High Rise Fire safety director

¡Supera tus tareas y exámenes ahora con Quizwiz!

f e m a

Federal emergency management agency

Post earthquake

Use of runners for communication

Defending in place

When hall stairs are compromised with smoky or he occupancy need to know how to defend them place is people should return to their apartments or sweets closing the door blocking the bottom of the door from smoking calling 911

How to use a fire extinguisher

When using a fire extinguisher to combat a fire remember heat rises so stay low always keep your back to the exit just in case you must call you must exit and call 911 only fight small fires first report any fire prior to using extinguisher

Is it the duty of a building security to isolate the fire emergency by closing the doors on the floor of alarm



A PIP has no breakaway locks as long as it has tamper switches requires 3 feet of clearance between the walls and shrubbery and as part of a fire system component that short for post indicating valve

What is a Plenum

A Plenum is a compartment a chamber and watch one or more ducks are connected which forms part of an Aire distribution system

Generator shut provide power within 80 seconds to a fire system alarm to

False that 60 seconds

Telephone blue in color or a prude at fire command centers in a modern high-rise building

False there red

f. E.m.A

Federal emergency management agency

SF firecode continued

Feedback of the occupancy after drill use of the billings public address system is recommended

F I r e

Find inform restrict extinguish or exit


Find inform restrict extinguish or exit

Define fire gases

Fire Gas is related to vaporize product of combustion the most common gas is found in the burning of materials containing carbon

Emergency duties one

I mediately assumed the role of a leader

Pre-emergency 4

I signed a responsible person to the position of deputy fire safety director and see responsible for wardens for management of the company

Rapid fire development

I can find fire within a space interferes with the disposition of heat gases and smoke the radiator and he will feedback to the seat of the fire and greatly enhance the initial burning right in contrast to an outside fire

Firefighter elevator return

The activation of any smoke detector located in the elevator lobby show override the normal elevator programming for stops deactivate the photo he licked or similar door control button controls and she'll bring down to the street level all elevator serving the floor of the detector detector activation elevators with manually operated doors or with elevators attendance are exempt

SF fire code continued

The alarm noise used to sing that real should be the same as for a real fire alarm

SFI her coat continue

The area of refuge should be inspected prior to drill to ensure availability

Civil disobedience

The fire director shall keep the elevators to the lobby until the police arrive a member of the building engineer step down by outside the entrance and wait for Police to arrive give your name

The fire emergency plan is

The fire emergency plan is a systematic formula to correct a positive human reaction to an emergency the plan includes reaction in case of man-made or natural disaster which can be utilized to save lives and property

The motor relocation class is for floors

The fire for the floor above the fire floor and two floors below the fire floor

What is the high fire safety organization

The fire service as long recommend the formation of an on-site emergency organization trained to react to any sort of emergency segment to have an emergency plan deals with the task and duties of a fire safety director floor wardens deputy for warden searchers elevator lobby monitors exit monitors and disabled aids and staff

Duties of the floor warden

The floor warden is vitally important to the total fire and emergency program of any building he or she is the person on the scene to take command and control of the occupants of the floor it is the floorboard and who's ever day works or lives on the floor who knows that people who populate the floor the floor word and knows who his mobility impaired

What is the definition of fuel

The fuel company is defined as any material that can be oxidized some simple fuels and the related physical state are gases natural gas hydrogen carbon monoxide acetylene liquid gasoline flashpoint above 45° turpentine paint alcohol solids like plastic cloth paper and leather

For medical emergencies call 911 call the building manager's office fire safety director soon as possible keep the building manager informed of art director will recall the elevator keep the lobby until paramedics arrived the building security engineering staff will stand by the entrance

The information you'll need to give is your name location and phone number brief description of what is wrong location of victims

Heat transfers

The likely method if he transfers important consideration how high-rise building fires heat is commonly transfer three ways conduction convection and radiation conduction is the transfer of heat body to another by direct contact of two bodies

Partial hotel building evacuation continued

The reason for the partial movement of the building occupants Pharma shies determined that he for life safety feature of the building allows this type of partial evacuation

SF fire code continued

The relocation buildings management and security staff should be assigned to each of the four moving floors to monitor the flow of occupants

The building Engineer during an emergency you should report the activation of all the buildings automatic fire equipment fire pump or generator to the unseen fire officer true or false


Most people plushness request a safety true or false

Truth I think a fancy hotel is going to be safer but not necessarily

Evacuation continued

Unfortunately doors from stairs and rooster often lock preventing exit onto the roof this practice is in violation of San Francisco fire credit however it is a common practice


The removal of all occupants from a building upon notification of an emergency example fire alarm all locks hockey pants at the sound of an alarm and be able to get up and move the nearest exit and down and out of the building

SF fire code continued

The return to the floor of the real by occupancy after drill must be coordinated

White and red

Captains of the tenants and firefighter members of Truck


Captains the tenants and firefighter members of an engine company


Fire investigators

Chemistry a fire

Fire is defined as the rapid oxidation of combustible materials accompanying the release of energy in the form of heat and light


Fire safety director

Chief officers

Serve as incident commander and have general management duties

Define smoke

Smoke is it visible product of incomplete combustion smoke found it fires can consist of a mixture of oxygen nitrogen carbon dioxide

company officer

Supervisor of either an inch and company truck company or rescue squad

Basic system description of fire sprinklers

Water supply distribution pipe sprinkler nozzles

What percentage of oxygen is in the air

21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen


A conduit for conveying air

Waterflow alarm

A device so constructed an install in a wait water flow from any sprinkler system or equal or greater than for my single automatic sprinkler head will result in a building alarm signal I notification of the building supervisory company in the fire control panel light

Smoke damper

A device that resist the passage of smoke which is arrange to operate automatically is controlled by a smoke detector and maybe capable of being position manually from a remote control station

Truck equipment

A fire service term for the fire apparatus with ladder tools and rescue equipment

San Francisco fire department additional features and fire command center

A stock of spare sprinklers required by NFPA 13 or NFPA 25 permanent signage with the name of telephone numbers or applicable elevator service company building contact phone numbers utility shut off location map public address system instructions smoke control system procedures sprinkler shut off valve and stand pipe insulation valve locations emergency evacuation relocation

Sprinkler system

An integrated system of underground or overhead piping design in accordance with national fire protection standards the installation include a water supply system equipped with such devices as fire pumps reservoirs and fired apartment and let's

Characteristics of a high-rise building

An international conference of Highway safety expert sponsored by the General services administration and usual characteristics of a high-rise building we're defined as beyond the reach of the fart apartment area ladders possess a potential for significant stack effect requires unreasonable evacuation time fires must be fired from the interior

Characteristics of a high-rise building

An international conference of Highway safety expert sponsored by the General services administration and usual characteristics of a high-rise building we're defined as beyond the reach of the fart apartment area ladders possess a potential stack effect


And assembly of compressing blades and housing causing the movement of air

Standby power light and emergency system

And emergency generator shall be installed on site was sufficient field to last at least eight hours if you're on the man generator she'll be able to provide power within 60 seconds of the fire alarm fire pumps HVAC in elevators within 10 seconds of all exit signs of illumination an elevator car lighting order high-rises my only have battery back up systems to fire alarm and exit signs and lights

Truck companies

Ariel trucks search rescue and provide forcible entry primary E responsibilities at fires conduct building ventilation procedures of the heat fire gases in smoke caused by the fire

Standpipe systems

Arrangements of piping valves and hose connections to provide water at various locations of buildings at every floor level for firefighting purposes or in like an action should be designed by a sign with Reese letters at Ish 1 inch size on the play reading standpipe

Fire safety directors interface with chief officers

As a fire safety director is important for you to be able to quickly identify service fire officers in a fire company officers in an emergency this department members will be in ratio contact with the on-site

Incident commander

Chief officer battalion chief or assistant chief

Classes of fires

Class a fires ordinary combustible's class B fires flammable liquids class C fires energized electrical equipment class D fires combustible metals class K fires combustible vegetable or animal fat used for cooking

Classifications of fire extinguishing Methods

Class a ordinary combustible's extinguisher met message water or ABC extinguishers class B flammable liquids extinguishing method CO2 class B or dry chemical extinguisher's wet agents found in class k extinguishers

Public address system

Designed to be clearly heard by arc occupants of the building chubby operated from the fire control center the system shall be the all call an individual floors selection type the public adjuster Tim shop terminate in all elevators Lobby's quarters exit stairways rooms for tennis bases over 1000 ft.²

Define fire gases

Fire Gas is related to vaporize product of combustion the most common gas is found in the burning of materials containing carbon and carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide what carbon monoxide is not the most toxic a fire gases it is the number one cause of death because in most buyers there is an incomplete combustion the carbon monoxide is the most abundant gas fuel her fire gas hydrogen sulfide is a fire gas produced one organic materials are burned hydrogen sulfide as well as nitrous fumes and oxide of nitrogen are the most commonly found during burned buildings hurt any burning and are highly toxic


Fire service term for a fire apparatus with hose and pump

Sprinkler application of ordinary combustible's

Fire triangle if you heat and oxygen motive extinguishment remove heat 550 BTUs water to steam

Define flame

Flame is a visible body of burning gas relief for fuel sources however he smoke and gases can develop in smoldering fires without any sign of flame this is also the truth with some of the exotic fuels used in auto racing and aviation

Flame spread

Flame spread is the rate at which flame travels over the surface of the Touriel interior building materials and finishes have a flame spread

Flame spread

Flame spread is the rate at which flame travels over the surface of the Touriel interior building materials and finishes have a flame spread rating which indicates rate in which flame was spread


Flash over occurs when a room or other enclosed area become headed to the point were flame flash over the entire space involved


Flash over occurs when a room or other enclosed area become headed to the point were flame flash over the entire space involved this occurs when there is sufficient fuel and oxygen in a confined space such as an officer sweet residential room and other enclosed building spaces the rabbit heat production is absurd by the walls ceilings

Standby power and lighting system

Generator should be able to provide power within 60 seconds to fire alarm system and fire pumps HVAC elevators and within 10 seconds to all exit signs and illuminations

Define heat

Heat is the product of combustion which is most responsible for the spread of fireIt is the direct cause of burns and other forms of entry heat is measured in degrees of temperature which indicates the intensity and the energy being released

Rapidfire development

I can find fire within a space interferes with the disposition of heat gases and smoke the radiator and he will feedback to the seat of the fire and greatly enhance the initial burning right in contrast to an outside fire


In a building or room spaces that are not ventilated was sufficient oxygen the fire will start to smolder a


In a building or room spaces that are not ventilated was sufficient oxygen the fire will start to smolder ample feel and high heat or per still present if oxygen normal hair is introduce what they set an explosion can develop known as a Backdraft this can be caused by windows breaking out doors being opend

Why 75 feet

Most American fire service area ladders are 100 feet in length the normal angle for climbing an extended latter is 70 degrees

Why 75 feet

Most American fire service area letters are 100 feet in length the normal angle for climbing an extended latter is 70° this angle reduces elevation of the letter to 75 feet other rich problems include parked vehicles trucks buses with designated set back up some buildings to reach the area letters is reduced even further

What are the three components of fire

Oxygen heat and fuel

What are the three components of fire

Oxygen heat and fuel this completes the triangle


Person with advanced first aid skills not allowed to start IVs intubate or initiate drugs other than oxygen

Fire control center also referred to as a fire command center at a minimum the center shall contain

Public address system panel fire department comunication panel fire detection an alarm annunciator panel status indicator and controls for elevators signage indicator

Define smoke

Smoke is it visible product of incomplete combustion smoke found it fires can consist of a mixture of oxygen nitrogen carbon dioxide carbon monoxide hydrogen chloride and finally divided particles of CERT and carbon as well as miscellaneous collection of other products released from fuel sources most cases of last visibility and disorientation which can trap occupancy smoky building or do you show a killer in fire death is fire gas is associated with smoke

Engine companies

Supply water to the fire buildings attacks the fire with houses and is the primary fire EMT support unit with ambulance response

White and black helmet

Support specialist black with white crown

Chiefs aid

Support specialist driver advance cow who reports information and please reports for chief officers

Heating ventilation and air-conditioning systems

This is a smoke control system that utilizes fans producing pressure differences to manage smoke movemen

Spare stocker sprinklers

This is required by NFPA 13 and requires quarterly inspection special sprinklers and proper number and type sprinkler wrench for proper sprinkler installation

Combustible loading

This is the amount of fuel that is available to the fire whatever is combustible class eight materials BC or D or help fuel the store is a major factor in the spread of fire example class a paper material fuel stored in an open file shelf

What is a high-rise building

Title 19 of California code of regulations/CCR defines a high-rise building as floors having as measured from top of the floor surface used for human occupancy located more than 75 feet above the lowest floor level having direct building access for firefighters

What is the mission of the fire agency

To prevent fires fire protection of life property from fires

Sprinkler system components

Water supply tanks elevated below grade city main fire department connection's building fire pumps risers control valve alarm check local alarm pressure switch flow switch pressure gauges main drain main feed Crossmain flashing outlets branchline nozzles inspector test auxiliary drain

Helmet types

White helmet chief officer white and black support specialist red and white captains the tenants and firefighter members of truck companies black captains the tenets of firefighter members of an inch and Company blue fire investigators black-and-white rescue companies

Fire alarm

An electrically operated system producing signals at one or more places on the premises served the fire alarm can be operated by a pull station sprinkler flow switches detectors in HVAC systems or manually in the fire control center

Good fire practices include continued

Careful monitoring of smoke smoking materials matches lighters and ashtrays observance of electrical inspections electrical equipment special vigilance and cooperation with Security for lunch to let you know smoke and he detectors back up with physical viable sprinkler systems control of combustible loading recognition of use of proper heat producing devices

Name the four different emotions you must go through during a Trumatic situation

Denial sick for new information anchor acceptance

Floorboard and after

Establish communication

Emergency duties 2

Establish communications with Security and engineering

Emergency duties five

Established liaison with fire officer in command building equipment activated disabled person locations activities of building staff exit progress made floorplans available


Facility emergency plan

Recalling key personnel

Facility emergency plan


Fire control center or fire command center

Recommended time factor

Four minutes

Combustible loading

Fuel that is available to the fire

What are sprinkler system checks NFPA 25 California edition 2013

Gauges dry pipe action Delouche quarterly valve supervisory alarm device quarterly waterflow alarm devices quarterly hydraulic nameplate quarterly to verify it is attached securely to the sprinkler riser and it's legible sprinkler installed

SF fire code

Hey Kurt teak of the girl should be conducted

It's for the disabled

One the disabled person should be allowed to select their assigned aids to the HR knowledge of the exact location of the building safest exit smoke tower and sprinkled stairways the age and disabled person should be familiar with the exit sign

Dilution system operation

Open sprinkler heads

Fire sprinkler use

Property protection insurance concerns life safety protect health and welfare

Means of communication

Public address system


Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep

Shelter in place

Shelter in place is when an event outside of the building poses a hazard such as major storms flooding toxic fumes civil disobedience or earthquakes Security can only advise when it's safe to leave the building

SF fire code continued

The duties assigned to searchers elevator lobby monitors an exit monitors for the disabled eight should be performed correctly but the designated person's

And a four for relocation building what is the model

The fire floor the floor above the floor and two floors below the floor

The floor Wardens span of control

1 to 25 occupants

Update 42 what are the four principles objectives of fire alarm systems

11 occupants of fire to prompt immediate action three initiate evacuation movement for allow sufficient time to escape

Number of rescue squads in San Francisco


So I how fast did I see my instructor climb a fire ladder today

3Three minutes but he was out of breath just kidding

What fire code section requires an emergency plan for every high-rise building in San Francisco

404.1 once again 404.one

Facility emergency plan

A list of emergency place including gas electricity food water and their location contact phone numbers for emergency fire police medical support procedures for ministering self-help an emergency medical care and the location of fire extinguishers and emergency supply

Posterior right continued

A place of refuge should determine the earthquake survivor moved to the referee do you cite and be made comfortable a large number of tables can't be placed in the refuge area for safety for falling objects from aftershocks runners and staff should establish contact with other buildings in the area as well as safety agencies

San Francisco fire department additional features and fire command center

A stock of spare sprinklers required by NFPA 13 or NFPA 25 permanent signage with the name of telephone numbers or applicable elevator service company building contact phone numbers utility shut off location map public address system instructions smoke control system procedures sprinkler shut off valve and stand pipe insulation valve locations emergency evacuation relocation procedures of Tennant areas and refuge and locations of Tennant requiring evacuation assistance hazardous material inventory statements in management plan when required by the fire code official


And FDIC also allows the fire trucks to connect to the building and take the place of the building fire pump

After the event

After the event is under control the fire safety director make sure equipment reset instructions and the phone numbers are available to the fire department hotel management should arrange for relocation of gas another hotel so soon as possible guest list should be secured and media access controls put in place by management

According to California NFPA 25 who can perform monthly and weekly fire pump inspections and maintenance

All buildings with a fire pump weekly monthly fire pump inspection and maintenance can only be done by persons holding a fire pump certification or a C 16 contractor

Tamper switch

And electrical device for control valve supervision that initiates an alarm and a trouble signal when the control valve is moved from its normal position the tamper switch does not activate the building audible fire alarm


Any material that can be oxidized

Fire safety directors interface with chief officers

As a fire safety director is important for you to be able to quickly identify service fire officers in a fire company officers in an emergency this department members will be in ratio contact with the on-site incident commander and should be given visual vital information relating to the building involved and its occupants


Assembly of compressing blades and housing that is either a blower or exhaust fan

Emergency duties six

Assigned engineers to assist fire department at command Center assign Security to sweep lobby clear a sign occupants at refuge sites attempt to get report a missing persons to provide to the fire incident commander

Duties of the Deputy fire safety director

Assume the duties of the fire safety directorIn his or her absence

Fire resource pool location


Name three circumstances required to develop a panic situation referring to the student manual

Being in a crowded group with strangers becoming members perceive a threat simultaneously competition for an exit

Discussed feeling behavior and fires Dr. Keating states that certain circumstances most often must be a place for a panic situation

Bing group of strangers members of a group perceived threat simultaneously competition for an exit

Managing various emergencies

Bomb threat

Emergency organization identification

Bright colored arm bands vest bump caps are commonly used in high-rise building to identify the members of the emergency organization

It is the building manager or owner who detects the move motivates through there

Budget and personal interest

For building evacuation is the normal course of action in the following situations

Building has an open stairwell building is not our only partially sprinkled building does not have a public address system to get verbal instructions building does not have a forwarding or train to give instructions to tenets building is under seven stories

Full building evacuation is normal course of action for the following

Building has an open stairwell that runs the height of the building or park there of the building is not is only partially sprinklered the building does not have a public address system to get verbal instructions building does not have a floor warden organization or trying to give instructions building is under seven stories

Full evacuation of Hey building takes place when

Buildings that are less than 150 feet in height go to describe in San Francisco fire department girl a fire prevention bulletin facility emergency plan guidelines located in appendix of the student manual


Causes loss of visibility

What are the ranks within the San Francisco fire department and ascending order

Chief of department deputy chief of department assistant deputy chief assistant chief battalion chief Captain Lieutenant support specialist firefighter paramedic

White helmet

Chief officer

Class a fires

Common combustibles water extinguisher ABC dry chemical and sometimes halon

Pre-emergency 11

Conduct fire drills with in-house staff an emergency floorboard and organization conduct fire drills for all building occupants document all training

Rescue squads

Conduct heavy rescue scuba serve confined space hazardous material response


Conduct seismic inspection

Fire code continued

Contact the fire department and notify them of all trails at least 48 hours in advance note the name of the person notified the fire department is not required to attend the event this was something you got wrong on your midterm you actually do contact the fire department

The most common form of heat transfer in a high-rise building


Emergency duties 4

Ensure that the lobbyist security engineering staff has perform the following task a fire for determination by the Annunciator panel call fire department elevators responding to Lobby check manual or smoke detectors public address is announcements made keys read phones fire binders that was needing assistance list ready

Exit compromise by smoke

Defend in place

Moving Floors in relocation

Depends on fire alarm system

Public address system

Designed to be clearly heard by arc occupants of the building chubby operated from the fire control center the system shall be the all call an individual floors selection type the public adjuster Tim shop terminate in all elevators Lobby's quarters exit stairways rooms for tennis bases over 1000 ft.² dwelling units in apartment houses and all hotel guest rooms over her rights because my only have limited or for access to be a PA system building staff should be familiar with the operation of the building public address system

Five ways to prepare your organization continued

Develop a disaster plan that includes medical care for victims hold frequent and realistic to rails begin with a simple walk to exercise the Bill's cop 19 your building staff and

Pre-emergency 13

Develop a program for training of new building occupants or employees in the details of the facility emergency plan

Pre-emergency nine

Develop and implement a program of inspection and scheduled servicing to provide for ready use of fire pumps emergency generator emergency lighting systems elevator return systems public address system's and the HVAC smoke removal system

Pre-emergency six

Develop implement a training program to instruct all occupants of the high-rise building in the provisions of the emergency plan

Post fire alarm report for staff date and addresses of building this is a general guideline for

Did the fire alarm activated correctly document exact time of the alarm and did a duty personnel repeat interpret the panel activation correctly that the tenant relocation or evacuation take class was 911 called was emergency alarm given 2911 was it determined to be false

If you discover a suspicious package or object

Do not try to remove notify your building manager fire safety director a person in charge of the area notify police department call 911

SF fire code continued

During forward in meetings the date and drill procedures to be followed are explained in California fire code does not advocate surprised to rails other than in hospitals

A building with emergency generators must have how many hours of fuel


Fire alarm system or device reset and checked

Electro magnetic door locking devices elevator in normal operation mode manual pull stations properly reset alarm panel reset by the fire department officer HVAC systems back online and normal operating condition magnetic door open features on fire doors return to normal position

Places people might attempt to hide bombs

Elevator shafts firehose racks fall ceilings closets areas under stairwells boiler rooms cooling and heating plants flammable storage main switch gears record or storage mail rooms restrooms stairwells elevator machine room's electronic data processing anything considered vinyl to operation

Lobby control

Engine company officer

What are San Francisco Department unit staffing

Engine one officer three firefighters truck one officer in for firefighters rescue squad one officer three firefighters battalion chief one she from possibly one support specialist decide chief division chief one chief one support specialist as aid

Engineering staff duties post earthquake

Engineering staff to secure a water supplies and further survey the interior of the exterior of the building for damage sprinkler pumps generators elevators and stairwells should be properly inspected the first provided by the engineering staff must be natural gas electrical and water supply

Why do you occupants possibly ignore a fire alarm or single activation for my update 42

Failure to recognize the signal as a fire alarm to loss of confidence in the system because of nuisance alarms three failure to hear the signal

Fire life safety features partial list

Fire control center annunciator panel fire alarm pull stations zone smoke detectors Corredor's rooms and air ducks sprinkler systems standpipes smoke control system fire doors smoke tower and door releases emergency lighting areas of refuge elevator recall firefighter stairway phones

Fire life safety features partial list

Fire control center annunciator panel fire alarm pull stations zone smoke detectors Corredor's rooms and air ducks sprinkler systems standpipes smoke control system fire doors smoke tower and door releases emergency lighting areas of refuge elevator recall firefighter stairway phones public address system's emergency generators evacuation relocation signage earthquake toolboxes elevator seismic safety devices


Fire department connection inlet outlet and standpipe system

Fire drills

Fire drill test an educational component of your training program drills evaluate your facilities teaching methods acceptance by building occupants

Determines the type of evacuation

Fire marshal

Class B fires

Flammable liquids ABC dry chemical

The ideal system of a public address announcer for Relocation

Floors moving get an announcement to relocate first receiving a perforce get an announcement all of the forest get an announcement that the alarm occurred in this building floors are relocating and floor stay in place until further instruction

Name some things on site building staff should know regarding elevators

How to recall elevators how to communicate occupants if she elevator stalled what does floor zones elevators go to location of freight elevator what floor elevator shaft 16 choose fighter fighter should not use elevator shafts that

What is the relocation time factor

Four minutes is the goal of the floor what an organization to move their people down predetermined number of floors at this time frame as you love you delight for the fire department arrival assessment of the incident details

What are sprinkler system checks NFPA 25 California edition 2013

Gauges dry pipe action Delouche quarterly valve supervisory alarm device quarterly waterflow alarm devices quarterly hydraulic nameplate quarterly to verify it is attached securely to the sprinkler riser and it's legible sprinkler installed under expose you and Shelby inspected from the floor level annually sprinklers shall not show signs of leakage I

Name some of the quarterly checks if you

Gauges valves water flow alarms hydraulic name plates

Buildings over 150 foot level should have an alarm activation on floors one to seven should evacuate people to those floors to a place of safety at street level all other packet next occupant should remain in place normal relocation would not take place

Good fire prevention practices include

What on site building staff should know in regards to elevators

How to recall elevators how to communicate occupants of stalled elevators what floor zones elevators go to locations of freight elevators what floor elevator shaft extent to firefighter should not use elevator shaft and penetrate the fire floor


Hand-held portable radios for use by the building is in our security is managers are coming toward used in today's building management these radios are vital tools on a day-to-day operation of any large building in an emergency situation these radios are critical that provide important information to the manager and the staff the facility if your building requires a response

Five ways to prepare organization for disasters continued

Have basic disaster emergency medical supplies available to not call 911 during a disaster and less you have a critically ill or injured

Floorboard and duties post earthquake

Have people stay in place search light rescue and headcount control occupants perform first date on casualties survey for damage establish communication internal and next ternal

SF fire code continued

Hey federal is practice it is practice of human behavior which is real fire will ensure that correct procedures will be followed and lives saved

The facility emergency plan will have the following

Hey statement of purpose and objective guidelines for establishing building company emergency committee building company organization line of authority chart producers of assessment produces every calling key personnel procedures for recall and key personnel notification priority procedures for staff members procedures for using alarm procedures for maintaining building security public information to this mission procedure evacuation relocation plans

Explain it brief HSFF do you suggest as it relates to the conduction of a fire drill

I'll fire drill should be known to the building occupants at least one week and Vance notice should be posted on all elevator lobbies and sent to the offices for at least one week in advance

Requirements of the San Francisco fire code

I'll fire drill should be made known to the building occupants at least one week in advance notice should be posted on elevator lobbies and sent to the office is at least one week in advance

For floor relocation continued

I'll keep it supposed be aware that the walls are rated from 2 to 4 hours for fire protection vertical chance with smoke penetrate our block then smoke should not be a hazard

Occupants of building should

Identify hazards

Employers building managers and fire safety directors with a bomb threat

If I bump through this receipt or suspicious package found the following steps should be taken one immediately supervisor Police to notify building security three implement assigned duties of the emergency response team for recall 81 number one elevator to the lobby for the police to use five member for Mergen see response team to stand outside the building to guy police six suspicious devices are found evacuate

Bomb threat call 911

If you receive a bomb threat by telephone try to ascertain as much information about the collar as possible bumper information sheet in appendix a donation time be location see voice characteristics of color D what kind and size of bomb E why was it put there to notify your supervisor manager fire safety director of person in charge of the area notify

Prescription medication

In a go bag

For for the relocation continued

In a relocation building sometimes as possible for occupants to walk down to a breast they also should be educated to expect other occupants to be in the stairway as they do send it

Duties of the fire safety director

In previous pages list to do this at the fire director that involve pre-emergency situations training of the staff and for wardens inspection and maintenance of equipment the following duties must be carried out when an emergency occurs

And give an example of partial building hotel

In this building only the floor of alarm floor above the alarm and two floors below the alarm get a public address announcer meant to evacuate the building all other floor stay and play spending for the announcement from the building staff for direction from the fire department

Explain why it is not connected to the main fire alarm

It is connected to the building a large such a mess of supervisory alarm that the valve position has changed

Humans learn by doing what do high-rise tenants to do

Jerez tenants must be taught to exit they must be taught the reason why they are to either exit or relocate this is the most important we location building as we location could be behave or contrary to what is been drilled in memory from school years

Fire emergency plan

KISS short for keep it short and simple

Pre-emergency duties of building security

Know how to operate the elevators

Essential component


Pre-emergency 3

Maintain the approved emergency plan subject to annual review

Pre-emergency two

Make the emergency plan available to all building staff and tennis upon request

Fire safety plan is a systematic formula to correct positive human reaction is in a fire the plan includes reactions to what

Man-made or natural disaster which can be utilized to save life and property

Building emergency response personnel

Members of the floorboard and organization security staff and the engineering staff are vital to the total well-being of the safety of a high-rise building their leaders but to be a leader they must be educated to react part of your education is an annual fire drill what a person does in a fire drill here she will do an emergency this is why drills are so important there must be a continual training drilling and re-training

Nuisance alarms

Most nuisance alarms are due to system malfunction

Post earthquake continued

Move any entry to a separate area begin first aid move any dead two separate closed room keep employees active close trade to protect from falling glass should aftershocks occur gather fire extinguishers

Emergency duties three

Move safely to fire command center as soon as possible

Evacuation continued

Move upstairs if it is not safe practice the stairwell can become impossible to do heat and smoke and it could become worse convective heat and gas is raised the top of my stairs

When can I eat for the disabled person leave the disabled person during and fire event

Must stay with the disabled person until the fire safety director arranges another responsible person to assume their responsibility


National fire protection Association

During evacuation the following rules must be observed

No talking listen for instructions calmly walk single file if space permits used to sideways from the fire department outlet proceed to a safe assembly place once outside return to the building only one approved by a fire matter if exit the comes in printable a temp return to your home or office depending place

During the evacuation the following rules must be observed

No talking listen for instructions calmly walked down single file or double file if space permits MusicID away from the fire department outlets on the interstate really what's up the building proceed to a place of safety return to the building only upon the arrival of that and fire incident commander if the exit stair becomes a passable due to heavy smoke attempt to return your office and defend him place

Name some pre-emergency duties of a building security personnel and explain why

No the duties of the security officer train temporary staff at emergency plan duties during patrol in writing report any fire safety related items to the fire safety director

Duties of the building engineers pre-emergent sea duties

One no the emergency plan duties for the building engineers to inspect all fire related equipment three test of fire related equipment for maintain all fire related equipment five educate all and you know Stephen duties and equipment six report fire related equipment repair through normal channels seven no the operation and use a fire extinguisher is a no the operation of fire stinger sure his elevator recall system nine be trained in light rescue practice is certified in first aid and CPR 10

For for relocation continued

Occupants under the direction of the forward and will move to the exit stair way to walk down for floors from where they began they will then move back to the in body of the building in the stander be seated on the floor at a vacant ask all of the rock depends on other floors to

Duties of a fire safety director he pre-emergency

One prepare or assign the preparation and update facility emergency plan to be approved by the local fire authority for California code of regulations title 19 section 3.09.

Five ways to pray organization to treat the victims of a

One provide training for your employees dab CPR first aid and I neighborhood emergency response team training living on the fault line education program

Three steps to follow when you have a medical emergency

One access the scene what happened is it say how many victims are there to call 911 always have 911 first is the person conscious is the person breathing normally is the person blading how old is the person what is the person she playing

Elevator lobby monitor duties

One assist the floor wardens in anyway directed to act as a crowd control monitor directing people away from elevators and into the nearest stairwell for relocation or evacuation exit I don't discretion three maintain calm and keep us calm by your composure

I deal system of public address announcement for relocation

One floor is moving to get the announcement to relocate to floors receiving upper floors get an announcement three all of the floors get an announcement that the alarm has occurred in the building floors are relocating to the floor stay in place until further instructions

Message is delivered to occupants during a fire emergency should contain three essential pieces of information what are they

One identification of the problem to location of the problem and three instructions for action

Duties of the building security pre-emergency duties

One know the emergency plan duties of the security officer to train temporary staff in emergency plan duties three during patrol report in writing to the fire safety director any fire related equipment deficiencies found for correct on-site any blocked exits found five no the operation and use a fire extinguishers six no the operation you so far extinguishers firefighter elevator return system seven recommend a building security be certified in first aid and CPR eight and familiar with the PA system

Floor warden pre-emergency

One know the location and operation of all fire emergency related equipment on the floor in the area of their responsibility to a point area wardens if the floor is extremely large and beyond the control of one person and expand control of one floor warden to 25 occupants is a reasonable ratio three be completely for Milyer with the floor arrangement and the number of four occupants and the location of exit 4 before they aware of the exit procedures of the building as they relate to the floor wardens floor five train the floor occupants in the fire prevention measures six train the floor occupants and fire exit procedures seven select and train to assist during emergencies deputy floor Warden searchers elevator lobby monitors eights for disabled should be selected by the disabled person themselves exit monitors if the floor occupancy does not have the population to provide full complement of floor emergency staff then attempted to provide a floor warden and deputy to assist

Emergency duties of a floor warden

One maintain control of occupants to direct occupants to exit if alerted three determine safe availability of exit stairways if violated use alternate four in relocation mode buildings control occupants if not directed to move by be prepared to communicate final information to the fire safety director and fire department six if we located communicate to the fire safety director and find a permit your arrival at the refuge area seven determine headcount any missing occupants

Engineer post emergency duties

One reset the fire alarm upon approval of the on-site fire officer to reset fire extinguishing system three inspect the fire extinguishers for use for inspect fuel levels for the fire pump an emergency generator refill as needed as needed. Inspect all of the building fire equipment used during the emergency six submit building equipment used report to the fire safety director for evaluation

Deputy floor Warden duties

One shall assume duties of the floorboard and in his or her absence to perform all tasks assigned by the forwarded

What is the proper way of insuring appropriate occupant response

One stop to show hasn't get everybody's attention to use voice communication system to direct occupants to safety three institute protect in place measures three educate occupants about the fire safety plan for train staff to direct occupants to safety

Exit monitors

One test the assigned exit doors for heat before allowing entry to Verbalee instruct exiting occupants about the correct stairwell procedures and floor of refuge three ensure the automatic door closer operates correctly and refrain from blocking door in the open position for if exit stairway becomes polluted with smoker heat direct occupies to an alternate exit 5 exit monitor exit off the floor when all four occupants of vacated the floor six exit monitors maintain calm and keep

Partial evacuation

Only if the building has a floor above the floor of alarm and two floors below and get a public address announcement stay in place pending for the announcement from the building staff or fire department

Define panic

Panic is defined as antisocial aggressive behavior violent behavior on controlled screaming freezing in place on able to move hysterical crying unable to think through the process and take positive action


Perform all tasks as assigned by the fire safety director

Assembly of compressing blades and housing that either a blower or exhaust fan

Plenum a compartment a chamber and watch one or more ducks are connected which forms part of an Aire distribution system

Describe what you would put into a go bag

Portable radio or television spare batteries in the flashlight small tools and wrote canned goods with pool tops can openers do you hydrated food prescription medication birthday kit water purification tablets go bag with personal items

What are seven pre-emergency fire director duties

Prepare or assigned a preparation update facility emergency plan to be approved make emergency plan available to all buildings down maintain approved emergency plan so I'm responsible person to various duties training educate deputy director develop and implement training Trann building staff and the operation of the fire control console

We can't care for the injured person

Provide CPR first aid and you were trying to do so never move an inch a person lives there in immediate danger example from fire provide reassurance gather up the injured person's medications for paramedics to access sign a responsible person to entrance to the side of the building to meet the ambulance prop open doors entrance and all the elevator for firefighters an avalanche. Have a direct route to the hill or injured person for

What are the needs of a fire safety director tour

Time educational format communications emergency organization identification signage fire drills

Add a minimum the fire control center shall have at least five features

Public address panel fire department comunication panel fire detection and fire annunciator panel status indicator and controls for elevators controls for unlocking stairway stores simultaneously

Fire control center also referred to as a fire command center at a minimum the center shall contain

Public address system panel fire department comunication panel fire detection an alarm annunciator panel status indicator and controls for elevators signage indicator and controls for air handler smoke control systems and controls for unlocking all stairways and door simultaneously sprinkler valve and water flow to tactor display panels standby power controls and status indicator's landline telephones for fire department years and older buildings the cinema only contain annunciator panel to indicate which floor alarm has been received from

Acronym for pass

Pull the pin and blow at the base of the flame squeeze the handle sweet from side to side


React evaluate decide

Hazardous materials incident

Recall the elevator to the lobby for the hazardous material group give your name location brief description of what is wrong location of hazardous materials and material data safety sheet location of victims

Pre-emergency 11

Recommend earthquake supplies to all Tennant companies for on-site storage

Relocation explained

Relocation is it practice for occupancy move from a floor of danger damn word to other floors within the building that are not immediately involved in the emergency

Valves without tamper switches

Require breakaway locks

R a c e

Rescue alarm confine extinguish or evacuation


Rescue alarm confine extinguish or evacuation

Black and white

Rescue companies black with white and white alternating quadrants

Name some of the duties of a building engineer during an emergency

Reset fire alarm a palm arrival and the on-site of the fire safety officer reset the fire extinguisher system

Explain the post emergency duties of a building engineer

Reset fire alarms a palm the rival of the fire officer reset fire extinguishing system inspect fire extinguishers for use as backfield levels for the fire pump an emergency generators we feel is necessary

Rapidfire development

Result of radiated heat feedback


Time is the most important issue for a fire safety director and his and her organization drills training and evaluations require time

Searcher duties

Search for occupancy or may not have heard the fire alarm search remote floor areas restrooms computer printer rooms break rooms and copy rooms direct person is found to the closest exit maintain calm and keep others comp example of your composure three know where the fire extinguishers alarms exits are located and there are use

Security post emergency duties

Secure the fire area and guard valuables secure any fire equipment used during the emergency for report extent of damage noted to the fire safety director for assist the fire department with fire cause investigation five report in writing any statement made by witnesses to investigators

The activation of any smoke detector located in an elevator lobby will do what

Shop bring the elevator down the street level all elevator serving the floors of the D detector activation elevator is mainly operated doors and elevators with the


Simple the removal of occupancy from the building upon notification of an emergency example fire alarm all occupants of the sound of the alarm immediately get up and move to the nearest exit or move out of the building

In an emergency what are possible sources of water

Soft drink machines toilet tanks but they're not potable water heaters ice cubes in bottled water

Heat producing device

Space heaters

Class D fire

Special metals special extinguishing agents needed

SF fire code continued

Speed of the existing is secondary to the maintenance of a good order and discipline

Telephone jacks

Stairways and elevators

Pre-emergency duty of the building is in there should be trained and light rescue CPR and first aide True or false


Relocation continued

The time idea relocation is based upon factor of time it is cornet an effort by occupants the floor one of the billing staff to clear the design fire zone of occupants and allow free access to the fire department

How to identify officers

The way to identify officers his bike helmet color chief officers were white helmet with a gold shield in the front battalion chiefs or sister fire company officers an inch and trucks or rescue squads all have a white face paint pieces on their helmets identifying them as lieutenant or captain is the number of face pieces on the helmet is unit that they are saying to


This is a practice for occupants move from the floor of danger down word to other floors with in the building that are not immediately walked in the emergency


This is the most important issue for a fire safety director and his and her organization training drills and evacuations all time take away from the normal day-to-day activities of the occupants of the high-rise building Tennant companies will lose service of a paid employee for the time it takes to educate those employees

And code of regulations title 19 any international building code

This requires that existing structures over 150 feet in height and all new buildings over 75 feet in height the installation of a public address system that announces the elevator lobby of public address areas of high-rise buildings

How long does a 50 story building take to fully evaluate

This will take approximately two hours and 11 minutes to total evacuate using one stairway this timeframe is on acceptable to the fire department and with me in the stairway which is the main Avenue a fire attack will be completely blocked by the evacuating occupants the

When the building fire alarm is activated where should the building security officer go

To a priority so I sat by the fire safety director

For floor relocation continued

To remain in place above the floor is not behave or easily excepted tenants must be taught the reason for that behavior and put their faith in the steel and the concrete structure and fire protection during this temperature Chewase should building sprinklers throughout is not an unreasonable position

Educational format

To teach the organization members their task and duties some types of educator for mice must select the format could be video PowerPoint or print a picture out there as an expense to any of these formats the NFPA produces excellent materials both visual and brochures

Pre-emergency 10

Train All building occupants or tenants to identify hazards and to report them for correction to the fire safety director

Pre-emergency five

Train and educate the deputy fire safety director for warden searchers elevator lobby monitors exit monitors and age for

Pre-emergency eight

Train responsible person's to perform duties of the fire safety record during the period when the building is not normally occupied by the tenants in the building employees or the fire safety director is not on the premises

Pre-emergency seven

Train the building staff in the operation of the fire control console of the panel security officers building engineers and the deputy

If fire tamper switch is connected to the building fire alarm system


Is a pre-emergency duty of a building security officer to know the use of the public address system and be aware of the exit announcement script location


Security emergency duties

Upon notification of alarm in the building secured will report to the property site set by the fire safety director he following posted orders established prior to the emergency to if the priority site is the floor of alarm move to that floor in a safe manner three direct occupants to exit for isolate the fire emergency by closing all interior doors on the fire or floor of alarm five report any fires emergency information to the fire command

Engineer emergency duties

Upon notification of alarm report to the priority say duty sit by the fire marshal director meet at the first fire unit report to the fire panel report to the fire floor and other assignments to assist the fire officer at the HVAC control panel three report activation of our fire alarms initiating devices to the fire command center fire officer for report activation of all automatic fire equipment to the fire officer example fire pump or generator fiberform constant checks of your levels by operating equipment

In a hostile fire situation has to make decisions the individual is constantly sinking new data concerning fire

Validation recognition definition evaluation commitment reassessment

The person in a hostile fire situation has to make decisions individuals constantly seeking new data concerning the fire

Validation recognition definition evaluation commitment reassessment most people to fire seek the best available information this is the main job of a fire safety director you have that information and a means to deliver it or use of the buildings public address system

Fire gases

Vaporize product of combustion

Class K Fire

Vegetable oil or animal fat used for cooking

Why should there be no delay and using voice communication

Waiting for the fire department to arrive could become lethal

Name at least three components of your fire sprinkler system

Water supply tanks elevated below grade city main fire department connection's building fire pumps riser control valve alarm check local alarm main drain feed main cross main branch lines nozzles inspector test port auxiliary drain supervisory devices

Sprinkler system components

Water supply tanks elevated below grade city main fire department connection's building fire pumps risers control valve alarm check local alarm pressure switch flow switch pressure gauges main drain main feed Crossmain flashing outlets branchline nozzles inspector test auxiliary drain supervisory devices

Sprinkler types

What pipe sprinkler systems dry pipe system's pre-action systems Déluge systems open sprinkler heads for water sprinkler systems

Post earthquake recommendations

Who directed go to pre-designated area stay with the building if it's safe to do so be prepared to turn off natural gas water and electricity move heavy tables to the center of the building to use a duck and cover gather employees attempt to contact building management with runners

SF fire code

With the exception of hotels motels lodging houses in hospitals all building occupants of visitors should be a part of the drill this point should be relayed to the fire floor warden during the meetings

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