History and Systems of Psychology 1

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Vail Model

Scholar practitioner model

mechanistic students

Only knowable physical forces are active within the organism

Whig history, the multiple beginnings/founders of psychology;

Wig History: History of Victors, Focuses on people who won

Which schools are currently the most important?

Cognitive Behavior Psychoanalysis

The "new" history - three parts;

Content Original Source Underrepresented groups

Johannes Muller and his problem with "vitalism."

A belief that all living things had an "life force" that was not analyzed by scientific methods. Students didn't accept it

The work of Flourens on the brain

Florens Work: Used Ablation to remove parts of animal brains *to discredit Gals theory *promote the idea of unity of brain function

The zeitgeist;

Intellectual and cultural climate of a particular historical era *emphasized in naturalistic history

The contextual forces with the greatest impact on the development of psychology "internal" vs. "external" history;

Internal History *occurs entirely within the discipline of psychology *detailed descriptions of the evolution of theory and research. *Written by people trained in the specific discipline. -No expertise in history External History *focuses on influences outside of psychology that influnce discipline. *Broader view examining societal, economic, institutional, and extra disciplinary influences

The "great man" approach to history;

Internal vs. External Internal= Great man approach *focusing on important individuals *James External= The great events *World War 1

Franz Gall and phrenology; the development of phrenology in America;

Phrenology held that discrete psychological faculties were housed within specific parts of the brain *bumps and indentations on the skull reflected the strength of the different facilities

The difference between structuralism and functionalism.

Structualism is passive and studies consciousness Functionalism: is more adaptive and change. (Evolution)


a policy of favoring native inhabitants as opposed to immigr


regards reason as the chief source and test of knowledge" or "any view appealing to reason as a source of knowledge or justification".

Karl Lashley: equipotentiality

Capacity of the brain to carry out memory functions when other parts of the brain are damaged

The most important pioneer countries and their emphases.

Germany France England USA

Brenda Milner and her patient, H.M

H.M had large sections of his hippocampus removed to reduce seizures *unable to retain new memories -could remember details from before his surgery *Ability to retain recent memories=Hippocampus *Could not transfer memories from short term to long term memory'

Ernst Weber and j.n.d.'s; Gustave Fechner and the beginning of psychophysics;

Quantifying the harmony between the physical an the psychological world--> Beginning of Psychophysics. *Used the work of Ernst Weber - found that differences between weights had to be 3% or more to be detected (jnd's)

Mechanism and the "clockwork universe";

the image of the universe as a great machine.

The discovery of multiple systems of memory.



moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being.

Immanuel Kant and his noumenal world;

world could never be known directly Once the world encounters the human mind it becomes transformed into the phenomenal world

Why is Wundt the father of experimental psychology?

Wundt opened up his own lab

Wilder Penfield and his electric probes.

Operated on people with epilepsy in an attempt to remove scar tissue from their brains and reduce seizures

The contributions of John Locke;

how the mind acquires knowledge theory of Association knowledge results from linking or associating simple ideas to large form complex ideas

The first national association for psychology?


Bolder Model

Scientific Practitioner model

Hermann von Helmholtz

Believed in the conservation of energy *vision and hearing became the foundation of the modern psychology of sensation and perception.

Child psychology? What school does it fit best?

Child Psychology does not fit into any school subject matter and could be viewed within different schools

The First International Congress of Psychology: popular topics?

Paris in 1889

Inportance of Dualism

Separated and avoided conflict with the church


Empiricism: primary role of the process of sensation. Focuses on conscious process Pursuit of Knowledge through the observation of nature and the attribution of all knowledge of experience

Countries with not much psychology

China and India

Where does Piaget fit?

Cognitive enternal forces

Broca's patient "Tan";

*predicted that after an autopsy the patient would have a lesion in a specific area of the frontal area *Broca Area -damage to that area would result in motor Aphasia or productive speech *work used to support the notion of Localization of brain function *Used Electrical stimulation to research brain function and in the process discovered motor strip *more evidence of localization

Psychology as a pre-paradigmatic science

Does not have one model but instead it has several schools

Current trends in psychology in the U.S.

Increasing number of woman increasing focus on practice

The disciplines from which psychology emerged;

Philosophy Physiology

historicism vs. presentism;

Presentism is old histroy *Interprets historical events with reference to modern knowledge and values *difficulties separating historical events from current biases *Only with a present eye few Historicism is New History *tries to understand the same event in terms of the knowledge and value by which it exist

Fechner's law;

S = KlogP the subjective intensity of a stimulus equals the Logarithm of its physical intensity times a constant that will vary for each sense


The theory that the mental and the physical—or mind and body or mind and brain—are, in some sense, radically different kinds of thing.

Schools of Psychology and Founders

Voluntarism: Wilhelm Wundt Structuralism : Titchener Functionalism: Charles Darwin Psychoanalysis: Freud Gestalt: Wertheimer, Koffka, Koehler, Lewin Humanistic: Maslow, May, Frankl Bahaviorsm : John B Watson Cognitive: Piaget, Chomsky, Bruner, Miller

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