History: Ch. 14 The Civil War

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He refused to yield Fort Sumter when South Carolina demanded it, so he ordered an unarmed merchant ship to proceed to Fort Sumter with additional troops and supplies

What did Buchanan do in January 1861?

Transcontinental railroad

What did Congress move to spur completion of during the Civil War?

No state had the right to secede from the Union but the federal government had no authority to stop a state if it did

What did President James Buchanan tell Congress in 1860?

A minor prairie politician who would be easily controlled by the real leaders of his party

What did many Republicans consider Lincoln to be when he first arrived in Washington?

Reestablishing the Missouri Compromise line and extending it westward to the Pacific. Slavery would be prohibited north of the line and permitted south of it.

What did the Crittenden Compromise propose?

December 1862

When did the Battle of Fredericksburg take place?

Fort Sumter was running short of supplies. So Lincoln sent a relief expedition to the fort and informed the South Carolina authorities that he would send no troops or munitions unless the supply ships met with resistance. The new Confederate government ordered General P. G. T. Beauregard, commander of Confederate forces at Charleston, to take the fort. When Anderson refused to give up, the Confederates bombarded it for two days. On April 14, 1861, Anderson surrendered. The Civil War had begun.

After Lincoln became president, what happened with Fort Sumter?

Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina seceded. Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri remained.

After the conflict at Fort Sumter, which four states seed from the Union and joined the Confederacy and which four slave states remained in the Union under heavy political pressure from Washington?

Four Days

How long did the riots in New York City of 1863 last?


How many American died in the course of the Civil War?


How many emancipated blacks served as soldiers, sailors, and laborers for the Union forces?


How many soldiers were in the Confederate army at the end of 1862?

Banks could join the system if they had enough capital and were willing to invest one-third of it in government securities. In return, they could issue United States Treasury notes as currency. This eliminated uncertainty surrounding the nation's currency.

How were banks affected by the new national banking system?

Acts of force or violence to support secession

In his inaugural address, what did Lincoln consider to be insurrectionary?

"Hold, occupy, and possess" federal property in the seceded states (A clear reference to Fort Sumter)

In his inaugural address, what did Lincoln say the government would do?

By hiring someone to go in his place or by paying the government a fee of $300

In the Union, how could a man escape service?

Levying taxes, issuing paper currency ("greenbacks" not backed by gold or silver but instead by simply the good faith and credit of the government), and borrowing (By far the largest source of financing, 2.6 billion mostly from banks and large financial interests)

In what three ways did the government finance the war?


In what year did the election take place that brought the tensions of the two regions to a head and precipitated the most terrible war in the nation's history?

Winfield Scott (Unprepared for the magnitude and was aging so he retired), George B. McClellan (Inadequate grasp of strategy), General Henry W. Hillock (Ineffectual strategist as well), Ulysses S. Grant (Shared Lincoln's belief in unremitting combat and in making enemy armies and resources, not enemy territory, the target of military efforts)

Name the four chiefs of staff for the Union in order

December 20, 1860

On what date did South Carolina secede?


On what issue did Republicans disagree sharply with one another on despite their surface unity in supporting the war and their general agreement on most economic matters?


T or F: Still, after the Conflict at Fort Sumter, neither section was yet ready to concede that war had begun. And in Washington, effort began once more to forge a compromise

F (The Republicans rejected it, while the Southerners in the Senate seemed willing to accept it)

T or F: The Republicans accepted the Crittenden Compromise, while the Southerners in the Senate rejected it

Confiscation Act

What act freed slaves used for "insurrectionary" purposes in the Confederate military in 1861?

National Bank Acts of 1863-1864 (Created a new national banking system)

What acts were enacted in 1863-1864?

1) "Irrepressible-conflict" proponents, those who think the war was inevitable because of the many differences between the South and the North 2) "Revisionists" who think it is the faults of the leaders who could not compromise

What are the two main groups of people with opinions on how the Civil War was caused?

1) Sent troops into battle without asking Congress for declaration of war, arguing that the conflict was a domestic insurrection 2) Increased the size of the regular army without receiving legislative authority to do so 3) Unilaterally proclaimed a naval blockade of the South

What are three examples of how Lincoln boldly disregarded the Constitution? ("It would be foolish to lose the whole by being afraid to disregard a part.)

1) Economic differences between the agrarian South and the industrializing North 2) Social and cultural differences

What are two main examples of possible causes of the Civil War besides slavery?

Crittenden Compromise

What compromise was proposed in 1861?

They favored a more cautious policy so as to placate slave states that remained in the Union

What did "Conservative Republicans" want?

They wanted to use the war to abolish slavery immediately and completely

What did "Radical Republicans" want?

The railroad and the telegraph

What were the two other relatively new technologies critical to the conduct of war?

Declared forever free the slaves inside the Confederacy. (Did not affect slave states inside the Union or controlled by the Union. Applied only to the slaves over whom the Union had no control).

What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

Permitted any citizen or prospective citizen to purchase 160 acres of public land for a small fee after living on it for five years

What did the Homestead Act do?

Transferred substantial public acreage to the state governments, which could now sell the land and use the proceeds to finance public education, which led to the creation of many new state colleges and universities, the so-called land-grant institutions

What did the Morrill Act do?

Worked simultaneously for the abolition of slavery and the awarding of suffrage to women

What did the National Woman's Loyal League do?

Abolished slavery in all parts of the United States

What did the Thirteenth Amendment do?

An end to the union

What did the militant leaders of the South demand when news reached to them that Lincoln had been elected president?

Lynched several African Americans and burned down black homes, businesses, and even an orphanage, leaving over 100 dead

What did the rioters in New York do?

They seized the federal property within their boundaries

What did the seceding states immediately do?

Freed all slaves of owners that supported the insurrection and the Confederacy and authorized the president to employ African Americans as soldiers

What did the second Confiscation Act do?

Emancipation Proclamation; Battle of Gettysburg; Vicksburg surrenders; Union enacts military draft; New York City antidraft riots

What five notable things occurred in 1863?

Confederate States of America formed; Jefferson Davis elected president of Confederacy; Conflict at Fort Sumter; First Battle of Bull Run

What four notable things occurred in 1861?

The second party system had collapsed, replaced by one that accentuated rather than muted regional controversy

What had happened in 1860 before the election?

Confederate guns turned it back

What happened to the merchant ship that Buchanan sent in January 1861?


What is considered the sport of the Civil War?

1) US-Mexico War (1846-1848) 2) Gold Rush, Migration and Expansion 3) Compromise of 1850 4) Different pieces of literature such as Uncle Tom's Cabin 5) Manifest Destiny 6) Two sides can't agree

What major six things helped cause the Civil War?

Union Party (Republican party combined with War Democrats)

What party formed to re-nominate Lincoln in 1864?

Teachers, salesclerks, office workers, mill and factory hands, and above all nursing

What roles were women thrust into as a result of the war?

Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas (In order)

What six states besides South Carolina had withdrawn from the Union by the time Lincoln took office?

Laborers, immigrants, and Democrats

What three groups in the North mainly opposed the war draft?

Battle of the Wilderness; Sherman's March to the Sea; Lincoln reelected

What three notable things occurred in 1864?

Union Pacific Railroad Company (Build westward from Omaha) and Central Pacific (Build eastward from California)

What two federally chartered corporations did Congress create and have meet in the middle in 1869 in Utah in order to complete the transcontinental railroad?

Battles of Shiloh, Antietam, and Second Bull Run; Confederacy enacts military draft

What two notable things occurred in 1862?

Lee surrenders to Grant; 13th Amendment

What two notable things occurred in 1865?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony

What two women founded the National Woman's Loyal League in 1863?

Widespread popular opposition to the war (Peace Democrats and "Copperheads")

What was Lincoln's greatest political problem?


What was above all the role that women took over as a result of the war?

Authorizing the conscription of 300,000 slaves, but the war ended before the government could attempt this incongruous experiment

What was the Confederate government's final attempt to raise men?

That slavery not be allowed to expand

What was the Republicans most fundamental position?

Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry

What was the most famous black fighting unit?

Armaments: Repeating weapons. The repeating pistol and more importantly, the repeating rifle. Also cannons and artillery were greatly improved, a result of earlier advances in iron and steel technology.

What was the most obvious change in technology that transformed the Civil War into one of the most deadly ever?

1) More people 2) Material advantage with an advanced industrial system that could manufacture all the war materials whereas the South almost had no industry at all 3) Much better transportation system with the railroads

What were the advantages for the North?

1) Southern armies fighting a defensive war on familiar land with local support while the North had to maintain long lines of communication and fight in hostile territory 2) Commitment of white population of the South to the war was firm, while in the North, opinion was divided, and support remained shaky 3) England and France favored the Confederacy because their textile industries relied on American cotton, so Southerners hoped they would intervene on their behalf 4) South just has to survive, while the North has to destroy the insurgence completely 5) Very prepared and organized military because of militias for slave revolts, and everyone knows how to use a gun

What were the advantages for the South?

It was enacted in April 1862, and it subjected all white males between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five to military service for three years. It was repealed in 1863.

When was the Conscription Act enacted and repealed in the South and what did it do?

January 1, 1863

When was the Emancipation Proclamation signed?


When was the Thirteenth Amendment approved and ratified by Congress?

Montgomery, Alabama

Where did representatives from the first seven seceded states meet to form the Confederate States of America in February 1861?

Rappahannock River

Which river were the African Americans in the first photograph of the chapter attempting to cross?

South Carolina (Long the hotbed of southern separatism)

Which state seceded first from the Union?

The Homestead Act and The Morrill Act

Which two acts assisted the rapid development of the West in 1862?

Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina and Fort Pickens in Pensacola, Florida

Which two offshore military installations did the seceded states not have sufficient military power to seize and what cites, states were they in?

Benjamin E. Wade of Ohio

Who chaired the Committee on the Conduct of War?

George B. McClellan

Who did Lincoln defeat in 1864 for reelection?

Committee on the Conduct of the War (A joint investigative committee of the two houses of Congress)

Who did Lincoln's handling of the war effort face constant scrutiny from?

Alexander Cartwright

Who formed the New York Knickerbockers and brought baseball to America?

John J. Crittenden of Kentucky

Who proposed the compromise in 1861?

Jefferson Davis of Mississippi

Who was named the President of the Confederacy

Alexander H. Stephens of Georgia

Who was named the Vice President of the Confederacy?

Andrew Johnson (of Tennessee, a War Democrat who opposed his state's decision to secede)

Who was nominated for vice-presidency in 1864?

James Buchanan

Who was president before Abraham Lincoln?

Judah P. Benjamin (Intelligent but undynamic man who attended mostly to routine administrative tasks)

Who was the Confederate secretary of state for most of the war?

William Seward (one of the most outstanding American secretaries of state)

Who was the Union secretary of state for most of the war?

Major Robert Anderson

Who was the leader of the small force that garrisoned Fort Sumter?

Abraham Lincoln

Who was the most important Union military commander?

Robert Gould Shaw (Member of an aristocratic Boston family)

Who was the white commander of the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry?

Abraham Lincoln

Who won the election of 1860?

Several Northern military victories, particularly the capture of Atlanta, Georgia. Overwhelming support of Union troops resulted.

Why did Lincoln win reelection after it seeming doubtful?

The South was gone from Congress, so the Republican Party enjoyed almost unchallenged supremacy, so it enacted an aggressively nationalistic program to promote economic development

Why did the North experience economic growth as a result of the war?

He know how to exploit the North's material advantages. He realized, too, that the proper objective of his armies was the destruction of the Confederate armies and not the occupation of Southern territory

Why was Lincoln successful as commander in chief?

It clearly and irrevocably established that the war was being fought not only to preserve the Union but also to eliminate slavery

Why was the Emancipation Proclamation so important?

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