History Chapter 9

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What did the 15th amendment do?

gave black men the right to vote

Who Developed programs for job training and vocational skills at Tuskegee Institute?

Booker T. Washington

Who Felt that black people should work to gain economic security before equal rights?

Booker T. Washington

Who Outlined his views on race relations in a speech at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta?

Booker T. Washington

Who associated with leaders of the Urban League which emphasized jobs and training for blacks?

Booker T. Washington

Who was popular with white leaders in the North and South?

Booker T. Washington


Separation of people based on racial, ethnic, or other differences

Who was unpopular with many black leaders?

Booker T. Washington

What did the 13th amendment do?

Freed slaves and made it illegal

Plessy vs. Ferguson

A case that was brought to challenge the legality of segregation; court ruled that separate accommodations did not deprive blacks of rights if accommodations were equal

What was the Niagara Movement?

A group of African Americans that called for full civil liberties, an end to racial discrimination, and recognition of human brotherhood.


A style of dance music popular in the 1920s


Ethnic groups lost their distinctive culture through the domination of newly expanding empires. This process is called ______.

Describe how one philanthropist contributed to higher education.

Philanthropists, people who give donations to worthy causes, established private women's colleges with high academic standards. Bill Gates was the most popular philanthropist with his wife.

Describe ragtime music

Ragtime originated among black musicians in the South and Midwest in the 1880s. This infectious music featured melodies with shifting accents over a steady, marching-band beat. After the Civil War, African American bands experimented with new styles, such as "raggy" rhythms and a style based on the call-and-response patterns of some church services

How did volunteer work prepare women to be influential in public life?

Volunteer work prepared women to be influential in public life by allowing them to interact with others of different social status. While some women managed to receive an education and others to go into non-traditional career paths, for the most part women were expected to be primarily involved in duties at home & women's work. Volunteer work caused women to be seen differently.

Negro Spirituals

We have learned to sing a few of these traditional songs of prayer, praise and worship. They were crafted by Black slaves to use while working or in the moment of worship. Much of American music can trace back to these vocal prayers.

Poll Tax

A requirement that citizens pay a tax in order to register to vote- prevented most African Americans from voting.

Literacy Test

A test administered as a precondition for voting, often used to prevent African Americans from exercising their right to vote.

What was vaudeville, and why did it become popular?

A type of inexpensive variety show that first appeared in the 1870s. Vaudeville performances consisted of comic sketches based on ethnic or racial humor; song-and-dance routines; magic acts; and performances by ventriloquists, jugglers, and animals. Although early vaudeville was geared to male spectators, the shows soon sought a wider audience and presented themselves as family entertainment.

Jim Crow Laws

Any of the laws legalizing racial segregation of blacks and whites that were enacted in Southern states beginning in the 1880s and enforced through the 1950's- poll tax, literacy test, grandfather clause

How did public schools help with the assimilation of new immigrants?

Assimilation is the process by which people of one culture become part of another culture. Public school teachers taught their students about American cultural values, such as thrift, patriotism, and hard work. Students also learned how to cook traditional American foods and play American games such as baseball. As a result of their schooling, many immigrant children became Americanized.

What was yellow journalism?

Because of heated competition, publishers urged their reporters to discover lurid details of murders, vice, and scandal—anything to sell more papers. Such sensational news coverage came to be called yellow journalism, a reference to the yellow ink used in a popular comic strip of the era.

Who Asked whites to give job opportunities to black people?

Booker T. Washington

Who Believed black people will "earn" equality?

Booker T. Washington

Who was accused of being an uncle tom, received a lot of white support, and wrote Up From Slavery (1901)?

Booker T. Washington

Who was born a slave in southwestern Virginia, believed in vocational education for blacks, founded Tuskegee Institute in Alabama and believed in gradual equality?

Booker T. Washington

What was the ruling of the Plessy vs. Ferguson case?

Can be separate if they are equal

How did movies change during this period?

Improving technology and the increasing popularity of films led to longer, better movies and to bigger, more elaborate movie houses. Early movies were silent and often accompanied by a live piano player. Soon audiences flocked to new movie palaces with names like The Empress and The Riviera, which often had full orchestras to accompany their films.

How did educational opportunities for women change at this time?

In the 1880s and 1890s, there was increased pressure on men's colleges to admit women. Opportunities for men and women to study together—coeducation—also increased. Some colleges held separate classes for women, in 1873, however, when women refused to attend separate classes, the university was forced to reestablish coeducation.

What were Jim Crow laws?

In the South, segregation was required by statutes called Jim Crow laws. The name came from a minstrel show routine called "Jump Jim Crow," in which a white entertainer in blackface and baggy clothes grinned broadly as he performed unflattering caricatures of African American song and dance.

What kinds of jobs were acceptable for women in 1900? What made these jobs acceptable?

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries most women did not work. Those that did want to work often had to settle for less well-paid and less strenuous jobs that were "suitable" for women, such as dressmaking, textiles/fabrics, and domestic service.

When and why was the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People formed?

Mary White Ovington, a white social worker who had worked in black neighborhoods, was among those concerned about race relations at this time. She helped organize a national conference on the "Negro Question" to be held on Lincoln's birthday in 1909. Leaders of the Niagara Movement attended. This event marked the founding of the interracial National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Its purpose was to abolish segregation and discrimination, to oppose racism, and to gain civil rights for African Americans.

How did the poll tax, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses limit African American suffrage?

Most African American's were too poor to pay the poll tax and not educated enough to pay the poll tax. The grandfather clause allowed white people to vote even after these laws were made as long as their ancestors had voted. (Most white people wouldn't have been able to pass the literacy tests but they could still vote because of the grandfather clause).

Name three traditional household tasks that women no longer had to do at home after 1900.

Sewing, washing clothing by hand, and starting a fire were three traditional household tasks that women no longer had to do at home after 1900.

How did the new system of rural free delivery lead to the popularity of mail-order catalogs?

The U.S. Post Office began offering rural free delivery in 1896. It gave farm families access to big-city goods through catalogs

How was lynching used to intimidate African Americans?

The worst kind of violence against blacks was lynching, or the murder of an accused person by a mob without a lawful trial. Often they had merely overstepped their status as second-class citizens or had shown too little respect to whites. The fact that lynchings sometimes included a mock trial shows that their purpose was partly to set an example that would intimidate other African Americans.

Who felt talented black students should get a classical education and felt it was wrong to expect citizens to "earn their rights"?

W.E.B. DuBois

Who founded the NAACP along with other black and white leaders?

W.E.B. DuBois

Who led the Niagara Movement to the NAACP?

W.E.B. DuBois

Who views were given in The Souls of Black Folks and The Crisis, strongly opposed Booker T. Washington's tolerance of segregation and demanded immediate equality for blacks?

W.E.B. DuBois

Who wanted immediate equality between blacks and whites, wanted classical higher education for blacks, and wrote The Souls of Black Folk?

W.E.B. DuBois

Who was born in 1868 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and was a well educated-First African American to receive a Ph.D. from Harvard?

W.E.B. DuBois

The Grandfather Clause

Which voting qualification allowed whites to vote if their relatives had the franchise prior to the Civil war? (It kept African Americans from voting).

What was the most popular spectator sport at this time?

While many enjoyed the spectator sports of boxing and horse racing, baseball was by far the most popular.When it became clear that there were large audiences for these games, entrepreneurs enclosed fields and charged admission. Teams formed leagues and began to play championship games. In 1869, the first true professional team, the Cincinnati Red Stockings, was formed. What Americans loved most about baseball was the speed, daring, and split-second timing of the game.

Intimidation and Fear

Whites used lynching as a way to scare African American's into not disrespecting them.

What did the 14th amendment do?

granted federal citizenship to former slaves

Mail order catalogues

printed materials advertising a wide range of goods that could be purchased by mail

De Facto Segregation

separation caused by social conditions such as poverty

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