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Democracy increased during the Progressive Era (direct primaries, initiative and referendum, etc.).


Garfield was shot and eventually died during his first term as president.


Gould made much of his wealth in the railroad industry.


Many Exodusters moved west to states such as Kansas


Most immigrants were democrats during the Gilded Age. At the same time, many African Americans were republicans during this time period.


Muckrakers = investigative journalists attempting to expose the problems of the Gilded Age


The railroads "connected" the nation during the Gilded Age. Several transcontinental railroads will be constructed.


Theodore Roosevelt was the leader of the Rough Riders. This group was one of the main units deployed the Cuba.


Tweed was one of the most infamous city bosses. He ran New York City's Tammany Hall, and he was known to be corrupt.


The attack on Pearl Harbor and the sinking of the USS Arizona is what caused the War of 1898.


The majority of people in the south were republican during the Gilded Age.


The most influential president of the Gilded Age was Taft.


Vanderbilt obtained his fortune mainly from the lumber industry.


With the help of Colombia, the United States fought Panama to obtain the land for the Panama Canal.


Women in the west faced the same restrictions as the women in the east. For instance, they could not own land or vote in the west.


Some of the main reasons why the U.S. was able to grow and develop during the Gilded Age was because of the abundance of resources and bold people willing to take risks (e.g. Rockefeller starting Standard Oil)


Filibusters invaded Canada during the War of 1898.


Harrison was the only president from the democratic party during th e Gilded Age. He was popular because of his leadership during the Spanish American War.


Hawaii was acquired by the U.S. after a brief was against England.


Ida B. Wells was known for "trust busting" large cotton plantations in the south.


Japan became weaker during the late 1800s because of costly wars against China. This was why the United States was not threatened by the Japanese presence in the Pacific Ocean.


Jim Crow was a name for policies that aided African Americans in the south. This included ending segregation.


Miners had a "complex enemy" that include drought and railroad rates.


Most Gilded Age presidents were democrats. This party also usually controlled the Senate.


Mother Jones was one of the main opponents of unions.


No politician was corrupt during the Gilded Age.


One of the main tactics the U.S. Army and civilians used to defeat the Plains People was to destroy all of the corn fields.


People trusted national government the most during the Gilded Age. Each president and Congress was able to pass important laws that benefited the majority of people.


Plessy v. Ferguson allowed all people to use the same facilities. This essentially ended the policy of "separate but equal."


President Grant finished building the Panama Canal while in office.


President Hayes was infamous for his association with Tweed. Both men used Congress and foreign banks to profit.


Some of the main innovations of the 2nd Industrial Revolution were the steam engine and blast furnace.


The American Railway Union (ARU) allowed mainly railroad workers. However, it also was open to people in the cotton industry.


The Banana Wars was a series of wars between the United States and many of England's Asian colonies. This also ended the Great Rapprochement.


The Battle of Little Big Horn was a major victory for the United States. Most of the Great Plains people would surrender to U.S. authorities shortly after the event.


The Exodusters were another name for the farmers who suffered during the Dust Bowl.


The Farmers Alliance was a group of rebels (mainly poorer farmers) who attacked larger farms supported by the federal government.


The Granger Movement began as a response to the Knights of Labor. Both groups disliked each other.


The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) believed in pacifism and attempting to resolve labor disputes with civil discussions.


The Knights of Labor only allowed men to join. Moreover, they had to be skilled workers.


The Populist Party disliked many groups such as farmers and women.


The War of 1898 lasted about ten years and became one of the most costly wars in U.S. history


The War of 1898 was between the United States and Portugal.


African Americans were usually Republicans during the Gilded Age. The party was considered the "Party of Lincoln," and many continued to associate Republicans with freedoms such as ending slavery.


After capturing Manila Bay and the city of Manila, the United States essentially defeated the Spanish at the Philippines.


After the incident at Wounded Knee, the majority of the fighting between Native Americans and the United States essentially came to an end.


Although agriculture was still important to the southern economy, other industries such as iron and coal also grew in the "New South."


Carnegie was one of the nation's most successful railroad tycoon. He owned nearly 1/3 of all tracks during the 1800s.


City politics was corrupt but seen as reliable. For instance, if people voted how city bosses wanted them to vote then the people in that community may benefit (jobs, building sewer, trash pickup, etc.).


National politics was "stalemated" during the Gilded Age. This meant that large issues were not addressed and neither political party had complete control.


One of the main issues the cowboys faced was barbed wire. This invention and other reasons (e.g. competition for western land) led to the decline of "the cowboy era" (open range).


One of the main reasons for nations to become empires is to obtain more raw materials. Taking control or heavily influencing a foreign land and its people can benefit a nation with harder to acquire goods.


President Arthur was Garfield's vice president and took control after Garfield passed away.


President Cleveland was the only democrat of the Gilded Age. He was also know for not helping farms (vetoed the "seed bill") and veterans.


Railroads were one of the main industries of the Gilded Age.


Rockefeller was known for his involvement in the oil industry. He started Standard Oil and made much of his wealth in this industry.


Sears and Roebuck were known for their catalogs.


Sharecroppers and tenant farmers were two types of laborers in the "New South." Sharecroppers usually gave about 1/2 of the harvest to the land owner while tenant farmers kept a little more than 1/2.


Social Darwinism was an idea to justify empires. For instance, people who believed in Social Darwinism may conclude that the United States and Europe were better than the people of Africa and Asia because those regions were not as wealthy, developed, etc.


Some of the main "Black Codes" included a "Vagrancy Law" and Convict Lease Code. This made it difficult for many recently freed African Americans to escape economic and political oppression of the "New South."


Some of the main issues the American worker faced during the Gilded Age were low pay and unsafe working conditions.


TR was know for the Square Deal and regulating industries. At the same time, Wilson attempted to pass progressive policies, especially laws related to reforming banking and the economy (federal reserve and income taxes).


Taft was a "trust buster" but he was uncomfortable as president. In other words, he struggled and his policies sometimes clashed with many progressive republicans.


The "American Cowboy" was influenced by both Spanish and Mexican vaqueros (lasso, hat, bandanna, etc.)


The "New South" still relied heavily on crops such as tobacco and cotton.


The "hub of the African American community" during the Gilded Age was the church. It represented a "safe" public place and allowed some people to become the communities leaders (preachers, deacons, etc.).


The "water cure" was a form of torture used during the Philippine American War.


The American Cowboy consisted of many groups of people. For instance, some estimate that about 1/4 of all cowboys were of African American ancestry.


The American Federation of Labor (AFL) only allowed skilled workers.


The Convention of 1890 (aka the Mississippi Convention) attempted to restrict African Americans from voting. Enforcing poll taxes, literacy tests, and various other policies prevented several people from voting.


The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 is one of the main events that led to unions becoming more common in the United States.


The Great Rapprochement was between England and the United States. It is a term used to describe the cooling of tension between the two nations and the beginning of a better relationship (many "close ties").


The Haymarket Affair (aka the Chicago Riot) ended with several people being hurt and killed. It also led to the decline of the Knights of Labor because they became associated with the event.


The Homestead Act allowed people to own small plots of land as long as they lived on the property for a few years.


The Homestead Strike was a large steel strike. The rise of violence led to the decline (not destruction) of union activity for many years.


The Philippine American War began shortly after the War of 1898.


The Progressive Presidents were TR, Taft, and Wilson.


The U.S. fought Spain in the Pacific (the Philippines) and the Caribbean (Cuba and Puerto Rico).


The United States acquired Alaska from Russia. Although it was initially seen as a bad deal (Alaska was a "block of ice"), Americans eventually saw benefits in acquiring the territory.


The United States acquired Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines after the War of 1898.


The United States benefited the most from the 1st Industrial Revolution. On the other hand, England and France benefited the most from the 2nd Industrial Revolution.


The United States wanted to keep China "open." This means that Americans wanted China to remain independent and free to trade with everyone (not colonized like Africa was in the 1800s).


The War of 1898 is also commonly known as the Spanish American War. It was a war between Spain and the United States.


The federal government remained distant toward the railroad industry. Most politicians did not want to risk being associated with corruption and did not aid the railroad tycoons (e.g. they did not provide land for them).


W. E. B. Dubois wanted to end segregation quickly. He did not agree with Booker T. Washington's more moderate policy of working with mainstream society and segregation laws.


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