History chap 18&19

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You should be able to connect the Kansas-Nebraska Act to "Bleeding Kansas" and you should be able to explain why so many people were border hopping to get into Kansas at this time

Led to Bleeding Kansas because Kansas became a state that would be governed by popular sovereignty. That decision made many people violent and casuyed a lot of people to go into Kansas because they wanted to be able to decide if Kansas would be a free state but many wanted it to be slave.

You should review the map of the Election of 1860 and be able to explain how Lincoln could be considered a "minority candidate" and how his victory was less than impressive [you should also know what many Southern states did on election day to prevent a Lincoln victory]

Lincoln won even though he was a minority candidate because the Democratic Party split up and have 3 different candidates instead of one dividing the party and made it easier for Lincoln to win because they were divided. To prevent victory, the Southern states did not even have his name on the ballots so he was not an option to to vote for.

Harpers Ferry

Location of federal arsenal that John Brown raided to get guns to arm slaves

In the antebellum period, northern banks had lent tons of money to southern planters and institutions. . . you should know this because secession was a scary proposition for these northern banks. . . why?

This was scary for the northern banks because they got a lot of money from the South and if they seceded the banks would no longer receive any of that money which end up hurting them.

Free Soil Party

anti slavery party in the 1848 and 1852 elections that opposed the extension of slavery into the territories, arguing that the presence of slavery would limit opportunities for free laborers

John Brown

American abolitionist he advocated and practiced armed insurrection to end slavery. Led Pottawatomie Massacre in 1856 in Bleeding Kansas .... martyr

Matthew Perry

American naval commander who opened Japan to the West in 1854

Ostend Manifesto

(1854) Secret Franklin Pierce administration proposal to purchase or, that failing, to wrest militarily Cuba from Spain. Once leaked, it was quickly abandoned due to vehement opposition from the North

Lecompton Constitution

(1857) proposed Kansas constitution, whose ratification was unfairly rigged so as to guarantee slavery in the territory. Initially was ratified by proslavery forces, however was later voted down when Congress required that the entire constitution be put up for vote

You should know John Brown's two significant acts of violence and his reasons for doing them. You should also know what happened to Brown in the end and for what reason

-The first act he committed was the Pottawatomie massacre. Hacked to death 5 pro slavery men -the next act was the secret attack to invade the south with some followers and guns and slavers to establish a black free state as a sanctuary. They were able to seize the federal arsenal at harpers Ferry but the slaves failed to rise with him and Brown and his followers were caught by Robert E. Lee. Brown was hung and considered a martyr.

You should know for what b.o.h. office Lincoln and Douglass were competing in 1858 which led to their famous series of debates. You should further know who won that election and finally you really ought to be able to identify why it was somewhat of a meaningless exercise for them to be holding public debates at that time [and you really really ought to know about the Freeport Doctrine]

-They both wanted to be the Senator of Illinois. -Douglas won the election -it was meaningless because Lincoln challenged Douglas to these debates even though Douglas was a huge success as a debater. The Freeport Doctrine was the response Douglas had to Lincoln's question on how slavery would be decided by the states.

You should be able to identify the major components of the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854). You should be able to identify the reason(s) that Douglass wanted it passed (personal and national) and you should know how it directly relates to the Missouri Compromise & how many northerners felt about the act

Created by Douglas to convince that the first transcontinental railroad should run through the north. The Act split the territory of Nebraska into 2, Kansas and Nebraska, and their status regarding slavery would be determined by popular sovereignty. Douglas wanted the railroad in the North b/c he would get a lot of $$. It repeals the Missouri Compromise b/c it had forbidden slavery in that territory. Northern did not like the act because they north felt deeply about slavery and Douglas did not but. It did help the north because it gave them $$

Freeport Doctrine

Declared that since slavery could not exist without laws to protect it, territorial legislatures would have the final say on the slavery question. First argued by Stephen Douglas

You could try to think of something Clay couldn't do. . . but I wouldn't waste too much time on that

Did not win ppresidency

You should know for what reason Dred Scott felt he had the right to sue for his freedom. You should also be able to identify whether he won or lost; Most importantly you need to understand the Supreme Court's reasons for making the decision it made and the far-reaching consequences of its ruling (esp. as it relates to the Missouri Compromise)

Dred Scott argued that since he lived in a free state(Illinois) and a free territory(Wisconsin) for 10+ years, he earned freedom. He lost this case because he wanted to sue in court for this and the Supreme Court agreed with Sanford that only a citizen could sue and a slave is property, not a citizen. The Missouri Compromise is basically gone because of this—Slaves will always be slaves no matter where they are from

Confederate States of America

Government established after 7 southern states seceded from the Union-later joined by 4 states from the upper South

You should know for what reason Brooks put a thumpin on Sumner's head and how the people of Massachusetts reacted the next election [ps: it wouldn't hurt to know the background of the "hit him again" slogan that caught on afterward]

He damaged Sumner's head because he was angry at him for verbally attacking his cousin, Andrew Butler and needed to take revenge. At first he offered a duel but then when he couldn't do that, he beat him. MA reacted by re-electing Sumner to be their Senator. The slogan "hit him again" was what his supporters said to him

You should know WHY Lincoln rejected the Crittenden Compromise

He rejected the compromise because he had been elected on a platform that opposed the extension of slavery, and he felt that as a matter of principle, he could not afford to yield, even though gains for slavery in the territories might be only temporary.

Pottawatomie Creek

In reaction to the sacking of Lawrence by pro-slavery forces, John Brown and a band of abolitionist settlers killed five pro-slavery settlers north of Pottawatomie Creek in Franklin County, Kansas

Fugitive Slave Act

Passed as part of the Compromise of 1850, set high penalties for anyone who assisted escaped slaves and strengthened officers to participate in retrieving runaways

You should know where President Pierce sought to expand via conquest......and you should know for what reason(s)

President Pierce was looking to expand to the Central American territory because gold was discovered on it and they wanted to simulate the manifest destiny idea

Preston Brooks

Rep from SC and almost killed Charles Sumner with a gold-tipped cane

You should know in what direction tariff rates were sent per the Tariff of 1857 and you should understand the logic for moving tariff rates in that direction and at that time

Tariff rates were lowered in 1857. They were lowered because before the Panic of 1857, Congress had a large treasury. They were embarrassed by it so they enacted the Tariff of 1857 which, reduced duties to about 20% on dutiable goods. When the panic occurred, misery descended upon the Northern manufacturers who blamed their misfortunes on the low tariff.

You should be able to say "Seven Southern States Seceded" ten times in a row quickly. . .then you should be able to explain to me WHEN this happened. . . and of course WHY this happened

The 7 southern states seceded after Lincoln was elected in 1860. They seceded before Lincoln was inaugurated. This happened because the South was convinced that Lincoln was going to end slavery and disrupt their life which could not happen

You should be able to explain what happened to the Democratic Party during the election of 1860 and how it hurt their chances of defeating Lincoln

The Democratic Party stated to split because they could not decide on one specific candidate so they split up and each group nominated a candidate to represent them but because they were divided, the votes were split among the candidates, ultimately giving Lincoln the edge.

You should be able to identify the major parts of the Compromise of 1850. You should know which were concessions to the North and which to the South. You should know WHY there was need for compromise as well and you should know which part of the Compromise MOST upset northern citizens

The North received: 1. California admitted as a free state 2. Territory disputed by Texas and New Mexico to be surrendered to New Mexico 3. Abolition of the slave trade (but not slavery) in the District of Columbia The South received: 1. The remainder of the Mexican Cession area to be formed into territories of New Mexico and Utah, without restriction on slavery, so open to popular sovereignty 2. Texas was to receive $10 million from the federal government as compensation 3. A more stringent fugitive-slave law going beyond that of 1793 We needed the compromise because the territory of Ca sought statehood which would throw off the balance in the Senate. The fugitive-slave law upset northern citizens the most because northerners feared that the harsh practices threatened to create dangerous precedents for white Americans.

You should know how Southerners reacted to the "Panic of 1857" in terms of their views / suspicions of the North at this time and in terms of their ability to survive as a separate nation

The Panic of 1857 was not very bad economically, but it as bad psychologically. The South thrived because they were reliant on cotton and the North was hit the hardest. They realized they could survive without the North. Because of the panic, the North wanted the land to be given to pioneers instead of sold for revenue. South did not like this at all.

You should know which political parties merged into the new Republican Party in the 1850s and you should know what the Republican Party (& therefore Lincoln) wanted to do about slavery in 1860?

The Republican Party is formed from the Whigs and the free soil party and some democrats formed the Republican Party. Wanted to say no more slavery in new territories but did not want to abolish slavery yet

You should know which region of the country pushed for the so-called Gadsden Purchase, where the G.P. was, and you should definitely know WHY these people wanted the G.P.

The South pushed for the Gadsden Purchase b/c it was the strip of land under CA and had a little bit of Mexico. The South wanted the GP b/c it enabled them to claim the railroad

You should know what happened to the Whig Party during the 1852 Election and why. . . you should also know what ultimately became of the Whig Party.

They were divided over who was to be the presidential candidate. They went with military heroes because that is what they had success with in the past, but they divided because they could not agree on what to do with the slavery option dividing the candidates. The Whig Party turns into the Republican Party.

You should know why H.D. Thoreau was tossed in jail and what he wrote while in jail. . . . .

Was tossed in jail for tax evasion because he thought if he paid taxes he would be supporting the war but he is very against war (would not pay the poll tax) -Wrote: "On the Duty of Civil Disobedience"

The Impending Crisis of the South

Written by Hinton Rowan Helper, which he self-published in 1857. It was a strong attack on slavery as inefficient and a barrier to the economic advancement of whites

Harriet Beecher Stowe

abolitionist who is the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin - the "little woman who wrote the book hat made this great war"

Jefferson Davis

an American statesman and leader of the Confederacy during the American Civil War, serving as President of the Confederate States of America

Charles Sumner

an abolitionist and leader of Republican Party—gave a bitter speech in the Senate called "The Crime Against Kansas" , he verbally attacked SC pro-slavery senator and was later almost killed by Preston Brooks

Dred Scott

born a slave in 1795, owned by John Emerson, Scott attempted to buy his freedom, he files case in federal circuit court in Missouri, he loses, caused Supreme Court to declare the Missouri compromise unconstitutional

Mexican Cession

land acquired from the Mexican-American war by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Caused a huge debate on slavery

James Buchanan

nicknamed "Old Buck", who was for popular sovereignty. 15th President of US he was a Pennsylvania lawyer

You should be aware of the fact that at the time leading up to the Civil War, most of the Presidents and most of the members of the Supreme Court were actually Southern sympathisers


Stephen Douglas

senator of illinios(beat Lincoln in senato race) who introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

You should be able to identify the impact of Uncle Tom's Cabin both domestically and internationally

showed the true colors of slavery and made millions know how horrible slavery is -Millions of copies were published and sold; was very popular in Britain and France -It helped start the Civil War and win it; inspired many to help fight for the freedom in the civil war -Character Uncle Tom left an affect on the readers that made them determined to wipe out slavery -governments of London and PAris wanted to help the south but they realized they would not have support from their people because of the realization that was presumed from Uncle Tom's Cabin

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