HIS 101 Final Exam

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"Era of Good Feeling"

- return of No party politics -Now that federalists collapsed republicans run unimposed. There is no real national candidate running against monroe Secretary of State - James Monroe - runs for president - and is elected Monroe's achievements are largely diplomatic and were carried out by John Quincey Adams (John Adams' son) - Puts to rest many international diplomatic issues -Signs in 1819 a treaty with Spain, known as the trans-continetnal treaty - Sets for the moment the boundary between the U.S. and the Spanish Empire -Spanish Empire is collapsing (Due to Latin American revolutions) and the Spanish sell florida to the United States for 5 million dollars of assumed debt In return America gives up any claims it had to texas (for the moment)


-American farmers had no purpose of growing surpluses (BUT SINCE TRANSPORTATION IS IMPROVED THROUGH RAILROADS, FARMERS ADJUST THEIR GROWTH AND PROVIDE MORE PRODUCT TO MEET WITH THE NEW TRANSPORTATION CAPABILITIES) -Start to see increasing agricultural specialization in different regions of the country -Southern States produce staple crops (cotton, corn, rice etc.) - Western states produce food crops (cereal, etc) -North east ( turns to other things - (SUCH AS MANUFACTURING) Because different regions are specializing in the things they are good at we start to see these different regions supplying each other (DO NOT NEED TO RELY ON FOREIGN TRADE) -As a result of all the change -American society is transformed in to an extremely fast paced place with constant change and movement

Middle Class Slaveholders:

-Are planters/aspiring planters -Owned between 10 and 49 slaves -Did farming labor -These people acted like the rising slave-holding gentry -Obsessive hunger for more land and for more slaves -Focused on the market but every other inch of available land would be devoted to commercial agriculture -These people are very rich but also lived primitively (but always invested in new land and new slaves) - Often lacked money to buy things for themselves -Lived in crude dwellings -Enjoyed living in a lower standard of living (despite being rich) - In comparison to northern farmers -Represented a quarter of the overall slave holding class -Many had college educations -Had dual occupations such as dual Lawyer/Planters, dual Doctor/Planters

Trains (Railroads)

-Become dominant mode of American transportation after 1850 -Not tied to water -are faster -Can travel year round (Don't freeze) -In 1830 the United States had 13 miles of railroad tracks -In 1840 there were 3,225 miles -By 1860 there were 31,000 miles of railroad track in the United States (WHICH IS MORE MILEAGE THAN THE ENTIRE WORLD'S RAILROADS PUT TOGETHER) -Advent and expansion of the railroads create NEW CITIES SUCH AS CHICAGO -ALLOWED FARMERS TO START GROWING MORE PRODUCT TO MEET WITH THE NEW TRANSPORTATION CAPABILITIES AND INCREASED DEMAND

Great Basin of Utah:

-Center of Church of Latter Day saints (MORMONS) -Founded by Joseph Smith in New York Joseph smith -Was one of the prophets in the Second Great Awakening, and found that he saw the lost tribes of israel in America -Thrown in jail for indeceny and is killed by an anti-mormon mob -Brigham Young- becomes new leader of mormon church -By 1849 Young becomes the governor and there is no seperation between church and state -Salt Lake City is established Manifest destiny increased the size and power of U.S.- But growing strength proves to be its undoing


-Held in contempt by slaveholders and yeomen -Lived on the far margins of land in southern society that no one wanted -Less than 5% of the southern population -Were often squatters -Would hunt, fish and may grow potatoes but not much -Were illiterate -Poor nutrition -Chronic diseases (malaria, hook-work and others) -resented slaveholders (Hated slaves even more) -Southern humour made fun of these people -Don't really know much about these people

Mexican-Texan War

-Mobilizes an army to fight the White Texans -Texas Revolution -Held up at Battle of the alamo, Davey Crockett killed -Santa anna loses 1500 soldiers in the assault Sam Houston -Launches a surprise attack against Santa Anna's army and captures Santa Anna himself -Santa anna forced to sign treaty -Becomes the new hero of the republic -Becomes president of the "Lone Star Republic" -texas is now its own country Was assumed that texas would join the United States -In late 1836, the outgoing president, Andrew Jackson is worried about the admission of Texas because of what it would do to stability -Martin Van Buren also takes no action in what to do regarding texas -Texas remains independent until 1845 -Over 100,000 new immigrants stream into the lone star republic with free land being handed out freely by the government -The Mexican congress refuses to recognize the treaty that Santa Anna signed arguing that the treaty was signed forcefully under duress -Mexican Congress Refused to recognize the border Polk invites texas to join.

Mexican-American War

-Polk uses a boundary dispute between texas and mexico to provoke a war between the United States -Orders U.S. troops to occupy a disputed zone -When its occupied, the Mexican government accuses the U.S. accuses the United States of invasion and attack U.S. forces under the command of Zachary Taylor -Polk uses this opportunity to blame mexico for everything and declares war -Congress Declares war in 1846 American-Mexican war is launched and is heavily controversial Whigs don't like it because they believe it is a plot for the United States to seize more territory to establish new slave states American settlers were influenced to revolt (Called the Bear Flag Revolt) in California against mexico American troops aid the American Californian settlers and the Americans storm into California securing it for the United States Taylor invades Mexico itself and conquers all of the desired territory in short order. Polk has to figure a way to withdraw from the war -Turn to conquering a peace Winfield Scott -is tasked to invade further south to capture Mexico City -Accomplishes the task and captures mexico city -Mexico City is captured and the Mexican-American war is finished with a decisive American victory -United States secures vast new territories -Largest territorial expansion in the continental United States

Small Slaveholders:

-Small slaveholders are those who only own a few slaves (they generally worked alongside their slaves in the fields) -Small slaveholders are still farmers, but they still just own a few extra hands to get work done -Are numerous in the upper south -Small slaveholders would own quite a few acres of land but would be not as much as others -Involved in significant agriculture -Always grow a small quantity of cash crops (tobacco (Upper south), cotton (Lower south) -Are always mobile (trying to move out west) -Can always lose the designation of being a "slaveholder" -When you fall into debt, slaves are the first thing that will be taken for you Slaveholding class is ⅓ of the overall southern population Within the slaveholding class around ⅔ are small slaveholders

Transportation Revolution

-Thanks to dramatic developments of transportation National market requires way to move things in bulk, cheaply (through enormous distances) -A transportation network is underway that links various regions together (in the movement of goods) Is the result of three main developments 1. Building of the canal system 2. Invention of the Steamboat 3. Trains (Railroads)

-With such an unequal distribution of wealth how can such an imbalance social structure can survive? How can 1% of the southern population control the wealth and get away with it? -There was class conflict but there were 5 factors that held everything together

1. Race and fear - Allows white southerners to have equality. (Fear of race war fueled largely in white minds 2. Hope - Inherent fluidity of white society - Class lines were never rigid and non-slaveholders had hopes of becoming slaveholders themselves. 3. Politics - Near universal white male suffrage in southern states (Non-slaving white majority could have their beliefs be represented) - Gave the non-enslaving white majority a feeling of equality 4. Economic and social relationships between slaveholders and non-slaveholders - Slaveholders lived within the same neighborhoods as non-slaveholders and provided lots of good services to their non-enslaving neighbors (Always interacted with them on a daily basis.) (Slaveholders provide services for the non-enslaved majority) 5. Blood (Family Connections) - White Southerners have a close blood relationship with someone who does own a slave (Makes joining the slaveholding class feel more possible for non-enslaving white southerners)

Kansas & Nebraska Act - WHIG PARTY CEASES TO EXIST

1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty. When this passes all hell breaks loose Reignites all tensions from the compromise of 1820 that supposedly put to bed Northerners are outraged by this Northerners are worried about slave power being very real and controlling the government Two party system of Whigs Vs Democrats collapses - Whig party ceases to exist In the ruins of the whig party we see the rise of third parties Many of these parties are called "Anti-Nebraska" parties - The most important one was the newly formed republican party The Republican party is a single issue party -Wants to restrict the spread of slavery into newly admitted territories

Robert Hoe

A Man named Robert hoe - creates the steam-printing press ENABLES THE PRINTING OF PAPERS CHEAPLY AND GIVES RISE TO THE PENNY PRESS (ONLY COSTS A PENNY TO BUY A NEWSPAPER) -Some newspapers may have morning or evening editions as a result

Diego de Gardoqui:

A Spanish diplomat who negotiated the Jay-Gardoqui Treaty with John Jay, addressing commercial and boundary issues between the United States and Spain.

Dred Scott

A black slave, had lived with his master for 5 years in Illinois and Wisconsin Territory. Backed by interested abolitionists, he sued for freedom on the basis of his long residence on free soil. The ruling on the case was that He was a black slave and not a citizen, so he had no rights. Supreme Court case - Dred Scott Decision: (Dred Scott was a slave in Missouri who lived for several years in Ilinois and Wisconsin with were both free states/territories -On the basis of the status of the states he argues hes no longer a slave because his slaveholder took him there Supreme Court - Has a southern majority, Chief justice is also a southerner, In 1857 after the results of the election, he issues his expansive rule in one of the most egregious cases of judicial activism Majority rules that dred scott is still a slave Also declares that black people COULD NOT and COULD NOT EVER BE, citizens of the united states because they argue that at the time of the constitution created that black people were inferior and thus were not citizens and could not be given same rights as white people Second part of ruling - Supreme court argues that the Missouri compromise was unconstitutional - Says that congress has no authority to restrict slavery in territories/slaves Court thinks that this ruling will bring tensions to an end Wide outrage to the north Republicans only have one ideology (To restrict spread of slavery) Idea of slave power is real and that it has infiltrated every aspect of government


A concept emphasizing the need for public officials to act in the interest of the public rather than their personal interests.

Daniel Shays:

A former captain in the Continental Army and a leader of Shays' Rebellion.

Judiciary Act of 1789

A law passed by the first Congress to establish the federal court system. Calls for the creation of the Supreme court - Do it through the Judiciary Act of 1789 Had six supreme court justices Create a system of district courts and circuit courts of appeal (Created the framework of the federal court system) Also established the right for Federal courts to review the decisions of state courts (Said Federal Courts are above State Courts) John Jay of New York served as the first chief justice

Hartford Convention (1814)

A meeting of Federalist delegates from New England inspired by Federalist opposition to the War of 1812;contributed to the death of the Federalist Party during the "Era of Good Feelings"

Nullification crisis

A sectional crisis during the presidency of Andrew Jackson created by the Ordinance of Nullification, an attempt by the state of South Carolina to nullify a federal law - the tariff of 1828 - passed by the United States Congress. South Carolina nullifies the tariffs (Declares them null and void) - Their Authority is greater than the authority of the U.S. Congress -Evokes state rights to make this argument Places South Carolina on the brink of secession Jackson denies the possibility of nullification and secession and declares that the Union cannot be ceceeded. Jackson will use violent means if necessary and South Carolina leads to measures toward repealing their nullification Jackson declares through the Force Bill that South Carolina has to pay the tariffs or will face military retailiation

Federalist Papers

A series of essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay to promote the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Had better arguments than the anti-federalists and federalist propaganda was highly supported Regionalism develops within partisan divides (Federalists are popular in New England with also stronger support in South Carolina) Republicanism is popular out west and in the middle states (Such as New Jersey ) Responded to each Anti-Federalist claim. Hamilton argues that checks and balances inherent in this new system would PREVENT tyranny Madison argues that it is BIG REPUBLICS that are better than small republics. Primary objection to the Constitution is there being no BILL OF RIGHTS. Federalists argue that it is not necessary since the states have bill of rights. 10 Amendments are added which become the Bill of rights. In the end the Federalists win the argument (Were more organized and had more convincing propaganda) Americans also feared chaos much more than they feared tyranny All but New York, North Carolina and Rhode island (34-520 Madison through his word did introduce the Bill of rights and the Bill of rights are the lasting legacy of the Anti-Federalists Very thing Americans feared the most (Independent government that had authority over the states) - Constitution is based on the idea of competing interests - Need to hold that competition in check. Patrick Henry did not attend the constitution ratification because he "Smelled a Rat"

Second Great Awakening

A series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on Methodism and Baptism. Stressed a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. The revivals attracted women, Blacks, and Native Americans. Second Great Awakening- (Big change) - Forever remakes the American religious landscape and we continue to live in this landscape to this day Starts in the frontiers of Kentucky spreads east, south and sweeps through most of the nation Evangelical Protestantism takes the dominant role in American christianity Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians Starts to spread to new institutions Camp meeting- Gathering is called in remote place and have constant preaching day after day (In the wilderness)


A social system where men hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege, and control of property.

Alien & Sedition Acts

Alien Act- U.S. can deport any Alien/foreigner having "distrustful" views against the government Violated First Amendment Naturilization Act - Increased from 5 years to 14 years the time every newly arrived immigrant would gain citizenship Sedition Acts- Imprisonment for anyone writing anything false or scandalous against the U.S. government *IMPORTANT* - Violated First Amendment Sedition Act was used against republicans arresting many of the republicans Republicans are outraged and accuse the federalists of violating the first amendment (SAID ONLY SEDITION ACTS SHOULD BE PROSECUTED AND NOT FREEDOM OF SPEECH) Republicans respond formally to the Alien & Sedition Acts by passing Virginia and & Kentucky resolutions These resolutions declare that the constitution has been a compact between the federal government and the states and that it the federal power should not be abused, and it SHOULD BE THE STATES TO DECIDE IF THE GOVERNMENT ABUSE THEIR POWER -states rights argument

Texas Territory

Almost all the people living there are ranchers -Group of Americans under the leadership of Moses Austin (and later his son, Stephen Austin) urge a group of Americans to colonize land in Mexican Texas -Once the American settlement gains a foothold, there are waves of Southerners coming to Texas whilst they bring their slave workforces with them in hopes of growing cotton. -Tensions begin to grow between the American settlers and the Mexican government in Mexico City -Tensions fueled by religion: Catholics vs Protestants -Slavery is illegal in Mexico, but these American texans ignore these restrictions, or they have their slaves sign a lifetime indentured contract once they cross the border into Mexico. -By 1835, the White Texan population has grown to 30,000 people, ten times the native Mexican population within Texas -Mexico wants to enforce the ban on slavery -Stephen Austin is arrested in Mexico City and imprisoned after trying to negotiate

Robert Fulton

American inventor who designed the first commercially successful steamboat and the first steam warship (1765-1815)

Americans households also changed in response to the market revolution as well:

American women used to do a lot of the manufacturing to sow the clothing, make candles, but now HOUSEHOLD MANUFACTURING disappear and women have lost most of their economic opportunities - Some may work in factories but most don't Industrial revolution led to the reorganization and understanding of the role of women GREATER EXTREMES OF WEALTH Factory system make worker wages lower The Rich were getting richer Social mobility became a popular belief Rags to riches stories happened but it was never to the degree as many claimed -Another big change: Redefinition and understanding of TIME ITSELF** -Time USED TO BE thought of in a more general sense (Not specific) -Transportation needed much more precision and specificity -Mass-produced clocks become an everyday feature of American life (that used to not be as important) -Clocks become a PRACTICAL NECESSITY -Much greater consequence: Greater instability in the market -Start to see a series of depressions regularly throughout the 19th century (weren't called depressions but were called Panics) Civil war pulls the country out of the "panic" -These panics create extreme anxiety in this newly developed society

Republican Motherhood:

An ideology in early American history that suggested women had a special role and responsibility in raising children to be virtuous and knowledgeable citizens, contributing to the success of the new republic. -If we are going to empower the people to rule themselves, we need to make sure that those citizens are properly trained. - Needed to be educated and needed a civic virtue to be instilled in them at a young age. Person's job to do that: The Mother Civic Virtue - democratic ideas, practices, and values that are at the heart of citizenship in a free society Mother - National Duty to raise Republican Sons If women are to perform this role they need better education. Needlework, dance and singing does not cut it anylonger and thus reading schools for women offer more academic coursework (Literacy) Divorce becomes just a little bit easier when prior to this moment it became practically impossible Republican Mother - Enhances the importance of the mother sphere, and also expands their influence in the home but also constrains/restricts them to the home as well.

Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun and John Q. Adams

Ardent republicans that dominated the legislative agenda of the republican party following the war of 1812 -Replace Jefferson's old vision (as a nation of farmers) as a new nationalism for a set of economic policies for all regions in the country and to link them together. -These republicans are in national interests (Are willing to support national bank, will charter a second national bank in 1816) - (Also introduce protective tariffs to foster domestic production to give a domestic advantage instead of a foreign one) - (Want to improve transportation)

John Humphrey Noyes

Believes he has reached perfection and is living a life without sin Gathers followers around him and believes the problem with the world is that we like family too much Practiced "Swinging culture" Did not have sex to completion (Form of birth control) Noyes attracted about 200 members by 1851 This community lasts for a long time In 1879 Noyes is finally driven from power and the remaining members as a joint stock company and dedicate themselves to manufacturing Known as the "Onedia Company" (WHICH MAKES SILVERWARE) Charles Fourier - Establishes phalanxes (Which are communes working together)


Beneath slaveholders are Yeomen Yeomen- Comprised of 3 quarters of the entire white population in the south -Are neither rich or poor -Don't own slaves -Maintained traditional family farms (most of them owned their own land) -Especially numerous in the upper south but would be rarely found in lands that were dominated by slaveholders as they were too expensive) -Had a far more balanced economy in comparison to the planters -Suffered from a chronic lack of cash (and only played a minor roll in the southern market) -Yeomen maintained traditionally family roles and the family fulfilled the primary role of labor. -Little time for education under the yeomen class -Many yeomen grew up illiterate or semi-literate -20% Of the white population of the south could not read (Would be much higher if slave-owning population was included) -In the north most people were literate and way lower illiteracy rates in comparison to the south. -Yeomen were proud, fiercely independent people and bitterly resented outside interference -Yeomen (vast majority of white southern population) but are often overlooked in history -Yeomen wanted to be slaveholders and wanted to be part of the market and would jump at the opportunity when presented to them.

Denmark Vessey

Bessy was a free black carpenter in Charleston and he too hatches a plan to gather slaves and lay siege to the city He too was betrayed and was executed

Kansas-Nebraska Act Continued

Both north and south has made the referendum to settle the territories (Mainly Kansas) (Arms the settlers with guns) -Lots of border fraud -Border ruffians (Are Pro-slavery missourians to intimidate and vote illegally for pro-slavery purposes -Kansas - Has two capitals each claiming to be the legitimate capital of Kansas -Called Bleeding Kansas because Kansas is going to bleed due to battles being fought over slavery Lawrence Kansas - Is sacked by Pro-Slavery forces because it was an Anti-Slavery town

Panic of 1819-

Caused by collapse of cotton prices Land speculation boom collapses All banks call in their credit Economy constricts heavily and the panic of 1819 ruins many. Only a few individuals still operate under the old system

Separation of Powers

Constitutional division of powers among the: 1) Legislative, - Makes Law 2) executive, - Enforces law and 3) judicial branches -Interprets law, with the legislative branch making law, the executive applying and enforcing the law, and the judiciary interpreting the law

Building of the canal system

Eerie canal - Stretches 364 miles (between Albany new york and buffalo new york and new york city) -Great lakes region connected to New York City At the time this was dug there was not a canal in the United States longer than 20 miles Once it was completed the cost of shipping goods of shipping goods from buffalo to new york city drops to 3 cents and (soon drops to less than a penny) *COST OF SHIPPING DRAMATICALLY DECREASES* Building of the eerie canal gives New York City the dominant position in the scramble for western trade and surpasses philadelphia in becoming the United States financial center Canals were joint public/private ventures Canals are also limited and expensive to build and canals have problems (such as going up hill) and it freezes which means it only works for part of the year (and canals are only suitable for small countries (NOT FOR LARGE COUNTRIES) Canals don't work out west (People in the west rely on rivers but the problem with rivers is that the currents go in one direction (DON'T WORK WELL WITH GOING UPSTREAM)

Treaty of Ghent (1814)

Ended the War of 1812. Did not address grievances that led to the war (stalemate for both sides).

Not all slaveholders were equal

Enslaved people- Represented enormous capital benefits -Far more valuable than land -Cash value of the south's collective slave-holdings was worth more than the entirety of land in the south -in 1860 a prime slave fieldhand (Between 16 and mid-twenties) can sell as much as $15. (Almost 10x the amount of average income for the average American) The vast majority of slaveholders owned less than 10 slaves. Very few owned more than 10, some even owned only one slave.

America in 1790

First U.S. Census occurs in 1790 (As mandated by the Constitution) Up to this point there hasn't been any reliable population counts Now in 1790, we have hard data - Is still incomplete and unreliable (really hard to count people in 1790) According to 1790 Census there was 4 million people Population Remained largely on the eastern seaboard There was around 100k people living west of the appalachians Around three quarters of the 4 million population were black (And the overwhelmingly majority of them were held in bondage and many lived in the south) Population is growing rapidly American population doubles every 22 years (Is fast) Immigration is not a major factor (Fewer than 10,000 European immigrants immigrated annually) THe growth was NATURAL (many colonist were having lots of kids) Many Colonial women had 8 children but because of this they had lower life expectancies than men (Because of childbirth) 19 out of 20 Americans lived in the rural countryside (Not in a town or city) In 1790 there are only 24 cities in the U.S. with a population of 2500 or more Did not ask about occupation in the first census of 1790** In the 1800 census they did ask about occupation (MOST WERE IN AGRICULTURE) Primary division was not urban vs rural Semi-Consistent economy (Is a barter economy) - U.S. had an economy of widespread inequality Equality of rural american world rested upon its isolation (Was no way to get very rich - you could only rise so high in the back country)

Gold Rush of 1848 -

Gold is found in California and 80,000 immigrants set forth to California in search of gold 1848-1849- Population jumps from 14,000 people to 140,000 people -Highly unstable society, and towns spring up and disappear overnight -80% of the population was American with additional 20% International settlers -Overwhelmingly unmarried young men in their 20s and 30s. -Create a chaotic society -Over 5% of the "49ers" were women and children -Women themselves are in great demand as "Wives" Due to gender imbalance -20% of the female population worked as prostitutes -San Francisco essentially "pops up" overnight, growing to 50,000

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Harriet Beecher Stowe Moral indictment of slavery: Marketed to specifically female northeners - Meant to make you sympathize with the plight of slave characters -Remains to be the greatest publishing phenomena of all time 3 million copies sold around the world with 300,000 copies sold in U.S. Turned many white northerners against slavery who simply did not care or not thought about it World opinion goes against slavery Queen Victoria reads it and weeps Pro-Slavery books attempt to refute Uncle Tom's Cabin (Don't go well) Book reignited crises between north and south and drove along tensions

Samuel Slater-

He memorized the way that the British made machines and he brought the idea to America. He made the first American cotton spinning machine. Memorized the plans for British spinning machinery and sneaks his way out of England -Goes to Rhode Island where he builds the first textile mill factory in Rhode Island (SLATER'S MILL) -Many individuals copy Slater's technology where they find the water power needed to use it

XYZ Affair

In 1797, the XYZ affair involved three french officials demanding a bribe from American officials (Americans were so insulted from this that it blew up causing an international conflict) Federalists following the XYZ affair start the building up of the creation of a military Republicans are terrified thinking that the building up of the military was going to lead to tyranny


In 1804, Thomas Jefferson is re-elected War broke out again between England & France United States now in the position of having to choose sides Britain starts seizing american ships and start to impress American sailors into British naval service Britain does not recognize the American citizenship of sailors and thus 4,000 sailors are impressed into British naval service Britain seizes 500 American ships France seizes 300 american ships

Eli Whitney

Invented the cotton gin Eli Whitney - Created the Cotton Gin (Didn't make much money on it) - Goes into Business in Conneticut and goes into the business of GUN MANUFACTURING

-Many different "Souths"

Is an imagined concept Find many different cultures and even languages in the south Bond of "nationhood" drives white settlers to secede from the union One institution that set the south apart (and dominated every aspect of southern thought, society and politics) - SLAVERY -Southern whites who owned no slaves still wanted slavery -Southern whites who did own slaves wanted more slaves. -Interconnected web made up of slave-owning aristocrats Overwhelming majority of white southerners were neither rich or poor Most southerners did not own slaves (although it does not mean they didn't desire to) 1860 Census 84% of white southerners were directly involved in agriculture

Embargo Act (1807) (Response to Impressment by Britain & France)

Jefferson does not know what to do, but does the wrong thing In 1807 Jefferson declares an embargo of american goods going elsewhere, figuring that france & england heavily needed american goods -Were wrong, only hurt american trade - devastated the economy of New England which is dependent on shipping

Thomas Jefferson (x2)

Jefferson walked to his inauguration instead of being ridden in a carriage Jefferson retained his distrust of power and maintained his human virtues and maintained his beliefs in the agrarian ideal (A nation of farmers) Jefferson was a product of the Enlightenment - Jefferson's library became the national library Jefferson did not present himself well- did not dress professionally, did not have a good speaking voice - could not give speeches because no one could hear him - had to rely on written communication. Jefferson did not support universal suffrage - Believed a property requirement should be needed to vote. Did not believe in women's right to vote Jefferson in his youth advocated somewhat against slavery but as he gotten older those sentiments went away as he was one of the largest slave owners His politics were more pragmatic Jefferson declared "We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists" Shrinks the size of the military (stops a lot of naval projects) - Helps to pay down federal debt - But does not abolish Hamilton's hated financial program (Still also keeps the national bank) Federalists after they lost the election were in the Judiciary branch Federalists dramatically extend the federal court system - create new offices with other loyal Federalists As soon as the republicans take power, the republicans try to undo the federalist actions Is hard because the judiciary is lifetime term limits Madison is sued -Becomes famous supreme court case of Marbury v. Madison (1803)

Jefferson Vs. Hamilton

Jefferson- was an Anti-Federalist Hamilton- Was a Federalist and wanted to expand the powers of the national government Hamilton also wanted to create a national bank which was very controversial because it reminded people of the Bank of England which was highly corrupt. Huge divide between Jefferson and Hamilton in an international affairs (War between France and England It was impossible for America to be truly "neutral" in the conflict as both English and French ships were harassing American vessels. -Hamilton wanted to align with England -Jefferson wanted to align with France -Washington wanted to remain neutral and isolated from European affairs -Americans as a whole initially embraced the French Revolution as they saw similarities, however when they started hearing of the executions many stopped their support Huge divide on whether America should side with the new french government or not.

John Brown

John Brown -Hearing of the raid on Lawrence Kansas Staunch Anti-Slavery zealot, along with 6 other men and 4 of his own sons -Decide to attack pro-slavery men in Kansas -On the night of may 24th 1856, they appear outside the men's homes and drag them out of their houses infront of their families and kill them -Massacre within Kansas causes Kansas to explode with violence -Counter retaliations, guerilla warfare and set-piece battles as Anti-Slavery and Pro-Slavery forces battle eachother -John Brown goes into hiding after the massacre

Pierre Charles L'Enfant

L'Enfant- Commissioned to build Washington D.C. by George Washington Washington D.C. early on had no population - Had nothing for it because it was swampy

Gabriel Prosser

Led by a man named by Gabriel Prosser (Gabriel's rebellion) - Was a blacksmith and recruited fellow slaves to march on Richmond and wanted to hopefully capture the governor Some of his co-conspirators snitch and gabriel and the slaves are caught and are executed before it happens

Republican Party

Madison is the brains behind the republican party while Jefferson is the "face" Regionalism develops within partisan divides (Federalists are popular in New England with also stronger support in South Carolina) Republicanism is popular out west and in the middle states (Such as New Jersey ) Republicans were strict constructionist - BELIEVED IN ONLY SPECIFIED POWERS Feared tyranny, feared Hamilton and feared the growth of an American aristocracy

McCulloch V Maryland - IMPLIED POWERS*

Maryland was trying to tax the national bank and Supreme Court ruled that federal law was stronger than the state law Supreme Court ruling (1819) confirming the supremacy of national over state government - Upholds the constitutionality of the national bank (Which Maryland challenged) -Also upholds the idea of IMPLIED POWERS (there are things that the federal government can assume that are not specifically delegated to it in the constitution)

Minstrel Show Poster

Most popular form of entertainment in the NORTH White actors dressed in black face and used black stereotypes and profited off deep-seated racism within northern society.

Major conflicts over the proper use of that land

New settlers want to put up fences and farm the land which creates inevitable conflict with the native americans Indians have a choice: Either assimilate to "white ways" - become farmers Or they would have to move across the Mississippi and perhaps even further (Jefferson thought this was the best move) Jefferson thought if they didn't do this, extermination was certain Native Americans and White Settlers fight between each other due to diminishing resources Between 1800 and 1810, Native American groups were pressured into giving hundreds of acres to the new settlers Some native american groups do assimilate and start adopting white ways, and try to become farmers and marry white spouses Other natives resist with resistance fundamentalist ways to reject white culture, reject white ways except for guns. - Want to adopt more pure indian culture __________________________________________________________________ Those who assimilated were deprived of their land Those who resisted would either be moved or destroyed

Shays' Rebellion:

Occurred in Western Massachusetts Was an armed uprising led by Daniel Shays. Happened originally because farmers were incapable of paying their loans and mortgages back so they sought relief by the Massachusetts state government to be reimbursed with credit relief The lower house of the Massachusetts government initially agreed but the bankers and creditors in Boston did not like this one bit and used their influence to have the upper house strike down the law in their favor. Farmers being outraged by this take to arms to demand relief and Daniel Shays amassed an army of 2,000 soldiers to attack government officials This conflict geniuinely threatened civil war The Massachusetts State government was forced to put down the rebellion. Shay's rebellion proved the fragility of the Articles of Confederation as these smaller state governments proved to be inadequate enough to fulfill the needs of the people, nor did they have enough resources to fulfill the people's demands. This initially was the first stepping stone for a stronger call for a more centralized government to provide more security. In response In 1787, Congress under the articles, convene a special meeting of the states to revise the Articles of Confederation. - Result of that meeting will be the U.S. constitution *All states attended but one state refused - Rhode Island- Last state to ratify the Constitution

John Jay:

One of the Founding Fathers of the United States, a diplomat, and the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He was also one of the authors of the Federalist Papers.

James Madison:

One of the authors of the Federalist papers U.S. constitution- Conservative document to reign in the excesses and limit the powers of the people and specifically the state legislatures ' Needed to strengthen the government under legislation MADISON WANTED TO CREATE A NEW CENTRAL GOVERNMENT THAT HAD NOT ONE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT BUT THREE WANTED THEM TO HAVE VETO POWER OVER ALL STATE LEGISLATION WANTED TO HAVE A BICAMERAL HOUSE OF REPRESENATIVES WITH THE LOWERHOUSE BEING CHOSEN BY THE PEOPLE WITH THE UPPER HOUSE (SENATE) BEING ELECTED BY THE LOWERHOUSE Advocated for the electoral college Electoral College - Was made up by representatives plus by how many votes you have Idea of central powers is central to all of htis Madison creates a strong executive branch and also imagines a judiciary with independent power over the two branches MADISON'S ONLY DEFEAT is the refusal for Congress to be granted Veto Power over state legislation. (Didn't get this) New constitution would be SUPREME law over the land taking precedence over any state constitution. It takes ⅔ of both houses and 3 quarters (of something else) to amend the constitution. HEAVILY DIFFICULT TO AMMEND

Charles Grandison Finney. - Revivalist

One of the most important leaders of the Second Great Awakening One of the major figures of the second great awakening Has his own conversion experience Is struck down by the force of God, he abandons his law practice and becomes a fulltime revivalist. Attracts audiences in the tens of thousands and he conducts thousands of revivals particularly in upstate new york Was against slavery and alcohol Upstate new york is known as the burnover district because of the fire revivalists sweep through it It is in Upstate new york (Where the revival is coming) Secret of Finney Success- Was not in his message but in his revival techniques and his loose doctrine He calls these his "measures" DOESN't USE ADVANCED LANGUAGE BUT IS BLUNT Finney would also pray for sinners by name and he would pay for people to do background investigation work about others to find out who might be on the verge of being saved and they would pray for them by name. Women were encouraged to testify (Were asked by missionaries about their husbands) As for his message: Finney and his revivalists preach a very liberal form of calvinsim Finney rejected pre-destination, original sin, He preached you could lead a righteous and even perfect life. Finney preached that not only you can be re-born and achieve perfection in life, but you can make the world a better place. He called his followers "Soldiers of Christ." Wanted to make "heaven on the earth" Finney transformed American Protestantism down to its core. Was strongest in areas adapting to social and economic change. FINNEY TRANSFORMED AMERICAN PROTESTANTISM TO ITS CORE Evangelical protestantism become the largest christianity denomination Methodism becomes the largest religion***

William Loyd Garrison -

Opposed slavery and wanted to abolish it Demanded the immediate end of slavery and racial inequality Abolitionists declared that slavery is inhumane and it denies those of their natural rights Condemns slavery itself as a "sin" It is a moral question (Not social or economic) Garrison forms the anti-slavery society to help organize anti-slavery activism in the United States Were concentrated in the east along within New York State Majority of subscribers to Garrison's newspaper were african-american Black abolitionists Frederick Douglas- Was a former slave Harriet Tubman Anti-Abolitionist mobs would routinely attack abolitionists Abolitionism from the start was divided from the start always arguing whether or not if they should engage in politics or not The women right's movement grows directly from the abolition movement Out of the ranks of abolitionists gave rise to women rights activists such as (the Grimke sisters, Elizabeth Candy Stantonm and Lucretia Mott Declares a female declaration of independence Women right's movement before the civil war set the agenda for the women's right movement after the civil and throughout the 19th century.

The Know Nothing Party

Political party of the 1850s that was anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant Was heavily nativist -Particularly appeal to native born White Workers -Sudden rise of "The know nothing party" ceases the existence of the Whigs (Many whigs switched parties to the American party -The American Party dies almost as quickly as it was born - It collapses around the slavery issue - the Bulk of northern know nothings which is the republican party - Reasorbs the nativisit wing within its mix.

2. Invention of the Steamboat

Prior to the invention of the steamboat, river travel was very long With steamboats the dramatic time duration shortens heavily Greatest effect: In the West In 1817 there were only 17 steamboats By 1820 there were 69 steamboats By 1855 there were 727 steamboats running up and down the western river network Because of this the carrying capacity of steamboats increased -Steamboats are susceptible to explosions and become more dangerous as time goes on

Planter Aristocrats (Highest level of slaveholders)

Privileged few who owned 50 or more slaves Fewer than 3,000 southerners who owned 100 or more slaves And only 11 that owned 500 or more slaves ANd there were a couple that owned a thousand Operating at this level means you own multiple plantations (not just one) -less risk and also because it makes it easier to manage the slaves -People who operate at this scale are large scale entrepreneurs and have little direct contact with their massively enslaved laborers. -Find massive plantations in regards to where the cash crops are grown. -Find generations of wealth in South Carolina and Virginia -Different in the west (like Alabama and Mississippi). All Slaveholders (big or small) had significant advantages over the non-enslaving white southern counterparts -Significance increase in productivity with the use of slavery -Slavery was extremely profitable -Purchase price and cost of maintenance would be quickly offset by the amount of sugar and rice that they could produce -Each of the slaves represented a price tag -The enslaved having children also become property of the master -Slavery is a symbol of wealth in and of itself. -Slaveholders as a group were both better educated and wealthier -Slaveholders could afford to have fewer children and were generationally independent (not reliant on other interconnected families) -Slave owning women (whom owned multiple slaves) - Meant that they were free from housework and become rather household managers rather than housewives -Slave owners were more mobile and self sufficient -Many slaveholders had -All slaveholders big or small shared the big idea of human ownership -Creates a society in which people are accustomed to absolute power and unquestioned authority


Problem with Western Land: Spain (Whom the U.S. thought they made peace with) - closed access to Mississippi river via new orleans - Spain also secretly ceded the territories of Louisiana to its old ally of France (With france being lead by Napoleon Bonaparte) land US bought from Napoleon for $15 million; he needed more money to fund more military expeditions ____ America was scared that the French were rebuilding their empire and that the French would take back their American lands -America sends two ministers (Monroe and Livingston) to France and meet with napoleon -Napoleon proposes to sell to the ministers ALL OF LOUISIANA for $15 million dollars Napoleon needs the funds to finance his war in Europe, Monroe and Livingston are struck and don't know what to do -Monroe and Livingston eventually agrees to the deal and Jefferson is very pleased with this but Jefferson is nervous as he is not sure if its legal or not to acquire this territory Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States overnight (Western Florida is still under Spanish possession) Jefferson sends his personal secretary and co-commander (Lewis and Clark) to go explore this new acquired territory (for 2.5 years) - They return in 1806 having collected scientific specimens, making detailed maps, and have established contact with many native american tribes Many Western settlers are more eager to settle western United States - Lewis and clark accelerates western settlement Western Migration begins in early 1800s By 1820, there were over 2 million people living west of the Appchians Land is settled in two waves: First wave is frontier people who move into the area (are squatters) and build a small home. - They are highly mobile and would continue moving further west Second wave- People who paid for the land and start to erect improved farm

Virginia Plan - drafted by James Madison *CENTRALIZED*

Proposal to create a strong national and centralized government A proposal at the Constitutional Convention for a strong central government with a bicameral legislature, drafted by James Madison.

New Jersey Plan - Drafted by William Paterson *DECENTRALIZED*

Proposal to create a weak national government would have given each state one vote in a new congress -was much more moderate - Kept unicameral government- But said equal representation of one vote per state SHOULD BE MAINTAINED. -Speaks for the interests of other small states New Jersey Plan gets quickly rejected and thus madison's plan becomes the basis. Fight between Northern and Southern States Southern States are larger have bigger populations and are growing rapidly Northern States are smaller, but there are more states.

Before Transportation Revolution

Reach of the market economy was only as far as water could reach Up to this point the only people participating in the international market was those on the coast All of this changes in 1815 when vast new areas are introduced to the market and prices drop dramatically Cost of land transportation dropped by 95% but the speed of transportation increased by a factor of 5% Turnpikes become widespread (Can't move a lot of stuff on roads

Caning of Charles Sumner

Republican Senator - Charles Sumner - On the floor of the senate delivering a fiery speech declaring "the crime against Kansas" -Insults the south -Insutls south carolina -Insults South Carolina's senator with overcharged sexual language Preston Brooks- Hears the speech (who was a relative of the senator) and is mad -He storms into the senate chamber, marches down the aisle and begins to begin charles sumner over the head with his cane -Charles Sumner is attacked from behind and Brooks continue to beat Sumner over the head until the cane breaks -Southerner politicians would hold other people away from Sumner -Sumner is so badly beaten that he does not go back into office until 1860 Preston Brooks -Considered a hero of the south -Many people sent him new canes -Resigns his seat, and is immediately re-elected by the people of his district Southern reaction to these events outraged northerners throughout the nation This greatly strengthens the new republican party as it is launching its new presidential campaign These events capture northern attention (Caning of Sumner) the act of being able to beat a U.S. senator in broad daylight and to get away with it reveals that the power of slavery was very real and also indicates the savagery of southern slave owners -White people are being victimized and beaten by Southern Slave holders -Many white people believe that slavery is infringing on THEIR rights now

Other forms of resistance:

Running away Very few slaves ran away succesfully (that is escaping to the north or canada) Most of those who do manage to escape come from the border south (close to northern border) Most slaves live in the DEEP SOUTH, making it hard and near impossible for slaves to get to the north. Most slaves who run away are not running away with the intention of escaping to the north, but are rather RUNNING AWAY TEMPORARILY Denying the owner their labor this was a way of protesting Slaves also faked stupidity, confidence or illness Other form of resistance: Stealing Many slaves stole chickens, pigs etc. Slaves didn't steal from eachother but rather took from the master Most masters bought from slaves because they kept having their property stolen

Lewis & Clark

Sent on an expedition by Jefferson to gather information on the United States' new land and map a route to the Pacific. They kept very careful maps and records of this new land acquired from the Louisiana Purchase.


Separation of church and state; no religion is officially supported by the state/government; opposed tax-supported church The act of removing the official status of a particular religious institution or church, typically referring to the separation of church and state. Congregationalism was still an established religion throughout new england and Anglicanism was still present in New York and many other colonies however it was removed.

3/5 Clause:

Slaves counted as 3/5 person for representation and taxation purposes. compromise between the northern states not wanting slaves counted, and southern states wanting all slaves counted, when determining a state's total population ⅗ clause - Says that slaves are ⅗ of a person - Slaves are not counted as full people


Supporters of the U.S. Constitution


TEXTILES EVOLVES INTO ALL IN ONE OPERATION WHERE THE ENTIRE PRODUCTION OF ONE PRODUCT GOES INTO ONE PRODUCTION PHASE -Lowell MA- Famously hired young women - Lowell Mill Girls New England women were the first factory workers in the United States -Women lived in company houses and worked long hours in poor conditions -Woman had the opportunity to work for wages for the first time -Women were soon replaced by IMMIGRANT LABOR (usually Irish immigrants) -As work becomes automated the nature and value of american labor changes -Massive factories - gives way to efficiency and productivity -If you had a job to do you did it -Work days become a thing (used to not be because work used to be more family oriented in an Artisan work environment Industrial revolution changes the fundamental perceptions of work American workforce is becoming de-skilled and the sense of craftsmanship is lost

One of the biggest reform movements is the

Temperance movement People had triple the amount of consumption levels for alcohol Movement springs up to end this level of drinking (Temperance movement) Movement militarizes and expands and leads to complete abstinence from alcohol tried to establish laws to make Alcohol illegal Temperance members would take drinkers to "convert them" The Temperance movement attracted women Also see Horace Mann trying to reform education Dorothea Dix- believes that mental illness should be treated differently *Creates insane asylum* ***Most controversial reform movement is to abolish slavery***

Charles Finney continued

The balance of power between man and god has changed precisely It used to be God was in charge (pre-destined by birth) Not anymore: Each individual has the power of their own salvation (you decide if you're going to be saved or not) In this liberal form of Calvinism it is a religion of heart (overwhelms you) Finney preached that not only you can be re-born and achieve perfection in life, but you can make the world a better place. He called his followers "Soldiers of Christ." Wanted to make "heaven on the earth" Finney transformed American Protestantism down to its core. Was strongest in areas adapting to social and economic change. Finney's message especially appealed to members of the rising middle class (people playing central roles in the marker economy) -These are the people joining his church by the tens of thousands This version of evangelical Protestantism reinforced the values necessary to succeed in this extremely competitive economy

George Washington

The first President of the United States (1789-1797) and one of the Founding Fathers. Washington played a crucial role in the American Revolutionary War and the drafting of the U.S. Constitution. No one knew who was going to be the president George Washington was appointed to be the first president 1 of only 2 of American presidents to be unanimously elected George Washington is remote, stiff and has no close friends Recognized from the start that everything he would do would set precedent for all American presidents to follow He carefully took step with each decision he made. he holds political tensions together After 2 terms in office, Washington decides to step down (Establishes a precedent of only 2 terms in office)


This case establishes the Supreme Court's power of Judicial Review _________________________________________________________________________________________ Madison is sued -Becomes famous supreme court case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) John marshall - Judge of the case Marshall is aware that the republicans might ignore him However, Marshall also wants the government to be able to review cases What marshall does in this case is that he splits the difference He rules against Marbury BUT he renounce the right of the court to review statues and to interpret the meaning of the constitution *ESTABLISHING THE PRINCIPLE OF JUDICIAL REVIEW - CENTERPIECE OF THE SUPREME COURT'S POWER* *Marshall expands this concept of Judicial review to State laws, and state actions. Marbury Vs Madison is so fundamental to the Constitution that it has been called the keystone of the constitutional arch Jefferson and the Republicans try to resort to a limited form of impeachment to get rid of the Federalists justices. (They actually managed to kick one guy out but he was insane) For the most part the republicans "wait out" the federalists as they're confident that they'll replace those justice spots with their own people.

Jay-Gardoqui Treaty:

This treaty between the U.S. and Spain would have given the U.S. special privileges at Spanish ports in exchange for giving Spain exclusive rights to the Mississippi River. In 1785, Spain is still blocking the Mississippi river to American navigation by sealing off the Port of New Orleans. Is a problem because the Appalachian territories being heavily settled and need access to it. America dispatches a diplomat - John Jay of New York who was serving the diplomatic of affairs. Wants spain to open the new orleans and mississippi river. Diego de Gardoqui- Proposes a treaty for the United States to relinquish claims on the Mississippi river and Spain would stop sealing off of the Mississippi river and would guarantee the claims of South Western claims and would make a shipping deal with the U.S. -In doing this deal there is a belief that John jay as a new yorker was selling out the western and southern states while acting only in favor of the north eastern states. Sectional (state) animosity increases because of John Jay and the treaty never gets ratified. Deilligetimitizes the American government.


Thomas Jefferson: -JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN PARTY -Advocated for states rights -Republicans were strict constructionist - BELIEVED IN ONLY SPECIFIED POWERS Feared tyranny, feared Hamilton and feared the growth of an American aristocracy Not yet ready to declare themselves as "parties" (Because it brought back all the old associations of parties in the British system and were factions which made them dangerous However, these parties are different because voting rights were so widespread that in order for parties to prosper and succeed they have to be popular among the people Political parties had an unintended purpose - Give rise to a voice to the people (Not how the Americans saw it at the time- feared factionalization) Actual split between Hamilton and Jefferson would come not over domestic issues but in international issues - FRENCH REVOLUTION

Planter - Actual census designation -

To be a planter you needed to own 10 or 20 slaves. At 20 slaves you need to hire an overseer since there's too many

Transcontinental Treaty

Treaty signed in 1819 between the U.S. and Spain in which Spain ceded Florida to the U.S. and agreed to a southern border of the U.S. west extending all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

Free blacks were much more urban

True Most poor blacks worked as unskilled laborers Some poor blacks were succesful and did own slaves Most of the black slave owners owned slaves that were their wives, children and their own families.


U.S. WOULD NOT INTERFERE IN EUROPEAN AFFAIRS, BUT THE EUROPEANS COULDN'T RECONQUER ANYTHING IN THE AMERICAS. -Frees the United States from foreign entanglements which allows U.S. to focus on their own internal development


Undeclared war fought entirely at sea between the United States and France from 1798 to 1800. The French began to seize American ships trading with their British enemies and refused to receive a new United States minister when he arrived in Paris in December 1796. A Quasi-War breaks out between the United States and France (No formal declaration of war but naval battles resulted between both nations) War "Kind of" is breaking out between France and America

War of 1812

Under pressure, Madison reluctantly asks congress to declare war on England in 1812. -Every federalist voted against this United States was no match for the British army or British navy Jefferson decimated the U.S. army and navy and were in no shape to fight an all-out war U.S. forces tried to invade Canada a few times over USS constitution would defeat the HMS Guerriere- Had the name "Old ironsides" American navy has no chance between the British navy HOWEVER In the Great Lakes, there was no access to the oceans and the Americans actually scored multiple victories within the Great Lakes and secured control of Lake Erie in 1814. In 1814 (In Europe) the Battle of Waterloo happens and Napoleon is defeated and England turns its full attention to America Britain invades the mainland of America, burning the capital, presidential home as they leave British forces bombard Fort McHenry outside of Baltimore harbor and the fort holds, - Star spangled banner is written here during this time Unable to take fort mchenry - england decides to focus on the choke point of New Orleans Andrew Jackson- Took Spanish Western Florida (Seized Pensacola) Without any orders British decide to invade New Orleans - American forces (led by Andrew Jackson) confront British forces Andrew Jackson fights the British and wins a smashing, almost unbelievable victory (British forces suffer 2,000 casualties, Americans suffer only 21) War of 1812- even though was an disaster, ends on a high note because of Jackson's victory Disgruntled New England Federalists discussed their grievances with Madison's war. New England federalists thought of cessation Throughout the war, new england continued trading with the british and wouldn't give any troops to fight britain Declaration of Hartford convention- Destroys federalists


Wanted to encourage the growth of American commerce and manufacturing but before he could do any of that he believed the government needed to establish credit. -Problem arises with debt (The federal and state governments are in a lot of debt and no one would provide to the states until the debt was paid for) Southern States got mad because they had to pay the northern states debt when their debt was already paid for Compromise was struck between southern and northern states in regards to debt (Compromise was that they would agree to accept madison's financial policies but the capital city would be moved to the district of columbia (In the south surrounded by slave states). Another key Agenda item for Hamilton was the creation of a national bank creation of a national bank: Was very controversial (no where in the constitution does it say that congress can create such a institution) Before this banks were feared and disgusted by the American population and many colonisst did not like the national bank because it symbolized the bank of England which was corrupt Hamilton is growing in power and the national bank represents it Many thought this would lead to tyranny and abuse Early adoption of Hamilton's policies lead to the first poltiical parties of the United States - Start to see the rising of an opposition group (like Jefferson, Madison alongside the anti-federalists) - THIS GROUP CALLED WAS THE JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN PARTY Their opponents, Hamilton etc, BECAME THE FEDERALIST PARTY Federalists are the commercial people Believed in expansive power Also believed in implied powers (Are powers implied by the constitution. - Implies they could do other things in order to meet stated goals laid out in the constitution Used this flexibility to favor commerce, the rich and to favor manufacturing

Nat Turner (Most Prolific slave revolt that actually happened)

Was a slave preacher living in southeastern virginia Was given special privileges by his master (allowed to read and write, allowed to preach to other slaves, allowed to travel the roads between plantations in order to preach) Started to see visions and began to interpret them Saw black and white angels fighting each other and thus had inspiration to lead a rebellion against his white enslavers Murdered his master and his master's family in their beds. Successfully killed 57 white men, women and children Turner was crushed and 200 slaves were either lycnhed or shot Turner himself eluded capture for 2 months but was ultimately found, tried and executed. Turner's rebellion sparks enormous fear throughout the white south, turner by all counts was a model slave, and his master was a kind one. Moment of intense violence solidifies white perception of slavery and fuels desires to defend the institution Most spectacular and most infrequent form of resistance

Henry Clay -

Was charismatic and was elected speaker of the house of representatives in his first term

The Shakers

Was founded by a woman (Anne lee) - "Mother Ann" had died in 1784 but her movement takes off during the second great awakening The shakers were called the "Shakers" because they would shake within their dancing and overall demonstration of their faith. Anne Lee argued she was the second coming of christ and thus the Shakers also believed they did not need to have children again The Shakers lived a disciplined life of self-control and labor. By 1820 the shakers had gathered 6,000 followers, Women were granted equal power and Shaker society was a "commune" Shakers invented different kinds of furniture and created other inventions. By the 1850s the Shakers went in steep decline due to no one having children

Indian removal

What Jackson is best known for -Believed in scientific racism where the Native Americans were racially inferior and thus could not be integregated with the rest of the wider white society. Supreme court ruled in favor of the Cherokees but Andrew Jackson did not care and force 15,000 Cherokees to move out west and a quarter of them died along the way Jackson was known for being an "Indian Killer" Displaces and conquers much of the native lands. Greater pressure on the Native Americans living on land (especially on places where white farmers desperately wanted) Movement to push the natives out further west. There were "5 civilized tribes" - Most cultured (Were slave owners and many of them established white clothing, some drafted a constitution) These natives found themselves against hardening racial attitudes Up to this point, people like Jefferson thought that Natives could be civilized and incorporated into the broader community but under Scientific racism, the native Americans were viewed as permanently inferior that they were born with. Andrew Jackson strongly subscribed to the scientific racist views of Natives Jackson backed a bill to push the natives out west Seminoles launched an armed resistance against the U.S. army in a series of wars and fled to southern Florida eventually Other natives fled to Oklahoma seizing their territory Cherokees fight this in the courts and used peaceful measures Supreme court rules in favor of the Cherokees - The states had no rights to push their laws over sovereign cherokee territory Jackson didn't care and forcefully ordered to move the Cherokees by 1838. Led to the trail of tears: 15,000 Cherokees were forced to move (on foot) west. A quarter of them died along the journey

Women and their role in the Great Awakening

Women played an important, prominent role in the second great awakening as a part of their profound role in the social universe There was unfamiliar pressures to mothers and wives due to the market revolution One of these unfamiliar pressures is the fact that men are going to work now (used to be at home) The home is becoming an exclusively female domain. Separation from the household from the workplace converts the home to a female sphere, the home becomes to be the source of a new female identity for women The home is celebrated as au"private sanctuary" for the disorderly chaos of the outside world. Mother is in charge of the "inside group" within the home There were separate "gender spheres" Men are the bread winners whereas women are celebrated as the caregivers who find fulfillment through others. Women are considered to be the morally superior sex Women used to be perceived as "bad news in the past but are now percieved as the "virtuous sex" that are destined to lead their men and husbands to a more virtuous path. Women are perceived to be "pure". By making the home in to a exclusively female domain, this is a path for power for women because it gives them a sense of moral authority Makes sense why women play such a pivotal role in the second great awakening Participation in the revivals was one area where women could exert their influence and were free from the subordination of their husbands The Second Great Awakening redefined the American family as we know it, creating the modern nuclear family.

Electoral College

a body of people representing the states of the US, who formally cast votes for the election of the president and vice president. Was made up by representatives plus by how many votes you have

Samuel Morse

invented the telegraph In 1837, Samuel Morse creates the telegraph (constructs the line between Baltimore and Washington D.C. and develops distanced communication) -INSTANT COMMUNICATION -GIANT ASTOUNDING LEAP -SPARK IT OWN COMMUNICATIONS REVOLUTION -BY 1860 there was THOUSANDS OF MILES OF TELEGRAPH CABLES AROUND THE U.S.


people who opposed the Constitution -Were in favor of a weaker, decentralized national government Don't like Constitution objected expanse of national power at the expense of states. - Warned that it would lead to tyranny and argued that they were basically creating the same system in England that they just rebelled from. -WANTED A BILL OF RIGHTS

Market Revolution

the major change in the US economy produced by people's beginning to buy and sell goods rather than make them for themselves Drastic changes in transportation (canals, railroads, steamboats) communication (telegraph), production of goods (more in factories as opposed to houses) -COTTON GIN Nationalization was in part due to the growth of a national market -Long called the "Market Revolution" - Dramatic changes -By 1850 the Jeffersonian notion of the independent american farmer became a thing of the past and in its place stood a republic where a commercialized market replaced much of society Americans tied themselves heavily to the free market As Hamilton predicted, Americans would have to rely on cash and money -They would have a more commercialized outlook and they would have personal and impersonal transactions (that can be from 10 to hundreds of miles) One thing that the war marked was the turning point of a domestic market The Embargo stimulated Americna manufacturing (Including textiles) -Textile manufacturing is the economic engine (In both England and U.S.) During the war the United States was cut off from European capital but after the war the demand comes back in and the Market was heavily devoted to spir national growth

Cotton Boom

the upswing in American cotton production during the nineteenth century Anywhere south of Southern Virginia you can grow cotton -Problem with cotton is processing it -Didn't make sense to grow cotton in massachussets (because the amount of labor it took was too high) -With the invention of the cotton engine (Shortened to Cotton Gin) - -Has two cylinders and the seeds are more able to come out) -Cotton gin revolutionizes the entire United States economy, history and ultimately the destruction of the United States -prior to to the cotton gin a slave can clean about one pound of cotton by hand per day -With the cotton gin the same slave can clean about 50 pounds of cotton per day -this makes cotton extraordinarily profitable with the invention of the cotton gin -Demand for cotton skyrockets skyhigh (particualry in England) and this leads to cotton prices soaring. -By 1840 the Southern States were producing 60% of the world's cotton supply -This crop represented ⅔ of all American exports to the civil war -⅘ Of all British Cotton came from the Southern States- -Cotton boom drives much of the economic south, and it also drives much of northern economic expansion as well -In the northern states you find the textile industries and the shipping industry (where you ship it to England) -Finance capitals in New York and Boston (in the north) Cotton is gold** Drives U.S. economy Cotton alone cannot explain the market revolution -Question is how do you move cotton?

Democratic Party

was the most pro-southern, and pro-slavery party. Was most hostile to African-American rights

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