HIS Chapters 1-16

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How many British soldiers were convicted of murder as a result of the Boston Massacre?


Under the Headright System introduced in 1618, how many acres of land would a settler receive if they settled in the Virginia colony and brought two settlers with them?

150 acres

What year did the Virginia Company send the first English women to address the unbalanced ratio of men to women in the Virginia population?


About how many Loyalists and slaves liberated from Patriot masters did the British Navy remove from the United States following the American Revolutinary War?


How long ago did Native Americans most likely migrate into Alaska?

30,000 years ago

What was the death toll from the Stono Rebellion?

50 whites and several dozen blacks.

Who commanded the British Naval fleet during the battle for control of New York city?

Admiral Richard Howe

The ________________________ established a colonial government presided over by a President General appointed by the crown and allowed the colonies to be taxed by an elected legislature to support the French and Indian War.

Albany Plan of Union

The _____________________________ closed the thirteen colonies to all legal commerce and empowered the British Navy to confiscate all ships and their cargoes trading with the colonies.

American Prohibitory Act

Patrick Henry argued that the Stamp Act was unconstitutional because

American colonists were not represented in Parliament.

A Spanish priest who protested against the enslavement of Native Americans in The Destruction of the Indies

Bartolome de Las Casas.

The American commander who planned to turn West Point over to the British and who switched sides during the Revolutionary War was

Benedict Arnold

Who helped established the Junto Society of Philadelphia?

Benjamin Franklin

A Muslim people who lived along the Mediterranean coast of North Africa who were enlaved in the New World.


At the time of contact with Europeans, how many languages were spoken by Native American tribes?

Between five and six hundred.

In the Battle of __________________ on September 11, 1777, British General Howe outflanked and defeated American forces under George Washington, inflicting heavy losses on the Continental Army.

Brandywine Creek

What did the Tea Act allow the British East India Company to do?

Bypass England and sell tea directly to the American colonies.

Who was the proprietor of Maryland?

Cecil Calvert

Which one of the following was important to founding the Carolina colony?

Charles II

The American commander who destroyed a significant British forces at Cowpens, South Carolina was

Daniel Morgan

Who led the Virginia riflemen at Saratoga

Daniel Morgan

Parliament passed legislation in 1766 that stated Parliament retained full power and authority to make laws binding on the American colonies in all cases whatesover called the

Declaratory Act

Chief _________________________, known as the law giver, united the five Iroquois nations in 1451.


Who was likely the first person to produce indigo in the Carolina colony?

Eliza Lucas Pinckney .

____________________ was created by Spain to overcome a tremendous shortage of labor in the New World.

Encomienda system.

Which of the following statements is accurate?

Enlightenment thinkers rejected superstitions in favor of rational and scientific explanations for events in the world.

What did the Puritans who came to New England hope to do?

Establish a perfect biblical commonwealth based on the word of God and Calvinist theology.

Which area was not part of the western theater of operations during the American Revolution?


Who was the father of the Scientific Method?

Francis Bacon

The American commander known as the Swamp Fox during the Revolutionary War was

Francis Marion

The Spanish conquistador who destroyed the Inca empire was

Francisco Pizarro

One result of the French and Indian War was

French surrendered all of its North American land holdings to the British and Spanish.

____________________ was a Venetian sea captain sent by England in 1497 to explore North America.

Giovanni Caboto.

The ____________________________ was a bloodless English coup in which James II was overthrown and replace with Willam and Mary.

Glorious Revolution

What was Anne Hutchinson conviced of that led to her banishment from Massachusetts?


Who called for a Stamp Act Congress of delegates from all the colonies?

James Otis, Jr.

The English general who defeated the French at the Battle of Quebec was

James Wolfe

Who is generally given credit for inventing the printing press?

Johann Gutenburg

The delegate to the Second Continental Congress who was a leading advocate of reconciliation with Britain was

John Dickison

The conflict between France and England from 1688 until 1697 was called _________________________________ in North America and _________________________ in Europe?

King William's War; War of the League of Augsburg

What were independent settlements of escaped slaves that often successfully resisted recapture and enslavement in the West Indies called?

Maroon Communities

The _____________________________ was an unauthorized legislature that included Sam Adams and other resistance leaders that met in Cambridge after English authorities lost control of most areas of the Massachusetts colony.

Massachusetts Provincial Congress

The _____________________________ were an early Native American civilization centered in the Yucatan Peninsula.


The last great American civilization Spain destroyed was the


Which of the following statements best describes immigrantion to the American colonies during the 1700s?

More immigrants came through the port of Philadelphia than any other port.

Which of the following statements is most accurate about the English colonies in North America?

Most of England's colonies in North American were founded by private enterprise.

Why did slavery not take hold in the New England colonies?

New England lacked the economic basis for the development of large-scale slavery.

_________________________ was a colony established in the Hudson Valley by the Dutch.

New Netherland

In the early months of the American Revolution, British General William Howe's major objective was to secure control of

New York City

Conservative ministers and others who opposed ideas of the Great Awakening were called

Old Lights

Which one of the colonies attracted Native American from other colonies?


The Separatist who founded Plymouth Plantation--the first Puritan settlement in North America--are known as the


The Algonquin leader who provided food for the English settlers at Jamestown was


The first successful French settlement in North America was located at


What colony did Roger Williams found?

Rhode Island

_____________________________ became a leading advocate for plantations of colonists in American because he believed the land contained vast amounts of gold and vast opportunities for increased trade.

Richard Hakluyt.

Which of the following is not accurate?

Roughly 60 percent of eligible American males served in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War

Prince Henry the Navigator established an academy at ____________________ to train ship captains in the art of exploration.


Which was not an invention of Benjamin Franklin?

Smallpox vascinations.

The British commander who chased the Virginia legislature and raided Governor Thomas Jefferson's Monticello estate during the American Revolutionary War was


_______________________ passed in 1764 by Parliament forbade the American colonies from issuing and making paper money legal tender.

The Currency Act

The ____________________________ was a bloodless English coup in which James II was overthrown and replace with William and Mary.

The Glorious Revolution

____________________________ is the name given to an exodus of English people beginning about 1630 that saw about 80,000 migrate over about a decade.

The Great Migration

____________________________ was a legislative assembly established in Virginia in 1619.

The House of Burgesses.

What region within the North American colonies did Virginia colonists most covet during the 1750s and 1760s?

The Ohio River Valley

Which one of the following Native American tribes traced their lineage matrilineally?

The Pueblo

_________________________ was a slave insurrection that occurred in 1739 in theSouth Carolina colony?

The Stono rebellion

Which one of the following was not a lure of the New World for the English?

The promise of religious unity under the Catholic Church in North America.

A rich free black fisherman, boat pilot, and slave owner accused of planning a general slave insurrection that would supposedly be supported by the British Navy in South Carolina, tried by a kangaroo court and hanged was

Thomas Jeremiah

Who wrote the essay entitled The Crisis?

Thomas Paine

What did Patriots often do to Tories?

Tortured them by smearing them with tar and feathers.

The first state to extend the vote to all white men who were not slaves or indentured servants after the American Revolution was


Who was the first white English child born in North America?

Virginia Dare

Who was the most successful Englishman in developing peaceful, profitable, and mutually beneficial relations with Native Americans?

William Penn

_____________________________ convinced Charles II to grant him a colonial charter him to establish a colony in North America as a refuge for Quakers in 1681?

William Penn

Which one of the following was not a college established during the Great Awakening?

William and Mary College.

John Cabot was searching for

a Northwest Passage to Asia

What did General Gage hope to seize at Concord?

arms and ammunition

Paleo-Indians generally lived

as nomadic hunters and gatherers of wild plants.

An organized political faction called the ________________ claimed to represent the workingmen of Boston and controlled town meetings with their votes.


Historians call the period in Europe from about 500 A.D. to 1400 A.D. the

dark ages

Approximately how many Native Americans lived in the United States when Europeans first arrived in the sixteenth century?

eight million

The ______________ was a practice in which inheritance was limited to lineal descendents that began to end after the American Revolutionary was fought.


Enlightenment philosophers generally believed that

events in the world had a rational explanation.

The _______________________, invented by Arab sailors, allowed ships to travel into the wind.

lanteen sail

What demographic group did the sermons of Jonathan Edwards and other ministers of the Great Awakening likely appeal more to?

lower-status families

The ____________________________ guaranteed that the Plymouth Colony would have an elected representative government.

mayflower compact

Colonial militiamen who said they were ready for military duty upon a moments notice were called _______________________.


What motivated English merchants and other wealthy individuals to invest in expeditions to the New World?

monetary gain

Anne Hutchinson's idea that saved people did not have to obey ______________________ undermined the Massachusetts legal code.

moral laws

How many quakers had migrated to Pennsylvania by 1867?

nearly 8,000

About what portion of the American adult male population was disenfranchised by the property qualification?


How many Native Americans were enslaved in Carolina between 1670 and 1715?

over 30,000

State legislatures began abolishing traditions like ________________________ that limited the number of self-sufficient property owners within families by allowing only the eldest son to inherit a father's estate


______________________________ was a dynamic which drove the settling of New England and Pennsylvania but that was largely missing in the southern colonies.


George Washington's primary strategy during the American Revolutionary War was

to pronlong the conflict

The discovery of ______________________ as a marketable cash crop was an most important factor in giving the Virginia colony an economic future.


The American Army suffered greatly in its Winter quarters at ______________________, Pennsylvania during 1777 and 1778.

valley forge

Which of the following was more likey to take a leadership position in food riots during the American Revolutionary period?


From 1715 to 1717 South Carolina fought the _______________________ in a conflict that threatened to wipe out the colony.


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