HIS 199 FInal Exam

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Berlin Blockade

-Cold War, kept German economy at 50%, reparations to Soviets, then reunite Germany

Truman Doctrine

-Containment -Roots of the Domino Theory -Defined a new American postwar policy-> US will support any country resisting communism

Marshall Plan

-European Recovery Program -Pledge of economic assistance aimed at rebuilding the western political system (repelling communism)

Differences between Kennan's "Source of Soviet Conduct," and Wallace's "Last Chance for Peace"

-Kennan= US needs to maintain a policy of containment towards SU -Wallace= Soviets were acting out of self-defense, intervening would harm our interests

Gulf of Tonkin

Gave war powers to the president (Vietnam)


Hurt Democratic party in 1948 election, right-wing, organized by southerners who objected to the Dems civil rights programs, received >1 million votes, stood for segregation of the races


Ease of tensions to get out of Vietnam easier

Long Telegram

Kennan- containment


1933-1945 -New Deal= Plan to get out of GD, Recover/Reform/Relief (Economy)-> Govt began increasing its role in the economy -Social Security, NRA


1945-1953 -Trouble in office due to inexperience -Had to reconvert production to consumer goods after the war and demobilize the armed forces -Fair Deal--> Half of it passed: Civil rights improvements, expansion of public housing, minimum wage raise, expansion of social security (tax increases, supporting farm prices, federal aid to education, and national health insurance did not pass) -Committee on Civil Rights--> First president to ever address civil rights

Eisenhower "Ike"

1953-1961 -Successful general in WWII -Pro-containment, Marshall Plan -"Middle of the way"= wasn't fully Rep. or Dem. -Expansion of the New Deal--> Social security coverage, unemployment insurance, minimum wage, education, welfare, dept. of health -Interstate Highway Act (1956) -Dynamic Conservatism--> Cut budget, support big business, return federal functions to the state -New Look--> Balance between budget and Cold War, Nuclear arms and CIA(Help us fight war with low budget) -Civil Rights


1961-1963 -Youngest and only Catholic president -New Frontier--> Fund education and medicare, halt recession, support implementation of civil rights, proposed Civil Rights Act of 1964 -Space Race, Containment -Bay of Pigs Invasion--> CIA planned overthrow of Castro, mission failed, major embarrassment for JFK -Cuban Missile Crisis--> US Spy planes saw Soviet missiles in Cuba, SU agreed to remove missiles if US wouldn't invade Cuba -World Peace= Nuclear test ban treaty, 1963 ordered troop withdrawal from Vietnam -Lee Harvey OSwald assassinated JFK in Dallas (1963)


1969-1974 -Realist, power politics -Detente -Watergate Scandal--> Resigned from office


1977-1981 -Created two cabinet level depts (Education & Energy) -Stagflation continued- Inflation increases but economy stagnates -Malaise Speech--> Rebuild American confidence -1970's--> economically troubling time, (inflation, energy issues) -Camp David Peace Accords--> Arab-Israeli peace making treaty, he negotiated, Supported Israel -Containment vs. human rights -SALT II -Iran Hostage Crisis--> 444 days, over 100 American hostages were taken from the embassy


1981-1989 -Reagonomics--> "Govt is the problem, get a solution"- Reduce govt spending, marginal tax rates, regulation, control money supply to reduce inflation, stagflation ended, "trickle down economics"--> benefit wealthy, indifferent to the poor -Increase military spending, pro-life, prayer in schools, gun rights -Against: feminisim, gay rights, affirmative action, environmental policies -War on drugs -Iran Contra Scandal--> 1986, CIA sold weapons to Iran, used the profit to support Contras in Nicaragua -Cold War: reversed detente, "Communism is to collapse," 1991- Soviet Union dissolved -Gulf of Tonkin, Tet Offensive, Rolling Thunder


1989-1993 -Economy= "read my lips", No new taxes -Obliged to cooperate w Dems to increase taxes--> alienated the Reps (cost him a second term) -Recession in 1991= increased welfare -Invasion of Panama--> Bush removed Noriega from power because of spying and replaced w/ democracy -Gulf War--> FIRST DIRECT INVOLVEMENT IN THE MIDDLE EAST, Iraq invaded Kuwait--> we had an air bombing and ground invasion -Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)--> Reduce nuclear arms by 35%


1993-2001 -"New Democrat"= Agent of change -Welfare reform, attacked trickle down economics, selected women and minorities for govt positions, decline in quality of life, rising crime, reduction of tariffs -DOMA--> Defense of Marriage Act -Affair--> Impeached for lying about affair under oath -New economy--> internet, drug research, stock market rising, income gap increased -Foreign policy--> Not experienced, didn't appoint strong advisors, no wars (Bosnia and Rwanda genocides, US didn't do anything to help)

Military-Industrial Complex

-Importance placed on building military products instead of consumer goods -Guns v Butter

Keynesian Model

-Mixed economy (Gov and Private) - Short term- decreased taxes, increased income, increase deficit -Long term- Gets economy back on its feet

Kitchen Debate

-Nixon w/ Khrushenev--> capitalism v communism, beneficial to the people because it showed that we all have the same consumer technology


-Red scare -"list" of people in Hollywood and govt who were accused of being communists -people were blackballed, lost jobs, etc.


-Robotic spacecraft missions by SU -First man-made object to orbit Earth -Space race, fear -More funding to STEM -First time soviets were ahead of US


-Su v Hitler (Hitler wanted control of Stalingrad) -Short term- Germany lost -long term- one of the worst battles in history

Rolling Thunder

First bombings (vietnam)

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