High Cauled Cap
What is the 1st movement
1. Lead Around
How many bars in 2nd movement
16 bars
How many bars in 3rd movement
16 bars
How many bars in 4th movement
16 bars
How many bars in 5th movement
16 bars
How many bars in 6th movement
16 bars
How many bars in first movement
16 bars
How many bars in the 3rd Figure
16 bars done by top couples, then repeated by side couples (32 bars). Then the body is repeated
How many bars in the First Figure
16 bars done by tops then repeated by opposite tops and sides. (64 bars) then the body is repeated
How many bars in the second figure
24 bars done by leading tops then repeated by opposite tops, and sides. (96 bars) then the body is repeated
What is the 2nd Figure
2nd Figure; Circle & Cross
What is the 3rd Figure
3rd Figure: The Ladies Chain
How many times is the body performed
4 times
How many bars in the final movement
40 bars
How many Bars in total including all three figures and repeated movements
568 bars total
Explain the finish
All join hands in a ring, with promenade step, advance to centre (2 bars). Retire to place (2 bars).Repeat the movement (4 bars). All sidestep anti-clockwise finishing with two threes (4 bars). Sidestep clockwise (4 bars). Advance and retire as before (8 bars). All sidestep clockwise finishing with two threes (4 bars). Sidestep back to place (4 bars). Release hands, partners take both hands crossed, swing around to the right to finish off (8 bars).
Explain Stamp & Clap
All stamp right foot twice (1 bar), clap hands three times (1 bar). Repeat (2 bars). Partners change places with sidestep, gents behind, finishing with two threes (4 bars). All perform stamp and clap again, ladies stamp on left foot, while gents stamp on right foot (4 bars), sidestep back to place, gents in front (4 bars). Total 16 bars.
Where did this dance originate
County Kerry
What is the 5th Movement
Gents Interlace
What is the 4th Movement
Ladies Interlace
Explain The First Figure (Sidestep and Dance Through)
Leading tops face each other, take right hand in right, sidestep up the center towards couple No 2 finishing with two threes (4 bars). Sidestep back to place (4 bars). Both turn in place (2 bars), gents advance between couple on left, around lady, back to place, while lady advances between couple on right, around gent, back to place. Both take right hand in right and turn once into own place (6 bars). Total 16 bars.
Explain Double Quarter Chain
Partners face each other, take right hand in right, turn once in place (2 bars). Release hands, gents advance, take left hand of lady on left (2 bars), turn once in place (2 bars). Return to partner with right hand (2 bars), make full turn (2 bars). Release hands and gents continue to lady on right (2 bars), take left hand and turn once in place (@ bars). Advance to partner with right hand and turn once into original position (2 bars). Total 16 bars.
Explain Sides
Partners take inside hands, leading and opposite tops change places with couple on right, dance sidestep finishing with two threes (4 bars). With couples moving on in same direction, tops change with couple on right, dance sidestep finishing as before (4 bars). All couples now being at opposite side of set. Couples change places as before to return to place, with all completing the square movement (8 bars). Note: In sidestepping to the right always keep behind, in sidestepping to the left always keep in front. Total 16 bars.
Explain the Lead Around
Partners take inside hands, with gent's hand underneath the lady's. With promenade step, all couples dance a complete circle around anti-clockwise back to place. release hands, turn inward, take other inside hands (8 bars). All couples dance a complete circle clockwise back to place. Release hands, turn into original position (8 bars). Total 16 bars. [as in Cross Reel]
What is the timing
Reel timing, typically danced to tune of same name 4/4 timing
What is the 2nd Movement
What is the 6th Movement
Stamp & Clap
What is the final movement of the dance
The Finish
What is the First Figure?
The First Figure: Sidestep & Dance Through
What does the Dance consist of?
The dance consists of a lead around, The Body, Three Figures and The Finish.
Explain The Second Figure (Circle and Cross)
Top couple take inside hands, with promenade step, advance towards opposite couple. Pass between, gent going out and around opposite lady, lady going out and around opposite gent (4 bars). All four give right hands in center, dance around clockwise (2 bars). Release hands, gents retain partner's right hand, and turn into own place (2 bars). Both couples make full turn, release hands, gents advance to opposite lady passing left shoulder to left (2 bars). Gents take left hand of lady and turn once (2 bars). Release hands, advance towards partner, passing right shoulder to right (2 bars). Take right hand of partner and turn into own place (2 bars). Both couples take two hands crossed, dance around each other in an anti-clockwise direction, revolving clockwise, back to original position (8 bars). Total 24 bars.
Explain the 3rd Figure (Ladies Chain)
Top ladies advance towards each other to centre, take right hand in right, release advance to opoosite gent, take left hand in left both turn (4 bars) in place, then release hands, ladies return to partner passing right should to right shoulder, take right hand of partner and turn once into own place (4 bars). Both couples take crossed hands swing around each other anti clockwise whilst revolving clockwise, back to own place
Explain Gents Interlace
With promenade step, gents advance in front of partner towards lady on right, pass behind, around in front of her (4 bars). Advance towards own partner, behind and into place completing a figure of eight (4 bars). Ladies meanwhile remain stationary. Gents give right hand in center, dance around clockwise (4 bars), release hands, give left hand to lady on right of original position, both turn in place (2 bars). Return to own partner, give right hand in right and turn into original position (2 bars). Total 16 bars.
Explain Ladies Interlace
With promenade step, ladies advance in front of partner towards gent on left, pass behind, around and in front of him (4 bars), advance towards own partner, behind and into place completing a figure of eight (4 bars). Gentlemen meanwhile remain stationary. Ladies give right hand in center, dance around clockwise (4 bars), release hands, give left hand to gent on right of original position, both turn in place (2 bars). Return to own partner, give right hand in right and turn into original position (2 bars). Total 16 bars.
What type of dance is the High Cauled Cap
an 8 hand dance
What is the 3rd movement
double quarter chain
What is the formation
four couples facing eachother in the shape of a cross top couples being Leading Tops. Across from leading tops is opposite tops. The couple on the left of leading tops is leading sides and the couple to the right of leading tops is opposite tops. Couples 1&4 are contrary and Couples 2&3 are contrary