(HGE) Past Board Exam

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Surface tension

Determine the force why small insects can walk on the water .


In general , intakes consist of the opening , strainer or grating through which the water enters , and the conduit conveying the water by gravity to a well or pump . From the well the water is pumped to the mains or treatment plant .

60 % of the soil is finer than this size

In the soil classification system , D60 of the soil is the particle size such that :


The term sewerage is applied to the art of collecting treating , and disposing of sewage or the liquid conveyed by a sewer .


The volume of liquid passing a cross - section of a stream .

Wetted Perimeter

The wetted perimeter P of any conduit in which a liquid is flowing is the curve of intersection of its wetted surface with a cross - sectional plane .


This refers to the water that has leaked into sewers from ground , through poor joints , cracked pipes , the wall of manholes , perforated manhole covers , and others .


This term is usually restricted to closed conduits of masonry built in place . The types used may be classified as : a . ) cut and cover at the hydraulic gradient b . ) cut and cover beneath the hydraulic gradient and therefore under pressure c . ) tunnel at the hydraulic grade line : d . ) tunnel beneath they hydraulic grade line and under pressure .

d ) None in the list

Which of the following is not a component of the soil mass ? . a ) Gas b ) Organic matter c ) Minerals d ) None in the list


composed mostly of quarts and feldspar .


f with steady flow in any length or reach of a stream , the average velocity at every cross section is the same in that reach the flow is staid to be :


pieces of rocks with quartz , feldspar occasion pieces of and other minerals .


rock formed due to excessive heat and pressure without melting .


rocks formed when the deposits of soil was compacted by overburden and cementing agents or quartz fill the spaces between particles .

Alluvial Soils

soils by running water transported and deposited bylon a river

Transported Soils

soils that are transported by physical processes to other places and deposited

Residual Soils

soils that stay where they are found and cover the rock surface from which they are derived

Glacial Soils

soils transported and deposited by glaciers

Aeolian Soils

soils transported and deposited by wind action

Colluvial Soils

soils transported by gravity or corrosion

Lacustrine Soils

soils transported by running water and deposited by / on a lake

Marine Soils

soils transported by running water and deposited by / on a sea


A body placed in a liquid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the displaced liquid . This principle of buoyancy was attributed to :


A breakwater is a barrier constructed around a port area to shelter the interior water against heavy seas . this is required in natural harbors to reduce wave

24 to 48

A cohesive soil deposit is considered soft if the unconfined compression strength in kPa is between


A cohesive soil deposit is considered soft if the unconfined compression strength in kPa is between :

Combined sewer

A combined sewer is designed to carry domestic sewage , industrial waste , and storm sewage .


A generator is used to generate electric power through the rotation of a rotor which cuts magnetic lines

Hydraulic gredient

A line joining the points of highest elevation of water in a series of vertical open pipes rising from a pipeline in which water flows under pressure is referred to as :

Hydraulic gredient .

A line joining the points of highest elevation of water in a series of vertical open pipes rising from a pipeline in which water flows under pressure is referred to as :

Hydraulic gredient.

A line joining the points of highest elevation of water in a series of vertical open pipes rising from a pipeline in which water flows under pressure is referred to as :

Quay Wall

A marine terminal may be located parallel to the shore of the harbor with ship access on the outboard side or at an angle to the shore with ship access on one or both sides . When constructed parallel to the shore and of solid earth or rock fill retained on the outboard side by a timber , steel , concrete , or masonry wall , the substructure is called a quay and the entire structure is called a bulkhead or quay wall


A piezometer is the simplest form of manometer , which is tube tapped into the wall of a container or conduit for the purpose of measuring the pressure . Piezometers measure gage pressures since the surface of the liquid in the tube is subjected to atmospheric pressure .

water hammer

A pressure surge or wave caused when a fluid in motion is forced to stop or change direction suddenly ( momentum change ) is referred to in hydraulics as :


A process by which water - saturated soil sediment temporarily loss strength and acts as a fluid .

Sea Wall

A sea wall is essentially a earth pressure from the land side , are retaining wall which , in addition to storm waves , Sea walls are used acted upon by the impact forces of the primarily to protect areas in the rear of the beach against the effects of heavy storm action . They are necessarily massive and expensive and should be constructed if the adjoining property is highly developed and in a region of sever storms .

above the center of gravity

A ship floating in seawater is stable if the metacentric height is :

Surge Tank

A surge tank is usually installed on large pipelines to relieve excess pressure caused by water hammer and to provide a supply of water .


A weir is an overflow structure built across an open channel for the purpose of measuring the flow .


According to USCS soil classification of a soil particle whose size is greater than 75 mm is called


Consists of permitting the soil particles to settle out of solution with distilled water


Consists of shaking the soil sample through a set of sieves that have progressively smaller openings .


Embankments used to exclude fresh water form lands subject to overflow are usually called levees The term dike is more frequently applied to embankments used to exclude sea water . These terms are , however , interchangeable

Flash Board

For the conservation of water or to provide head for power the crest of a spillway may be provided with ordinary flash boards , consisting of wood , steel pipe , or slid steel pins supporting boards . The pins are designed to fail and release the boards before the safety of the dam is endangered .


Formed by solidification of molten magma ejected from the deeper part of earth's crust .

Soil Classification

Gradation characteristics ( % grain size , coefficient of uniformity , coefficient of curvature ) are used for .

Submerged Weir

In a submerged weir , the downstream water level is higher than the crest . The submerging of the weir crest has the effect of reducing the flow as compared to free falling weir .


In any stream flowing steadily without friction the total energy contained is the same every point in its path of low . This principle is attributed to

Shrinkage ratio

Which is not a soil characteristic that can be calculated from shrinkage limit ?

Over consolidated

It is a soil whose present effective over burn pressure is less than that which the soil experienced in the past

It occurs in soils of saturated cohesionless particles such as sand and drop in shear strength the soil turns into a liquid and its bearing causes a sudden capacity . In effect allowing everything previously supported to sink .

It occurs in soils of saturated cohesionless particles such as sand and drop in shear strength the soil turns into a liquid and its bearing causes a sudden capacity . In effect allowing everything previously supported to sink .

Effect of load to the foundation

One of the following foundation conditions does not affect foundation settlement .

d ) None of the other choices

One of the following foundation conditions does not affect foundation settlement . a ) Plasticity of the soil b ) Depth of founding footings c ) Position of ground water table

High shear strength

One of the following is not characteristic of cohesionless soils

Diversion Tunnel

Prior to the construction of a dam , the water must be diverted through a diversion tunnel , previously constructed , so that the dam may be built in the dry . The diversion tunnel must be of sufficient capacity to discharge the maximum flood discharge of the river so as not to endanger the work on the dam downstream .

1 to 2

Section 302.2.2 of the National Structural Code of the Philippines provides that the slope of cut surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for intended use and shall be no steeper than

1 : 2

Section 302.4.5 of the National Structural Code of the Phil . ( C101-10 ) provides that slope of fill surface shall be no steeper than is safe for its intended use and shall not be steeper than


Soil derives its strength from its capacity to resist .

Organic soil

Soil materials containing vegetable matter characterized by relatively low specific gravity , high water content high ignition loss , and high gas content . Decrease in liquid limit after oven drying to a value less than three quarters of the original liquid limit is a definite indication of this kind of soil .

Dry density

Substances contain in a soil sample such as water and solid are usually express in terms of ratios . The ratio of the mass of solids to the total volume m is

Liquid limit

Which of the following characterized the test using spatula :


The cohesion strength of a cohesive soil is a compression strength C = Kqu where K is equal to


The component of shear strength of a rock or soil that interparticle friction is called .

Hydraulic Gradient

The hydraulic gradient is the locus of the elevations which liquid rises in successive piezometer tubes , and therefore graphical representation respect to any given datum plane , of the pressure and elevation heads which the liquid possesses at various sections of the conduit .

Hydraulic Radius

The hydraulic radius R of a conduit is the area A of the cross - section of the stream divided by the wetted perimeter P of the section , that is R A/P

0.0740 mm

The largest grain size that passes a No. 200 sieve in millimeters is :


The metacenter is the poit of intersection of the vertical line through the center of buoyancy and the inclined axis of symmetry of a floating body . The distance from the center of gravity of the floating body to the metacenter is called the metacenteric height .


The ratio between the volume of voids and the total volume of the soil mass is referred to as :

Bulk Density

The ratio of the total mass of soil to the total volume is :


The ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume :

Degree of saturation

The ratio of volume of water to the volume of voids is :


The result of grading analysis is the particular size distribution curve shown in the figure . Determine the effective grain size ( D10 )

Vena Contracta-

The section a - b of the jet issuing from an orifice where the contraction ceases is called the vena contracta . In a sharp edged vertical orifice of diameter D , this will 1 occur at a distance approximately 1/2D from the plane of the orifice .

Silt and clay

The shaking test ( dilatancy ) is used to separate .


These are embankments constructed of rock or soil designed to and thereby means of protecting overflow . They also However , by raising flood confine flood property against direct and unusually the least costly flood stages . They afford the most increase the height of presence tends to confine flood flow but do not control floods ; in fact , their protect adjoin property from overflow discharge stages they cause backwater to ditches extend up and interfere the land . Should they greater property damage and loss of inundated , thereby inflicting fail , large areas with natural tributaries , drainage runoff from are ife than normally would have occurred under the same conditions with no levee confinement .


These are pipes which transmit water to the turbines they are usually made of steel pipes through reinforced concrete and wood stave pipes are also used . If the distance from the forebay to the powerhouse is short , separate penstocks are ordinarily used for each turbine However , long penstocks are usually branched at the lower end to serve several turbines


These soils were transported by water Rivers can transport large capacities of this soil and form large plains

Rubber Pig Ball

This is a device used to clean sewers if serious clogging has not occurred . The ball is of soft rubber and it is inflated to slightly less diameter than the pipe . A rope is attached to the ball and it is allowed to travel from a manhole downstream in the pipe . The ball adjusts itself to irregularities in the pipe , but water held behind it escapes in a strong stream between the ball and the pipe wall thus flushing loose grease and other debris . large material dislodged from the sewer is removed at the lower manhole .


This is a phenomenon whereby metal is gradually eroded resulting in a very tough surface of the metal with which the liquid comes in contact . This damaging action of cavitation is called pitting .

Waterway Tunnel

This is a tunnel through which small vessels , such as barges , boats , and launches can pass through .

Wasteway Tunnel

This is a tunnel through which waste matter and sludge may pass through from the source to final disposal

Plasticity Index : ( PI = LL - PL

This is the index used to determine whether the soil will behave most likely as liquid or plastic ≤ 30 behaves as liquid > 30 behaves as plastic


This is the process of disinfecting and eliminating tastes and odors in water . Chlorine in a certain dosage is introduced into the water for disinfections prevention and destruction of odors , removal of iron , and color


This is the settling of suspended particles in a liquid to the bottom of the containing vessel for the purpose of clarification of the liquid . Sedimentation consist in making water pass through basins in which the velocity of flow , is reduced to a point which permits the heavier suspended

4 ° C

Water has a maximum unit weight at a temperature of :.

There is a decrease of lateral pressure.

What happens when there is a lowering of water table

Flow curve

What is the character of a soil during liquid limit test ?

Decrease in the vertical pressure

What would happen if the ground water table will be at the ground level ?


Whe any instant number of particles passing every section of the stream are always equal the flow is said to be


When the path lines of the individual particles of a flowing liquid are irregular curves and continually cross each other and form a complicated network , the flow is called :


a microscopic soil factor that consists of very fine quarts grain .


always equal , the flow is said to be passing every section of the stream Whe at any instant , the number of particles


is a graphical , representation of the plot of stream flow against flow of a chronological Hydrograph stream . It is a time . By study of the basin rainfall run - off stream established , infiltration recharge and basin can be arrived relations can be at , and ground water storage determined

Flow line

line along which a water particle travels from the upstream to the downstream side in a permeable soil medium .

Equipotential line

line along which the potential head is the same at all points .


liquid . This principle of mechanics is attributed transmitted undiminished to all portions of the The pressure exerted onto a liquid is 10 :


moisture content in percent wherein a soil starts to crumble when rolled into 1/8 in . thread


moisture content in percent wherein the soil pat with cleavage of 2mm on the bottom closes after 25 blows with 10 mm height of drop .


moisture content in percent wherein the soil volume ceases to change with continual temperature increase / loss of moist


mostly flaked shaped particles that are capable ofdeveloping cohesion and plasticity .

Water Hammer

motion is forced to stop or change direction A pressure surge or wave caused when a fluid suddenly ( momentum change ) is referred to in hydraulics as :

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