History Chapter 4 Lesson 1

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North America

In 1629, the Puritans sent a small advance part to _

Rhode Island

In 1638, Hutchinson, along with her family and some friends, went to _

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

In 1639, the settlers of Connecticut wrote a plan of government called the _

New Hampshire

In 1680, the English king, King Charles the First, made these coastal settlements that were north of Boston into a separate colony called _


In 1692, Puritans in Salem executed _ men and women as witches


In Essence, if you put in money to get a charter, you were allowed to _ in the Massachusetts Bay Colony

Non-Puritans/Connecticut/Rhode Island

In Massachusetts, _ were ostracized and had two choicest go worship: _ and _

Thomas Hooker/100

In May 1636, a Puritan minister named _ led about _ settlers out of Massachusetts Bay

General Court

In November 1637, Hutchinson was ordered to appear before the _

Worship freely

In Puritan Massachusetts, non-Puritans were not permitted to _

Religious toleration

In Rhode Island, Roger Williams put into practice his ideas about _


In Rhode Island, all white men were allowed to _


In Roger William's view, the business of _ and _ should be completely separate

1662,/Charles the First

In _, Connecticut became a separate colony, with a new charter granted by the king of England, King _

1702/Royal colony/English crown

In _, New jersey became a _, that is, a colony under control of the _


In _, William Penn allowed the settlers in Philadelphia's Lower Counties to elect their own _


In _, the General Court ordered Williams to leave _


In both England and New England, Quakers were _, _, or even _ for their ideas

Grain/breadbasket colonies

In fact, the Middle Colonies exported so much _ that they became known as the _


In return for each grant, each patroon promised to settle at least _ European farm families on the land


In setting up a proprietary colony, the king gave land to one or more people called _


In the end, Peter Stuyvesant surrendered to the _ without firing a _


In the end, however, Metacom was _ and _


In the spring, the Indian sold Roger Williams _ for a settlement

Representative government

In this way, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut expanded the idea of _ in the English colonies


In time, the colony of _ became a center of _ and _

Reform the church by introducing simpler forms of worship

Instead the Puritans hoped to _

Muscle memory

It was difficult for some people to pronoune Deutsch because they couldnt't pronounce certain words because their mouth was not used to pronouncing words like that because of _

Puritans/distinctive customs/religious society

Even so, the _ stamped New England with their _ and their dream of a _

Explain God's law

Even worse, Puritan leaders said, a woman did not have the right to _

New York/Philadelphia

Every year, farmers of Middle Colonies sent tons of beef, pork, and butter to the ports of _ and _


Farmers of the Middle Colonies also raised herds of _ and _

Religious reasons

Fewer families left England for _


Fighting between the English and Indians lasted _ months

Men/Property owners/church members

First the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut gave the vote to all _ who were _, including those who were not _

Religious freedom

For later Americans, however, Anne Hutchinson became an important symbol of the struggle for _

German/ScotchIrish/west/backcountry/eastern/Appalachian mountains

From Philadelphia, thousands of _ and _ settlers traveled _ into the _, the area of land along the _ slopes of the _


Because Counties rather than villages became centers of local governmnt in the Middle Colonies, we are seeing an _ from Puritans in New England

15,000 men, women, and children

Between 1629 and 1640, some _ made the journey from England to Massachusetts


Boston was the largest _ in the Massachusetts Bay Colony

New York/New Jersey

Both _ and _ attracted people from many different lands

Evil and declining times

By 1629, some Puritans were convinced that England had fallen on "_"


By 1662, _ towns were thriving along the _ River


By 1664, the rivalry between _ and the _ for trade and colonies was at its height

4/south/New England

By 1700, England had _ colonies in the region directly _ of _


During Sabbath, Puritans couldn't _, play _, and couldn't do anything except go to _


During the 1600s, _ sat on one side of the church and _ on the other


During the _, the _ tradition declined


Dutch colonists allowed others to worship _

Protestants/Dutch Reformed Church

Dutch colonists were mainly _ who belonged to the _

Skilled German craftsworkers/Pennsylvania

Encouraged by William Penn, skilled _ set up shop in _


Many New England reached the age of 70 because there was not a lot of _ and _


Many New Englanders reached the age of _


Many of the newcomers settled in _, which grew into the Massachusetts Bay Colony's largest town


Members of the court were _ at what Hutchinson sad

12 towns/600

Metacom and his allies destroyed _ and killed more than _ European settlers

Better lives

People came to the Americas for a hope of living _


People weren't as _ as they said

New Netherland

Peter Stuyvesant was the governor of _


Philadelphia is a _ word

Brotherly love

Philadelphia is the city of _

Delaware river

Philadelphia was located along the _


Plymouth was north of _

Religious errors

Puritan leaders believed that Hutchinson's opinions were full of _

Anne Hutchinson

Puritan leaders grew angry at _


Puritan leaders viewed Roger Williams as a dangerous _

Bible/directly to individuals

Puritans believed that God spoke only through the _, not _


Puritans believed that people should worship and tend to local matters as a _


Puritans governed and worshipped in the meeting house which opposed what Rogers was preached against because he said that _ and _ should be separate

West/Indian trails

Pushing _, Thomas Hooker and the settlers drove their cattle, goats, and pigs along _ that cut through the forests


Quakers believed that all people-_ and _, _ and _-were equal in God's sight


Quakers were _ and _


Quakers were _ for their beliefs

Roger Williams/Religious/Political

Rhode Island was founded by _ for _ and _ freedom

Religious toleration

Roger Williams also believed in _

White men

Roger Williams also gave all _ the right to vote


Roger Williams believed that the _ and _ should be separate and believed in religious _ for non-Puritans and everyone

Puritan Church

Roger Williams believed that the _ had too much power in Massachusetts


Roger Williams believed that the _ should not support a particular _

Unhappy/Massachusetts/Rhode Island

Roger Williams was _ and he lived at first in _ but then went to _


Second, the fundamental Orders of Connecticut limited the _'s power

Colonists/constant theme

Settlers tried to settle in lands that were near other _. This was a _


Some settlers built trading and fishing villages along the coast north of _


Soon, settlers from England, Scotland, Wales, the Netherlands, France, and Germany began to cross the Atlantic Ocean to _

William Penn/Pennsylvania

South of New Jersey, _ founded the colony of _ in 1682

New Jersey/1682

South of _, William Penn founded the colony of Pennsylvania in _


Then, after two days of questioning in front of the General Court, Hutchinson made a serious _


There are _ colonies in the Middle Colonies


There are _ colonies in the southern colonies


There are how many colonies in New England?


There are how many colonies in the Middle Colonies?

Plymouth Colony/Massachusetts Bay Colony/William Bradford/John Winthrop/Religious freedom/Pilgrims/Religious freedom/Puritans

There were two colonies in Massachusetts, and they were _ and _. The founder of the Plymouth colony was _, and the founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony was _. The Plymouth colony was founded for _ freedom for the _. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded for _ freedom for the _


There were, however, two important differences between the government of _ and the government of _

Middle Colonies/New England/Southern Colonies

These colonies that were in the region directly south of New England became known as the _ because they were located between _ and _

Pennsylvania Dutch/Deutsch/German

The German-speaking Protestants became known as _ because people could not pronounce _, which means _

Biblical laws/teachings

The Massachusetts Bay Company vowed to base their new society on _ and _

New England

The Massachusetts Bay Company's bold plan was to build a new society in _


The Puritans got a charter by essentially _ them

Charter/Massachusetts Bay Company

The Puritans persuaded royal officials to grant them a _ to form the _


The Puritans taught that _ were a blessing of God


The Puritans took their _, or holy day of rest, very seriously

Healthy Climate

The _ allowed New Englanders to live long lives

Puritan leaders

The _ had won their case against Hutchinson

Great Wagon Road/west

The _ was an Iroquois trail that was important when settlers began moving _ along the backcountry


The _'s reforms, however, went further than those of other groups


The average Puritan family had _ or _ children

Religious freedom/local matters

The colony of New Jersey's charter protected _ and the rights of an assembly that voted on _

Deluded by the Devil/Massachusetts Bay Colony

The court declared that Hutchinson was "_" and ordered her out of the _

Middle Colonies

The economy of the _ had many cash crops

Charles the First

_, who became king of England n 1625, disapproved of the Puritans and their ideas

William Penn/religious/political/Quakers

Pennsylvania was founded by _ for _ and _ freedom for the _


_ means willingness to let others practice their own beliefs

New Netherland

_ was taken by the English colonists and the king


At age 22, however, William Penn shocked family and friends by joining the _, one of the most despised religious groups in _


At the center of each village was a _, an open field where _ grazed

Delaware River

At the time of the English takeover, New York stretched as far south as the _


About _ crimes carried the death penalty

Rhode Island

After a few years, the land that the Indians had given Roger Williams became the English colony of _


Also, Stuyvesant had made himself so _ with his harsh rule and heavy _ that the colonists refused to help him

German-speaking Protestants

Among the new arrivals in Pennsylvania were large numbers of _

Anne Hutchinson

Among those who fled to Rhode Island was _

Rhode Island

Anne Hutchinson fled to where?


Anne hutchinson was _

Puritan/church services

Anne hutchinson was a devout _ who regularly attended _

Roger Williams

Another Puritan, besides Hooker, who challenged the leader of Massachusetts Bay was _

Middle Colonies/New England/Southern Colonies

As Doctor Hamilton observed, the _ had a much greater mix of people than either _ or the _


As a result, New England became a land of tightly knit _ and _

Men/church member

As a result, Puritan leaders (Winthrop and stockholders) granted the right to vote for governor to all _ who were _


As a result, children often grew up knowing both their _ and _

Town meetings

At _, settlers discussed and voted on many issues


Owners of these huge estates were called _


Church and state is _ and _


Connecticut was _

Thomas Hooker/political/religious/power

Connecticut was founded by _, who believed that the governor had too much power in Massachusetts. This colony was founded for _ and _ freedom, and also to limit _

Swedish settlers/economic opportunities

Delaware was founded by _ for _


Delaware was part of the _ Colonies


_ were the most forward-thinking people of their time


Hartford was located at the _ River


However, Peter Stuyvesant had few _ and little _

God spoke directly to her

Hutchinson told the General Court that _, "By the voice of His own spirit to my soul."


If you put money to get a charter, you were allowed to _ in the Massachusetts Bay Colony


John Winthrop and his followers were part of a religious group known as _


John Winthrop and his larger party arrived the following year in North America, in _


John Winthrop set sail to the Americas on a boat called the _


John Winthrop was a _

First governor/Massachusetts Bay Colony

John Winthrop was chosen _ of the _, as the Puritan settlement was called.


John Wintrhop was the leader of the colonists aboard the ship _

proprietor/North America

King Charles the Second made William Penn _ of a large tract of land in _

Pennsylvania/Penn's woodlands

King Charles the Second named the new colony _, or _

New York

King Charles the Second renamed the colony of New Netherland to _ in the Duke's honor

William Penn

King Charles the Second was a personal friend of _

Charles the Second/Duke of York

King _ then gave New Netherland to his brother, the _


Later, Anne Hutchinson began to express her own _. Often she seemed to criticize the minister's _


Later, Philadelphia's Lower Counties broke away to form the colony of _

Representatives/General Court

Later, male church members also elected _ to an assembly called the _


Like New York, New Jersey attracted people from many _

Protestant Reformers

Like Pilgrims and Puritans, Quakers were _

Religious toleration

Like William Rogers, Dutch colonists believed in _

New Jersey

Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret set up a proprietary colony, which they called _


Ministers had less influence on the way _ were governed


Most settlers in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, however, were not _

Meetinghouse/worshipped/town meetings

Nearby the common stood the _, where Puritans _ and held _


New Hampshire is north of _

Settlers from Massachusetts/economic opportunities

New Hampshire was founded by _. It was founded for _


New Jersey was a proprietary _

Lord John Berkeley/George Carteret/religious freedom/economic opportunity/economic opportunity

New Jersey was founded by _ and _ for both _ and _. New Jersey was mainly founded for _

Dutch colonists/King Charles the Second/Henry Hudson/religious freedom/economic opportunity/new Jersey/Economic opportunities

New York was founded by _ and _ and _ for both _ and _. New York was too big so the Duke of York gave land to berkeley and carteret which became _. King Charles the Second set up new York to gain more land, which was solely economic opportunities. The king solely found New York for _


On Sundays during Sabbath, no one was allowed to play _ or visit _ to joke, talk, and drink


On more than one occasion, disputed between _ and _ resulted in _

Middle Colonies

On such promising land, farmers in the _ produced surpluses of wheat, barley, and rye


One crime punishable by death was _


One visitor reported that workshops in _ turned out "hardware, clocks, watches, locks, guns, flints, glass, stoneware, nails, and paper


Other Indian groups soon allied themselves with the _

100/towns/farms/New England

Over the next _ years, English settlers would build _ and _ throughout _


Still, Dutch colonists permitted members of other _-including Roman Catholics, French Protestants, Jews- to buy _

Invest in the carter

Stockholders gave up money to _

Invested/Massachusetts Bay Company

Stockholders, who were allowed to vote, were people that _ money into getting a charter to form the _

Lord Berkeley/Sir George Carteret

The Duke of York gave some of the land to his friends, _ and _


The Duke of York realized that New York was too _ to govern easily


The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut created a _ much like that of Massachusetts


The largest conflict with the Wampanoag indians came in _

Church services/sunrise/sunset

The law required all citizens to attend _ on Sabbath, which on Sunday lasted all day, from _ to _

Massachusetts Bay/Plymouth

The passengers on the Arbella set up their colony on _, north of _

More than 1,000/1630/North America

The passengers on the Arbella were among _ people who left England in _ to settle in _

Rich families

The patroons were the _ that got the land


The role of the state, Roger Williams, was to maintain _ and _

Iroquois/Great Wagon road

The settlers followed an old _ trail that became known as the _

English law

These proprietors made laws for the colony of New Jersey but had to respect the rights of colonists under _


These proprietors were free to _ the land and _ it to others

Democratic ideas

This early experience encouraged the growth of _ in New England

Great Migration

This movement of people when some 15,000 men and woman made the journey to Massachusetts from England is known as the _


Thomas Hooker pushed _


Thomas Hooker wanted to set up a colony in _ with strict limits on _

New Netherland/large parcels of land

To encourage farming in _, Dutch officials granted _ to a few rich families

Thick forests

To farm the backcountry, settlers had to clear _


Under the charter, only _ who had invested money in the Massachusetts Bay Company had the right to vote


Under the firm leadership of Winthrop and other Puritans, the Massachusetts Bay Colony _ and _

Church of England

Unlike the Pilgrims, the Puritans did not want to separate entirely from the _

John Winthrop

_, a lawyer and a devout Christian, assured the colonists that their new colony would set an example to the world


_, rather than _, became centers of local government in the Middle Colonies

Peter Stuyvesant

_, the governor of New Netherland, swore to defend the city

Metacom/New England

Wampanoag Indians, led by their chief, _, attacked villages throughout _


Wampanoags helped the _. But before they knew it, many settlers were coming to the Americas and were taking _ lands. Many Wampanoags died of _. So the Wampnoags began to fight

Boston/New Hampshire

Way too many people were in _, so they broke up and formed _

Cash crops

Wheat, barley, and rye were _, or crops that are sold for money at markets


When Thomas Hooker and the settlers reached the _ River, they built a town, which they called _


When did Connecticut become a separate colony?

Charles the First

Who was the king during the time of John Winthrop's voyage?


William Penn believed that the land belonged to the _


William Penn carefully planned a capital city along the _ River


William Penn founded Pennsylvania for the _

Philadelphia/Brotherly love

William Penn named the capital city _, a Greek word meaning _


William Penn said that settlers should _ for this land that belonged to the Indians

Holy experiment

William Penn thought of his Pennsylvania colony as a "_"

Religious freedom/peace/Christian living

William Penn wanted his Pennsylvania colony to be a model of _, _, and _


William Penn was a very _ and _ guy

Rhode Island

William Rogers founded _

William Bradford/John Winthrop

_ and _ founded Massachusetts

New Netherland/England

_ and _ were still Protestant

John Winthrop/stockholders

_ and other _ were Puritan leaders


_ believed that all people are equal

William Penn

_ came from a wealthy English family

Town meetings

_ gave New Englanders a chance to speak their minds


_ is located along the lower _ river


_ laws were strict


_ left Massachusetts Bay because he believed that the _, who was John Winthrop, and other officials had to much power

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