History Exam: Chapter 8 Test

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At the Seneca Falls Convention, a resolution that women should receive the right to vote was A: Voted down B: Only Narrowly approved C: Not even presented D: Approved unanimously


One result of Nat Turner's rebellion was A: The launching of the abolitionist movement B: The founding of the African Methodist Episcopal Church C: The The tightening of laws controlling African-American slaves D: Th liberation of hundreds of slaves


The Second Great Awakening was similar to Jacksonian democracy in its emphasis on A: The importance of reason and conscience B: An emotional conversion experience C: The power of the average citizen D: The equality of blacks and whites


The temperance movement recognized A: The equality of men and women B: The importance of the church as a political voice for blacks C: The destructive effects of drunkenness on family life D: The truth found in nature and imagination


Unlike Revivalism, Unitarianism emphasized A: Love of nature B: Fear of Gods wrath C: Reason and Conscience D: Emotional Preaching and Prayer


Which group commonly worked as strike breakers for low wages? A: Young Women B: Free Blacks C: Irish Immigrants D: Temperance Workers


Which of the following was not a problem faced by "mill girls" in Massachusetts A: Wage cuts B: Increased Workloads C: Lack of safe places to stay D: Unhealthy working conditions


This person helped launch the Second Great Awakening

Charles Grandison Finney

This established the right of workers to strike

Commonwealth v. Hunt

In the 1820's, it was not true that urban slaves A: Were often hired out to factory owners B: Spent more time on their own than rural slaves C: Were better clothed and fed than rural slaves D: Kept half of the money they earned


In which philosophical movement was Ralph Waldo Emerson a leader A: Utopianism B: Unitarianism C: Humanitarianism D: Transcendentalism


The "cult of domesticity" that governed the lives of married women in the early 1800's was based on A: Federal Laws B: Religious Laws C: Feminist Reforms D: Prevailing customs


What are journeymen A: workers who join labor unions B: workers who move from job to job C: young workers who are learning a new craft D: skilled artisans who are employed by master artisans


What did the Abolitionist Movement promote A: Relocating black slaves to Africa B: Prohibiting the drinking of alcohol C: Removing Native Americans from Eastern states D: Ending the Institution of slavery


What term refers to the 19th-century belief that married women's activities should be limited to housework and family A: Feminism B: Temperance C: The cult of sentiments D: The cult of domesticity


This free black person advised African Americans to fight for freedom rather than wait for slave owners to end slavery

David Walker

This reformer focused on the mentally ill

Dorothea Dix

As an abolitionist, Frederick Douglas favored A: Political action to end slavery B: Violent rebellion by blacks C: Resettlement of blacks in Africa D: A spiritual promise of freedom


For which action is Nat Turner well known A: Leading a violent slave revolt B: Fighting in the American Revolution C: Publishing a antislavery newspaper D: Promoting a nonviolent end to slavery


Which of the following did Frederick Douglas not do A: Emigrate to Africa B: Publish a newspaper C: Work as an urban slave D: Lecture on the evils of slavery


This became a political, cultural, and social center for its members

African Methodist Episcopal Church

In what ways was the National Trades' Union unusual for its time A: It represented only glassworkers B: It represented workers in a variety of industries C: It discouraged striking as a means of protest D: It was supported by bankers and business owners


Most of the workers in textile factories in the 1820's were A: Skilled Journeymen B: Young Single Women C: Boys and Girls D: Free African Americans


The Second Great Awakening centered on the belief that a person's salvation depended on A: The help of a minister B: His or her own efforts C: The determination of God D: His or her attendance at revival meetings


What belief was one important feature of the Second Great Awakening A: A belief in truth found in Nature B: A belief in personal responsibility for salvation C: a belief in God who decides each person's fate D: A belief in perfection of human beings


This person, along with Lucretia Mott, organized the first women's rights convention at Seneca Falls, New York

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

This former slave published "The North Star" and worked to end slavery through political means

Frederick Douglas

This prevented Congress from hearing abolitionist petitions to end slavery

Gag Rule

This person represented a philosophical movement that emphasized self-reliance, truth in nature, and personal imagination

Ralph Waldo Emerson

This former slave, who changed her name, spoke for abolition and women's rights

Sojourner Truth

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