History - Final Exam

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D. a strong navy

All the following were strengths of the Confederacy except ________. A. the ability to wage a defensive war B. shorter supply lines C. the resources of the Upper South states D. a strong navy

D. the ability to fight defensively, rather than offensively

All the following were strengths of the Union except ________. A. a large population B. substantial industry C. an extensive railroad D. the ability to fight defensively, rather than offensively

B. elect a proslavery legislature in Kansas

Border ruffians helped to ________. A. chase abolitionists out of Missouri B. elect a proslavery legislature in Kansas C. capture escaped enslaved people D. disseminate abolitionist literature in Kansas

A. He vetoed it.

How did President Jackson respond to Congress's re-chartering of the Second Bank of the United States? A. He vetoed it. B. He gave states the right to implement it or not. C. He signed it into law. D. He wrote a counterproposal.

A. as savages

How did most White people in the United States view Native Americans in the 1820s? A. as savages B. as being in touch with nature C. as enslaved people D. as shamans

C. concurrent majority

John C. Calhoun argued for greater rights for southerners with which idea? A. polygenism B. nullification C. concurrent majority D. paternalism

C. the fact that he had lived in free states

On what grounds did Dred Scott sue for freedom? A. the inherent inhumanity of slavery B. the cruelty of his enslaver C. the fact that he had lived in free states D. the fact that his family would be torn apart

C. the protective tariff on imported goods.

South Carolina threatened to nullify which federal act? A. the abolition of slavery B. the expansion of the transportation infrastructure C. the protective tariff on imported goods D. the rotation in office that expelled several federal officers

B. an illustration of the widespread hatred of Native Americans during the Age of Jackson

The 1830 Indian Removal Act is best understood as ________. A. an example of President Jackson forcing Congress to pursue an unpopular policy B. an illustration of the widespread hatred of Native Americans during the Age of Jackson C. an example of laws designed to integrate Native Americans into American life D. an effort to deprive the Cherokee of their enslaved property

B. the rise of a thriving domestic slave trade.

The abolition of the foreign slave trade in 1807 led to _______. A. a dramatic decrease in the price and demand for enslaved people B. the rise of a thriving domestic slave trade C. a reform movement calling for the complete end to slavery in the United States D. the decline of cotton production

C. Cuba

The controversy at the heart of the Ostend Manifesto centered on the fate of: A. Ostend, Belgium B. Nicaragua C. Cuba D. Louisiana

A. the Democrats

The election of 1828 brought in the first presidency of which political party? A. the Democrats B. the Democratic-Republicans C. the Republicans D. the Bucktails

A. enslaved no one

The largest group of White people in the South _______. A. enslaved no one B. enslaved between one and nine people each C. enslaved between ten and ninety-nine people each D. enslaved over one hundred people each

D. a Whig

The winner of the 1840 election was ________. A. a Democrat B. a Democratic-Republican C. an Anti-Federalist D. a Whig

C. property

Under the law in the antebellum South, enslaved people were ________. A. servants B. animals C. property D. indentures

A. to destroy military and civilian resources wherever possible.

What was General Sherman's objective on his March to the Sea? A. to destroy military and civilian resources wherever possible B. to free Black prisoners of war C. to join his army to that of General Grant D. to capture General Robert E. Lee

A. preserving the Union

What was President Zachary Taylor's top priority as president? A. preserving the Union B. ensuring the recapture of escaped enslaved people C. expanding slavery D. enlarging the state of Texas

B. a replacement of Adam's political loyalists with Jackson's political loyalists.

What was the actual result of Jackson's policy of "rotation in office"? A. an end to corruption in Washington B. a replacement of Adams's political loyalists with Jackson's political loyalists C. the filling of government posts with officials the people chose themselves D. the creation of the Kitchen Cabinet

D. They changed state election laws from an appointee system to a system of open elections.

What was the lasting impact of the Bucktail Republican Party in New York? A. They implemented universal suffrage. B. They pushed for the expansion of the canal system. C. They elevated Martin Van Buren to the national political stage. D. They changed state election laws from an appointee system to a system of open elections.

B. Non-property-owning men

Which group saw an expansion of their voting rights in the early nineteenth century? A. free Black people B. non-property-owning men C. women D. Native Americans

B. increasing political power of free Black voters

Which of the following did not characterize political changes in the 1830s? A. higher voter participation B. increasing political power of free Black voters C. stronger partisan ties D. political battles between Whigs and Democrats

B. the defeat of the Whig party

Which of the following did not contribute to Lincoln's victory in the election of 1860? A. the split between northern and southern Democrats B. the defeat of the Whig party C. Lincoln's improved national standing after his senatorial debates with Stephen Douglas D. the Constitutional Union party's further splintering the vote

B. form a military alliance with Great Britain

Which of the following did the North not do to mobilize for war? A. institute a military draft B. form a military alliance with Great Britain C. print paper money D. pass the Homestead Act

D. to ensure that the international slave trade would be allowed to continue.

Which of the following does not represent a goal of the Confederate States of America? A. to protect slavery from any effort to abolish it B. to protect the domestic slave trade C. to ensure that slavery would be allowed to spread into western territories D. to ensure that the international slave trade would be allowed to continue

C. He had replaced General George B. McClellan.

Which of the following is not a reason why many people opposed Lincoln's reelection in 1864? A. He appeared to have overstepped his authority by suspending the writ of habeas corpus. B. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation. C. He had replaced General George B. McClellan. D. He was seen as a power-hungry dictator.

D. Halting the spread of slavery

Which of the following was a focus of the new Republican Party? A. supporting Irish Catholic immigration B. encouraging the use of popular sovereignty to determine where slavery could exist C. promoting states' rights D. halting the spread of slavery

B. the admission of Kansas as a free state

Which of the following was not a component of the Compromise of 1850? A. the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act B. the admission of Kansas as a free state C. the admission of California as a free state D. a ban on the slave trade in Washington, DC

D. Lincoln successfully defended the principle of popular sovereignty.

Which of the following was not a result of the Lincoln-Douglas debates? A. Douglas was elected senator of Illinois. B. Lincoln's national profile was raised. C. Citizens in both the North and South followed the debates closely. D. Lincoln successfully defended the principle of popular sovereignty.

A. U.S. trade increased with France and Spain

Which of the following was not one of the effects of the cotton boom? A. U.S. trade increased with France and Spain. B. Northern manufacturing expanded. C. The need for slave labor grew. D. Port cities like New Orleans expanded.

A. that the Five Civilized Tribes would be admitted into the confederacy.

Which was not a provision of the Crittenden Compromise? A. that the Five Civilized Tribes would be admitted into the Confederacy B. that the 36°30′ line from the Missouri Compromise would be restored and extended C. that Congress would be prohibited from abolishing slavery where it already existed D. that the interstate slave trade would be allowed to continue

A. Andrew Jackson

Who won the popular vote in the election of 1824? A. Andrew Jackson B. Martin Van Buren C. Henry Clay D. John Quincy Adams

A. to seize weapons to distribute to enslaved people for a massive uprising.

Why did John Brown attack the armory at Harpers Ferry? A. to seize weapons to distribute to enslaved people for a massive uprising B. to hold as a military base against proslavery forces C. in revenge after the sacking of Lawrence D. to prevent southern states from seceding

B. to annex new slave states

Why did southern expansionists conduct filibuster expeditions? A. to gain political advantage B. to annex new slave states C. to prove they could raise an army D. to map unknown territories

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