History 180: Chapters 11-15 Multiple Choice

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What percentage of Southern white families owned slaves in 1860? A) 50 percent. B) 40 percent. C) 60 percent. D) 25 percent.

D) 25 percent.

The New York City Draft Riots in the summer of 1863... A) Targeted African Americans. B) Targeted well-dressed men and the property of Republicans. C) Burned the Colored Orphan Asylum. D) Each statement is accurate.

D) Each statement is accurate.

Who headed the Freedmen's Bureau? A) Abolitionist Frederick Douglass. B) Congressman Thaddeus Stevens. C) General Ben Hur Heston. D) General Oliver Otis Howard.

D) General Oliver Otis Howard.

To what did the term "Whig" refer when used by Jackson's opponents? A) It called attention to the way they wore their hair. B) It poked fun at their old-fashioned dress. C) It revealed their aristocratic tendencies. D) It suggested that Jackson ruled like a king instead of an elected official.

D) It suggested that Jackson ruled like a king instead of an elected official.

How did sharecropping help shape the social system of the postwar South? A) It empowered former slaves to become capitalists. B) It enabled rapid industrialization. C) It kept the population from moving north for jobs. D) It tied the southern economy to agriculture, particularly cotton.

D) It tied the southern economy to agriculture, particularly cotton.

Why did supporters of women's suffrage oppose ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment? A) It was proposed by men. B) They believed women had suffered enough and deserved emancipation. C) They thought the Fourteenth Amendment provisions were adequate. D) It would subject elite, educated women to the rule of base and illiterate males, especially immigrants and blacks.

D) It would subject elite, educated women to the rule of base and illiterate males, especially immigrants and blacks.

Why did Confederates open fire on Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861? A) President Davis was hoping to get Virginia to secede. B) Lincoln was sending military supplies to the Union installation. C) A Union ship had broken the blockade and provided supplies to the fort. D) President Jefferson Davis had to prove his authority.

D) President Jefferson Davis had to prove his authority.

What motivated most Confederate soldiers to serve in the army? A) Defending property rights in slaves. B) Maintaining states' rights as a principle. C) The need for employment after the Panic of 1857. D) Protecting their homes from Yankee invaders.

D) Protecting their homes from Yankee invaders.

Those who advocated a harsh peace for the South and citizenship for former slaves were called what? A) Grand Old Party. B) Liberal Republicans. C) Mugwumps. D) Radical Republicans.

D) Radical Republicans.

What prompted a stream of religious missionaries to Oregon Territory in the 1830s? A) A plan to establish a separate Jewish state in the Willamette Valley. B) Competition between Protestants and Catholics. C) Instructions from an angel to Joseph Smith. D) Rumors that Indians in Oregon had expressed an interest in Christianity.

D) Rumors that Indians in Oregon had expressed an interest in Christianity.

To what does the term "contraband" refer? A) Property belonging to a Confederate soldier. B) Property on which taxes had not been paid. C) Property used in rebellion against the United States. D) Runaway slaves in Union custody.

D) Runaway slaves in Union custody.

What created the uproar in the northern reaction to Judge Roger Brooke Taney's decision in the Dred Scott case? A) John Emerson had no authority to take Scott to Illinois and Minnesota. B) Scott could never be free, but his children could be freed if they moved to a state that banned slavery. C) Scott had to spend 20 more years as a slave in Missouri. D) Scott was not a citizen because he was black.

D) Scott was not a citizen because he was black.

Where did women gather in 1848 to pass their Declaration of Sentiments, a kind of declaration of independence from male domination? A) Baltimore, Maryland. B) New Harmony, Indiana. C) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. D) Seneca Falls, New York.

D) Seneca Falls, New York.

What liberty did Southerners try to protect with their secession? A) The liberty to adhere to state's rights above all else. B) The liberty to maintain local customs and traditions. C) The liberty to defy the principles of capitalism. D) The liberty to own, buy, sell, and transport slaves.

D) The liberty to own, buy, sell, and transport slaves.

What was the effect of the sale of so many slaves from the Upper South to the Lower South? A) Capital in the Lower South decreased. B) The Lower South was able to industrialize more rapidly. C) The path was laid for more wage slaves in the Upper South. D) The political influence of the Upper South was reduced.

D) The political influence of the Upper South was reduced.

What prompted moderate Republicans to grow increasingly more radical during Reconstruction? A) The incompetence of the Freedmen's Bureau. B) The economic crisis in the North. C) The corruption among Southern blacks. D) The violence aimed at freed people.

D) The violence aimed at freed people.

Which amendment to the Constitution officially ended slavery, or "involuntary servitude," in the United States? A) Eighteenth Amendment. B) Fifteenth Amendment. C) Fourteenth Amendment. D) Thirteenth Amendment.

D) Thirteenth Amendment.

What was the principal goal of terrorist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan? A) To enable yeoman farmers to achieve prosperity. B) To keep the carpetbag-scalawag-black coalition intact. C) To prevent immigrants from taking jobs from American-born laborers. D) To restore white supremacy in the South.

D) To restore white supremacy in the South.

What most spurred economic growth in the North in the 1850s? A) Famine in Europe, which increased the demand for American products. B) Immigration and taxation. C) Plurality in Protestantism. D) Urbanization and industrialization.

D) Urbanization and industrialization.

President Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction required 10 percent of what group to swear future loyalty to the United States? A) Current residents of a state. B) Elected officials who had served in Confederate governments. C) Former Confederate soldiers and sailors. D) Voting population of a state in 1860.

D) Voting population of a state in 1860.

How was the Fugitive Slave Law received in African American communities in the North? A) With bewilderment, since few understood its meaning. B) With joy, because it meant runaway slaves were free. C) With mild disapproval, because they had wanted full emancipation. D) With terror, because they believed every African American was subject to slavery.

D) With terror, because they believed every African American was subject to slavery.

More than 250,000 settlers crossed the plains between 1840 and 1860; how many were killed by hostile Indians? A) 400. B) 4,000. C) 12,000. D) 16,000.

A) 400.

What group formed the backbone of the Republican Party in the South during Reconstruction? A) African Americans. B) Carpetbaggers. C) Radicals. D) Scalawags.

A) African Americans.

What criticism did radical Republicans have of the Freedmen's Bureau? A) Agents sided with landowners against the interests of freed people too often. B) No provision was made for freedwomen. C) Operational costs were too high for yield in reconciliation. D) Southern whites intimidated its officers.

A) Agents sided with landowners against the interests of freed people too often.

Hudson River School painters suggested sadness at the passing of wilderness and... A) Also celebrated the coming development of farms. B) Bewilderment about why anyone wanted to change it. C) Joy over the preservation of some wilderness in the new national park system. D) Regret for the plight of Indians forced from their territory.

A) Also celebrated the coming development of farms.

What was the title of the Union's plan to squeeze the Confederacy into submission? A) Anaconda Plan. B) Magnolia Blossom Offensive. C) Operation Overlord. D) Three-Way Condor Plan.

A) Anaconda Plan.

During the Civil War... A) Approximately 2.1 million men served in the Union army. B) Nearly 3 million men served in the Confederate army. C) Union and Confederate forces were approximately the same size. D) Women were permitted to serve only in noncombat roles.

A) Approximately 2.1 million men served in the Union army.

Where did the Union army build the contraband camp known as "Freedman's Village"? A) At Arlington, Robert E. Lee's plantation in Virginia. B) In Washington, D.C., near the White House. C) Near New Orleans, Louisiana, shortly after the Union army captured that city in April 1862. D) On Island No. 10 in the Mississippi River near New Madrid.

A) At Arlington, Robert E. Lee's plantation in Virginia.

What stood at the center of the economy for all Plains Indians? A) Bison. B) Horses. C) Skilled labor. D) Water supply.

A) Bison.

Northerners who came south in the aftermath of the Civil War to introduce reforms or capitalize on opportunities were known as... A) Carpetbaggers. B) Invaders. C) Scalawags. D) Sooners.

A) Carpetbaggers.

A series of sermons by the Reverend Lyman Beecher in 1825... A) Changed the debate on temperance from a health issue to a spiritual issue. B) Focused the nation's attention on abolition. C) Launched the lyceum movement, which drew its identity from his name. D) Started a witch hunt to rid America of subversives.

A) Changed the debate on temperance from a health issue to a spiritual issue.

Although the Freedmen's Bureau mostly dealt with labor relations, these often spilled over into matters of... A) Civil rights. B) Taxation. C) Reparations. D) Criminal justice.

A) Civil rights.

What argument regarding Congress's proposed restrictions on the expansion of slavery was advanced by John C. Calhoun? A) Congress had no right to impose such limits. B) Congressmen from western territories should take the lead in the debate. C) People who lived in a territory should decide the issue. D) Presidential leadership should guide Congress because all the people voted in presidential elections.

A) Congress had no right to impose such limits.

What had become the most profitable product of the South by 1850? A) Cotton. B) Rice. C) Sugar. D) Tobacco.

A) Cotton.

How did England respond to the South's expectation of assistance? A) England refused to break the Union blockade or grant diplomatic recognition to the Confederacy. B) England refused to recognize the Confederacy unless France did so as well. C) England secretly sent aid to the Confederacy through Mexico. D) English raiders broke the Union blockade to obtain cotton.

A) England refused to break the Union blockade or grant diplomatic recognition to the Confederacy.

When the poet William Cullen Bryant described the vacant Illinois prairie in the 1830s, he envisioned... A) Gardens and cultivated fields. B) Pristine wilderness to be preserved from human contamination. C) Rail splitter Abraham Lincoln just beginning his public life. D) U. S. Grant preparing to leave for the Military Academy at West Point, New York.

A) Gardens and cultivated fields.

Most blacks who held elected office in southern states during Reconstruction... A) Had been free in the prewar period. B) Had moved from the North to take advantage of the situation. C) Were illiterate former slaves. D) Were independent and difficult for radical Republicans to influence.

A) Had been free in the prewar period.

What was the South's greatest military advantage? A) Its defense of its own territory. B) Greater access to the sea. C) More and better trained soldiers. D) More military academies located in the South.

A) Its defense of its own territory.

Who developed the first Anglo colony in Mexican Texas? A) Lorenzo de Zavalla. B) Sam Houston. C) Stephen F. Austin. D) Sterling Robertson.

A) Lorenzo de Zavalla.

Women were particularly drawn to Shakerism because... A) Of a belief in the spiritual equality of women and men. B) Of the expectation that the Second Coming of God would be incarnated in a female. C) Male members of the faith did all the household cooking and cleaning. D) Male members protected them from outside dangers.

A) Of a belief in the spiritual equality of women and men.

The completion of the last of the eastern Indian "removals" marked the beginning of a federal policy toward... A) Reservations. B) Extermination. C) Segregation. D) Rehabilitation.

A) Reservations.

What motivated Harriet Beecher Stowe to write Uncle Tom's Cabin? A) The Fugitive Slave Act. B) The Dred Scott decision. C) Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn. D) The Kansas-Nebraska Act.

A) The Fugitive Slave Act.

The American Anti-Slavery Society increased membership because... A) They traveled across the northern states speaking out about abolishing slavery. B) They employed young women to advertise their position. C) They had President Jackson speaking on their behalf. D) They kept slavery out of national politics.

A) They traveled across the northern states speaking out about abolishing slavery.

Why did Congress create the Freedmen's Bureau in 1865? A) To assist in the distribution of confiscated land to former slaves. B) To oversee labor-management contracts of former slaves. C) To supervise elections to ensure freedmen could vote. D) To take care of legal issues for freedmen.

A) To assist in the distribution of confiscated land to former slaves.

What was the intent of the Dawes Severalty Act? A) To break up reservations into separate plots for Indian families. B) To give Indians citizenship and the protection of the Fourteenth Amendment. C) To make Indians subject to the income tax and compulsory military service. D) To separate Indians into tribes, each with its own reservation.

A) To break up reservations into separate plots for Indian families.

What did the Republican Party's nomination of Ulysses Grant for president in 1868 signify? A) A fear that the Democratic Party would nominate him if they did not. B) A retreat of the Republican Party from radicalism. C) That they were so confident of victory that they could nominate someone who had never held elective office before. D) That the Civil War had left an angry scar on America.

B) A retreat of the Republican Party from radicalism.

The first real test of Union and Confederate arms came in July 1861 at the... A) Battle of Antietam, or Sharpsburg. B) Battle of Bull Run, or Manassas. C) Battle of Mansfield, or Sabine Crossroads. D) Battle of Shiloh, or Pittsburgh Landing.

B) Battle of Bull Run, or Manassas.

How were children of the wealthy usually educated prior to the Civil War? A) In old field schools. B) By private tutors. C) In public schools. D) In subscription schools.

B) By private tutors.

Following the battle at San Jacinto, Texans made Sam Houston their first president and... A) Celebrated what they hoped would be a long-lived republic. B) Called for Texas to be annexed to the United States. C) Invited John Quincy Adams to represent their cause for annexation in the Congress. D) Deported Santa Anna.

B) Called for Texas to be annexed to the United States.

What was Congress's response when President Andrew Jackson refused to show them papers he had shared with cabinet members? A) A committee of the Senate held hearings. B) Congress censured Jackson. C) Daniel Webster asked the Supreme Court to rule on whether Jackson had to open his papers to public scrutiny. D) Henry Clay initiated impeachment proceedings in the House.

B) Congress censured Jackson.

How did Congress respond to the need for stable government in Utah and California after significant migrations of Americans there? A) California was denied statehood until Indian resistance ceased. B) Congress did little because of sectional differences. C) Disputes with the executive branch kept California, but not Utah, out of the Union until after the Civil War. D) Utah was regarded as a separate nation because of Mormon preponderance there.

B) Congress did little because of sectional differences.

What was the most significant cause of decline in the population of Indians after the arrival of white Europeans in their area? A) Casualties of battles. B) Diseases to which Indians had no immunity. C) Loss of confidence in their ability to sustain Indian culture. D) Voluntarily emigration to avoid unwanted contact.

B) Diseases to which Indians had no immunity.

The Liberty Party... A) Was ambivalent on the issue of slavery. B) Fielded its first candidate in 1840. C) Supported the election of William Lloyd Garrison. D) Was very popular, drawing membership from both parties.

B) Fielded its first candidate in 1840.

Written in 1829, "An Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World," by David Walker called for... A) A global uprising of slaves to overthrow slavery. B) Free and slave blacks using violence if necessary to abolish slavery. C) A global uprising of abolitionists to overthrow slavery. D) The creation of a black transnational identity.

B) Free and slave blacks using violence if necessary to abolish slavery.

The Fifteenth Amendment... A) Guaranteed all citizens the right to vote. B) Guaranteed all men the right to vote. C) Prohibited disfranchisement on account of race, gender, or religion. D) Prohibited disfranchisement on account of race, color, or creed.

B) Guaranteed all men the right to vote.

Justice Roger Brooke Taney ruled that Congress had erred in the Missouri Compromise because that body... A) Could not act in such matters without the Court's approval. B) Had infringed on the property rights of southerners by banning slavery from the territory. C) Had violated the principle of states' rights guaranteed in the Tenth Amendment. D) Misjudged Missouri's readiness for statehood.

B) Had infringed on the property rights of southerners by banning slavery from the territory.

Why did President Andrew Johnson say he vetoed the Civil Rights Act of 1866? A) Congress was attempting to infringe on executive powers. B) He doubted whether blacks were qualified for citizenship. C) Enforcement would have been impossible. D) No additional affirmative action legislation was needed.

B) He doubted whether blacks were qualified for citizenship.

Who proposed the basic framework of the Compromise of 1850? A) Daniel Webster of Massachusetts. B) Henry Clay of Kentucky. C) John C. Calhoun of South Carolina. D) Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois.

B) Henry Clay of Kentucky.

Where did violence erupt in Kansas over the competing constitutions that permitted and banned slavery? A) Kansas City. B) Lawrence. C) Lecompton. D) Topeka.

B) Lawrence.

What term suggests the belief of white Americans that by right they should occupy the North American continent? A) E pluribus unum. B) Manifest destiny. C) Pax Americana. D) White man's burden.

B) Manifest destiny.

Who was the first missionary to reach Oregon? A) Baptist Harry Emerson Fosdick. B) Methodist Jason Lee. C) Presbyterian Peter Marshall. D) Roman Catholic Father Pierre de Smet.

B) Methodist Jason Lee.

What prediction did Governor DeWitt Clinton make regarding the Erie Canal? A) Chicago would become the largest city located on the Great Lakes. B) New York City would become the emporium of the world. C) Pittsburgh would become headquarters for the nation's steel industry. D) The center of commerce in New York would shift to Buffalo.

B) New York City would become the emporium of the world.

Abolitionist followers of William Lloyd Garrison generally... A) Called for slave uprisings in slave states. B) Opposed violence to achieve an end to slavery. C) Supported popular sovereignty as a way to keep some territory free. D) Wanted a gradual end to slavery in the territories.

B) Opposed violence to achieve an end to slavery.

The reservation system was intended to... A) Pay the Indians for their land. B) Prevent outbreaks of violence between Indians and white settlers. C) Create centralized locations across the West where Native peoples could work in factories. D) Each statement is correct.

B) Prevent outbreaks of violence between Indians and white settlers.

Medical practices during the Civil War were... A) Efficient and effective. B) Primitive. C) Getting worse over the course of the war. D) Hampered because the army refused to use women as nurses.

B) Primitive.

Southerners who collaborated with northerners after the Civil War were known as... A) Carpetbaggers. B) Scalawags. C) Traitors. D) Yellow dogs.

B) Scalawags.

What had forced North and South into a final debate over the future of slavery by 1850? A) The departure of Henry Clay, who had compromised previous disputes. B) The disposition of land acquired in the war with Mexico. C) The failure of the Compromise of 1850. D) The nagging of abolitionists.

B) The disposition of land acquired in the war with Mexico.

What was the consequence of President Lincoln's call for volunteers? A) Draft riots erupted in New York City. B) More than 100,000 men volunteered the first day. C) Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina seceded. D) The Wall Street stock market rose in anticipation of military spending.

C) Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina seceded.

To win the Civil War, the North had to... A) Capture the Confederate capital. B) Convince southern rebels to return to the Union. C) Defeat the armies of the Confederacy. D) Keep Southern cotton from reaching northern and European markets.

C) Defeat the armies of the Confederacy.

Who commanded all Union forces when the Civil War began? A) General George B. McClellan. B) General U. S. Grant. C) General Winfield Scott. D) General Zachary Taylor.

C) General Winfield Scott.

In the new culture of self-improvement that characterized the 1830s, what did reformers believe was the key to individual success? A) Appropriate education at a school with a good reputation. B) Entitlement of privileged birth. C) Hard work, industriousness, and frugality. D) The class to which one belonged.

C) Hard work, industriousness, and frugality.

What was the immediate result of the Emancipation Proclamation? A) It convinced many Confederates to quit fighting because slavery was ended. B) There was an immediate freeing of all slaves in America. C) It made emancipation an official goal of the war. D) It won President Lincoln the near-unanimous support of Congress.

C) It made emancipation an official goal of the war.

How did the constitution of the Confederacy differ from that of the United States? A) It only provided for one chamber in the legislature. B) It denied its president a veto. C) It stated specifically that whites were superior to blacks. D) It specifically addressed the rights of white women.

C) It stated specifically that whites were superior to blacks.

Who was the first presidential candidate of the new Republican Party? A) Abraham Lincoln. B) Andrew Johnson. C) John C. Fremont. D) William Henry Seward.

C) John C. Fremont.

Why did radicals call for the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson? A) They accused Johnson of revealing military secrets to the Confederates during the Civil War. B) They charged that he had an improper relationship with an intern. C) Johnson violated the Tenure of Office Act. D) Radicals were angry with Johnson for vetoing the Civil Rights Act.

C) Johnson violated the Tenure of Office Act.

What policy regarding slavery did President Abraham Lincoln state in his inaugural address? A) Allowing slavery in western states below the Missouri Compromise line. B) Gradual emancipation, beginning with Upper South states. C) Leaving slavery alone in the South. D) Proclaiming slavery at an end in the South.

C) Leaving slavery alone in the South.

The Civil Rights bill of 1866... A) Reaffirmed the Supreme Court decision in Dred Scott. B) Extended the life of Freedmen's Bureau. C) Marked the first time the federal government intervened in the due process of states. D) Promised universal suffrage.

C) Marked the first time the federal government intervened in the due process of states.

Sam Houston led Texas revolutionaries to victory in the decisive battle of... A) Anahuac. B) Goliad. C) Nacogdoches. D) San Jacinto.

C) Nacogdoches.

With what did abolitionist and former slave Frederick Douglass most associate freedom? A) Affirmative action in employment. B) Equal educational opportunity. C) Right to earn a living. D) Right to vote.

C) Right to earn a living.

What was the most prevalent trend in internal migration in America in the 1830s and 1840s? A) City dwellers moving to suburbia. B) Moves from borough to borough seeking lower rent. C) Rural people moving to cities. D) Westerners reaching the Pacific Ocean and moving back eastward.

C) Rural people moving to cities.

What labor system for former slaves developed soon after plantation owners reclaimed their land after the Civil War? A) Crop lien system. B) Share tenant system. C) Sharecrop system. D) Wage employment.

C) Sharecrop system.

Under the original Compromise of 1850 proposal... A) New Mexico and Utah territories would enter the Union as free states. B) Popular sovereignty would decide the issue of slavery in California. C) Slave trading was banned in Washington, D.C. D) Texas was enlarged to include portions of Arizona territory.

C) Slave trading was banned in Washington, D.C.

What was the greatest impediment to the annexation of Texas to the United States? A) The fear that annexation would produce tension with England and France. B) The fear that annexation would cause a war with Mexico. C) Slavery. D) The belief that Texans were not ready for statehood.

C) Slavery.

What did free black leaders think were the true motives of the American Colonization Society's effort to repatriate blacks in Africa? A) That it was a genuine effort to make amends for importing their ancestors as slaves. B) To applaud the separatist concept. C) That they were mostly interested in getting rid of free blacks. D) That they were enthusiastic about the effort and helped raise funds for more colonies.

C) That they were mostly interested in getting rid of free blacks.

By the end of Andrew Jackson's administration... A) A new Republican Party had assumed the role of Loyal Opposition. B) Federalists returned to power. C) The Democratic Party had grown too diverse to remain stable. D) The Virginia dynasty resumed control of the presidency.

C) The Democratic Party had grown too diverse to remain stable.

The philosophy of self-culture brought what social movement to prominence? A) Astronomy. B) Popularity of organized spectator sports. C) The lyceum movement, which featured lectures on various subjects. D) The museum, a showplace for unusual natural phenomena.

C) The lyceum movement, which featured lectures on various subjects.

What most distinguished Irish immigrants from general American society? A) Their language difficulty. B) Their tendency to seek government work, especially as policemen. C) Their Catholic religion. D) Their willingness to abandon Old Country customs and embrace new traditions.

C) Their Catholic religion.

Advanced education at the college level in the antebellum period... A) Featured equal opportunities for males and females. B) Focused on religious subjects. C) Was available only for males. D) Was available to everyone who could afford the tuition.

C) Was available only for males.

The organization of new political groups such as the Working Men's Party provides evidence that... A) Democrats, National Republicans, and Whigs rejected worker's demands. B) Only workers could understand their position. C) Workers lacked confidence in existing parties. D) Workers were separatists who wanted to control their own destinies.

C) Workers lacked confidence in existing parties.

African American soldiers constituted what percentage of the Union Army? A) 50 percent. B) 10 percent. C) 25 percent. D) 1 percent.

B) 10 percent.

According to those who envisioned total development of the continent in the nineteenth century, America would eventually become what? A) An arsenal of democracy. B) A highway for transporting goods and culture. C) The last great hope of mankind. D) The leader of the free world.

B) A highway for transporting goods and culture.

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