilogram = ----- grams


1 kilogram = ------ pounds


1 kilometer = ---- meters


1 liter = ---- milililiters


1 meter = ---- centimeters


1 mile = --- feet


1 miles = ----- yards


1 mililiiter = ---- cubic centimeter


1 ounce = ---- mililiters (cubic centimeters)


1 pint = ----- cups


1 pound = ------ ounces


1 quart = ---- pints


1 ton = ---- pounds


1 yard = ---- feet

nervous tissue

A body tissue that carries electrical messages back and forth between the brain and every other part of the body.


A characteristic or constant factor, limit


A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning


A deficiency or lack of something

common noun

A general name for a person, place, or thing. ( ex: nurse, hospital)


A hormone produced by the ovaries which acts with estrogen to bring about the menstral cycle.


A part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction

a cane or crutches

A person who has turn their vastus lateralis muscle will need what?

"B" antigens on their red blood cells There are two antigens that can be present on red blood cells: A or B. A person with type B blood has B antigens on their red blood cells and antibodies to the A antigen in their plasma.

A person with type B blood has ____.


A pigment that gives the skin its color and protects against radiation from the sun

The backflow of gastric juices into the esophagus.

A rupture in the cardiac sphincter would result in what occurring?

interrogative sentence

A sentence that asks a question


All the meanings, associations, or emotions that a word suggests


Amount of space occupied by a fluid

coronal plane

An imaginary plane where the body is cut into front and back parts. (frontal)


An indication of a problem


Area of the brain responsible for all voluntary activities of the body - associated with movement and sensory input

Foramina ---- are small openings in the body which allow cranial nerves, arteries, and veins to pass through solid structures.

Blood vessels enter and exit bones through ____.


Changing rapidly and often


Chocolate cysts of the ovaries are attributed to ____.


Closer to the point of attachment

indirect object

Comes before the direct object. Tells to whom, for whom the action of the verb is done. (Claire threw JOSEPH the ball)


Crossing through the skin

Saltatory conduction

Electrical impulses called "action potentials" move along the axon of a neuron by _______________?


Enlarged or expanded from pressure

Blood enters the heart on the right side, collecting in the right atrium. After moving through the right ventricle, blood leaves the heart through the pulmonary artery to travel to the lungs to release carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen. The blood returns to the left side of the heart, through the pulmonary vein, going to the left atrium, then through the mitral valve to the left ventricle. Lastly, the blood leaves the heart through the aorta.

Explain blood flow in heart

nervous stimulation from motor neurons causes the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Calcium ions attach to inhibitory proteins on the actin filaments within the cell, moving them aside so that cross-bridges can form between actin and myosin filaments. Using energy supplied by ATP, the filaments slide together to produce contraction.

Explain briefly how a muscle contracts


Extreme tiredness, exhaustion


Female sex hormone


First or most significant

simple squamous epithelium

Function: Allows passage of materials by diffusion and filtration in sites where protection is not important; secretes lubricating substances in serosae. Location: Kidney glomeruli, air sacs of lungs, lining of heart, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels; lining of ventral body cavity(serosae)

stratified squamous epithelium

Function: protects underlying tissues in areas subject to abrasion Location: nonkeratinized type forms the moist lining of the esophagus, mouth, and vagina; keratinized type forms the epidermis of the skin, a dry membrane.


Functional units of the kidneys that filter waste material out of the blood brought to the kidney by the renal artery


Given through or affecting the mouth


Group of symptoms that, when occurring together, reflect a specific disease or disorder


Groups of cells with a common structure and function.


Higher on the body, nearer to the head

by altering the rate of protein synthesis

How do most hormones affect cell activity?


How many centimeters are in millimeter?

1 - they are the same thing

How many cubic centimeters (cc) are there in one milliliter (ml)?


How many milliliters are in 1 liter?


How many millimeters are in a centimeter?


How many ounces in a gallon?

Calcium ions must bind to troponin molecules.

In order for the actin filaments to bind to the myosin head, what must occur first?


In place, unharmed


Inner layer of skin composed of fibrous connective tissue with blood vessels, nerve endings, hair follicles, and glands


Inserting or entering into a body part

1 quart = 32 oz. Therefore 3 quarts = 96 oz. There are 30 milliliters per oz, so 96 oz = 2,880 milliliters. There are 1000 milliliters per liter, so 2,880 mL = 2.88 liters

Instructions require you to dilute a powder in 3 quarts of water. You only have a container that is marked in liters. How many liters would you use to dilute the powder?

pancreatic islets; metabolize macronutrients primarily through the absorption of glucose into the body's cells

Insulin is produced in the ____ and functions to ____


Nerve tissue is composed of neurons and connective tissue cells that are called


away from the midline


Of or relating to blood


Of or relating to blood vessels


Of or relating to muscle and skeleton


Of or relating to the nervous system and blood vessels


Of or relating to the stomach and the intestines


Of or relating to the treatment of a disease or a disorder


One's intention or objective in a speech or piece of writing.

medulla oblongata

Part of the brainstem that controls vital life-sustaining functions such as heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, and digestion.

axial skeleton

Portion of the skeletal system that consists of the skull, 12 pairs of ribs in the rib cage, sternum and vertebral column


Present but not active or visible


Present on two sides


Press downward


Process used to determine the priority of treatment for patients according to the severity of a patient's condition and likelihood of benefit from the treatment


Regulates the level of sugar in the blood and contributes water to dilute chyme and bicarbonate ions to neutralize acid from the stomach

Increasing levels of carbon dioxide

Respiration rates are regulated by which of the following?


Resulting in death


Return the limb back toward the body


Roman NUmeral XI


Roman Numeral C


Roman Numeral C (line over C)


Roman Numeral D


Roman Numeral D (line over D)


Roman Numeral I


Roman Numeral II


Roman Numeral III


Roman Numeral IV


Roman Numeral IX


Roman Numeral L


Roman Numeral L (line over L)


Roman Numeral LX


Roman Numeral LXX


Roman Numeral LXXX


Roman Numeral M


Roman Numeral M (line over M)


Roman Numeral V


Roman Numeral V (line over V)


Roman Numeral VI


Roman Numeral VII


Roman Numeral VIII


Roman Numeral X


Roman Numeral X (line over X)


Roman Numeral XC


Roman Numeral XL


Roman Numeral XX


Roman Numeral XXX


Rounded inward


away from the point of attachment

myelin sheath

The autoimmune disease, multiple sclerosis is characterized by the degradation of what?


The base that pairs with Thymine in DNA


The basic unit of structure and function of tissues and organs

The average adult male has a blood volume of 5-6 liters, with the average adult woman having a blood volume of 4-5 liters.

The blood volume in the average adult male is approximately ____.


The bottom number in a fraction


control, protection

alveoli --- The alveoli are the terminal ends of the pulmonary tree where the exchange of gases occurs. They are only found in mammals.

The exchange of gases in the lungs occurs in the ____.

pump the re-oxygenated blood from the lungs into the rest of the body so oxygen can be delivered to the other organs and tissues.

The goal of the left side of the heart is to

to pump un-oxygenated blood (the blood that your body has used) into the lungs so that the blood can be re-supplied with oxygen. It happens in this order:

The goal of the right side of the heart is


The limbic system of the brain is responsible for the regulation of ___________?

foramen magnum

The opening in the skull that is superior to the atlas is known as the ________________?

Part- and full-time is the correct answer because with a series of nearly identical compounds, sometimes the final term is delayed until the last instance, allowing the hyphen to act as a kind of place holder.

The paid vacation benefit is available to ____ employees in the company. part/ and full/time part and full time part- and full-time part and full-time

Although there are also other factors that influence breathing, the primary reason we need to breathe comes from the body's desire to rid itself of carbon dioxide.

The primary stimulus for breathing is ____.

the stomach and small intestine ---- The pyloric sphincter permits food to pass from the stomach to the small intestine.

The pyloric sphincter is located between ____


Transfer, such as of a disease, from one person to another

Positive feedback

The release of prolactin during breastfeeding is an example of __________________?

Pulmonary circulation

The right side of the heart is associated with which type of circulation?


The tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder, where urine is stored before urination through the urethra to the outside

tidal volume Simply put, tidal volume is the amount of air a person takes in without extra effort. In the average healthy person, this amount is typically around 500 ml per breath.

The volume of air in a normal breath is called ____.


To begin or put into practice


To draw together or become smaller


To enlarge or expand


To give consent; to agree


To hold fast or stick together


To increase in size or amount


To make a liquid less concentrated


To swallow for digestion


To take in addition to or to complete


To voluntarily refrain from something

a tube - The word salpingo is used with other words in medicine to refer to something associated with a tube, usually the fallopian tubes

To what does the word salpingo refer?


Toward the midline of the body


Underlying layer of connective tissue with blood vessels, nerve endings, and the associated skin structures


Undesired, possibly harmful

linking verbs

Verbs that don't show action. They link the subject to words or groups of words that identify or describe the subject. Examples: grew (large), tasted (delicious) forms of the verb to be : am, is, are, was, were, being, been also relate to the senses: looks, tastes, etc also can reflext a state of being : appear, seem, become, grown, turn

intestinal tract

Vitamin K is created in the?

The tricuspid, or right atrioventricular valve, is found between the right atrium and right ventricle.

What is the name of the heart valve found between the right atrium and right ventricle.?

The normal pH of the blood is between 7.35-7.45. Anything less than that would be considered acidosis, anything higher would be alkalosis.

What is the normal pH of blood?

liver, pancreas, gallbladder

What are the accessory organs of digestion?

cerebrum, cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata

What are the major parts of the brain?

long, short, flat, irregular, sesamoid

What are the types of bones?

Fovea centralis

What area of the eye has the most acute vision and is comprised only of cones?

Weirnecke's area

What area(s) of the brain are the most affected if a person is unable to understand written or verbal speech?

An anastomosis is a connection, usually between internal parts of the body.

What definition is best associated with the word anastomosis?

It breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol.

What does lipase do?

regulate O2 levels in the blood The other three answer choices are direct functions of the kidney, while regulating O2 levels is not. Yes, the kidney indirectly regulates blood O2 by the release of erythropoietin. Its direct function would be to stimulate red blood cell synthesis from the bone marrow thereby (very slowly over a period to time) working to increase blood O2 levels. So, the kidney has a direct function on the bone marrow, not the O2 levels directly.

What is not a direct function of the kidney? regulate pH regulate blood pressure regulate O2 levels in the blood regulate blood volume

The word superfluous most nearly means "needless" or unnecessary.

What is the best definition of the word superfluous?

The normal bladder capacity for the average adult is between 400-600 ml.

What is the bladder capacity of the average adult?

The functional unit is the neuron, which transmits electrical and chemical signals from sense organs, muscles, and glands. The functional unit of the nervous system is the neuron. The neuron is composed of dendrites, which branch to expand the surface area of the neuron and transmit information through synapses, the soma, which transmit signals originating from the dendrites, the axon, which is covered by the myelin sheath, and serves to propagate action potentials to other neurons. The neuron functions to transmit information in the form of electrical and chemical activity throughout the body; sensory neurons transmit signals to and from the sense organs, motor neurons transmit signals to and from the skeletal and muscular system, and interneurons transmit signals to and from other neurons.

What is the functional unit of the nervous system, and what is its function?

Oxytocin is released by the posterior pituitary gland during labor to facilitate birth, and it can also be injected to induce labor.

What is the hormone that stimulates uterine contractions?

The longest muscle in the human body is the sartorius muscle, which is located in the anterior thigh.

What is the longest muscle in the body?

Decreasing the calcium concentration in the blood.

What is the main function of calcitonin?

To bifurcate means to divide.

What is the meaning of the word bifurcate?

The mitral valve, also known as the bicuspid or left atrioventricular valve, is located between the left atrium and left ventricle.

What is the name of the heart valve found between the left atrium and left ventricle?

pulmonary artery

What is the only artery in the body to carry oxygen-poor blood?

SA NODE ---The sinoatrial (SA) node is located in the right atrium and is responsible for generating the electrical impulses that cause the heart to beat.

Which of these is considered the primary pacemaker of the heart?

scold - If a person chides another person, it involves some sort of reprimand, or scolding.

Which of these is the best definition of the word chide?

The word consternation indicates some sort of sudden concern, which could be translated to anxiety.

Which of these is the best definition of the word consternation?

Both illustrious and eminent mean that a person is famous or noteworthy.

Which of these is the best definition of the word illustrious?

The word incongruent most nearly means incompatible. Both words indicate some sort of difference in quality or value

Which of these is the best definition of the word incongruent?

If one is languid, there is usually a lack of movement or energy and they could be described as sluggish.

Which of these is the best definition of the word languid?

The word postulate means "to assume that it is true, or to claim."

Which of these is the best definition of the word postulate?

short - The word succinct means brief and to the point

Which of these is the best definition of the word succinct?

The lawyer presented his case to the jury. - This is the correct answer because active tense is when the subject of the sentence is performing the action. Passive verb tense shows the receiver of the action as the subject and is used in the other three choices. Active and passive verb tense are not dependent on whether the verb is in present or past tense.

Which of these sentences contains an active verb tense? The spaghetti was quickly devoured by the hungry children. The lawyer presented his case to the jury. The woman was given an engagement ring by her boyfriend. The boy was rewarded with a trophy for his win.

It's been a great day. It's is used in this sentence as a contraction for It has and requires an apostrophe (') to show where letters are missing (h and a). Writing any form of *it's has" would effectively make it mean "it has has."

Which of these sentences is written correctly? Its has been a great day. It's been a great day. Its been a great day. It's has been a great day.

They contain nervous and connective tissue. Although it may not seem like it, bones are rigid organs. In order to be classified as an organ, in addition to performing a certain function in the body, a structure must contain more than one type of tissue. So, because bones are made of both nervous and connective tissues, they meet one of the criteria of an organ. The other answer choices about cells and framework are true, but these are not reasons why bones are considered an organ.

Which one of these is a reason bones are considered to be organs?

Because fewer people showed up to the party, we served fewer cookies. Explanation: Both people and cookies are items you can count and would require the use of the word fewer. The word less is used to describe the amount of something generally appearing in bulk form and, therefore, uncountable, such as less sand or less water. However, you would write "fewer" bags of sand" and "fewer glasses of water."

Which sentence is grammatically correct? Because less people showed up to the party, we served less cookies. Because less people showed up to the party, we served fewer cookies. Because fewer people showed up to the party, we served fewer cookies. Because fewer people showed up to the party, we served less cookies

Dentin ------ it is a calcified substance that is covered by cementum on the root and covers all of the tooth's pulp.

Which substance in the teeth continues to form throughout life and supports the enamel?

gap junctions

Which type of cellular connection is characterized by openings in adjacent animal cells for intercellular exchange to take place?

frontal section

a cut along the coronal plane is a

sagital section

a cut along the median plane is a

cross section

a cut through the transverse plane is a


a cut, tear


a form of a verb that is often used as an adjective EX: talking, opened, grown


a narrow tube leading from the pharynx to the stomach


able to be heard

fallopian tube ; uterus

after ovulation, the egg is swept into the oviduct or ------. if fertilization occurs, it occurs while the egg is in the oviduct. the fertilized egg (zygote) travels to the ----- and implants itself within the endometrium


already in place; already occurring


artery or vein vena cava


as the concentration of oxygen drops in the tissues, what is released from hemoglobin?


calm, tranquil


capable of occurring or likely to occur

pulmonary circulation

carries deoxygenated blood away from the heart, to the lungs, and returns oxygenated blood back to the heart


causing harm, poisonous


cells that support and protect neurons


closed or obstructed


come to an end or bring to an end

respiratory system

components of the ---- system include the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs with their alveoli, diaphragm, and muscles surrounding the ribs

nervous tissue

composed of neurons and nerve support cells as well as connective tissue cells called neuroglia

subordinating conjunction

connects an independent clause with one or more dependent clauses; examples: since, before, unless, however

the alimentary canal (digestive tube)

consists of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus

pharynx ; esophagus

constrictive muscles of the ----- force the food into the upper portion of the ---- and the food is swallowed



muscle tissue

contracts or shortens, making body parts move

epithelial tissue

cover, line, and protect the body and its internal organs


degree of viscosity; how thick or thin a fluid is in relation to how it flows



ie specifies or explains eg gives examplea

difference between ie and eg

small intestine

digestion and absorption of food occur in the?

alimentary canal

digestive tube that extends from the mouth to the anus

frontal plane

divides the body into anterior and posterior portions (coronal)

median plane

divides the body into equal left and right halves

effect vs. affect

effect means executed, produced or brought about affect means made an impact on

what protein catalyzes different reactions or processes?


anatomical position

erect, feet forward, arms at side with palms facing forward, head facing forward

red bone marrow

erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets are all produced from stem cells in ?




excrete or expel urine


expresses emotion and has no grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence (yikes, that test was hard)


extremely harmful and severe

long bone

has an irregular epiphysis at each end, composed mainly of spongy (cancellous) bone, and a shaft (diaphysis) composed mainly of compact bone


having or causing convulsions, i.e., violent shaking of the body

If someone is described as taciturn, it means they are "reluctant to speak," so reserved would be the best answer.

he best definition of the word taciturn?


include the enzymes that regulate all chemical reactions within the body

appendicular skeleton

includes the girdles and the limbs


increase angle of joint


inhalation requires the contraction of what structure?


inhalation requires the contraction of what to enlarge the thoracic cavity and draw air into the lungs?


injury, wound


involve shortening or omitting something.


is a group of words that acts as a single part of speech in a sentence. lacks a subject and predicate.


is a passive process during which the lungs recoil as the respiratory muscles relax and the thorax decreases in size


is a word that modifies, or describes, a noun or a pronoun.


is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.


is a word that shows an action (bring, read, walk, run, learn), an occurrence (happen, become), or a state of being (be, exist, stand) Examples: I ran across the street. (action) She has become so mean. (occurrence) They will be excited at the surprise party. (state of being)


is a word that takes the place of a noun or a group of words acting as a noun


is something that lasts for a short period of time.

Connective tissue

is the framework of the body, providing the support and structure for the organs


most of the oxygen carried in the blood is bound to the ----- in red blood cells


muscles produce contraction due to the sliding of:




occurring in the near future, about to happen


of great importance


of or related to movement


of or relating to the kidneys


of or relating to the nervous system


of the ear


offsetting or making up for something


on the side




order of events as they occurred; timeline

correlative conjunctions

pairs of conjunctions that join words or word groups that are used in the same way (neither & nor and either & or)


part of a sentence (grammatical part) that introduces a list or a definition


pertaining to the ear or aural

columnar epithelium

pillar shaped cells tightly together - what kind of tissue


preventive measure


producing a strong effect


refers to anything relating to the kidneys.


refers to anything relating to the liver.


refers to anything relating to the nerves.

external respiration

refers to the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the blood through the alveoli

internal respiration

refers to the exchange of gases between the blood and the body cells

personal pronoun

refers to the one speaking, the one spoken to, or the one spoken about


relating to the nerves and their effect on blood flow


study of living tissues


substance or ingredient that provides nourishment


sudden, intense


to come in contact


to conclude or deduce (receiver of message)


to hold or keep


to influence or change - used as verb (chemo --- my daily routine)


to limit


to make more susceptible or more likely to occur


to make worse or more severe


to occur again


to stop or subdue


to suggest without explicitly stating (the sender of a message)


toward the back


two numbers whose product is 1


uncertain, having contradictory feelings


under the tongue


unresisting; submissive; without action

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