HHS & FTR Travel Glossary

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"Observe, Orient, Decide Act - then Loop" is a process that defines how we humans react to stimulus. It is useful when dealing with clients and customers, making sure you are in their head and can predict what they may want and/or need.


"The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology is a staff division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is the lead agency charged with formulating the federal government's health information technology (health IT) strategy and coordinating federal health IT policies, standards, programs, and investments. ONC supports HHS Strategic Plan goals 1: Strengthen Health Care and 2: Advance Scientific Knowledge and Innovation."


the Department of Health and Human Services is a department of the federal executive branch responsible for the Social Security Administration, the Public Health Service, and other programs designed to promote public welfare. It was originally called the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, until the separate Department of Education was created in 1979. Also referred to as DHHS.




A Centrally Billed Account is a charge card held by the agency. The CBA is generally used for transportation on common carriers (air and rail) and is paid directly by the agency. CBAs are not used for other common carrier methods or lodging unless an exception has been granted by the agency's Senior Travel Official or his/her designee.


A Contracting Officer is a person who can bind the United States government to a contract that is greater than the Micro-Purchase threshold.


A Project Manager is a professional in the field of project management. A project manager is the person responsible for accomplishing the stated project objectives. Key project management responsibilities include creating clear and attainable project objectives, building the project requirements, and managing the constraints of the project management triangle, which are cost, time, scope, and quality.


A Travel Authorization is a document that contains the estimated cost of a trip and written approval to travel on official business. There are three basic types of travel authorizations: 1. Blanket or unlimited open, which is an authorization allowing an employee to travel for any official purpose without further authorization; 2. Limited open, which is an authorization allowing an employee to travel on official business without further authorization under certain specific conditions, such as travel to specific geographic area(s) for specific purpose(s), subject to trip cost ceilings, or for specific periods of time; and, 3. Trip-by-trip, which is an authorization allowing one or more individuals to take one or more specific official business trips, which must include specific purpose, itinerary, and estimated costs.

Web Service

A Web service is a method of communication between two electronic devices over the Web (Internet). Standardized way of integrating Web-based applications using the XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI open standards over an Internet protocol backbone

White Paper

A government or other authoritative report giving information or proposals on an issue.


A purchase order is a commercial document and first official offer issued by a buyer to a seller, indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services. Acceptance of a purchase order by a seller forms a contract between the buyer and seller, so no contract exists until the purchase order is accepted. It is used to control the purchasing of products and services from external suppliers.


A subject-matter expert is a person who is an authority in a particular area or topic. The term "SME" also has a broader definition in engineering and high tech as one who has the greatest expertise in a technical topic. SMEs are often asked to review, improve, and approve technical work; to guide others; and to teach.

Technical Reading Room

A technical reading room is a controlled virtual reading room that allows in individual to be able to see anything from contracts to technical specs.

Technical Toolkit

A technical toolkit is an assembly of tools, this toolkit provides additional information on all product solutions from articles to video's.

Travel Voucher

A travel voucher is a digitally signed claim for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of official travel. A written request, supported by documentation and receipts where applicable, for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of official travel, including TDY travel.


Access Management System. Provides Single Sign-on (SSO) services for the Department of Health and Human Services applications.

Accompanied Baggage

Accompanied baggage-Government property and personal property of the traveler necessary for official travel.


Account Manager. A person who serves as the primary interface with program stakeholders, vendors, and system partners; managing and supporting's agency business needs of assigned customers. Account Managers are also responsible for understanding all business lines and providing innovative solutions, customer satisfaction and overall profitability of her/her account(s).

Actual Expense

Actual expense-Payment of authorized actual expenses incurred, up to the limit prescribed by the Administrator of GSA or agency, as appropriate. Entitlement to reimbursement is contingent upon entitlement to per diem, and is subject to the same definitions and rules governing per diem.


Administration for Children and Families is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ACF promotes the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals and communities through a range of programs. ACF's programs serve a wide variety of groups, including individuals and families with low income, refugees, Native Americans, and many others.


Administration for Community Living is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services whose mission is to promote the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals, and communities. Formerly known as the Administration on Aging (AoA).


Administrative Law Judge


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Its mission is to produce evidence to make health care safer, higher quality, more accessible, equitable, and affordable, and to work with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and other partners to make sure that the evidence is understood and used.


Agency-For purposes of Chapter 302 agency means:1. An executive agency as defined in Title 5 U.S.C. 105 (an executive department an independent establishment, the Government Accountability Office, or a wholly owned Government corporation as defined in section 101 of the Government Corporation Control Act, as amended (31 U.S.C. 9101), but excluding a Government controlled corporation);2. A military department;3. A court of the United States;4. The Administrative Office of the United States Courts;5. The Federal Judicial Center;6. The Library of Congress;7. The United States Botanic Garden;8. The Government Printing Office; and 9. The District of Columbia.


Agency/Organization Program Coordinator. The liaison between your agency, the bank and cardholder. Also act as a liaison with the GSA Contracting Office.

Aircraft Management Office

Aircraft management office-An agency component that has management control of Federal aircraft used by the agency or of aircraft hired as commercial aviation services (CAS).

Amended Value Sale

Amended value sale-Type of home sale transaction that occurs when the relocating employee receives a bona fide offer from a qualified buyer before the employee has accepted an appraised value offer from the relocation services company (RSC). The RSC amends its offer to match the outside sale price. An amended value sale is different from an amended from zero sale because an amended value sale occurs after an appraised value offer while an amended from zero sale occurs before an appraised value offer.


Amendments are changes to Authorizations, or Vouchers that have already been completely approved. You can only create amendments from documents that have been stamped with an action code COMPLETE. Amended documents contain complete copies of the original document that is being amended. A document can be amended a maximum number of 99 times and the document name will automatically append the original document name with -1, -2, -3, and so on.

Invitational Travel

An Invitational travelor is a non-federal traveler where travel is funded by HHS. They will not have access to ConcurGov. A host ID is assigned in ConcurGov profile and treated as a Federal Traveler. They can be identified in the system with an ID number that starts with 'I' and then a unique number.


An Online Booking Engine allows consumers and travelers to book flights, hotels, holiday packages, insurance and other services online.


An act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment. Also commitment (as by a government) to pay a particular sum of money.

Appraised Value Sale

Appraised value sale-Type of home sale transaction that occurs when the relocating employee accepts the offer from the RSC to buy the employee's home based upon the average of a specific number of appraisals conducted by designated certified appraisers.

Approved Accommodation

Approved accommodation-Any place of public lodging that is listed on the national master list of approved accommodations. The national master list of all approved accommodations is compiled, periodically updated, and published in the Federal Register by FEMA. Additionally, the approved accommodation list is available on the U.S. Fire Administration's Internet site at http://www.usfa.fema.gov/hotel/index.htm.


Assistant Secretary for Administration is a Staff Division within HHS Office of the Secretary. ASA provides leadership for HHS departmental administration, including human resource policy, information technology, and departmental operations. The ASA also serves as the operating division head for the HHS Office of the Secretary.


Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources is a Staff Division within HHS Office of the Secretary. ASRE provides advice and guidance to the Secretary on all aspects of budget, financial management, grants and acquisition management, and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA or Recovery Act) coordination, and to provide for the direction and implementation of these activities across the Department. The Office is headed by the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources (ASFR).


Assistant Secretary for Legislation is a Staff Division within HHS Office of the Secretary. ASL is responsible for the development and implementation of the Department's legislative agenda. Also advice on legislation and facilitates communication between the Department and Congress. ASL is the Department liaison with Members of Congress, staff, Committees, and with the Government Accountability Office (GAO).


Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation is a Staff Division within HHS Office of the Secretary. ASPE advises the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services on policy development in health, disability, human services, data, and science, and provides advice and analysis on economic policy. ASPE leads special initiatives, coordinates the Department's evaluation, research and demonstration activities, and manages cross-Department planning activities such as strategic planning, legislative planning, and review of regulations.


Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response is a Staff Division within HHS Office of the Secretary. ASPR focuses on preparedness planning and response; building federal emergency medical operational capabilities; countermeasures research, advance development, and procurement; and grants to strengthen the capabilities of hospitals and health care systems in public health emergencies and medical disasters. The office provides federal support, including medical professionals through ASPR's National Disaster Medical System, to augment state and local capabilities during an emergency or disaster.


Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs is a Staff Division within HHS Office of the Secretary. ASPA serves as the Secretary's principal counsel on public affairs. ASPA serves as the Department's principal Public Affairs office, leading efforts across the Department to promote transparency, accountability and access to critical public health and human services information to the American people.


Automated-Teller-Machine services-Government contractor-provided ATM services that allow cash withdrawals from participating ATMs to be charged to a Government contractor-issued charge card.

Basket of Goods

Basket of Goods is a fixed set of consumer products and services valued on an annual basis and used to track inflation in a specific market or country.


Business Intelligence Information Systems provides secure access to various pre-programmed or 'canned' reports and provides customers the capability to build custom ('ad hoc') reports via a user-friendly simplified representation of data. The primary repository for Human Resources Data.


Business Process Review is an evaluation of current practices, which is done through a thorough analysis of people(users), processes, and technology. The review helps to define: •Critical Success Factors (CSF) - the areas where an organization must perform well in order to be successful •Existing or potential problems within a particular area •Potential solutions Once complete, the following steps are used to improve performance: •Measure your performance against relative data •Determine the most efficient way for to performing its necessary functions


Buyer Value Option (BVO)-Type of home sale program with procedures the same as the amended value program, except that the RSC does not initially appraise the employee's home or make a guaranteed buy-out offer. The buy-out offer from the contractor is based on a bona fide offer received by the employee from a qualified buyer after marketing by the employee. Once a bona fide offer is received by the employee, the contractor offers to buy the home from the employee at a price based on the outside sale price.


Car Rental Program. The US Government Rental Car Program is administered by the Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) offering negotiated rates at a significant savings to the government.


Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships is the Department of Health and Human Services liaison to the grassroots. The Department recognizes that without the engagement of secular and faith-based nonprofits, community organizations, neighborhoods, and wider communities, services will not reach people who need them the most. The Partnership Center is a mechanism for the department to engage and communicate with the grassroots, ensuring that local institutions that hold community trust have up-to-date information regarding health and human service activities and resources in their area. CFBNP works to build partnerships between government and community and faith-based organizations, which help HHS serve individuals, families and communities in need.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. CDC is the nation′s premier health promotion, prevention, and preparedness agency and a global leader in public health. CDC′s Mission is to collaborate to create the expertise, information, and tools that people and communities need to protect their health - through health promotion, prevention of disease, injury and disability, and preparedness for new health threats. CDC's main offices are located in Atlanta, GA.


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. CMS administers the Medicare program and works in partnership with state governments to administer Medicaid, the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), and health insurance portability standards. In addition CMS has other responsibilities, including the administrative simplification standards from the C138 quality standards in long-term care facilities (more commonly referred to as nursing homes). Previously known as the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA).


Change Control Board is a committee that makes decisions regarding whether or not proposed changes to a project should be implemented. In short any changes to the Baseline Requirements agreed with the client, should be taken up by project team on approval from this committee. If any change is agreed by the committee, it is communicated to the project team and client and the requirement is base-lined with the change. The change control board is constituted of project stakeholders or their representatives. The authority of the change control board may vary from project to project, but decisions reached by the change control board are often accepted as final and binding.


Change Management Plan is an approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations to a desired future state. In a project management context, change management may refer to a project management process wherein changes to the scope of a project are formally introduced and approved, or the definition of change management defined on this page. Organizational change is a structured approach in an organization for ensuring that changes are smoothly and successfully implemented to achieve lasting benefits.


Childrens Health Insurance Program


Civilian Board of Contract Appeals


Commercial Aviation Services (CAS)-Commercial aviation services (CAS) include, for the exclusive use of an executive agency-1. Leased aircraft;2. Chartered or rented aircraft;3. Commercial contracts for full aviation services (i.e., aircraft plus related aviation services) or acquisition of full services through inter-service support agreements (ISSA) with other agencies; or 4. Related services (i.e., services but not aircraft) obtained by commercial contract or ISSA, except those services acquired to support Federal aircraft.


Common Accounting Number. An account or record used to sort and store balance sheet and income statement transactions.


Common Transportation Integration Platform. The integration platform being developed by the ETS2 Transition Team as part of the ETS2 Transition investment. CTIP provides a single entry point of integration for ETS2 to interact with HHS. The platform provides modern integration components using messaging and web services.

Common Carrier

Common carrier-Private-sector supplier of air, rail or bus transportation.

Commuted Rate

Commuted Rate-A price rate used to calculate a set amount to be paid to an employee for the transportation and temporary storage of his/her household goods. It includes cost of line-haul transportation, packing/unpacking, crating/uncrating, drayage incident to transportation and other accessorial charges and costs of temporary storage within applicable weight limit for storage including handling in/out charges and necessary drayage.


Computer-based training is any course of instruction whose primary means of delivery is a computer. A CBT course (sometimes called courseware ) may be delivered via a software product installed on a single computer, through a corporate or educational intranet, or over the Internet as Web-based training. CBTs can be used to teach almost any conceivable subject, but it is especially popular for computer-related studies. People often take advantage of CBT to learn how to run a particular computer application, such as Microsoft Excel, or to learn a computer programming language, such as Visual Basic.


Concur Government Edition

Conditional Routing

Conditional Routing. If certain conditions exist, an additional level of approval is added to a documents normal routing list.


Conference-A meeting, retreat, seminar, symposium or event that involves attendee travel. The term "conference" also applies to training activities that are considered to be conferences under 5 CFR 410.404.


Continental United States-The 48 contiguous States and the District of Columbia.

Contract Carriers

Contract carriers-U.S. certificated air carriers which are under contract with the government to furnish Federal employees and other persons authorized to travel at Government expense with passenger transportation service. This also includes GSA's scheduled airline passenger service between selected U.S. cities/airports and between selected U.S. and international cities/airports at reduced fares.


Contracting officer's representative/Contracting officer's technical representative means an individual designated and authorized in writing by the contracting officer to perform specific technical or administrative functions.


Crewmember-A person assigned to operate or assist in operating an aircraft. Performs duties directly related to the operation of the aircraft (e.g., as pilots, co-pilots, flight engineers, navigators) or duties assisting in operation of the aircraft (e.g., as flight directors, crew chiefs, electronics technicians, mechanics). If a crewmember is onboard for the purpose of travel, (i.e., being transported from point to point) he/she must be authorized to travel in accordance with rules in 41 CFR 301-10.260 through 301-10.266 and 41 CFR 301-70.800 through 301-70.903.


Critical Success Factors


Customer Service Notification

Debit Memo

Debit memos are given to an account holder indicating that an account balance has been decreased as a result of a reason other than a cash withdrawal or cashed check


Defense Travel Management Office


Department of Health and Human Services Helpdesk provides usability support for all ETS user groups within the Department.


Departmental Appeals Board provides impartial, independent review of disputed decisions in a wide range of Department programs under more than 60 statutory provisions.


Dependent-An immediate family member of the employee.

Deputy STO

Deputy Senior Travel Official is backup to the STO, authorized to provide approval in the absence of the agency appointed Senior Travel Official.

Domestic Partner

Domestic partner-An adult in a domestic partnership with an employee of the same-sex.

Domestic Partnership

Domestic partnership-A committed relationship between two adults of the same sex, in which they-1. Are each other's sole domestic partner and intend to remain so indefinitely;2. Maintain a common residence, and intend to continue to do so (or would maintain a common residence but for an assignment abroad or other employment-related, financial, or similar obstacle);3. Are at least 18 years of age and mentally competent to consent to contract;4. Share responsibility for a significant measure of each other's financial obligations;5. Are not married or joined in a civil union to anyone else;6. Are not a domestic partner of anyone else;7. Are not related in a way that, if they were of opposite sex, would prohibit legal marriage in the U.S. jurisdiction in which the domestic partnership was formed;8. Are willing to certify, if required by the agency, that they understand that willful falsification of any documentation required to establish that an individual is in a domestic partnership may lead to disciplinary action and the recovery of the cost of benefits received related to such falsification, as well as constitute a criminal violation under 18 U.S.C. 1001, and that the method for securing such certification, if required, shall be determined by the agency;9. Are willing promptly to disclose, if required by the agency, any dissolution or material change in the status of the domestic partnership; and 10. Certify that they would marry but for the failure of their state or other jurisdiction (or foreign country) of residence to permit same-sex marriage.Note to definition of "Domestic partnership": The definition of "Domestic partnership" requires that the partners "share responsibility for a significant measure of each other's financial obligations." This criterion requires only that there be financial interdependence between the partners and should not be interpreted to exclude partnerships in which one partner stays at home while the other is the primary breadwinner.


Duluth Travel Incorporated is an Atlanta based Travel Management Company that interfaces with the Department travel system to reserve, confirm and ticket selected travel reservations.


E-Gov Travel Service (ETS)-The Government-contracted, end-to-end travel management service that automates and consolidates the Federal travel process in a self-service Web-centric environment, covering all aspects of official travel, including travel planning, authorization, reservations, ticketing, expense reimbursement, and travel management reporting. The eTS provides the services of a Federal travel management program as specified in §301-73.1(a), (b), and (e)of this title.


E-Gov Travel Service 2. The term for the GSA service being implemented. E-Gov Travel Service 2.0 (ETS2) is an End-to-End travel management service that automates and consolidates the Federal travel process in a secure Web-centric environment. ETS2 includes all aspects of official Federal business travel, including travel planning, authorization, reservations, ticketing, fulfillment, expense reimbursement, and travel management service, which serves as the foundation for achieving Federal goals for government-wide travel management. HHS travelers will use ETS2 and ETS2 will interface back to HHS business systems.

ETS2 Transition

ETS2 Transition refers to the HHS investment that encapsulates multiple efforts required to transition HHS from the use of ETS1, GovTrip to ETS2, Concur Government Edition (CGE).


ETS2 activities for operating and maintaining the Common Transportation Integration Platform (CTIP). O&M are the activities that are related to the performance of routine, preventive, predictive, scheduled, and unscheduled actions aimed at preventing equipment failure or decline with the goal of increasing efficiency, reliability, and safety.

ETS2 Integration

ETS2 integration platform CTIP provides a single entry point of integration for ETS2 to interact with HHS systems. The platform provides modern integration components using messaging and web services.


Embedded Travel Management Center. For Agencies that have selected an Embedded Travel Management Center (TMC) arrangement, fees are charged at two points in the travel process: 1. Fees for Reservation and Fulfillment, and Paper Ticket Issuance and Delivery Services are charged at the time the airline or rail ticket is issued, and for hotel / rental car only, reservations fees are charged on the check-in / pick-up date 2. Fees for Authorization and Voucher Services are charged at the time the Expense Report has been approved by the final approver and placed in a Completed status.

Employee with a Disability

Employee with a disability (also see Special Needs)-1. An employee who has a disability as defined in paragraph (b) of this definition and is otherwise generally covered under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 701-797b).2. "Disability," with respect to an employee, means:a. Having a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities;b. Having a record of such an impairment;c. Being regarded as having such an impairment; butd. Does not include an individual who is currently engaging in the illegal use of drugs, when the covered entity acts on the basis of such use.3. "Physical or mental impairment" means:a. Any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems: neurological, musculoskeletal, special sense organ, respiratory (including speech organs), cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, genitourinary, hemic and lymphatic, skin, and endocrine; orb. Any mental or psychological disorder (e.g., mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness and specific learning disabilities).c. The term "physical or mental impairment" includes, but is not limited to, such diseases and conditions as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, mental retardation, emotional illness, and orthopedic, visual, speech and hearing impairments.4. "Major life activities" means functions such as caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working.5. "Has a record of such an impairment" means the employee has a history of, or has been classified as having, a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.6. "Is regarded as having such an impairment" means the employee has:a. A physical or mental impairment that does not substantially limit major life activities but the impairment is treated by the agency as constituting such a limitation;b. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits major life activities as a result of the attitudes of others toward such an impairment; orc. None of the impairments defined under "physical or mental impairment", but is treated by the employing agency as having a substantially limiting impairment.


Enterprise Human Resource and Payroll is the integrated HR and Payroll system used by HHS.


Enterprise Performance Life Cycle is a framework to enhance Information Technology (IT) governance through rigorous application of sound investment and project management principles and industry's best practices. The HHS EPLC provides the context for the HHS IT governance process and describes interdependencies between its project management, investment management, and capital planning components.

Executive Agency

Executive agency-An entity of the executive branch that is an "executive agency" as defined in section 105 of title 5 U.S.C.

Extended Storage

Extended Storage-Storage of household goods while an employee is assigned to an official station or post of duty to which he/she is not authorized to take or unable to use the household goods or is authorized in the public interest. Also referred to as nontemporary storage.


Favorite Account Codes. Alternative to account number, saved in the system a frequently used.


Federal Agency Travel Administrators serve as the resource managers for the e-Travel system. FATA's serve as the administrator for Area Users and Authorizing Officials; provides clarifying instructions to users when periodic vendor changes are made to the system; monitors system usage; and enters new system users.


Federal Financial Travel Approvers verify that the accounting information is correct and that funds are available for the trip. Is also referred to as Certifier.


Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program. A government-wide program that provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services.


Federal Supervisory Travel Approvers review all travel document for policy compliance, grants permission to travel and authorizes use of travel funds


Federal Travel Arrangers create travel documents on behalf of a Federal Traveler. Maintains knowledge of the Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) and HHS Travel Policy Makes travel arrangements according to FTR, HHS, and OpDiv/StaffDiv policy Assists with profile set up. FTA signs Authorizations for OpDiv and are ConcurGov Experts.


Federal Travel Regulation. The regulation contained in 41 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Chapters 300 through 304, which implements statutory requirements and Executive branch policies for travel by Federal civilian employees and others authorized to travel at Government expense.


Federal Travelers create or request travel arrangements prior to travel. Use the government-issued Travel Charge Card if traveling 5+ times per year. Are financially responsible with regards to travel expenditures. Need to make sure they understand and adhere to travel policy.

Federal Traveler

Federal traveler-For the purposes of 41 CFR 301-10.260-301-10.266 and 301-70.800-301-70.910, a person who travels on a Government aircraft and who is either-1. A civilian employee in the Government service;2. A member of the uniformed or foreign services of the United States Government; or 3. A contractor working under a contract with an executive agency.


Food and Drug Administration is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, our nation's food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation. FDA is also responsible for advancing the public health by helping to speed innovations that make medicines more effective, safer, and more affordable and by helping the public get the accurate, science-based information they need to use medicines and food to maintain and improve their health. FDA also has the responsibility for regulating the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of tobacco products.

Foreign Air Carrier

Foreign air carrier-An air carrier who is not holding a certificate issued by the United States under 49 U.S.C. 41102.

Foreign Area

Foreign area(see also non-foreign area)-Any area, including the Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands, situated both outside CONUS and the non-foreign areas.


Frequently Asked Questions. A list of questions and answers relating to a particular subject, especially one giving basic information for users of a website.

Full Coach Fare

Full coach fare-The price of a coach fare available to the general public on a scheduled air carrier between the day that the travel was planned and the day the travel occurred.

Funds Check

Funds check occurs when a financial institution determines if a person who is using a check or card has enough funds in his/her account to cover the purchase.

Furnished Meal

Furnished meal-A meal provided to an employee, either directly from the Government or as a result of the Government paying a registration fee or other cost which allows the employee to attend a conference or other event. If the Government has already paid for a meal, the employee must deduct the allocated amount when filing their travel voucher.


General Services Administration oversees the business of the U.S. federal government. GSA's acquisition solutions supply federal purchasers with cost-effective high-quality products and services from commercial vendors. GSA provides workplaces for federal employees, and oversees the preservation of historic federal properties. Its policies cover travel, property and management practices promote efficient government operations.


Global Distribution System is a large computer network that passes inventory and rates for hotels to travel agents and travel sites. It is also used by other travel segments such as rental cars and airlines.


Government Accountability Office


Government Transportation Request (GTR) (Standard Form 1169)-A Government document used to procure common carrier transportation services. The document obligates the Government to pay for transportation services provided.

Government Aircraft

Government aircraft-An aircraft that is operated for the exclusive use of an executive agency and is a-1. Federal aircraft, which an executive agency owns (i.e., holds title to) or borrows for any length of time under a bailment or equivalent loan agreement. See 41 CFR 102-33.20 for definition of all terms related to Federal aircraft, or2. Commercial aircraft hired as commercial aviation services (CAS), which an executive agency-a. Leases or lease-purchases with the intent to take title,b. Charters or rents, or c. Hires as part of a full-service contract or inter-service support agreement (ISSA).

Government Contractor

Government contractor-issued individually billed charge card-A Government contractor-issued charge card used by authorized individuals to pay for official travel and transportation related expenses for which the contractor bills the employee.

Government-Furnished Automobile

Government-furnished automobile-An automobile (or "light truck," as defined in 41 CFR 101-38 including vans and pickup trucks) that is:1. Owned by an agency,2. Assigned or dispatched to an agency from the GSA Fleet, or3. Leased by the Government for a period of 120 days or longer from a commercial source.

Government-Furnished Vehicle

Government-furnished vehicle-A Government-furnished automobile or a Government aircraft.


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996

HHS Travel Office

Health and Human Services Travel Office is the branch of the Division of Transportation Services in which the ETS2 Transition Team and Account Managers reside.


Healthcare Integrated General Ledger Accounting System is the Financial Management System supporting the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.


Household Goods (HHG)-Property, unless specifically excluded, associated with the home and all personal effects belonging to an employee and immediate family members on the effective date of the employee's change of official station orders (the day the employee reports for duty at the new official station) that legally may be accepted and transported by a commercial HHG carrier.1. HHG also includes:1. Professional Books, papers and equipment (PBP&E);2. Spare parts of a POV (see definition of POV) and a pickup truck tailgate when removed);3. Integral or attached vehicle parts that must be removed due to high vulnerability to pilferage or damage, (e.g., seats, tops, wench, spare tire, portable auxiliary gasoline can(s) and miscellaneous associated hardware);4. Consumable goods for employees assigned to locations where the Department of State has determined that such goods are necessary;5. Vehicles other than POVs (such as motorcycles, mopeds, jet skies, snowmobiles, golf carts, boats (e.g., boat, sailboat, canoe, skiff, rowboat, dinghies, sculls and kayak, mounted or unmounted on trailers)) of reasonable size.6. Ultralight Vehicles (defined in 14 CFR part 103 as being single occupant, for recreation or sport purposes, weighing less than 155 pounds if unpowered or less than 254 pounds if powered, having a fuel capacity NTE 5 gallons, airspeed NTE 55 knots, and power-off stall speed NTE 24 knots.7. Unaccompanied Air Baggage (UAB)-Unaccompanied air baggage includes personal items and equipment (e.g., pots, pans, light housekeeping items, collapsible items such as cribs, playpens, and baby carriages, and other articles required for the care of the family) that may be shipped by air in accordance with Chapter 302 of this Subtitle. Household items (i.e., refrigerators, washing machines, and other major appliances or furniture) are not eligible as UAB.2. HHG does not include:1. Personal baggage when carried free on tickets;2. Automobiles, trucks, vans and similar motor vehicles, mobile homes, camper trailers, and farming vehicles;3. Live animals including birds, fish, reptiles;4. Cordwood and building materials;5. HHG for resale, disposal or commercial use rather than for use by employee and immediate family members;6. Privately owned live ammunition; and7. Propane gas tanks.3. Federal, State and local laws or carrier regulations may prohibit commercial shipment of certain articles not included in paragraph (2) of this definition. These articles frequently include:1. Property liable to impregnate or otherwise damage equipment or other property (e.g., hazardous articles including explosives, flammable and corrosive material, poisons);2. Articles that cannot be taken from the premises without damage to the article or premises;3. Perishable articles (including frozen foods) articles requiring refrigeration, or perishable plants unless;i. Shipment is to be transported not more than 150 miles and/or delivery accomplished within 24 hours from the time of loading,ii. No storage is required, andiii. No preliminary or en route services (e.g., watering or other preservative method) is required of the carrier.

HHG Weight Additive

Household Goods-Weight Additive-A weight, per linear foot of a specific item, added to the net weight of the household goods shipment to compensate for the excessive van space used by the item. The item must be stated in the Household Goods tariff as qualifying for a weight additive before a charge can be assessed. Weight additives do not apply if an article is capable of being conveniently hand-carried by one person and/or transported in a standard moving carton.

Immediate Family

Immediate family-Any of the following named members of the employee's household at the time he/she reports for duty at the new permanent duty station or performs other authorized travel involving family members:1. Spouse;2. Domestic partner;3. Children of the employee, of the employee's spouse, or of the employee's domestic partner, who are unmarried and under 21 years of age or who, regardless of age, are physically or mentally incapable of self-support. (The term "children" shall include natural offspring; stepchildren; adopted children; grandchildren, legal minor wards or other dependent children who are under legal guardianship of the employee, of the employee's spouse, or of the domestic partner; and an unborn child(ren) born and moved after the employee's effective date of transfer.);4. Dependent parents (including step and legally adoptive parents) of the employee, of the employee's spouse, or of the employee's domestic partner; and 5. Dependent brothers and sisters (including step and legally adoptive brothers and sisters) of the employee, of the employee's spouse, or of the employee's domestic partner, who are unmarried and under 21 years of age or who, regardless of age, are physically or mentally incapable of self-support.


Indepentent Verification & Validation are independent procedures that are used together for checking that a product, service, or system meets requirements and specifications and that it fulfills its intended purpose.


Indian Health Service is an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, is responsible for providing federal health services to American Indians and Alaska Natives. The provision of health services to members of federally-recognized Tribes grew out of the special government-to-government relationship between the federal government and Indian Tribes. This relationship, established in 1787, is based on Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, and has been given form and substance by numerous treaties, laws, Supreme Court decisions, and Executive Orders. The IHS is the principal federal health care provider and health advocate for Indian people, and its goal is to raise their health status to the highest possible level. The IHS provides a comprehensive health service delivery system for American Indians and Alaska Natives.


Individually Billed Accounts are Government contractor-issued travel charge cards; which are issued to a Government employee, to pay for official travel and transportation-related expenses for which the HHS employee is liable to pay.


Industry Advistory Council is made up of various travel personnel who provide and identify new ideas and projects to help further advance the travel industry in the U.S.


Information System Security Officer is a federal employee or contractor who is appointed in writing by a system owner to ensure implementation of system-level security controls and to maintain system documentation.

Innovative Mobility Technology Company

Innovative mobility technology company-An organization, including a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, sole proprietorship, or any other entity, that applies technology to expand and enhance available transportation choices, better manages demand for transportation services, or provides alternatives to driving alone. Note to definition of "Innovative mobility technology company": Certain jurisdictions may have limits or prohibit the operation or use of innovative mobility technology companies. Federal employees are expected to follow all laws, including those related to innovative mobility technology companies, as well as choose the most cost effective level of service.


Instructor-Led Training is the practice of training and learning material between an instructor and learners, either individuals or groups. Instructors can also be referred to as a facilitator, who may be knowledgeable and experienced in the learning material, but can also be used more for their facilitation skills and ability to deliver material to learners. ILT is an effective means of delivering information, as it allows for real-time feedback, questions and answers, manipulation and changeable delivery to suit the needs of learners in a real-time environment, and a learning environment can be created by the instructor's style.


Interface Control Document describes the interface or interfaces between subsystems or to a system or subsystem. The purpose of the ICD is to communicate all possible inputs to and all potential outputs from a system for some potential or actual user of the system. The internal interfaces of a system or subsystem are typically not documented in an ICD, but rather in a system design document.


Interviewee-An individual who is being considered for employment by an agency. The individual may currently be a Government employee.

Invitational Travel

Invitational travel-Authorized travel of individuals either not employed or employed (under 5 U.S.C. 5703) intermittently in the Government service as consultants or experts and paid on a daily when-actually-employed basis and for individuals serving without pay or at $1 a year when they are acting in a capacity that is directly related to, or in connection with, official activities of the Government. Travel allowances authorized for such persons are the same as those normally authorized for employees in connection with TDY.


J P Morgan Chase is our SmartPay2 Charge Card Provider, and an American multinational investment bank and financial services holding company.


Joint Travel Regulation. For members of the Uniformed Services of the United States and DoD civilian employees and civilians who travel using DoD funding. The JTR contains regulations related to per diem, travel and transportation allowances, relocation allowances, and certain other allowances.


Lead Federal Agency Travel Administrators serve as the resource managers for the e-Travel system. FATA's serve as the administrator for Area Users and Authorizing Officials; provides clarifying instructions to users when periodic vendor changes are made to the system; monitors system usage; and enters new system users. Provides support for all FATAs Facilitators of travel reporting and is the liaison to PSC/Transportation Services. Duties also include training of all FATAs.


Legacy denotes software or hardware that has been superseded but is difficult to replace because of its wide use.


Line of Accounting. The funding associated with a defense organization's budget. Each of the various federal agencies has a different method for cost accounting

Local Travel

Local travel is defined as less than 50 miles from home or duty station (75 miles for IHS) No Per Diem, however can find exceptions in the HHS Travel Policy Section

Local Voucher

Local vouchers are claims for expenses, including taxi and mass transit fares, POV mileage, and other miscellaneous expenses incurred while performing official business within the vicinity of an employee's designated Official Stations. It is not connected with TDY travel.

Lodgings Plus Per Diem System

Lodgings-plus per diem system-The method of computing per diem allowances for official travel in which the per diem allowance for each travel day is established on the basis of the actual amount the traveler pays for lodging, plus an allowance for meals and incidental expenses (M&IE), the total of which does not exceed the applicable maximum per diem rate for the location concerned.

Mandatory Mobility Agreement

Mandatory mobility agreement-Agreement requiring employee relocation to enhance career development and progression and/or achieve mission effectiveness.


Marriage- A legal union between individuals that was entered into in a state or other jurisdiction (or foreign country) whose laws authorize the marriage, even if the married couple is domiciled in a state or other jurisdiction (or foreign country) that does not recognize the validity of the marriage. The term also includes common law marriage in a state or other jurisdiction (or foreign country) where such marriages are recognized, so long as they are proven according to the applicable state, other jurisdiction, or foreign laws. The term marriage does not include registered domestic partnerships, civil unions, or other similar formal relationships recognized under state or other jurisdiction (or foreign country) law that are not denominated as a marriage under that state's or other jurisdiction (or foreign country's) law.


Meals & Incidental Expenses are reimbursements provided while traveling away from home to substantiate the expenses by per diem allowance rather than actual expenses.


Memorandum of Understanding is a bilateral or multilateral agreement between two or more parties. It expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action. It is often used in cases where parties either do not imply a legal commitment or in situations where the parties cannot create a legally enforceable agreement.


Mobile Device Management involves the administration of mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablet computers, laptops and desktop computers. Usually implemented with the use of a third party product that has management features for vendors of mobile devices.

Mobile Home

Mobile Home-Any type of house trailer or mobile dwelling constructed for use as a residence and designed to be moved overland, either by self-propulsion or towing. Also, a boat (houseboat, yacht, sailboat, etc.) when used as the employee's primary residence.


National Archives and Records Administration

Non Federal Traveler

Non-Federal traveler-For the purposes of 41 CFR 301-10.260 through 301-10.266 and 41 CFR 301-70.800 through 301-70.910, an individual who travels on a Government aircraft, but is not a Federal traveler. Dependents and other family members of Federal travelers who travel on Government aircraft are considered to be non-Federal travelers within this regulation.

Non Foreign Area

Non-foreign area-The states of Alaska and Hawaii, the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the territories and possessions of the United States (excludes the former Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands, which are considered foreign areas for the purposes of the FTR).


Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals administers the nationwide Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) hearing program for appeals arising from individual claims for Medicare coverage and payment for items and services furnished to beneficiaries (or enrollees) under Medicare Parts A, B, C and D. OMHA also hears appeals arising from claims for entitlement to Medicare benefits and disputes of Part B and Part D premium surcharges. OMHA generally conducts the third level of a five-level appeals process, and operates separately from the other agencies involved in the Medicare claims appeal process.


Office of Reserch Services advises NIH's Deputy Director for Management and staff on the management and provision of technical and administrative services to all components of the NIH in support of the research mission; and (2) plans and directs service programs for public safety and security operations, scientific resources, and program and employee services.


Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health oversees 12 core public health offices — including the Office of the Surgeon General and the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps — as well as 10 regional health offices across the nation and 10 presidential and secretarial advisory committees.


Office of the Inspector General. Since its 1976 establishment, OIG has been at the forefront of the Nation's efforts to fight waste, fraud and abuse in Medicare, Medicaid and more than 300 other HHS programs. HHS OIG is the largest inspector general's office in the Federal Government, with more than 1,700 employees dedicated to combating fraud, waste and abuse and to improving the efficiency of HHS programs. A majority of OIG's resources goes toward the oversight of Medicare and Medicaid — programs that represent a significant part of the Federal budget and that affect this country's most vulnerable citizens. OIG's oversight extends to programs under other HHS institutions, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, and the Food and Drug Administration.

Official Station

Official station-An area defined by the agency that includes the location where the employee regularly performs his or her duties or an invitational traveler's home or regular place of business (see §301-1.2). The area may be a mileage radius around a particular point, a geographic boundary, or any other definite domain, provided no part of the area is more than 50 miles from where the employee regularly performs his or her duties or from an invitational traveler's home or regular place of business. If the employee's work involves recurring travel or varies on a recurring basis, the location where the work activities of the employee's position of record are based is considered the regular place of work.

Official Travel

Official travel-Travel under an official travel authorization from an employee's official station or other authorized point of departure to a temporary duty location and return from a temporary duty location, between two temporary duty locations, or relocation at the direction of a Federal agency.


Omega World Travel is a travel management company that serves corporations, nonprofits, government agencies, government contractors, educational institutions, and more.


Online Travel Reservation Service is the acquisition of information and the purchase of travel-related services from businesses that sell on the Internet which provides air/cruise line services and may also include electronic or paper tickets.

OpDiv/ StaffDiv Policy

OpDiv/StaffDiv policy is set by Executives/Senior Travel Officials, designed for Opdiv's that follow the FTR with restrictions based on need of the OpDiv


Open Issues List is a list reported by all government agencies located on the Support Portal for ConcurGov.


Operational Division. An agency that provides a service to carry out the HHS mission. The 11 OPDIVS, including the Office of the Secretary (OS), serve the public by providing research, information on public health, guidance and direction on food and drug safety, awarding grants and other funding, health insurance, and many other services.


Operations & Maintenance are the activities that are related to the performance of routine, preventive, predictive, scheduled, and unscheduled actions aimed at preventing equipment failure or decline with the goal of increasing efficiency, reliability, and safety.


Passenger Name Record consists of the personal information for a passenger and also contains the itinerary for the passenger, or a group of passengers travelling together.


Passenger-In relation to use of Government aircraft, a passenger is any person who flies onboard a Government aircraft, but who is not a crewmember or qualified non-crewmember.


Payment Automation Modernization

Per Diem Allowance

Per diem allowance-The per diem allowance (also referred to as subsistence allowance) is a daily payment instead of reimbursement for actual expenses for lodging, meals, and related incidental expenses. The perdiem allowance is separate from transportation expenses and other miscellaneous expenses. The per diem allowance covers all charges and services, including any service charges where applicable. Lodging taxes in the United States are excluded from the per diem allowance and are reimbursed as a miscellaneous expense. In foreign locations, lodging taxes are part of the per diem allowance and are not a miscellaneous expense. The per diem allowance covers the following:1. Lodging. Includes expenses, except lodging taxes in the United States, for overnight sleeping facilities, baths, personal use of the room during daytime, telephone access fee, and service charges for fans, air conditioners, heaters and fires furnished in the room when such charges are not included in the room rate.2. Meals. Expenses for breakfast, lunch, dinner and related tips and taxes (specifically excluded are alcoholic beverage and entertainment expenses, and any expenses incurred for other persons).3. Incidental expenses. Fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, hotel staff, and staff on ships.


Personal Identity Verification. Federal identification credential for access to all federally controlled facilities and information systems.


Personally Identifiable Information is any data that could potentially identify a specific individual. Any information that can be used to distinguish one person from another and can be used for de-anonymizing anonymous data

Place of Public Accommodation

Place of public accommodation-Any inn, hotel, or other establishment within a State that provides lodging to transient guests, excluding:1. An establishment owned by the Federal Government;2. An establishment treated as an apartment building by State or local law or regulation; or3. An establishment containing not more than 5 rooms for rent or hire that is also occupied as a residence by the proprietor of that establishment.

Post of Duty

Post of duty-An official station outside CONUS.


Privately Owned Vehicle (POV)-Any vehicle such as an automobile, motorcycle, aircraft, or boat operated by an individual that is not owned or leased by a Government agency, and is not commercially leased or rented by an employee under a Government rental agreement for use in connection with official Government business.

Privately Owned Aircraft

Privately owned aircraft-An aircraft that is owned or leased by an employee for personal use. It is not owned, leased, chartered, or rented by a Government agency, nor is it rented or leased by an employee for use in carrying out official Government business.

Privately Owned Automobile

Privately owned automobile-A car or light truck (including vans and pickup trucks) that is owned or leased for personal use by an individual.


Professional Books, Papers and Equipment (PBP&E)-Includes, but is not limited to, the following items in the employee's possession when needed by the employee in the performance of his/her official duties:1. Reference material;2. Instruments, tools, and equipment peculiar to technicians, mechanics and members of the professions;3. Specialized clothing (e.g., diving suits, flying suits, helmets, band uniforms, religious vestments and other special apparel); and 4. Communications equipment used by the employee in association with the MARS (see DoD 4650.2, Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) which is available electronically from the world wide web at http://web7.whs.osd.mil).


Profile Administration Tool


Program Support Center is a shared services organization dedicated to providing support services to help its customers achieve mission-critical results.

Qualified Non Crewmember

Qualified non-crewmember-A person flying onboard a Government aircraft whose skills or expertise are required to perform or are associated with performing the non-travel related Governmental function for which the aircraft is being operated (qualified non-crewmembers may be researchers, law enforcement agents, firefighters, agricultural engineers, biologists, etc.). If a qualified non-crewmember is onboard for the purpose of travel (i.e., being transported from point to point) in addition to performing his/her duties related to the non-travel related Governmental function for which the aircraft is being operated (e.g., when a scientist conducts an experiment at the same time he/she is also on the aircraft for the purpose of traveling from point to point), he/she must be authorized to travel in accordance with rules in 41 CFR parts 301-10 and 301-70.


Quality Assurance is the maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service or product, especially by means of attention to every stage of the process of delivery or production.


Real Estate Logisistics and Operations includes Administrative Operations merged with Real Estate and Logistics into a single portfolio.

Reduced Per Diem

Reduced per diem-Your agency may authorize a reduced per diem rate when there are known reductions in lodging and meal costs or when your subsistence costs can be determined in advance and are lower than the prescribed per diem rate.


Relocation service company (RSC)-A third-party supplier under contract with an agency to assist a transferred employee in relocating to the new official station. Services may include: Homesale programs, home inspection, home marketing assistance, home finding assistance, property management services, shipment and storage of household goods, voucher review and payment, relocation counseling, and similar items.

Required Use Travel

Required use travel-Travel by Federal travelers that requires use of a Government aircraft to meet bona fide communications needs (e.g., 24-hour secure communications), security requirements (e.g., highly unusual circumstances that present a clear and present danger), or exceptional scheduling requirements (e.g., a national emergency or other compelling operational considerations) of an executive agency. Required use travel must be approved according to §301-10.262(a) and §301-70.803(a) of this title.

Senior Federal Official

Senior Federal official-An individual who is paid according to the Executive Schedule established by 5 U.S.C. 53, Subchapter II, including Presidential appointees who are confirmed by the Senate; employed in the U.S. Government's Senior Executive Service or an equivalent "senior" service; who is a civilian employee of the Executive Office of the President; who is appointed by the President to a position under section 105(a)(2)(A), (B), or (C) of title 3 U.S.C. or by the Vice President to a position under section 106(a)(1)(A), (B), or (C) of title 3 U.S.C; or who is a contractor working under a contract with an executive agency, is paid at a rate equal to or more than the minimum rate for the Senior Executive Service, and has senior executive responsibilities. The term senior Federal official, as used in the Federal Travel Regulation does not mean an active duty military officer.


Senior Travel Official


Senior Travel Official is appointed by someone in Executive Management, officiates and oversees Federal travel.


Service-Oriented Architecture is a software design and software architecture design pattern based on distinct pieces of software providing application functionality as services to other applications. This is known as service-orientation. It is independent of any vendor, product or technology. A service is a self-contained unit of functionality, such as retrieving an online bank statement. Services can be combined by other software applications to provide the complete functionality of a large software application. SOA makes it easy for computers connected over a network to cooperate.


Single Sign-ON

Space-Available Travel

Space available travel-Travel in space available on a Government aircraft that is already scheduled for an official purpose.

Special Conveyance

Special conveyance-Commercially rented or hired vehicles other than a privately owned vehicle and other than those owned or under contract to an agency.

Special Needs

Special needs (also see Employee with a disability)-Physical characteristics of a traveler not necessarily defined under disability. Such physical characteristics could include, but are not limited to, the weight or height of the traveler.

Sponsored Travel

Sponsored Travel is funded by a non-federal source. Paid "in-kind" and Ethics Checklist is required. Any travel expense that has been paid directly for you by a third party or for which you have been reimbursed directly by a third party.


Spouse- Any individual who is lawfully married (unless legally separated), including an individual married to a person of the same sex who was legally married in a state or other jurisdiction (including a foreign county), that recognizes such marriages, regardless of whether or not the individual's state of residency recognizes such marriages. The term "spouse" does not include individuals in a formal relationship recognized by a state, which is other than lawful marriage; it also does not include individuals in a marriage in a jurisdiction outside the United States that is not recognized as a lawful marriage under United States law.


StaffDiv is an organization within the Office of the Secretary whose head reports directly to the Secretary.

Subsistence Expenses

Subsistence expenses-Expenses such as:(a) Lodging and service charges;(b) Meals, including taxes and tips; and(c) Incidental expenses (see incidental expenses under the definition of per diem allowance).


Supplemental (or Special) Payment Schedule


System Integration Testing is a testing process that exercises a software system's coexistence with others. With multiple integrated systems, assuming that each have already passed system testing, SIT proceeds to test their required interactions. Following this, the deliverables are passed on to acceptance testing. SIT is part of the software testing life cycle for collaborative projects. Usually, a round of SIT precedes the user acceptance test (UAT) round. Software providers usually run a pre-SIT round of tests before consumers run their SIT test cases.


Task-order contract is a contract for a service or services that does not procure or specify a firm quantity of services (other than a minimum or maximum quantity) and that provides for the issuance of orders for the performance of tasks during the period of the contract.


Taxi-A hired car that carries passengers to a destination for a fare based upon the distance traveled, time spent in the vehicle, other metric, or a flat rate to and from one point to another (e.g., a flat rate from downtown to a common carrier terminal).


Temporary Duty Travel, also known as "temporary additional duty" (TAD), or "temporary duty travel" (TDT), refers to a United States Government employee travel assignment at a location other than the employee's permanent duty station. This type of travel is usually of relatively short duration, typically from two days to two months in length. Not all agencies use this designation. A temporary duty assignment can be to any location, be it 50 or 5,000 miles away, and some government agencies including the Defense Department mandate they be less than six months in duration.

Temporary Storage

Temporary Storage-Storage of HHG for a limited period of time at origin, destination or en route in connection with transportation to, from, or between official station or post of duty or authorized alternate points. Also referred to as storage in transit (SIT).


Temporary duty (TDY) location-A place, away from an employee's official station, where the employee is authorized to travel.


The City Pair Program is a GSA program that offers federal employees government-contracted airfares that are considerably lower than commercial fares, saving the Federal Government billions of dollars annually.


The FedRooms program is a GSA program that provides hotel rooms for federal employees while on official government business.


The Government Administrative Rate Supplement fee is intended to address those costs incurred by the rental car company which are peculiar to doing business with the government.


The HHS Enterprise Architecture Repository is used by HHS to plan, invest in, and implement information technology solutions to meet business needs and help manage the IT investment portfolio.


The Health Resources and Services Administration is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary Federal agency for improving access to health care services for people who are uninsured, isolated or medically vulnerable. Comprising six bureaus and ten offices, HRSA provides leadership and financial support to health care providers in every state and U.S. territory. HRSA oversees organ, bone marrow and cord blood donation. It supports programs that prepare against bioterrorism, compensates individuals harmed by vaccination, and maintains databases that protect against health care malpractice and health care waste, fraud and abuse.


The Information System Security Manager is the individual designated by an operating unit's (i.e., organization or site) Senior Manager to manage the unit's cyber security program. This individual will be responsible for establishing, documenting, and monitoring the operating unit's cyber security program implementation as well as ensure unit compliance with the Senior HHS Management policies. He/she must have a working knowledge of system functions, cyber security policies, and technical cyber security protection measures. Additionally, this individual will serve as the primary point of contact to the AO regarding all operating unit cyber security issues.

Master Contact List

The Master Contact List is the list of all OpDiv's, Lead FATA's, Technical Leads, and A/OPC's


The NIH Business System is the central electronic business system of the NIH including the general ledger, finance, budget, procurement, supply, travel, and property management systems for National Institutes of Health


The National Institute of Standards and Technology was founded in 1901 and is now part of the U.S. Department of Commerce. NIST is one of the nation's oldest physical science laboratories. Congress established the agency to remove a major challenge to U.S. industrial competitiveness at the time—a second-rate measurement infrastructure that lagged behind the capabilities of the United Kingdom, Germany, and other economic rivals.


The National Institutes of Health is made up of 27 different components called Institutes and Centers. All but three of these components receive their funding directly from Congress, and administer their own budgets. NIH is the leading supporter of biomedical research in the world. The Office of the Director is the central office, responsible for setting policy for NIH and for planning, managing, and coordinating the programs and activities of all the NIH components.


The Office for Civil Rights is a sub-agency of the U.S. Department of Education that is primarily focused on enforcing civil rights laws prohibiting schools from engaging in discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or membership in patriotic youth organizations.


The Office of Global Affairs is the diplomatic voice of the Department of Health and Human. They foster critical global relationships, coordinate international engagement across HHS and the U.S. government, and provide leadership and expertise in global health diplomacy and policy to contribute to a safer, healthier world.


The Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs serves as the Department's liaison to state, local, and tribal governments and non-governmental organizations. IEA facilitates communication between the Department and these stakeholders regarding HHS initiatives and policies.


The Office of Management and Budget is the business division of the Executive Office of the President of the United States that administers the United States federal budget and oversees the performance of federal agencies. The OMB is accountable for evaluating the quality of federal agency programs, policies and procedures to ensure they align with the president's budget and administration policies. The OMB is also responsible for managing the associated financial, information technology (IT) and compliance-related operations. The office performs government-wide budget coordination and is largely responsible for the technical aspects that surround the announcement of the president's budget each February.


The Office of the Chief Information Officer advises the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary for Administration (ASA) on matters pertaining to the use of information and related technologies to accomplish Departmental goals and program objectives.


The Office of the General Counsel is the legal team for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), providing quality representation and legal advice on a wide range of highly visible national issues. OGC supports the development and implementation of the Department's programs by providing the highest quality legal services to the Secretary of HHS and the organization's various agencies and divisions.


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA's mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities.


The Transportation Reporting Service is hosted and maintained by PSC Transportation Services. The purpose of the TRS is to accumulate HHS data from multiple transportation related systems and provide managerial and oversight intelligence in the form of reports and dashboards to the leadership of HHS, OPDIVS, STAFFDIVS, and supporting organizations. Initially, the systems that will feed data into the TRS for reporting will be: ETS1 Legacy Travel Data, ETS2 Travel Data, ETS2-HHS Financial System Interface Process Data, JP Morgan Chase Card Data, Conference Tracking and Approval, with more systems to be incorporated in later phases.


The Travel Management Center interfaces with ETS to confirm and ticket all travel reservations and provide assistance with complex travel reservations. They do require verbal approval for expedited tickets.

Transit System

Transit system-A form of transportation (e.g., air, rail, bus, ship, etc.) used between authorized locations in the performance of official travel.


Transportation Service Charge Control Board is a transport provider which makes up a committee who makes decisions regarding whether or not proposed changes to the transport provider should be implemented. If any change is agreed by the committee, it then has to be communicated to a project team or the transport provider.


Transportation Services is a service provider within the PSC delivering customized and scalable travel and transportation solutions, and centralizes functional support activities throughout the Federal government. Sponsoring the ETS2 Transition.


Transportation network company (TNC)-A corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, or other entity, that uses a digital network to connect riders to drivers affiliated with the entity in order for the driver to transport the rider using a vehicle owned, leased, or otherwise authorized for use by the driver to a point chosen by the rider; and does not include a shared-expense carpool or vanpool arrangement that is not intended to generate profit for the driver. Note to definition of "Transportation network company (TNC)": Certain jurisdictions may have limits or prohibit the operation or use of TNCs. Federal employees are expected to follow all laws, including those related to TNCs, as well as choose the most cost effective level of service.


Travel Management Service (TMS)-A service for booking common carrier (e.g., air, rail, and bus confirmations and seat assignments), lodging accommodations, and car rental services; fulfilling (i.e. ticketing) reservations; providing basic management information on those activities; and meeting other requirements as specified in §301-73.106 of this title. A TMS may include a travel management center (TMC), Commercial Ticket Office (CTO), an electronically available system, other commercial methods of arranging travel, or an in-house system.

Travel Advance

Travel advance-Prepayment of estimated travel expenses paid to an employee.

Travel Authorization

Travel authorization (Orders)-Written permission to travel on official business. There are three basic types of travel authorizations (orders):1. Unlimited open. An authorization allowing an employee to travel for any official purpose without further authorization.2. Limited open. An authorization allowing an employee to travel on official business without further authorization under certain specific conditions, i.e., travel to specific geographic area(s) for specific purpose(s), subject to trip cost ceilings, or for specific periods of time.3. Trip-by-trip. An authorization allowing an individual or group of individuals to take one or more specific official business trips, which must include specific purpose, itinerary, and estimated costs.

Travel Voucher

Travel claim (Voucher)-A written request, supported by documentation and receipts where applicable, for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of official travel, including permanent change of station (PCS) travel.

Foreign Travel

Travel to any foreign destination, Per Diem set by Department of State. Requires official government passport, country clearance, etc. (HHS Travel Policy Manual Section 6.2) Senior Travel Official can approve up to $25,000 and Assist Sec of Admin approves over $25,000


Unified Financial Management System is an online, real-time Financial Management application that accepts both manual and electronic input. UFMS enables customers to perform accounting edits and validations, and supports the HHS Consolidated Acquisition Solution, utilizing general and subsidiary ledgers.


United States-The 48 contiguous States, the District of Columbia and the States and areas defined under the term "Non-Foreign Area."


User acceptance testing is the last phase of the software testing process. During UAT, actual software users test the software to make sure it can handle required tasks in real-world scenarios, according to specifications. UAT is one of the final and critical software project procedures that must occur before newly developed software is rolled out to the market. UAT is also known as beta testing, application testing or end user testing.


Virtual Instructor-Led Training that is delivered in a virtual environment when the trainer and the attendees are in separate locations. Designed to simulate a training classroom environment from anywhere.


Web-based training (sometimes called e-learning) is anywhere, anytime instruction delivered over the Internet or a corporate Intranet to browser-equipped learners. There are two primary models of Web-based instruction: synchronous (instructor-facilitated) and asynchronous (self-directed, self-paced). Instruction can be delivered by a combination of static methods (learning portals, hyperlinked pages, screen cam tutorials, streaming audio/video, and live Web broadcasts) and interactive methods (threaded discussions, chats, and desk-top video conferencing).


iTrust is a suite of services that allows approved users both within and outside an organization to gain access to secure applications using their own local identity credentials.


nVision is the NIH Business Data Warehouse and Reporting Tool

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