history exam 1

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what did africa sell to the americas?

african slaves

what did oglethorpe not want in georgia?

alcohol (it was mainly consumed because it was safer than water); didn't want african slavery

the puritans

also called calvinists

maryland settled for...


rhode island economy

cattle raising

city in carolina

charles town

why was the colony of georgia established?

created because english prisons were getting too overcrowded so wanted to send them off to work and serve their time

sir walter raleigh

englishman who tried to start the colony of roanoke

george calvert

first lord baltimore; started to have doubts about how the church of england was acting and broke away from the church

samuel champlain

french explorer who founded quebec, the first permanent french settlement in north america

what was the the issue with the climate and soil in boston?

frozen; bad for growing tobacco


fur trading outpost

conquistadors 3 goals

god, gold, glory

hernan cortes

landed in mexico with 3 ships and 500 soldiers; ordered his soldiers to burn ships because they were not leaving

the navigation acts

laws that stated english colonies must only trade with england

result of tobacco in jamestown

people began coming over and staying in jamestown


people were actually renting the land; paid a property tax of one penny per acre you owned every year paid to the virginia company

who greeted hernan cortes in mexico?

the aztec


the first permanent english settlement in north america found in east virginia

act for religious toleration

the first religious law created in the 13 colonies saying no one in maryland could he persecuted for their religious beliefs; law to protect catholics

how did louisiana get its name?

the french explorer robert cavelier de la salle named the region louisiana to honor france's king louis

what was pennsylvania know as?

the holy experiment

john winthrop

the leader of puritans who left england for massachusetts seeking religious freedom

what happened to king philip's ships in the english channel?

they got stuck in the english channel and england's smaller ships obliterated spanish navy (destroyed 150 spanish ships)

role of the colonies

they provided raw materials and markets to the mother country (england)

what was a downside of them only planting orange trees?

they take time to grow and a lot of people starved

why did dutch choose to not fight?

they were not a military powerhouse; they made money selling slaves

samuel de champlain

"father of new france"; founded quebec (capital of new france)

john winthrop's quote from the bible

"on an errand into the wild-ness to build a city upon a hill"

fur trade

"the french were friendly for the fur"; big money maker for france

how long did the first colony of roanoke last?

1 year (packed bags and headed back to england)

beginning voyage to settle jamestown

144 workers set sail to new world to build colony, 36 died on 3 month voyage, 108 began process of building colony, by end of first year only 36 were still alive

who did the virginia company send over to the new world?

15-21 year old men because they didn't want to have to pay them much

massachusetts age range

35-45 years old; people were either getting married or already married

new france

Canada, the great lakes region, and the mississippi valley

why did charles II split carolina?

almost started a civil war because rice farmers were tired of being made fun of


also known as pilgrims; believed church of england was too corrupt to be saved

richard hakluyt

argued that a group of smart wealthy people needed to get together to create colonies

why did powhatan turn against the jamestown settlers?

because the settlers raided native american villages for food

why were separatists called pilgrims?

because they set sail on a pilgrimage

what did cortes do when he began noticing that the aztecs were catching on to him?

began making alliances with other people in mexico to defeat the aztecs


belief in the benefits of profitable trading; states that every european nation must become economically self sufficient

who did england buy lumber from?


only 3 cities existed in 13 colonies

boston, philadelphia, and charleston (all major trading outposts of colonies)

virginia settled for...


what did the king and queen of spain go to prevent spain from going bankrupt?

came up with idea to hire conquistadors


caribbean island where spain established the european presence in the new world; present day haiti and the dominican republic

why were catholics disadvantaged in england?

catholics did not have a church to go to, catholics could not send their children to public school, property taxes were 5x higher than protestants, could also be put in prison for religious beliefs

new york economy

cattle raising, shipbuilding, iron works

protestant arrival in st. mary

cecilius had to allow protestants to come over to have more people come

the carolinas

charles II granted this land to pay off a debt to some supporters. they instituted headrights and a representative government to attract colonists. the southern region of the carolinas grew rich off its ties to the sugar islands, while the poorer northern region was composed mainly of farmers. The conflicts between the regions eventually led to the colony being split into north and south carolina

what was philadelphia also called?

city of brotherly love

colonial obstinance

colonies did whatever they wanted and sold products to whoever they wanted to


colony settled by the pilgrims

john calvin

created calvinism

what was the tobacco in jamestown made from?

crossed spanish tobacco seed and native american tobacco seed to create virginia tobacco

why did england not have anymore trees?

cut them down to build up their navy

what did george calvert do when he broke away from the church?

declared he was becoming a catholic; realized the troubles that catholics faced and started trying to use wealth he had left to build a refuge colony for catholics; died of throat cancer

church of england's thought on predestination

did not condone it so they persecuted calvinists; split puritans into two factions (separatists & non conformists)

why was education important in the north?

didn't have the same availability as south to grow food so it was a way of keeping kids busy also

virginia thoughts on a government

didn't think they needed one

ponce de leon

discovered florida

columbian exchange

diseases - smallpox killed 90% of native americans; foods - people began living longer; people - spain sent 25 million to americas

dutch trading ship

dutch came to jamestown port and sold 20 african slaves to colony

new amsterdam

dutch colonial settlement that served as the capital of new netherland. this later became "new york city"

peter minuit

dutch colonist who bought manhattan from native americans for 500 glass beads

what was the issue with trading between colonies?

each colony had their own currency

old deluder satan act

education system that required that kids took 12 grades of school; if you didn't master every single objective your teacher held you back

salutary neglect

england maintained a hands-off approach of dealing with the 13 colonies; let the colonies do whatever they wanted

virginia company

english joint-stock company that received a charter from king james I that allowed it to found the virginia colony

lost colony of roanoke

failed attempt to establish a permanent english settlement in on roanoke island

mayflower compact

first democratic document written in new world; when making decisions, the majority (51%) had to agree for the idea to go into effect

francisco coronado

first european to discover and map the grand canyon; southwestern u.s.

thomas hooker

founded connecticut; did not like paranoid culture that winthrop created in massachusetts

william penn jr.

founded pennsylvania; most succesfsul colony; home for quakers

james oglethorpe

founder of georgia

how was louisiana discovered?

france discovered mississippi river and followed it down to the bottom of the u.s. and discovered louisiana

what is special about france and the native americans?

france was the only european country willing to accept native american culture

what did virginia want to be their big money maker?


pennsylvania economy

grew wheat and corn

what did conquistadors have to do before travelling to new world?

had to obtain charter from king and queen; had to sign agreement to give king and queen 1/3

pennsylvania money maker


what was winthrop's reaction to william's preaching?

he scolded williams and said god wanted them to have the land (saw native americans dying of smallpox as a sign from god)

what was powhatan's reaction to pocahontas's death?

he shut down and died within a few months from a broken heart

why did philip II attack england?

he wanted to overthrow protestantism in england after elizabeth I rejected his marriage proposal (to turn england catholic)

john rolfe

he was one of the english settlers at jamestown (and he married pocahontas); he discovered how to successfully grow tobacco in virginia and cure it for export, which made virginia an economically successful colony; gave a temporary relief to jamestown colonists

what did maryland have like virginia?

head-right system, tobacco, quitrent system, and slavery

why was roger williams in massachusetts?

hired by winthrop to be boston's preacher

who did charles give manhattan to?

his brother, james

how did william penn jr. get pennsylvania?

his father died and he inherited the land

what were shelters in virginia like?

holes dug in the ground and had a tent put over it instead of taking the time to build cabins

silk road

how europe got to china

covenant of grace

idea that hutchinson began teaching; said that god speaks to us through a conscience

head-right system

if already living in jamestown you receive 100 acres of land for free; if coming over you receive 50 acres of land per person you bring with you


indian who launched attack against colony

who attacked rhode island?

indians and they killed anne hutchinson

georgia economy


what was powhatan's goal after starving the colony?

intended to starve them into submission

tobacco in jamestown

introduced by john rolfe; sold very well in england

where did the name carolina come from?

it is latin for charles land; named after king charles II

what happened with the first colony of roanoke?

it was an island that was hard to protect, full of swamps and very marshy, lots of mosquitoes and malaria outbreak

what did winthrop do to hooker?

kicked him out of massachusetts

why wasn't education considered necessary in the south?

kids could be out working in fields

james, duke of york

king charles II brother

who was the colony of georgia named after?

king george II

why did the spanish armada begin?

king philip sent 6 letters to queen elizabeth wanting to marry her; after 6th rejection philip declares war to invade england

george fox

leader of the quakers (called the society of friends in europe)

where did the separatists go before coming to america?

leyden, holland

what were the problems england was suffering?

located on a small island; in 1580s population grew by 1 million; didn't have enough jobs; 50% of england's population was unemployed

ponce de leon "fountain of youth"

looking for different types of herbs and flowers to make medicines to fight off diseases

what did the americas sell to europe?


three qualifications to have a voice in virginia government

male, white, own land

connecticut economy

manufacturing (building ships and other items to sell to england)

why did spain and portugal not want to take silk road?

many countries made travelers pay a tax to go through, it was hot, people didn't have enough supplies, bandits stole from traveling caravans

problems in maryland

most catholics did not have the money to go to st. mary settlement

the holy experiment

name for william penn's idea that people of different nationalities and religious beliefs could live peacefully together in his pennsylvania colony

why was virginia named virginia?

named after queen elizabeth; virgin queen of england

who did williams buy rhode island from?

native americans

boston harbor

natural built harbor

what was good about carolina?

naturally built harbor

negative impact of santo domingo

nearly bankrupt spain

what did the dutch establish?

new amsterdam

english colonies the dutch gave up

new amsterdam & new york

france created outpost called what?

new orleans

columbus's ships

nina, pinta, santa maria

boston settlement

nonconformist puritans came over with blueprint of how they were going to build the colony in order to ensure that their families lived

who grew tobacco plantations in carolina?

north carolina

st. augustine

oldest city in the continental u.s.; military outpost that spain built; thorn in the side of england and france

anne hutchinson

one of first prominent females in american history; didn't agree with predestination


only daughter of powhatan who fell in love with john rolfe

what did the virginia workers plant and why?

orange trees because they didn't want to work in fields and plant food that would actually benefit them

3 guiding principles the quakers lived by

pacifists, abolitionists, simple lives

which two colonies did not support african slavery?

pennsylvania and massachusetts

indentured servants

people who could not afford to move to jamestown had their ways paid but then had to work for whoever paid their way for seven years

who lived in rhode island?

people winthrop banished from massachusetts; winthrop called them trash

how did francisco pizarro conquer the incas?

pizarro picked a side and helped them win; then he turns on allies and forces them into slavery

what did boston absorb with it?

plymouth settlement

Where did the separatists/pilgrims settle in america?

plymouth, massachusetts

spain and portugal

powerhouses of europe who were competing to find a better cost effective way to get to china

starving time

powhatan slaughtered livestock and burned their fields

why was roger williams banished from massachusetts?

preached that the land was stolen from native americans and they needed to repent

core foundation of puritan belief


why were the aztec not shocked by hernan cortes's arrival?

prophesized their god was coming back to earth; began throwing gold at cortes's feet and treated cortes like a god

church of england

protestant church

what religion was connecticut?

puritan but more laid back than massachusetts

new england settled for...


the quakers

radical group of puritans; another religious group being persecuted in europe

what did china do with their prices?

raised them because they knew europeans wanted to buy their supplies

second colony of roanoke

raleigh tried again but they did not bring enough supplies

when the aztecs realized hernan cortes was not a god

rebellion breaks out and cortes wins; cortes captures all of mexico and mexico becomes spanish territory


refuge colony for english catholics

the virginia house of burgesses is a...

representative assembly

what did raleigh do after he discovered they did not bring enough supplies when trying to colonize the second colony of roanoke?

returns to england to buy supplies but war broke out between spain and england

where did hutchinson go after she was banished from massachusetts?

rhode island

who did king charles II want to drive the dutch out?

richard nicholls

who founded rhode island?

roger williams

what did hooker notice about winthrop?

saw that winthrop was really just trying to have control over colony

cecilius calvert

second lord baltimore; son of george calvert; built colony of maryland

what did queen elizabeth want to do about the unemployment rate in england?

send 50% of unemployed people to the new world

what did william bradford ask the virginia company to do?

send a ship to get puritans willing to leave and go to new world

tributary confederation

send representatives throughout mexico to ask for supplies; sacrificed people to gods; killed villages when they said no to their request for supplies

st. mary

settlement much better planned than jamestown


ship that was sent to take separatists to new world

new england economy

shipbuilding, lumber, fishing, glass, brick

what did john smith do with the 3 people who laughed at him?

shot and killed one, sent the other two out of jamestown and they were killed by native americans

who would the virginia company not send to new world?

single women (wanted to keep workers focused on their work)

who did queen elizabeth ask to try and make english colony in new world to help with 50% unemployment rate?

sir humphrey gilbert

who founded newfoundland?

sir humphrey gilbert

who did queen elizabeth give the right to claim land in new world?

sir walter raleigh

africa factories

slave trading sites, west coast of africa, african slave trade

new france development

slow because of cold temperatures; not a lot of gold so the french relied on animals to be skinned and sold for fur

what did columbus bring to the bahamas

smallpox and impacted native americans, alcohol, took 16 teenagers and sold them as sex slaves

what happened to john smith that send him back to england?

some members of colony planted explosives by smith's cabin and set them off during the night and he suffered severe burns

francisco pizarro

south america; conquered the incas

who grew rice in carolina?

south carolina

first european country to introduce african slavery in the new world


who agrees to columbus's ideas


spain's want for gold

spain benefits from the gold mines but didn't want to dig for it because it was dangerous

santo domingo

spain built the first european colony in the americas; warm climate, fertile soil (great for growing sugar cane & sugar was big money maker for island)

why did portugal and spain almost go to war?

spain mad that portugal found water route to china, pope intervenes and chooses that portugal is the only one allowed to use the route because they discovered it


spain said they would send catholic priests over to santo domingo to convert native americans to christianity and save their souls; in return, spain made the native americans work in the fields and mines

downside of spain making the native americans work

spain underestimated how rapidly the native americans would die

bartholome de las casas

spanish catholic priest who came to christianize native americans; came to like and respect native americans; wrote letters back to spain saying they should not be killing native americans in the ways they are because they have souls; said he wanted to enslave african americans instead because they didn't have souls

african slaves

spanish government began sending millions of african slaves over to new world


spanish individuals who paid their own ways over to the americas; financed their own ships, crews, supplies

non conformist puritans economy

spied on each other to find witches and find satan in colony; thousands of people imprisoned due to hearsay

why did georgia end up having african slaves?

staple crop indigo required an extensive labor force

portugal's journey around africa

started sending ships west of africa to see how large africa was, discovers tip of africa and water route to china

what did europe sell to africa?

stuff they built with the lumber

what did richard nicholls do?

surrounded capital of manhattan and have dutch an ultimatum to surrender or fight

why were the french so willing to work with native americans?

the relied on them for help with finding hunting grounds and selling fur to them

spain was lucky they settled on gold deposits because

these deposits helped spain be the "big dog" of europe for 88 years

how was st. mary different from jamestown?

they actually built shelters, broke ground, planted vegetables, wheat, and corn

what did the workers do when smith left?

they began going back to their old ways

why did the navigation acts not work?

they created a law that could not be enforced

why was african slavery harder in the north?

they did not have good agriculture

what was a problem with virginia's search for gold?

they trespassed on native american land and the native americans attacked

christopher columbus

thought he could sail west to china and thought it would take 3 weeks

what did columbus think when he reached the bahamas?

thought they were inlands off of india, names the people there indians

triangular trade

three way system of trade between the americas, africa, and europe

why was carolina founded?

to be a buffer zone and slow down spanish attacks

what happened in newfoundland?

too cold for agriculture, couldn't build shelters, lasted one year, 50% of people died

what did thomas hooker do when winthrop kicked him out if massachusetts?

took hundreds with him, went further south, and created connecticut

what was boston settlement built for?


what did the thriving hat industry lead to?

training hub called philadelphia

population goal of virginia

transit population (people were to come and work for a little bit and then leave)

what did winthrop do with the news of anne's death?

used her death to speak to colony and get people of boston to follow him

edwin sandy

virginia company's treasurer; head-right system

what did john smith want to do with the workers?

wanted to break them to get them to be better workers and more disciplined "if you don't work you don't eat"

why was massachusetts so serious about people being in school?

wanted to make sure everyone could read and understand the bible

non conformists

wanted to show church a better way to live; believed church of england could be saved

captain john smith

went to virginia with new arrivals to bump colony up in numbers from 36-536 15-21 year olds

why was anne hutchinson banished from massachusetts?

winthrop did not agree with what she was preaching

sewer of new england

winthrop's name for rhode island

tobacco brides

women were taken over to new world and auctioned off; men could buy them for tobacco leaves


word carved on a tree that was all that was found of the colony of roanoke; also the local native american tribe in the area

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