What are the 16 numbers used by hexadecimal?
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F
What is hexadecimal?
A base-16 number system used in computer science
hex AA
decimal 170
hexadecimal 14
decimal 20
hex 5A
decimal 90
decimal 5
hex 5
decimal 101
hex 65
decimal 180
hex B4
decimal 40
hexadecimal 28
How to convert from binary to hexadecimal.
split the number into two nibbles, work out the denary equivalent, then convert into hexadecimal by multiplying the first number by 16 and adding the rest on.
Why is hexadecimal used?
It is used to simplify binary, and simplify writing numbers.
When is hexadecimal used?
It is used when writing colours, and identifying errors on a computer.