History Chapter 12.1 and 12.2

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Gitanjali Rao

15-year old Time Teen of the Year who works to use science and technology to create social change.

Golden Spike National Historic Site

A reminder of unification in the U.S.A., this symbol represents the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad


A tax on imported goods

When it is 9:00 AM in Pittsburgh, it is 8:00 AM in this time zone.

Central time zone

Because of a shortage of labor in California, the Central Pacific Railroad hired about 10,000 workers from ____.


Railroad Wars

Conflicts between the different railroad companies, often fighting over land for the rails.

Thomas Edison

Developed inventions such as the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, and the motion picture camera, as well as improving the telegraph and telephone.

James J. Hill

Driving force of the Gr. Northern Railway; Built the Great Northern Railroad from Wisconsin and Minnesota to Washington state without any federal land grants or subsidies. He planned the railroad's route to pass by existing towns in the region and offered low fares to settlers who homesteaded along his route


Economic policy of shielding an economy from imports and favors high tariffs.

Credit Mobilier

In 1872 a letter appeared in the New York Sun listing members of Congress who had bought shares in the Union Pacific Railroad Company. The scandal produced widespread anger and led to the impression that railroad entrepreneurs were "robber barons"

Alexander Graham Bell

In 1874, he began experimenting with ways to transmit sound via an electric current. In 1876, he succeeded. His company eventually became the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T).

The Edison Pioneers

Including Lewis Latimer, this organization worked to promote Edison's inventions. It included only those who had worked closely with Edison in the past.

Gustavus Swift

Inventor of the refrigerated railroad car, which led to lower food prices and the mass production of meat products.

Lewis Latimer

Inventor who improved Thomas Edison's light bulb, making electric lighting more practical, and who worked in the patent industry after the Civil War.

When it is 9:00 AM in Pittsburgh, it is 7:00 AM in this time zone.

Mountain Time Zone

Eastern time zone

PA is in this U.S. time zone.

This time zone includes CA, Nevada, Oregon, Washington.

Pacific Time Zone

George Eastman

Patented the first hand-held camera

Robber Barons

Refers to the industrialists or big business owners who gained huge profits by paying their employees extremely low wages. They also drove their competitors out of business by selling their products cheaper than it cost to produce it. Then when they controlled the market, they hiked prices high above original price.

Promontory Summit, Utah

The Transcontinental Railroad was completd here on May 10, 1869.

Central Pacific Railroad owner

Theodore Judah

The Duryeas

They built the first gasoline-powered carriage.

Pacific Railway Act

This act gave two corporations—the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific—permission to build a transcontinental railroad. It also offered each company land along its right-of-way.

Morrill Tariff Act

This was an act passed by Congress in 1861 to meet the cost of the war. It raised the taxes on shipping and greatly increased tariffs.

These were created in order to create organization for those travelling via the trains in the late 1800's.

Time Zones

Kitty Hawk, NC

Town in North Carolina where the Wright Brothers flew the first powered airplane in 1903.

Bike sales and repairmen who invented the first airplane in 1903.

Wright Brothers

Land Grant

a grant of land by the federal government, especially for roads, railroads, or agricultural colleges


a policy that government should interfere as little as possible in the nation's economy

Second Industrial Revolution

characterized by an increase in technology due to advances in electricity after 1890. By the early 1900s, the United States was the leading industrial nation.

George Westinghouse

developed an alternating current (AC) system to distribute electricity over long distances using transformers and generators. With this innovation, electricity began to improve living standards rapidly.

Workers completed the transcontinental railroad in only _____ years


Gross National Product (GNP)

he total value of goods and services produced by a country during a year

Josephine Cochrane

inventor of the first dishwasher

one who puts money into a company in order to gain a future financial reward


Between 1860 and 1910, the population of the United States nearly tripled. Population growth stemmed from these two sources:

large families and an increase of immigrants


materials used in the production process, such as money, people, land, wood, or steel

Jay Gould

notoriously corrupt Erie Railroad owner who practiced "insider trading" and manipulated stock prices.

Leland Stanford

one of the Railroad Big Four, he led the Central Pacific Railroad at the time of the completion of the first Transcontinental Railroad. He created his university on the site of his horse farm.


one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise

Railroad companies also stimulated the economy by spending huge amounts of money on _____.

steel, coal, and timber

Omaha, Nebraska

the Union Pacific Railroad began pushing westward from ____, in 1865.


to combine two previously separate things

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