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Bhakti Basic Beliefs 1

"Bhakti" - the word translates as "devotion" or "devotional love" - refers to devotional love of God

ming dynasty 6

* the voyages were sponsored by the Yongle Emperor ("perpetual happiness"), r. 1402-1424

new dynasty

-brings peace -(re)builds infrastructure -gives land to peasants -protects people

old dynasty

-taxes people too much -stops protecting people -lets infrastructure decay -treats people unfairly

Ming Dynasty beginning 1

1279 - Mongol leader Kublai Khan conquered China & founded Yuan dynasty

Ming Dynasty beginning 2

1294 - Kublai Khan died and Yuan dynasty weakened

Ming Dynasty

1368 - 1644; "brilliant" dynasty

ming dynasty beginning 4

1368 - Zhu Yuanzhang (Han) overthrew Mongol emperor & founded the Ming dynasty; dynasty lasted almost 300 years [Ming means "brilliant."]

Qing Dynasty

1644 - 1911; "pure" dynasty

Jainism Basic Beliefs 3

3 guiding principles of Jainism - the "three jewels" - are right belief, right knowledge, & right conduct

Ottoman Expansion Policies 2

Accept Ottoman domination

Rise of the Ottoman Empire 4

By mid-fourteenth century: Ottomans created a vast multiethnic, multilingual empire in the eastern Mediterranean and western Asia

Ming Dynasty beginning 3

Chinese had not liked Mongol rule

Ottoman Expansion Policies 1

Fight the Ottomans and suffer (like the Mongol policy)

ming dynasty beginning 6

Forbidden City built during Ming Dynasty

wall 1

Great Wall built to protect China from northern invaders.

ming dynasty 8

Great Wall of China built primarily during Ming dynasty

The Devshirme, 1558 miniature painting 4

In 1594 Muslims could take part; recruiting Christians stopped in 1648

Rise of the Ottoman Empire

Istanbul and the Topkapi Palace reflected the splendor, power, and wealth of the Ottoman Islamic Empire

Jainism Basic Beliefs 6

Jains believe that animals and plants, as well as human beings, contain living souls. - Each of these souls is considered of equal value and should be treated with respect & compassion.

Suleiman as the Lawgiver & the Magnificent 1


Suleiman as the Lawgiver & the Magnificent 2


Qing Dynasty 2

Manchurians from NE Asia defeated some northern Chinese cities in 1616; kept moving in and overthrew Ming by 1644

Ottoman Sultans 4

Mehmed II, the Conqueror, (r. 1451-1481)

Ottoman Sultans 3

Murad II (r. 1421-1451)

Ottoman Sultans 2

Orhan (r. 1326-1362)

Ottoman Sultans 1

Osman (r. 1299-1326)

Ottoman Tools of Empire Building 1

Ottoman dynastic power combined the secular* world with the sacred world

Ottoman Tools of Empire Building

Ottoman expansion and stability

Accept Ottoman domination 4

Ottoman infrastructure - built roads and bridges • encouraged education and conversion to Islam

Ottomans and the Conquest of Constantinople 3

Ottoman military expansion continued with the conquest of European cities in Greece, Bosnia, Italy, Hungary, Croatia, and Austria

ming dynasty 3

Ottoman rulers perfected techniques for ruling an ethnically diverse empire: they moved military forces quickly, allowed local communities a degree of political and religious autonomy, and trained a bureaucracy dedicated to the Ottoman and Sunni Islamic way of life.

Tolerance for diversity and bureaucratic control ensured that the Ottoman Empire endured into the twentieth century 2

Ottomans allowed for regional autonomy where local appointees could keep a portion of taxes for themselves

Tolerance for diversity and bureaucratic control ensured that the Ottoman Empire endured into the twentieth century 3

Ottomans created a corps of infantry soldiers and bureaucrats, called janissaries, who owed direct allegiance to the sultan - they were the Sultan's guard from the 14th- 19th cs.

Rise of the Ottoman Empire 5

Ottomans created a large bureaucracy headed by the sultan

Magnificent 4

Pasha Sinan - Suleiman's Architect

Qing Dynasty 1

Qing dynasty was the last imperial dynasty of China

Turkish Coffeehouses 4

Remember: "ideas" are important to history; ideas have changed the world

Ottoman Power and Governance

Rise of the Ottoman Empire

Ottoman Sultans 5

Selim I (r. 1512-1520)

Rise of the Ottoman Empire 1

Seljuk Turk warrior nomads transformed themselves into the rulers of a highly bureaucratic empire:

wall 2

Simatai Great Wall is one of the few sections to retain the original appearance of the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty

Istanbul and the Topkapi Palace reflected the splendor, power, and wealth of the Ottoman Islamic Empire 1

Suleiman built his crowning architectural achievement, the Suleymaniye Mosque, opposite the Hagia Sophia, the most sacred of Christian cathedrals

Ottoman expansion and stability 2

Suleiman was called "The Great Turk," "The Lawgiver," and "The Magnificent" - gifted military leader & administrator

Ottoman Sultans 6

Sulieman I, the Magnificent (r. 1520-1566)

ming dynasty 2

The Ming dynasty created an imperial system based on a Confucian-trained bureaucracy and intense subordination to the emperor so that it could manage a huge population.

Rise of the Ottoman Empire 3

The Ottomans became champions of Sunni Islam.

Ottomans and the Conquest of Constantinople 2

The fall had positive cultural benefits for western Europe, as Christian refugees took classical texts to western Europe, stimulating a European renaissance

Ottomans and the Conquest of Constantinople 1

The most spectacular triumph of Mehmed the Conqueror (r. 1451-1481) was the 1453 conquest of Constantinople, the capital of the Roman/Byzantine Empire, which he renamed Istanbul

Diversity and Control in the Ottoman Empire

Tolerance for diversity and bureaucratic control ensured that the Ottoman Empire endured into the twentieth century

Istanbul and the Topkapi Palace reflected the splendor, power, and wealth of the Ottoman Islamic Empire 2

Topkapi Palace was not only the command post of empire but also reflected Ottoman views of governance, religion, and family traditions

Rise of the Ottoman Empire 2

Under Osman (r. 1299-1326), the Turks consolidated their power by attracting artisans, merchants, bureaucrats, and clerics

Ottoman expansion and stability 1

Under Suleiman (r. 1520- 1566), Ottomans reached the height of their territorial expansion with 20 million to 30 million subjects

Tolerance for diversity and bureaucratic control ensured that the Ottoman Empire endured into the twentieth century 1

While Turkish was the official language of administration, Ottomans promoted a flexible and tolerant language policy

ming dynasty 5

Zheng He * led sea voyages from 1405-1433 (brief time of turning outward) - for more read "Trade and Exploration" pp. 460-461, Ch. 11, 6th ed

ming dynasty beginning 5

Zhu (r. 1368-1398) is called the Hongwu emperor ("expansive & martial")

Suleymaniye Mosque

architect Sinan; shows off Sultan Suleiman's achievements

lawgiver 3

balanced the budget

Jainism Basic Beliefs 8

believe in reincarnation & seek to attain ultimate liberation - which means escaping the continuous cycle of birth, death and rebirth so that the immortal soul lives forever in a state of bliss

Magnificent 2

built palaces, mosques, schools, libraries, hospitals, roads, bridges, etc.

The Fall of Constantinople seen in Turkish miniature 2

center of this Turkish miniature shows a cannon; required hundreds of men & oxen to transport & put in place outside the city walls

The Devshirme, 1558 miniature painting 2

children then educated in Ottoman Muslim ways & made to serve in the sultan's civil and military bureaucracy; reduced the power of the Turkish nobility

Turkish Coffeehouses 5

coffee's history in Turkey began in 16th century; traditionally made by boiling very fine coffee powder in a cezve

Qing Dynasty 5

continued policies of isolation

Accept Ottoman domination 1

conversion to Islam

The Devshirme, 1558 miniature painting 3

could rise in rank based on ability - some became janissaries

Lawgiver 1

created Sultanic law codes

ming dynasty 1

created a centralized government - government bureaucrats* controlled many aspects of trade

Magnificent 3

cultural explosion (pax Ottomanica) - literary, artistic, and scientific achievements

Turkish Coffeehouses 1

during Ottoman times coffeehouses were places where men would come together and form public opinion

Rise of the Ottoman Empire 6

expansion due to great military power

ming dynasty 4

fearful of too much contact with outside world - vacillate about how much contact is good

Turkish Coffeehouses 2

first opened as a place for people to wait before going into the mosques for prayer & soon became a place where men would meet outside the home

1279 - Mongol leader Kublai Khan conquered China & founded Yuan dynasty

first time China ruled by non-Han people

looses Mandate of Heaven - problems

floods, earthquakes, etc / peasant revolt / invaders attack empire / bandits raid countryside

Magnificent 1

grandeur of his court

Jainism Basic Beliefs 5

have concern for the welfare of every being in the universe & for the health of the universe itself

Qing Dynasty 4

largest empire in China's history

ming dynasty 7

later during Ming dynasty, China became isolated - turned away from interactions with outsiders

ming dynasty 12

liked African goods (ivory, medicines, spices, and exotic woods)

Accept Ottoman domination 3

local officials were replaced by Ottoman government officials

Accept Ottoman domination 2

millet system (non-Muslims formed small communities and were allowed to keep their faith (Jewish or Christian) as long as they paid the jitza (a tax)

Qing dynasty was the last imperial dynasty of China

non-Han people from the north / end of 3,500 years of imperial rule

ming dynasty 11

not interested in European goods (wool, beads and wine, etc.) - China wanted silver and precious metal from Europeans

Ottoman Empire 1299-1922/1923

one of the largest and longest lasting empires in history

Jainism Basic Beliefs 1

or Jain Dharma; ancient religion from India

ming dynasty 13

overthrown in 1644 by Manchu, who formed Qing dynasty

Turkish Coffeehouses 3

professional groups started having "their" own coffeehouse; where people in their society would go to discuss important decisions & ideas

ming dynasty 9

prosperity and population growth - by the mid-17th c., China's population equaled more than 1/3 the world's total population

lawgiver 2

reformed the government

lawgiver 4

reinforced Islamic law

Jainism Basic Beliefs 2

religion of self-help - no gods or spiritual beings will help human beings

Qing Dynasty 3

showed respect for Confucian traditions

The Devshirme, 1558 miniature painting 1

shows the devshirme system: take non-Muslim children from their families in the Balkan Peninsula as a human tribute in place of cash taxes, which the poor region could not pay

Jainism Basic Beliefs 7

strict vegetarians & live in a way that minimizes their use of the world's resources

Ottoman dynastic power combined the secular* world with the sacred world

sultans called themselves "shadow of God" on earth / sultans became defenders and protectors of the faith, constructing mosques and supporting Islamic schools

Jainism Basic Beliefs 4

supreme principle of Jain living is non violence (ahimsa).

ming dynasty 10

traded Chinese silk, cotton textiles, rice, porcelain ceramics, tea, paper, etc., across Afro-Eurasia

Turkish Coffeehouses 6

traditionally served in small cups and drunk in one gulp

The Fall of Constantinople seen in Turkish miniature 1

using heavy artillery in the 53-day siege of Constantinople was instrumental to the Ottoman victory

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