Historical Exam 2
Not synonymous
"Embalmer" and "Undertaker"
Personal service providers
"Laying out" of the dead. Roles of nurses and midwives (or Medical specialists) replaced family members that historically prepared their loved one
"De corpora humani fabrica" means
"Structure of the human body"
Andreas Vesalius
*Wrote the first anatomy book (1543) *Father of Anatomy
Edwin Chadwick
- wrote a report called "Sanitary Condition of the Laboring Population" -wrote a section on finding in the cemeteries called " The Report of Intra-Mural Interments" -wanted cemeteries "municipalized" and proposed a health bill
Warburton Act
-Also called the Anatomy Act of 1832, caused by Burke and Hare events -Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
-Broke off (Rejection) from the Catholic Church - Roles of the Church change, didn't give the church that much power - Hard work as well as good deeds were important
Chadwick's Report led to ....
-Cemetery reform and eventually modern day health departments - Also, inadvertently, led to modern day M.E./ Coroners/ Death Investigations -a spike in cremation rates
William Harvey
-Discovered the circulation of blood (1618) -Formulated arterial injection -Praised for his attempt to preserve arterially -Influenced Frederick Ruysch and the Hunter brothers
Dr. Robert Knox
-Doctor who traded in cadavers -Bought bodies from Burke & Hare Edinburgh Medical College
Frederick Ruysch
-Known by some as "Father of Embalming" -Practiced embalming by injection followed by evisceration
Jean Gannal
-Made embalming available to public in 1834 (French Textbook) -Mixture included: 6 quarts of arsenic, through carotid, closed venous system
-The "commercial" rationale of Protestantism - Moral sense of obligation to work - Work, ownership, substance and salvation -Focusing on expansion of the colonies and the greater good of people
How long was the Lincoln funeral procession?
13 days
J. Anthony Gaussardia
1st to patent an embalming process
Crane & Breed - Cincinnati Ohio
Also a stove manufacturer ; Bought the patent from Almond Fisk
The Dramaturgic Role of the funeral director envolves:
Becomes more like a drama performance; become a stage manager to create an "appropriate atmosphere" to move through a drama in which social relationships are stressed
Cabinet maker
Coffins and merchandise
Leonardo DiVinci
Dissected people; made 750 diagrams of the human anatomy
Jan Swammerdam
Embalmed through glass cannulas (animals)
Colonial settlements were founded by _____ ____ ______
English speaking people
Elements of a decent human existence
Fame, fortune, freedom of religious organization
A. Johnson Dodge
Founder of Dodge chemicals.
Joseph H. Clarke
Founder of the Cincinnati School of Embalming in March, 1882
Lincoln Funeral Train
Funeral procession would make over 400 stops never, never going above 10mph to ensure safety over the nearly 1700 mile procession
Inviter to Funerals
Hired workers of municipal appointment that called upon those expected to attend funerals
Created an ______ ______ to embalm using incisions
Invasive way
Fredrick & Trump
Invented a "Refrigerator for Corpses" or Corpse Cooler
John Morgan
Invented the Gravity Fluid Injector
Samuel Rogers
Invented the trocar
Keeps records and cemetery
The role of the Barber Surgeon
Made the incision, practiced bloodletting, shaved heads of monks
Burke and Hare
Medical schools needed cadavers $2500 per body These guys were grave robbing
Execution of Burke
Newgate prison (1829)
Woods - always _____ with sides flat
Village of Essex (1789)
Overcrowded cemetery conditions; grave recycling; cholera outbreak from old coffins & bodies everywhere
Almond Fisk
Patented the Metallic Case in 1848
Dr. William Hunter
Scottish professor who published arterial injection methods and became known as first person to adopt arterial injection
War Department Order #75
Sept 11th 1861 Ensure all casualties during wartime were provided a decent burial Estimated 600k- 780k
Embalming was like a "______" and a "_______"
Skill ; surgery
James Gray
The first to patent on metallic coffin
Free Enterprise
The opportunity, based upon the profit motive, to create new careers
The practice of draining blood; believed to release illness
War Department Order #33
This led to the formation of the current National Veterans Cemetery System in the U.S.
General Order #39
This was ordered by the War Department to stop battlefield abuse. There were a lot of "hoverers" and "observers" It was the first attempt to set regulations for cost, training, and qualification of embalmers. Even uniforms for ID purposes
Richard Harlan
Translated Gannal's work in 1840 in Philadelphia and made embalming instructions available in English in the USA
Transportation (keepers of hacks and carriages)
Type of coffin edge; Sealing capabilities, "Air tight" ; Removed wasted space and cost
Jamestown Colonies
Were settled for the purpose of being commercial
Massachusetts Bay Colonies
Were settled mainly for religious freedoms
Clarence Strub
author of "principles of restorative art"
Dr. Auguste Renouard
author of The Undertaker's Manual, the first book published specifically as an embalming textbook in the United States.
cloth coated in wax, formerly used for wrapping the dead
Buterlov and Hoffman
discovered formaldehyde in 1859
Life Signals
due to the fear of premature burial, many early American coffins were designed and patented with a method to alert the living if someone was buried alive. Ladders, bells and horns were used
Dr. Thomas Holmes
father of modern embalming in the United States; also invented the fluid injection apparatus ( Hand Pump)
Samuel Stein
first patent on a cloth-covered casket
G. Joseph Prager & Charles Dhonau
wrote the "Manual of Restorative Art"