History 150 Exam 1 answers- Marsh

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Which of the following are accurate regarding a historical fact?

-it is something that is commonly accepted info among historians

Which of the following are accurate regarding architecture of ancient Greece and Rome A: there was an emphasis on balance and symetry B: the Greeks invented concrete and also used domes in their structures C: their buildings were all made of wood, and none of them survived to today D: A and B E: A and C

A: there was an emphasis on balance and symetry

The Athenian democracy A: was based on a democratic ideal that every adult male citizen was capable of making government decisions and holding government office B: was a direct democracy where all adult men and women voted on all laws and issues of the government C: had a system in which all government officials were elected D: A and B E: B and C

A: was based on a democratic ideal that every adult male citizen was capable of making government decisions and holding government office

Which of the following are accurate regarding culture during the Roman Empire? A: the Romans refused to adopt any of the philosophies, science, or ideas of the Greeks, because they viewed the Greeks as an inferior, defeated people B: The Roman engineers used aquaducts to bring fresh water into the cities C: all Roman legal cases were decided by temple priests who used sacrifices to devine the will of the gods D: all of the above E: none of the above

B: the roman engineers used aquaducts to bring fresh water into the cities

Alexander the Great A: was a Roman Emperor B: was a Macedonian king who conquered the Persian Empire C: was a Carthaginian general who invaded Rome in the second Punic War D: was the son of Dora the Explorer E: none of the above

B: was a Macedonian king who conquered the Persian empire

The Iliad... A: tells the story of the Punic wars B: was supposedly set in the era of the Mycenaean (Bronze Age) Greeks C: made it clear that humans have no control over their own destiny D: A and C E: none of the above

B: was supposedly set in the era of the Mycenaean (Bronze age) Greeks

In what year did Alexander the Great die? A: 479 BC B: 146 BC C: 323 BC D: 476 AD

C: 323 BC

Which of the following are accurate regarding religion during the Roman Empire? A: there was a great mixture of religious ideas, as well as the development of new religions B: the traditional Roman religion had grown stale and bureaucratic for many people in the empire C: A and B

C: A +C

The Athenians stopped the first invasion of the Persians by defeating them at A: Battle of Thermopylae B: Battle of Guagemela C: Battle of Marathon D: Battle of the stars Atrium

C: Battle of Marathon

Which artifact led to the deciphering of egyptian heiroglyphics A: Code of Hammurabi B:Tablet of Alexandria C: Rosetta Stone D: Papyrus of Ramses

C: Rosetta Stone

During the Neolithic age... A: The Egyptians built the pyramids B: humans finally learned how to control fire C: humans first began farming D: all of the above E: none of the above

C: humans first began farming

The Roman Republic and Carthage clashed in a series of wars known as... A: the persian wars B: the peloponnesian wars C: the punic wars D: the fashion wars E: Clyde

C: the Punic wars

During the pax romana.... A: Roman citizens paid exteremely high taxes B: the economy was locked in a depression C: the Roman empire continued to expand through conquest D: all of the above E: none of the above

C: the roman empire continued to expand through conquest

Which of the following were discussed in class as ways in which life for a citizen in the Roman Empire was similar to life in America today? A: travel and commerce could be carried out relatively safely B: citizens had some opportunities for upward economic mobility C: slavery had been abolished D: A and B E: A and C

D: A and B

What are necessary components of civilization? A: cities B: written languages C: Dancing Hot Dog Boy D: A and B

D: A and B (cities and written languages)

Aristotle... A: believed that government should be based on law rather than individuals B: believed that government should be run by the just and capable few C: had a lasting impact on numerous fields of study such as natural sciences, physical sciences, and political philosophy D: A and C E: B and C

D: A and C

The victory of the Greeks in the Persian wars... A: increased the Greeks confidence and sense of destiny B: was made possible by leadership C: marked the first time a large force of free citizen soldiers defeated an army of soldiers who were servants of a tyrant D: A and C E: none of the above

D: A and C

Civilization in Egypt was located along the _____ River. The unique and important feature of the river was that every year at the same time it _______ A: Amazon, flooded B: Ganges: dried up C: Tiber, was teeming with fish D: Nile, flooded E: Euphrates. flooded

D: Nile, flooded

In the Roman Republic... A: the senate had a great deal of power because it controlled the money B: the two consols served as the executive heads of the government C: the tribunes were elected to ensure the power and rights of the common citizens D: all of the above E: A and C

D: all of the above

The ancient Greek city-states A: existed in several places outside of the Greek peninsula B: started out as kingships ir oligarchies, but most of them gradually develop some form of self-government C: were polytheistic D: all of the above E: none of the above

D: all of the above

Which of the following were apparent results of the Roman Republic's conquest of the Mediterranean? A: immense wealth poured into Rome B: political structure of the Republic was put under a great deal of stress C: greed for power and wealth seemed to increase in Rome, while the spirit of patriotism and civic duty declined D: all of the above E: none of the above

D: all of the above

Where was ancient Mesopotamia? A: located along the Nile River B: on the Green peninsula C: in the fertile Indus River Valley D: between the Tigris and Euphates rivers in modern day Iraq

D: between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern day Iraq

From an example we discussed in class, one of the biggest potential problems with direct democracy is A: that elections are almost always corrupt and invalid B: that most people are just too stupid to be trusted with government power C: the middle class always wants to turn it into a dictatorship D: the majority can get fooled or carried away by emotions and does not always make wise decisions

D: the majority can get fooled or carried away by emotions and does not always make wise decisions

Rulers from the first civilization in Mesopotamia and Egypt... A: were supported by professional warriors and temple priests B: were viewed as being ordained by the gods, or even as gods themselves C: were usually elected by the citizens D: all of the above E: A and B

E: A and B (were supported by professional warriors and. temple priests & were viewed as being ordained by the gods or even as gods themselves)

Socrates.... A: was a greek philisopher who believed in reason, and loved to debate his fellow citizens however he wrote nothing down B: was the teacher of Alexander the Great C: was convicted and executed for subversion and "corrupting the youth: E: A and C

E: A and C

Citizen soldiers... A: were never very effective because they lacked training B: were used in both the Greek city states and the Roman Republic C: brought their own weapons and serve without pay D: all of the above E: B and C

E: B and C

Which of the following are accurate regarding the ancient Greeks A: they all completely rejected religion and relied solely on reason B: they developed drama as an art form C: their sculpture was a blend of realism and idealism D: all of the above E: B and C

E: B and C

Which of the following are accurate regarding the Ancient Greeks A: they believed in freedom, so they abolished all forms of slavery in their city states B:Athens was home of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle C: many of them gradually developed some form of democracy D: A and B E: B and C

E: B and C (Athens was home to Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle & many of them gradually developed some form of democracy)

Which of the following are accurate regarding the first civilization in Mesopotamia and Egypt? A: from the beginning, religion and government developed independently of each other B: people believed the gods and goddesses took a very active role in the operation of the world C: governments arose from both voluntary cooperation and from conquest D: A and B E: B and C

E: B and C (people believed that gods and goddess took Avery active role in the operation of the word & governments arouse from both voluntary cooperation and from conquest)

Which one has the events listed in the correct chronological order? A: invention of written language, domestication of animals, construction of the Parthenon in Athens B: domestication of animals, construction of the Parthenon in Athens, invention of written language C: construction of the Parthenon in athens, invention of written language, domestication of animals D: construction of the parthenon in Athens, domestication of animals, invention of written language E: domestication of animals, invention of written language, construction of the Parthenon in Athens

E: domestication of animals, invention of written language, construction of the Parthenon in Athens

Which of the following are accurate regarding the Code of Hammurabi? A: first law cods ever written B: Since it is a government law code, it does not mention gods or religion C: it indicates there were very little was in that society D: A and B E: none of the above

E: none of the above

True or False: Greek drama often portreyed an emphasis on the struggles and actions of individuals


True or False: Roman Republic tried to balance power between the nobility and the common citizen


True or False: The Egyptians put a great deal of emphasis on tradition and order


True or False: The Silk Road was a trade route which connected the Roman Empire with China


What is a historical interpretation>

conclusions or opinions based unhistorical facts and according to Mr. Marsh, they are essential to making history relevant and applicable to today

Put these in the correct chronological order: -Perisan Wars - Pax romana -construction of Egyptian pyramids

construction of the Egyptian pyramids, Persian Wars, Pax Romana

What is a primary source?

The Code of Hammurabi and a letter written by a soldier describing battle in which he was a participant

During the Roman Republic.. A:there was a string emphasis on civic duty B: the loose morals of the people were based on a "if it feels good, do it" attitude C: religion was separated from government D: B+C E:none of the above

A: there was a strong emphasis on civic duty

What year marks the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire? A: 27 BC B: 476 AD C: 146 BC D: 2000 BC

A: 27 BC

Who wrote the lliad and the odessey? A: Homer B: Plato C: Sopholces

A: Homer

Which of the following shows the correct chronological order in which civilizations first arose? A: Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China B: India, Egypt, Mesopotamia, China C: Egypt, China, Mesopotamia. India D: Mesopotamia, China, India, Egypt

A: Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China

Around what year did civilization began? A: 2000 BC B: 3500 BC C: 8000 BC D: 100,000 BC E: 1992

B: 3500 BC

"The Egyptian pyramids could be viewed as a monument to agriculture" which of the following best explains this statement? A: they were build to honor the Egyptian god of farming B:Egyptian agriculture must have been very efficient to feed the huge labor force required to build the pyramids C: they were build to look like the hats farmers wore while working in the sun D: all the farmers of a region were buried inside a pyramid

B: Egyptian agriculture must have been very efficient to feed the huge labor force required to build the pyramids

Octavian (also known as Caesar Augustus)... A: made a few reforms in the Roman government, but was assassinated after just a few years, and Rome went back to the way it was before B: during his long reign, he succeeded in achieving the transition from Roman Republic to Roman empire C: was killed fighting the Persians D: none of the above

B: during his long reign, he succeeded in achieving the transition from Roman Republic to Roman Empire

During the Paleolithic age... A: humans first began farmingterm-50 B: humans were all nomadic hunter-gatherers C: humans invented the wheel, sail, pottery, and cloth D: A and C E: none of the above

B: humans were all nomadic hunter-gatherers

Here are 2 selections from the Code of Hammurabi: If a free-born man strike the body of another free-born man or equal rank, he shall pay one gold mina. If the slave of a freed man strike the body of a freed man, his ear shall be cut off. . . If a merchant give an agent corn, wool, oil, or any other goods to transport, the agent shall give a receipt for the amount, and compensate the merchant therefore. Then he shall obtain a receipt form the merchant for the money that he gives the merchant. Which of the following might we infer about this society based on the above selections? A: It was a society where all people were treated equally B:It was a society that had cities C: it was a society with a simple economy that relied on bartering D: A+B E:B+C

B: it was a society that had cities

What happened in 479 BC? A: the western roman empire fell B: the Greeks won the Persian Wars C: Julius Caesar came into power in Rome D: civilization begun

B: the Greeks won the Persian war

True or False: The Spartans made a great number of lasting contributions in science, philosophy, and architecture


True or False: in a symbolic or picture language, anything which can be spoken can also easily be written


Plato believed that a government should never lie to its people.


True of False: Gauis Gracchus was a Roman emperor who ruled in peace for over 40 years


True of False: The city of Troy is believed by all historians to be only a legend because no archaeological evidence of its existence has been found


True or False: The Athenians exhibited such a creative and dynamic culture because the government controlled everything and the citizens had very little freedom


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