History Chapter 4

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Seven Years War

Called the French and Indian War in the American colonies, the Seven Years' War was a global conflict between England and France ultimately won by England in 1763. The American theater of the Seven Years' War was a conflict among the British, French, and Iroquois

Which U.S. city was part of the enormous claims established by the French in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?

Detroit, Michigan

Which inflammatory measures did Charles Townshend steer through Parliament in 1767?

disbanding the New York Assembly imposing new taxes on imports

What was the general nature of the internal rebellions that occurred in the colonies in the 1760s?

farmers vs landowners

Why did English politicians exert little control over the North American colonies prior to 1763?

fear it would disrupt commerce the ineptitude of provincial governors

Which of the following were among the means that the French used to try to control their empire in North America?

fortresses feudal estates trading posts Mississippi plantations

In the aftermath of King George's War, the Iroquois Confederacy ______ the British.

granted trading concessions to

Which of the colonists' actions during the French and Indian War incited resentment among the British?

making few financial contributions to the war selling goods to the French in the West Indies

In 1754, a group of delegates from Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, and New England met in Albany. Their original intent was to ______.

negotiate a treaty with the Iroquois

How did the colonial assemblies of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century compare to the House of Commons in the British Parliament?

neither were particularly democratic

In 1773, the British East India Company was

on the verge of bankruptcy. sitting on large stocks of tea that it could not sell in England.

Which executive wielded the most power in England by the mid-eighteenth century?

prime minister

The colonists' growing spirit of resistance was most evident in ______.

resistance writing

At the end of the French and Indian War, the French ______.

surrendered all title to the North American mainland

In Massachusetts, ______ became increasingly important centers of resistance in the 1760s and 1770s.


What did the Virginia Resolves declare?

that Americans had the same rights as the English that only the Virginia assembly could tax Virginians

The first phase of the French and Indian War began when ______

the French attacked Fort Necessity

The Tea Act of 1773 angered many colonists because it ______.

threatened to put American merchants out of business gave special treatment to the East India Company seemed like taxation without representation

Suspicions about democracy and the masses in both Britain and the colonies were most reflected in ______.

voting requirements

Sugar Act

British act of 1764 designed to stop sugar smuggling in the colonies by lowering taxes on molasses but enforcing their payment and forcing compliance with trade laws.

Under the Proclamation of 1763, white settlement west of the ______ was forbidden.

Appalachian Mountains

Proclamation of 1763

Attempt by England to reduce violence between Native Americans and English colonists by legally barring settlement beyond the Appalachian Mountains.

Which statements about the alliances of Native American groups during the French and Indian War are accurate?

- Most native people saw their alliances as a means for expelling one power or the other from their lands. - Most native peoples sided with the French. - The Iroquois remained largely passive throughout the conflict.

Which actions were taken by the Grenville administration in an effort to increase its authority in the colonies?

- enforce the Mutiny, Sugar, and Currency Acts - permanently station British troops in the colonies - send British ships to patrol colonial waters in search of smugglers

First Continental Congress

Early gathering of colonial delegates in 1774 that called for the repeal of all oppressive laws of Parliament since 1763. -rejected a plan for for a colonial union under British authority -endorsed a relatively moderate statement of grievances which addressed the king as "Most Gracious Sovereign" but which also included a demand for the repeal of all oppressive legislation passed since 1763 -approved a series of resolutions recommending that military preparations be made for defense against possible attack by British troops in Boston -agreed to a series of boycotts they hoped would stop all trade with GB and they formed a "continental association" to see that these agreements were enforced -delegates agreed to meet again next spring

William Pitt

Leading English secretary of state and prime minister who ran England's war effort during the Seven Years' War.

Iroquois Confederacy

Organization of five Native American nations that traded regularly with the French and English in the early colonial period, but their relationships with the colonists deteriorated during the mid to late 1700s.

Which statements about the Sugar Act of 1764 are correct?

The Sugar Act established new courts to try accused smugglers. The Sugar Act lowered the duty on molasses and enforced its payment.


The act of forcing people to serve in a navy or other military operation; the term is most commonly used in connection with the actions of British fleets against American sailors in the early 1800s.

Which statement about the distribution of power in eighteenth-century England is accurate?

The unwritten constitution called for the distribution of power among the monarchy, the aristocracy, and the people.

Patrick Henry

Virginia politician who lead the fight against the Stamp Act and declared supporters of Parliament taxes were enemies of the colonies. House of Burgesses rejected the most extreme proposals by Patrick Henry, a passionate critic of British policies.

Ethan Allen

a land speculator that took up the cause of the Green Mountain farmers

Which description best characterizes the first phase of the French and Indian War?

a local North American conflict between England and France that swept up native groups throughout the West

Coercive Acts

aka "Intolerable Acts" Parliament's retaliation against the Boston Tea Party that was meant to coerce Boston colonists by reducing the colony's self-government. -closing the port of Boston -drastically reducing the powers of self-government in Massachusetts -permitting royal officers in America to be tried for crimes in other colonies or in Great Britain -providing for the quartering of troops by the colonists

The fall of Quebec in 1759 marked the ______.

beginning of the end of the American phase of the war

During the second phase of the French and Indian War, William Pitt transformed the war effort in America by ______.

bringing it fully under British control

William's Pitt's policies of impressment and forced quartering of troops ______.

caused tension between the colonists and British authorities

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