History Exam 1

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(Matching) President Andrew Johnson;s angry, disastrous political trip attacking Congress in the campaign of 1866

"Swing Around the Circle"

(Matching) British biologist whose theories of hum as and animal evolution by means of natural selection created religious and intellectual controversy

Charles Darwin

(Matching) Beaten in the Senate chamber before the Civil War, he became the leader of Senate Republican radicals during Reconstruction

Charles Sumner

(True/False) In the late nineteenth century, secondary education was increasingly carried on by private schools


(True/False) Most of the white southerners recognized that secession had been a mistake and welcomed returning to the United States as American citizens.


(True/False) Post-Civil War writers like Mark Twain and William Dean Howells turned from social realism toward fantasy and science fiction in their novels


(True/False) President Cleveland's deal to save the gold standard by borrowing $65 million from J.P. Morgan enhanced his popularity among both Democrats and Populists.


(True/False) Private Railroad companies built the transcontinental rail lines by raising their own capital funds without the assistance of the federal government


(True/False) The American Federation of Labor tried hard but failed to organize unskilled workers, women, and blacks


(True/False) The Black Codes, enacted by the Johnson-established southern state governments, provided freed slaves with basic political rights but not social integration.


(True/False) The Cleveland-Blaine campaign of 1884 was conducted primarily as a debate about the issues of taxes and the tariff.


(True/False) The Liberal Republican movement's political skill enabled it to clean up the corruption of the Grant administration.


(True/False) The United States was unique in the rapidity and scale of growth in its large cities


(True/False) The close, fiercely contested elections of the Gilded Age reflected the deep divisions between Republicans and Democrats over national issues.


(True/False) The disputed Hayes-Tilden election was settled by a political deal in which Democrats got the presidency and Republicans got economic and political concessions.


(True/False) The federal government made no effort to attempt to suppress the violent white supremacists in the Ku Klux Klan.


(True/False) The most successful American manufacturers concentrated on producing high-quality, specialized goods for luxury markets in the United States and Europe


(True/False) The newly established Freedmen's Bureau proved effective as a social agency providing economic opportunity as well as food, clothing, and medical care for emancipated blacks.


(True/False) The pro-industry ideology of the New South enabled that region to make rapid economic gains by 1900


(True/False) Ulysses Grant's status as a military hero enabled him to become a successful president who stood above partisan politics.


(True/false) Radical Republicans succeeded in their goal of redistributing land to the former slaves.


(Multiple Choice) Besides putting the South under the rule of federal soldiers, the Military Reconstruction Act of 1867 required that all the reconstructed southern states must...

Give blacks the vote as a condition of readmission to the Union.

(Multiple Choice) The depression of the 1870s led to increasing demands for...

Inflation of the money supply by issuing more paper or silver currency.

(Multiple Choice) The railroads affected even the organization of time in the United States by...

Introducing four standard time zones across the country

(Listing) Reasons for decline of cattle kingdoms

Invention of barbwire, growth of farming communities, expansion of railroads, cattle diseases, harsh winters

(Matching) Enormously wealthy banker whose secret bailout of the federal government in 1895 aroused fierce public anger

J.P. Morgan

(Matching) The only businessperson in America wealthy enough to buy out Andrew Carnegie and organize the United States Steel Corporation

J.P. Morgan

(Matching) Ohio Business man who led his commonwealth army to Washington, seeking relief and jobs for the unemployed

Jacob S. Coxey

(Matching) Former Civil War general and Granger who ran as the greenback labor party candidate for president in 1880

James B. Weaver

(Matching) Wealthy southern industrialists whose development of mass produced cigarettes led him to endow a university that later bore his name

James Buchanan Duke

(Matching) Charming but corrupt Half-Breed Republican senator and presidential nominee in 1884

James G. Blaine

(Matching) President whose assassination after only a few months in office spurred the passage of a civil-service law

James Garfield

(Matching) Public-spirited railroad builder who assisted farmers in the northern areas served by his rail lines

James J. Hill

(Matching) Leading social reformer who lived with the poor in the slums and pioneered forms of activism for women

Jane Addams

(Multiple Choice) The religious groups that grew most drastically because of the New Immigration were...

Jews, Roman Catholics, and Orthodox

(Matching) Term for the racial segregation laws imposed in the 1890s

Jim Crow

(Matching) Bold ad unprincipled financier whose plot to corner the U.S. Gold market nearly succeeded in 1869

Jim Fisk

(Matching) Aggressive energy-industry monopolist who used tough means to build a trust based on horizontal integration

John D. Rockefeller

(Matching) Illinois governor who pardoned the Haymarket anarchist

John P. Altgeld

(Matching) Explorer and geologist who warned that traditional agriculture could not succeed west of the 100th meridian

John Wesley Powell

(Matching) Secret organization that intimated blacks and worked to restore white supremacy

Ku Klux Klan

(Multiple Choice) The new cities' glittering consumer economy was symbolized especially by the rise of...

Large, elegant department stores

(Identification) Force Act

Laws designed to stamp out KKK terrorism in the South

(Matching) Former California governor and organizer of the Central Pacific Railroad

Leland Standford

(True/False) The Republican party, in post-Civil War era, relied heavily on the political support of veterans' groups, to which it gave substantial pension benefits in return.


(True/False) The Republicans impeached Andrew Johnson essentially because of his opposition to their Reconstruction policies and not in the basis of "high crimes and misdemeanors."


(True/False) The battles between the Stalwart and Half-Breed Republican factions were mainly over who would get patronage and spoils.


(True/False) The compromise of 1877 purchased political peace between the North and South by sacrificing southern blacks and removing federal troops in the South.


(True/False) The focus of black community life after emancipation became the black church.


(True/False) The impact of the new machines and mass immigration held down wages and gave employers advantages in their dealings with labor


(True/False) The largest root cause of the New Immigration was the inability of the European economy to support millions of peasants who were driven off the land


(True/False) The new Interstate Commerce Commission did end some of the worst railroad abuses, but served more to stabilized the railroad industry than to seriously reform it.


(True/False) The new inventions that brought large numbers of women into the workplace were the typewriter and the telephone


(True/False) The new urban environment generally weakened the family but offered new opportunities for women to achieve social and economic independence


(True/False) The populist party's attempt to form a coalition of farmer and workers failed partly because of the racial division between poor whites and blacks in the South.


(Matching) Radical feminist propagandist whose eloquent attacks on conventional social morality shocked many Americans in the 1870s

Victoria Woodhull

(Multiple Choice) The Fifteenth Amendment provided for...

Voting rights for former slaves.

(Matching) Harvard educated scholar advocate of full black social and economic equality through the leadership of a talented tenth

W.E.B. Du Bois

(Matching) Leading Protestant advocate of the social gospel who tried to make Christianity relevant to urban and industrial problems

Walter Rauschenbusch

(Multiples Choice) Lincoln's original plan for Reconstruction in 1863 was that a state could be reintegrated into the Union when...

10 percent of its voters took an oath of allegiance to the Union and pledged to abide by emancipation.

(Multiple Choice) The final result of the widespread anti-Chinese agitation in the West was...

A congressional law to prohibit any further Chinese immigration.

(Multiple Choice) The radical Republicans' impeachment of President Andrew Johnson resulted in...

A failure to convict and remove Johnson from the presidency by a margin of only one vote.

(Multiple Choice) A large share of the capital that financed growth of American industry came from...

A system of revolving industrial development loans run by individual states.

(Matching) Author of the moderate 10 percent Reconstruction plan that ran into congressional opposition

Abraham Lincoln

(Multiple Choice) Unlike Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois advocated...

Advanced education and complete political and social equality for blacks

(Matching) Former teacher of the deaf whose invention created an entire new industry

Alexander Graham Bell

(Matching) Scottish immigrant who organized a vast new industry on the principle of vertical integration

Andrew Carnegie

(Matching) Born a poor white southerner, he became the white South's champion against radical Reconstruction.

Andrew Johnson

(Matching) Former Confederate vice president whose election to Congress in 1865 infuriated northerners.

Andrew Stephens

(Multiple Choice) Besides providing direct services to immigrants, the reformers of Hull House worked to implement social reforms such as...

Anti-sweatshop and child labor laws to protect women and child laborers

(Multiple Choice) Among the factors driving tens of millions of European peasants from their homeland to America and elsewhere in the late nineteenth century were the...

Attempt to impose compulsory state education on traditional minded parents

(Matching) The president pro tempore of the Senate who hoped to become president of the United States after Johnson's impeachment conviction

Benjamin Wade

(Multiple Choice) Traditional American Protestant religion received a substantial blow from the...

Biological ideas of Charles Darwin

(Matching) Former slave who promoted industrial education and economic opportunity but not social equality for blacks

Booker T. Washington

(Multiple Choice) Grover Cleveland stirred a furious storm of protest when, in response to the extreme financial crisis of the 1890s, he...

Borrowed $65 million dollars from J.P. Morgan and other bankers in order to save the monetary gold standard.

(Matching) Heavyweight New York political boss whose widespread fraud landed him in jail in 1871

Boss Tweed

(Matching) Brilliant feminist writer who advocated cooperative cooking and child care arrangements to promote women's economic independence and equality

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

(Matching) Leader of the Nez Perce tribe who conducted a brilliant but unsuccessful military campaign in 1877

Chief Joseph

(Multiple Choice) The one immigrant group that was totally banned from America after 1882, as a result of fierce nativist agitation, was the...


(Multiple Choice) Andrew Carnegie's industrial system of vertical integration involved the...

Combination of all phases of the steel industry from mining to manufacturing into a single organization

(Multiple Choice) In contrast to the Knights of Labor, the American Federation of Labor advocated...

Concentrating on improving wages and hours and avoiding general social reform

(Multiple Choice) Financier J.P. Morgan exercised his tremendous economic power most effectively by...

Consolidating and controlling rival industries through interlocking directorates.

(Matching) Aggressive eastern railroad builder and consolidator who scorned the law as an obstacle to his enterprise

Cornelius Vanderbilt

(Multiple Choice) Financiers Jim Fisk and Jay Gould involved the Grant administration in a corrupt scheme to...

Corner the gold market

(Multiple Choice) The railroad most significantly stimulated American industrialization by...

Creating a single national market for raw materials and consumer goods

(Matching) American architect and planner who helped bring French Baron Haussman's City Beautiful movement to the United States

Daniel Burnham

(Multiple Choice) The congressional elections of 1866 resulted in a...

Decisive defeat for Johnson and a veto-proof Republican Congress.

(Matching) Irish-born leader of the anti-Chinese movement in California

Denis Kearney

(Multiple Choice) The major long-term effect of white terrorists organizations like the Ku Klux Klan was to...

Disempower blacks politically and restore white supremacy.

(Multiple Choice) One of the most difficult new problems generated by the rise of cities and the urban American life-style was...

Disposing of large quantities of consumer-generated waste material

(Identification) Battle of Manilla Bay

Dramatic American naval victory that led to U.S. Acquisition of rich, Spanish owned Pacific islands

(Multiple Choice) The phrase "Social Gospel" refers to the...

Efforts of Christian reformers like Walter Rauschenbusch to apply their religious beliefs to new social problems

(Multiple Choice) Which of the following was NOT among the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment?

Elimination of one senator from each southern state until Reconstruction was complete.

(Listing) Results of Reconstruction era

Embittered white Southerners while doing little to really help blacks

(Matching) Gifted but isolated New England poet, the bulk of whose works were published posthumously

Emily Dickinson

(Listing) Results of Spanish war

Enhanced American national pride and made the United States an international power in East Asia

(Multiple Choice) The Black Codes, passed by many of the Johnson-approved Southern state governments in late 1865, aimed to...

Ensure a stable subservient labor force under white control.

(Listing) Difficulties of farmers in the West

Erosion, Insect Pests, Drought, Flood, Deflation, Expensive fertilizer, Mercy of trusts, Disorganization

(Multiple Choice) The radical Reconstruction regimes in the southern states...

Established public education and adopted many needed reforms.

(Matching) Railway Union leader who converted to socialism while serving jail time during the Pullman Strike

Eugene V. Debs

(Matching) Blacks who left the South for Kansas and elsewhere during Reconstruction


(True/False) During Reconstruction, blacks controlled most of the Southern state legislatures.


(True/False) Almost all American Protestants eventually accepted Charles Darwin's evolutionary theories as well as nonliteral interpretations of the Bible


(True/False) American urban planners focussed on preserving greenbelt suburbs rather than the grand schemes for urban beautification developed in Paris and other European cities


(True/False) Andrew Johnson's first Reconstruction actions pleased the radical Republicans by harshly punishing Southern leaders and refusing to grant them pardons.


(True/False) Booker T. Washington believed that the most talented blacks should be educated for political leadership in academically rigorous black colleges


(Listing) Results of mining frontier

Familiarized country with the west, led to growth of equal rights for women, development of railroad, forced a solution to Indian/native problems, laid foundations of farming communities, established initial codes of law that tamed the west, led to vast material resources in gold and silver

(Multiple Choice) In contrast to radical Republicans, moderate Republicans generally...

Favored states' rights and opposed direct federal involvement in individuals' lives.

(Multiple Choice) In the late nineteenth century, American colleges and universities benefited especially from...

Federal and state land-grant assistance and the private philanthropy of wealthy donors

(True/False) The Rockefeller oil company technique of horizontal integration involved combining into one organization all the phases of manufacturing from the raw material to the customer


(Multiple Choice) The freedman's bureau was originally established to provide...

Food, clothing, and education for emancipated slaves.

(Matching) Laws designed to stamp out Ku Klux Klan terrorism in the South

Force Acts of 1870 and 1871

(Matching) American Historian who argued that the encounter with the ever-receding west had fundamentally shaped America

Frederick Jackson Turner

(Multiple Choice) In its first years, the Populists Party advocated, among other things...

Free silver, a graduated income tax, and government ownership of the railroads, telegraph, and telephone.

(Matching) The naval commander who's spectacular May day victory in 1898 opened doors to American imperialism in Asia

George E. Dewey

(Matching) Leader of the Apaches in Arizona


(Multiple Choice) Drawing on European models, American Urban planners like Daniel Burnham believed that...

Grand urban buildings and public spaces would stimulate progress and inspire civic virtue and loyalty in the city's residents

(Matching) First Democratic president since the Civil War; defender of laissez-faire economics and low tariffs

Grover Cleveland

(Multiple Choice) The great railroad strike of 1877 revealed the...

Growing threat of class warfare in response to the economic depression of the mid-1870s.

(Matching) Massachusetts writer whose books aroused sympathy for the plight of the Native Americans

Helen Hunt Jackson

(Matching) Well connected and socially prominent historian who feared modern trends and sought relief in the beauty and culture of the past

Henry Adams

(Matching) Controversial reformer whose book, Progress and Poverty, advocated solving problems of economic inequality by a tax on land

Henry George

(Matching) Southern newspaper editor who tirelessly promoted industrialization as the salvation of the economically backward South

Henry Grady

(Matching) Black Republican senator from Mississippi during Reconstruction

Hiram Revels

(Matching) Colorful, eccentric newspaper editor who carried the Liberal Republican and Democratic banners against Grant in 1872

Horace Greeley

(Matching) Popular novelists whose tales of young people rising from poverty to wealth through hard work and good fortune enhanced Americans' belief in individual opportunity

Horatio Alger

(Matching) Site of major U.S. army defeat in the sioux war

Little Big Horn

(Multiple Choice) For American workers, industrialization generally meant...

Long term rise in the standard of living but a loss of independence and control of work

(Matching) Chicago based architect whose high rise innovation allowed people to crowd into limited urban space

Louis Sullivan

(Matching) Ohio industrialist and organizer of Mckinley's victory over Bryan in the election of 1896

Marcus Alonzo Hanna

(Matching) Midwestern born writer and lecturer who created a new style of American literature based on social realism and humor

Mark Twain

(Identification) Gilded Age

Mark Twain's sarcastic name for the post civil war era, which emphasized atmosphere of greed and corruption

(Matching) Eloquent Kansas Populist who urged farmers to "Raise less corn and more hell"

Mary E. Lease

(Multiple Choice) President James Garfield was assassinated by a...

Mentally unstable disappointed office seeker.

(Matching) Congressional law that imposed military rule on the South and demanded harsh conditions for readmission of the seceded states

Military Reconstruction Act of 1867

(Matching) Minnesota farm leader whose Grange organization first mobilized American farmers and laid the groundwork for the Populists

Oliver H. Kelley

(Matching) Pro-black general who led an agency that tried to assist the freedmen

Oliver O. Howard

(Multiple Choice) The large trusts like Standard Oil and Swift and Armour justified their economic domination of their industries by claiming that...

Only large-scale methods of production and distribution could provide superior products at low prices

(Listing) Reasons for rise of cattle kingdoms

Opening of public domain land, massive cattle population in Texas, elimination of danger from Indians and destruction of bison, the development of railroads onto Great Plains, the increased consumption of meat due to rising standard of living, invention of refrigerated rail car

(Multiple Choice) Achieving the right to vote encouraged southern black men to...

Organize the Union League as a vehicle for political empowerment and self-defense.

(Multiple Choice) The primary goal for which all factions in both political parties contended during the Gilded Age was...


(Multiple Choice) Two new technological developments of the late nineteenth century that especially contributed to the spectacular growth of cities in America was elsewhere around the world were the...

Phonograph and motion picture

(Multiple Choice) Among the primary countries from which many of the New Immigrants came were...

Poland and Italy

(Multiple Choice) The federal government contributed to the building of the national rail network by...

Providing free grants of federal land to the railroad companies

(Multiple Choice) The Credit Mobilier scandal involved...

Railroad corruption fraud and the subsequent bribery of congressman to cover it up.

(Multiple Choice) Authors like Mark Twain, Stephen Crane, and Jack London turned American literature toward a greater concern with...

Social realism and contemporary problems

(Multiple Choice) The key tradeoff featured in the Compromise of 1877 was that...

Republicans got the presidency in exchange for the final removal of federal troops from the South.

(Matching) Imperious New York senator and leader of the Stalwart faction of Republicans

Roscoe Conkling

(Matching) Pro-business clergyman whose "Acres of Diamonds" speeches criticized the poor

Russel Conwell

(Matching) Winner of the contested 1876 election who presided over the end of Reconstruction and a sharp economic downturn

Rutherford B. Hayes

(Matching) Organizer of a conservative craft-union group and advocate of more wages for skilled workers

Samuel Gompers

(Matching) New York prosecutor of Boss Tweed who later lost in the disputed presidential election of 1876

Samuel Tilden

(Matching) Site of Indian massacre by militia forces in 1864

Sand Creek, Colorado

(Identification) Battle of little big horn

Site of U.S Army defeat in the Sioux war of 1876-77. Custer led 150 men to their deaths to Indians led by Sitting Bull

(Matching) Leader of the Sioux during wars of 1876-77

Sitting Bull

(Multiple Choice) The railroad barons aroused considerable public opposition by practices such as...

Stock watering, rate discrimination, and bribery of public officials

(Multiple Choice) The political system of the Gilded Age was generally characterized by...

Strong party loyalties, high voter turnout, and few disagreements on national issues.

(Matching) Eloquent leader of a secretive labor organization that made substantial gains in the 1880s before is suddenly collapsed

Terence V. Powderly

(Matching) Leader of radical Republicans in the House of Representatives

Thaddeus Stevens

(Multiple Choice) The attempt to create an industrialized New South in the late nineteenth century generally failed because...

The South was discriminated against and kept in constant debt as a supplier of raw materials to northern industry

(Multiple Choice) Congress finally stepped in to pass the Interstate Commerce Act to regulate the railroad industry because...

The Supreme Court had ruled in the wabash case that the states had no power to regulate interstate commerce

(Multiple Choice) Women's-rights leaders opposed the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments because...

The amendments granted citizenship and voting rights to black and white men but not to women.

(Listing) Results of Industrial Revolution

The beginning of the end of the agriculture era, The beginning of the machine age, Economic Miracle (Rising standard living), Increased urbanization and immigration, increased foreign trade, increased unionization, U.S. Became the major industrial power in the world

(identification) Compromise of 1877

The complex political agreement between Republicans and Democrats that resolved the bitterly disputed election of 1876. Republicans got presidency and removed troops from the south.

(Multiple Choice) Which of the following was NOT among the changes that affected African Americans in the South after federal troops were withdrawn in the Compromise of 1877?

The forced relocation of black farmers to the Kansas and Oklahoma dust bowl.

(Identification) Black Codes

The harsh southern state laws of 1865 that limited black rights and imposed harsh restrictions to ensure a stable black labor supply

(Multiple Choice) Boss Tweed's widespread corruption was finally brought to a halt by...

The journalistic exposes of the New York Times and cartoonist Thomas Nast

(Multiple Choice) The Supreme Court's ruling in the Plessy v. Ferguson upholding "separate but equal" public facilities in effect legalized...

The system of unequal segregation between races.

(Multiple Choice) So-called Social Darwinists like Herbert Spencer and William Graham Sumner justified harsh competition and vast disparities in wealth by arguing that...

The wealthy who came out on top were simply displaying their natural superiority to others

(True/False) The Haymarket Square bombing severely damaged the Knights of Labor by linking it with anarchist violence, even though the organization had nothing to do with the bombs


(True/False) The Knights of Labor achieved spectacular growth by enlisting all workers, including skilled and unskilled, male and female, black and white.


(Identification) The Populist Party

Third political party that emerged in the 1890s to express rural grievances and mount major attacks on the Democrats and Republicans

(Matching) Inventive genius of industrialization who worked on devises such as the electric light, the phonograph and the motion picture

Thomas Edison

(Multiple Choice) Andrew Carnegie's "Gospel of Wealth" proclaimed his belief that...

Those who acquired great wealth were morally responsible to use it for the public good

(Multiple Choice) Grant;s greatest failing in the scandals that plagued his administration was his...

Toleration of corruption and his loyalty to crooked friends.

(Matching) Radical Populist leader whose early success turned sour and who then became a vicious racist

Tom Watson

(True/False) American Protestantism was dominated by liberal denominations that adapted religious ideas to modern culture and promoted a social gospel rather than biblical literalism


(True/False) American higher education depended on both public land-grant funding and private donations for its financial support


(True/False) By reducing politicians' use of patronage, the new civil-service system inadvertently made them more dependent of big campaign contributors.


(True/False) Catholic, Jewish, and Orthodox immigrants often initially clustered in their own neighborhoods, places of worship, and schools


(True/False) Congressional Republicans demanded that the southern states ratify the Fourteenth Amendment in order to be readmitted to the Union.


(True/False) Female social workers established settlement houses to aid struggling immigrants and promote social reform, while also advancing women's opportunities


(True/False) Lincoln's 10 percent Reconstruction plan was designed to return the Southern states to the Union quickly and with few restrictions.


(True/False) Many newly emancipated slaves undertook travel to demonstrate their freedom or to seek separated loved ones.


(True/False) Many women felt betrayed when the Fifteenth Amendment gave voting rights to black males but not to women.


(True/False) Most of the aristocratic southern plantation owners lost their wealth during the Civil War


(True/False) Rapid and uncontrolled growth made American cities places of both exciting opportunity and severe social problems


(True/False) Rockefeller, Morgan, and others organized monopolistic trusts and interlocking directorates in order to consolidate business and eliminate cutthroat competition


(True/False) The practice of artificially inflating railroads' stock prices (stock watering) often left the companies deeply in debt after promoters absconded with the profits.


(True/False) The railroads created an integrated national market, stimulated the growth of in cities, and encouraged European immigration.


(True/False) The rapid expansion of the railroad industry was often accompanied by rapid mergers, bankruptcies, and reorganizations.


(True/False) The scandals of the Grant administration included bribes and corrupt dealings reaching to the cabinet and the vice president of the United States.


(True/False) The severe downturn of the 1870s caused business failures, labor conflict, and battles over currency.


(True/False) The sharecropping and tenant farming system forced many southern blacks into permanent economic debt and dependency.


(True/False) The sharecropping system, developed during Reconstruction, trapped most blacks and many poor whites in a condition of perpetual debt to their creditors.


(True/False) There was growing tension in the late nineteenth century between women's traditionally defined sphere of family and home, and the social and cultural changes of the era


(True/False) Urban newspapers often promoted a sensational yellow journalism that emphasized sex and scandal rather than politics or social reform


(True/False) Western hostility to Chinese immigrants arose in part because the Chinese provided a source of cheap labor that competed with white workers.


True/False) Defenders of unrestrained capitalism like Herbert Spencer and William Graham Sumner primarily see natural law and laissez-faire economics rather than Charles Darwin's theories to justify "Survival of the Fittest"


(Multiple Choice) Two late-nineteenth century technological inventions that especially drew women out of the home and into the workforce were the...

Typewriter and Telephone

(Matching) Great military leader whose presidency foundered in corruption and political ineptitude

Ulysses S. Grant

(Matching) Leading black political organization during Reconstruction

Union League

(Multiple Choice) The widely popular American social reformers Henry George and Edward Bellamy advocated...

Utopian reforms to end poverty and eliminate class conflict

(Multiple Choice) The skeptical public finally accepted Secretary of State William Seward's purchase of Alaska partly because it...

Was grateful to Russia as the only great power friendly to the Union during the Civil War.

(Identification) KKK

White supremacist organization that created a reign of terror against blacks until it was largely suppressed by federal troops

(Matching) Intellectual defender of laissez-faire capitalism who argued that the wealthy owed nothing to the poor

William Graham Sumner

(Matching) Author of the pro-silver pamphlet Coin's Financial School

William Hope Harvey

(Matching) Harvard scholar who made original contributions to modern psychology and philosophy

William James

(Matching) Eloquent young Congressman from Nebraska who became the most prominent advocate of free silver in the early 1890s

William Jennings Bryan

(Matching) Secretary of State who arranged an initially unpopular but valuable land deal in 1867

William Seward

(Multiple Choice) Which of the following was NOT among the critical questions that faced the United States during Reconstruction?

Would the South be granted some kind of regional autonomy short of independence?

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