History Final test

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The following happened at the Battle of Horshoe Bend

Andrew Jackson defeated Creek Indians in 1814

Politicians who opposed the ratification of the Constitution were known as


The Constitution makes use of which of the following policy to protect against the foolishness of the American people?

Appointment of Judges on the Supreme Court for life.

Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at

Appomattox (spell)

The term "Fire-eaters" as we have studied it in this class refers to

Radical southern politicians who supported slavery and favored secession from the United States.

Supporters of Tecumseh's message among the Creek Confederacy were known as


Which of the following persons assisted the Lewis and Clark expedition by serving as a guide and interpreter?


Which of the following was president of Mexico during the mid-1830s

Santa Anna

The Cherokee Indian who invented an alphabet by which the Cherokee language could be written down was named:


How did Lydia Maria Child become involved in women's rights activism?

She started by opposing the Indian Removal Act and, when that battle was lost, shifted to anti-slavery activism, all of which led her to see how difficult it was for women to express themselves publicly.

Margaret Fuller is considered significant for the following reason(s):

She wrote a book titled Woman in the Nineteenth -Century and was the most famous woman intellectual in the United States in the 1840s.

The Following states seceded from the United States during the first phase of secession from December 1860 to February 1861:

South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas

Which of the following individuals was the author of the Kansas/Nebraska Act?

Stephen Douglas

The following person was one of the Indian leaders living in the "Old Northwest" in the 1790s:


The United States military finally won a significant victory over the Western Confederacy in which of the following battles?

The Battle of Fallen Timbers

Which of the following was a topic discussed in the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

The Dred Scott decision

The essays written in support of ratifying the Constitution were published later as a book titled

The Federalist Paper

James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton wrote essays in support of the new U.S. constitution known as

The Federalist Papers

The Creek Indians ceded (gave away) a large portion of their lands in Alabama and Georgia as a result of

The Treaty of Fort Jackson in 1814

The American Revolution officially ended when U.S. and British diplomats signed

The Treaty of Paris in 1783

The Declaration of Sentiments was modeled after the Declaration of Independence but changed some key words in order to make a point about equality for women.


The decision of southern states to secede in 1860 and 1861 was influenced by the election of "Fire-eaters" to state legislatures following the Harper's Ferry Raid.


White southerners became very concerned in 1831 that northern abolitionist literature was encouraging southern slaves to fight for their freedom.


n the Virginia Plan, each state was given a number of delegates in Congress according to the size of its population.


Which of the following best describes the Battle of the Wabash in 1791?

Warriors of the Western Confederacy defeated U.S. troops under the command of General Arthur St. Clair

The South had many advantages that the North did not have at the start of the Civil War, such as an established national currency and an international credit reputation.


The Underground Railroad was an underground passageway with a train running through it that carried slaves to freedom.


The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act settled the debate about whether slavery would be allowed in western territories or not and led to a period of peace in the 1850s.


Thomas Jefferson and James Madison first proposed the idea of "Judicial Review" in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions in 1803.


Thomas Jefferson could be described as a supporter of an "Implied Powers" approach to interpreting the Constitution.


Thomas Jefferson's presidency helped in some ways to weaken the national government even though he preferred a strong central government.


The first politcal party system consisted of the following parties:

Federalists and (Jeffersonian) Republicans

The first shots of the Civil War occurred at

Fort Sumter in 1861.

Which of the following places the events in correct chronological order from left to right (with the earliest on the left and the latest on the right)

Georgia gold rush, Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears

Why was Thomas Jefferson so interested in purchasing the lands west of the Mississippi River from France?

He wanted the U.S. to remain an agricultural country and hoped those lands would make enough farms available for Americans to be yeoman farmers far into the future.

Which of the following places events in correct chronological order, with earliest on the left and the latest on the right?

Indian Removal Act, Seneca Falls Convention, death of Margaret Fuller

The Indian Removal Act was significant for many women's rights activists for the following reasons:

It was their first public involvement in politics and showed them how strict the limits of expression were for American women

The President of the United States at the beginning of the War of 1812 was

James Madison

Which of the following persons is considered one of the principal authors of the Constitution?

James Madison

Which of the following individuals was in favor of allowing slavery in the western territories?

John C. Calhoun

The Supreme Court's power to declare a law of Congress unconstitutional is known as

Judicial Review.

Which of the following places events/developments in correct chronological order, with the earliest on the left and the latest on the right?

Kansas/Nebraska Act, formation of the Republican Party, Dred Scott decision

Which of the following battles occurred during the 'Southern Campaign' of the American Revolution?

King's Mountain

Lands to the west of the Mississippi River were aquired by the U.S. in 1803 as part of the

Louisiana Purchase.

Why didn't the United States invade the lands north and west of the Ohio River as soon as the Northwest Ordinance was passed in 1787?

Because the U.S. government did not have the power to pass taxes to raise an army until 1790.

Which of the following people played a heroic part in the American victory at the Battle of Saratoga?

Benedict Arnold

The proposal to let the people who eventually settle in a territory decide for themselves whether they wish that territory to be a free territory or a slave territory was known as

Popular Soveriegnty

The debate over the issue of slavery in the western territories became very intense during the first year of the Mexican-American War as a result of

Wilmot's Proviso

Which of the following choices lists events in correct chronological order from left to right, with those on the left being earliest and those on the right latest:

Wilmot's Proviso, Treaty of Guadeloupe-Hidalgo, the California Gold Rush

Harriet Tubman is remembered for her activities as

a "conductor" on the Underground Railroad.

The following describes the northern economy in the early 1800s:

a capitalist economy based on wage labor.

The term "Marbury versus Madison" refers to

a supreme court case in 1803.

The term "Dred Scott" as we have studied it in this class refers to which of the following:

a supreme court case in 1857

Americans who migrated westward to California and Oregon did so by following

a system of wagon trails known as the 'Oregon Trail'

The term "Redstick War" refers to

a war between the Creek Indians of Alabama and the United States in 1813-1814.

Someone who owned their own land and did their own work on that land to raise crops rather than working for someone else was known as

a yoeman.

William Lloyd Garrison was

an abolitionist in the 1830s.

The term "Strict Constructionism" as we have studied it in this class refers to

an approach to interpreting the Constitution in which the government is believed to possess only those powers specifically granted to it.

Members of the Federalist Party supported the following positions:

an approach to interpreting the Constitution that recognized "Implied Powers" and a belief that the United States should strive to become an industrial nation.

Which of the following choices lists events in correct chronological order from left to right, with the earliest on the left and the latest on the right:

attack on Fort Sumter, Battle of Antietam, Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation

John Brown attempted to begin a slave rebellion by

capturing the federal weapons arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, in 1859.

Federalist politicians passed the Sedition Act

in 1798 as a means of silencing political debate and criticism of the government.

Southern states were alarmed by the election of Abraham Lincoln

in 1860 because he was a Republican and because of his statements during the Lincoln-Douglas debates.

Which of the following represents a northern manufacturing development during the early nineteenth-century:

interchangeable parts

Stephen Austin and many other Americans moved west

into Texas during the 1820s and early 1830s as part of Mexico's Empressario System.

Which of the following was one of the consequences of the Emancipation Proclamation:

it brought many thousands of African American recruits into the United States Army.

The following could be considered weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation:

it did not provide for an executive office (president) and lacked the power to levy taxes.

As soon as the new Constitution was ratified and the United States was able to raise taxes in 1790,

it launched two military expeditions into the Ohio territory that were each defeated by Native Americans.

The significance of the Alamo was that

it served to slow down the advance of Mexican forces so that Texas revolutionaries could organized their resistance.

The Shays Rebellion is considered to be significant because

it showed that a stronger national government was needed, thus leading to the Constitutional Convention.

Which of the following was a consequence of the attack on Fort Sumter:

it spurred four more southern states to secede.

Which of the following best describes the southern economy prior to the Civil War:

it was an economy based on staple agriculture and slave labor

The establishment of the Republican party is considered significant because

it was the first major national political party to officially oppose the westward expansion of slavery.

Although Washington knew he could not defeat the British decisively in open battle, he believed he could succeed by ...

making the war as expensive and costly for the British as possible

In 1862, Robert E. Lee and Confederate forces invaded the northern state of


Which of the following contributed to the emergence of new states in the South based on slave labor:

new lands made available to settlers by Andrew Jackson's treaties and the invention of the cotton gin.

The following was a consequence of the battle of Saratoga:

news of the American victory prompted France to recognize American independence and sign a treaty of alliance with the United States.

Federalist politicians expressed their opposition to the War of 1812 by

organizing the Hartford Convention in 1814

The southern homefront experienced the following in 1863:

problems with Confederate currency and food riots.

The following was/were among the reasons that the United States declared war against Great Britain in the War of 1812:

seizure of neutral U.S. merchant ships and "impressment" of U.S. sailors by the British Navy.

In Article II, to whom is given the role of "advice and consent" concerning Presidential appointments to office?


What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?

separation of powers

In 1778, the British decided to

shift the focus of their military efforts to the southern colonies.

As a result of the Dred Scott decision:

slave owners could take their slaves into free territories or states, such as Massachusetts, if they wanted.

The following represents a new form of transportation that appeared in the 1830s and 1840s:


The "Prophet's" message to Native Americans included the following instructions:

stop drinking alcohol, stop selling land to the United States, and stop hunting game animals for money.

The New Jersey Plan proposed

that each state should have an equal number of representatives in Congress.

Spain gave Florida to the United States as part of

the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819.

The first ten amendments of the United States Constitution are known as

the Bill of Rights

For the first year after the United States declared war on Great Britain in the War of 1812,

the British focused primarily on fighting the French in Europe and depended on their Native American allies, led by Tecumseh, to fight the United States.

Which of the following documents was published by the first major women's rights event to raise awareness about issues of concern to American women?

the Declaration of Sentiments

Alexander Hamilton and his ideas became the inspiration for the creation of

the Federalist Party.

Which of the following had the most influence on British military planning:

the French decision to become allies with the United States in 1778.

Historians refer to rapid changes in ways of manufacturing and marketing products in the north as

the Market Revolution

The peace treaty of 1783, which ended the American Revolution, recognized the following western boundary for the United States:

the Mississippi River.

The 1823 presidential statement warning European nations not to interfere in the western hemisphere is known as

the Monroe Doctrine

identify which of the following occurred in 1787:

the Northwest Ordinance and the Constitutional Convention.

The following legislation established a plan for the United States to settle in territories claimed by Native Americans:

the Northwest Ordinance.

Jefferson Davis was a significant person during the Civil War because he was

the President of the Confederate States of America.

The following statement best describes the Seminole Indian policy toward southern slaves:

the Seminoles encouraged southern slaves to run away from their plantations and join the Seminole nation in Florida.

Which of the following was the first major women's rights event in the United States?

the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848

In the Worcester v. Georgia case,

the Supreme Court recognized the soveriegnty of the Cherokee Nation in 1832.

American Indian leaders ceded (gave away) most of the territory we now know as the state of Ohio to the United States at

the Treaty of Greenville in 1795.

Which of the following was a result of the Treaty of Guadeloupe-Hidalgo:

the United States acquired new territories such as Arizona, New Mexico, and California from Mexico in 1848.

The term "Texas Revolution," as we have studied in this class, refers to

the armed struggle of Texas settlers for independence from Mexico in 1836

The term "Great Compromise" as we have studied it in this class refers to

the compromise at the Constitutional Convention by which our modern bicameral congress was created, with each state having an equal number of representatives in the Senate and each state having a number of representatives based on its population in the House of Representatives.

When Americans created the Articles of Confederation, they believed that

the country could depend on the "Virtue" of the People and their elected Politicians.

One of the things that George Washington's administration is remembered for is

the creation the first political party system in United States history.

One consequence of the spread of cotton agriculture and new plantations westward to the Mississippi River was

the emergence of the internal slave trade.

The term "Trail of Tears" refers to which of the following:

the forced march of the Cherokee Indians from their homeland in the Southeast to new lands west of the Mississippi River in 1838.

According the Constitution what is the proper process for the impeachment of the President of the United States?

the house impeaches, senate conducts a trail

The term "March to the Sea" as we have studied it in this class refers to:

the march of U.S. soldiers commanded by William Tecumseh Sherman from Atlanta, Georgia, to Savannah, Georgia, in November and December of 1864.

Many historians consisder the Battle of Gettysburg to be a significant turning point in the Civil War because

the military fortunes of the South began to decline rapidly after the Confederate defeat.

As a result of the Battle of Horseshoe Bend

the military power of the Creek Confederacy was virtually destroyed.

The term "Tenskwatawa" refers to

the name taken by Tecumseh's brother after he experienced a vision around 1806.

The term "Anaconda Plan" as we have studied it in this class refers to

the northern strategy to place a naval blockade around the South.

Each of the following is stated in the Preamble as a reason the American people do "ordain and establish" the Constitution, except

the safe guard of religion

Which of the following is a form of African culture that survived among slaves on American plantations:

the tradition of naming a child based on the day of the week on which it was born.

George Washington's opinions about political parties can be summarized as follows:

they are destructive to the good of the people and the national government because they seek primarily their own power.

Slaves who were captured after a failed attempt to escape (or after several attempts to escape) might suffer the following punishment(s):

they might be forced to wear an iron collar around their necks or have the front half of one of their feet amputated.

How did Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton first meet?

they were both forced to sit behind a curtain and be quiet at the World Anti-Slavery Convention of 1840

Which of the following was a major campaign issue for James K. Polk during his campaign for the presidency?

to annex Texas

Tecumseh travelled throughout the South

to persuade southern Indian nations to cooperate with each other and resist the United States in 1811.

The North experienced a great deal of economic change between the years of


The War of 1812 began in the following year:


The first abolitionist newspaper was published in

1831 and was titled The Liberator.

Abraham Lincoln was killed in

1865 just after the surrender of Confederate forces at Appomattox.

In Article V, the process to change ("amend") the Constitution is set out. What is the proper ratio (whether of state legislatures or both Houses of Congress) to propose an amendment, and then (by vote of the states) to ratify the proposed amendment?

2/3 to propose, 3/4 to ratify

As a result of the Battle of Antietem

Abraham Lincoln announced the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.

Which of the following was a result of the 1860 Presidential election:

Abraham Lincoln was elected president and South Carolina chose to secede from the United States

As members of George Washington's cabinet

Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson came to disagree with each other on many issues.

Which of the following choices lists events in proper chronological order from left to right (with the earliest on the left and the latest on the right):

Battle of Horshoe Bend, Treaty of Fort Jackson, Battle of New Orleans

Which of the following places events in correct chronological order, with the earliest on the left and the latest on the right?

Battle of Saratoga, Treaty of Alliance with France, Siege of Yorktown

Which of the following occurred during Sherman's march through South Carolina

Columbia was burned.

Which of the following choices lists the events in correct chronological order from left to right, with the earliest on the left and the latest on the right:

Dred Scott Decision, Harper's Ferry Raid, Secession of South Carolina

Which of the following political parties were part of the second party system that was formed during the presidency of Andrew Jackson?

Democrats and Whigs

The following inventor played an important role in the economic development of the North in the early nineteenth-century:

Eli Whitney

Abraham Lincoln supported the westward expansion of slavery because he agreed with the supreme court's ruling in the Dred Scott case.


After winning its independence from Mexico, Texas was immediately accepted as a new state in the United States of America later that same year.


Although white southern voters were loyal Republicans, they were worried about Abraham Lincoln because of his support of the "Fire-eaters."


American politicians were not aware that Native Americans were living on lands north and west of the Ohio River when the Northwest Ordinance was passed.


Americans generally showed little interest in the news that Tecumseh had been killed.


Andrew Jackson became a national celebrity as a result of his support of the Hartford Convention.


Andrew Jackson could be considered an assimilationist when it came to his policies toward Native Americans.


Andrew Jackson had no influence on the formation of the second party system.


General Arthur St. Clair showed his brilliance as a military leader by guiding American troops to a resounding victory at the Battle of Trenton.


Immigrants who moved to Kansas in the 1850s were just like immigrants to any other western territory, and they didn't care much about the issue of slavery.


In the early nineteenth-century, American voters generally disliked politicians who had participated in wars against Native Americans.


Lucretia Mott cared mostly about women's rights and had little time for other causes, such as Anti-Slavery activism.


Many historians have more respect for Jefferson Davis's abilities as a president than they do for those of Abraham Lincoln.


Native Americans were not aware of the terms included in the 1783 Treaty of Peace between Great Britain and the United States, which ended the American Revolution.


Neither Alexander Hamilton nor Thomas Jefferson were members of a political party.


Slaves in the South were generally encouraged to learn to read and write because it made them more useful on the plantation.


The British chose to end the "Northern Campaign" in 1778 due in part to the prospect of worldwide attacks from the French navy.


Which of the following was a major slave uprising that occurred in 1831:

Nat Turner's Rebellion.

The term "Western Confederacy" as we have studied it in this class refers to

Native Americans living west of the Appalachian mountains and east of the Mississippi River who came together in the 1780s and 1790s to resist the westward expansion of the United States.

American politicians in the early 1800s who favored an assimilationist policy toward Native Americans believed that

Native Americans should be educated in the American manner and brought into American society as Americanized citizens

Which of the following places events in correct chronological order, with the earliest on the left and the latest on the right?

Northwest Ordinance, Battle of the Wabash, Treaty of Greenville

According to Chief Justice John Marshall of the Supreme Court, whenever a law of Congress and the Constitution do not agree on a particular point, the court must do which of the following?

Obey the constitution

Once the British had defeated Napoleon in Europe and were finally able to send troops to fight the United States, which of the following happened?

They burned down Washington, D.C. in 1814

As a result of the presidential election of 1800, the following individual was elected president:

Thomas Jefferson.

When the master was not around, slaves sometimes told inspiring stories to each other that were known as

Trickster Tales

At the Battle of the Thames in 1813, Tecumseh was killed by United States troops under the command of William Henry Harrison.


George Washington and the Continental Army were encamped at Valley Forge during the winter of 1777.


James Madison wanted the United States to be a Republic rather than a Democracy.


Many new cities developed in the North and Northwest between 1820 and 1860, in part because factories needed densely populated areas from which to recruit workers.


Many slaves in Georgia followed United States troops all the way to the coast in 1864.


Tecumseh believed that spiritual power, in addition to guns and bullets, could also help win battles.


The Battle of New Orleans in January 1815 made Americans very proud but accomplished very little, since the treaty ending the War of 1812 had already been signed.


During its first two years, Reconstruction was slowed down by

disagreements between the President and Congress

When Lucretia Mott discovered that she could not vote or participate in discussions in the male dominated American Anti-Slavery Society, she...

established the Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society

The Lewis and Clark expedition

explored the territories west of the Mississippi River from 1804-1806.

The mortality rate during the Civil War was

extremely high, due in part to the new technology of "rifling" in cannons and guns.

Why did Americans in the north feel the need to begin buying clocks for their own homes in the 1830s and 1840s?

factory work required them to know exactly what time it was.

According to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the Nebraska Territory would be

free and the territory of Kansas would be governed by Popular Soverignty.

Which of the following represents an advantage possessed by the North at the start of the Civil War:

he ability to manufacture the weapons needed to wage war.

Patrick Henry believed a Bill of Rights was necessary because

he feared that the new Constitution gave the federal government too much power.

Robert E. Lee's reasons for invading the North in 1863 included the following:

he hoped to influence northern congressional elections.

Between 1814 and 1821, Andrew Jackson accomplished the following:

he negotiated a series of treaties with Southeastern Indian nations that gave the United States over 50 million acres of land.

Which of the following was one of the reasons that Robert E. Lee decided to invade the North in 1862:

he was hoping to encourage foreign nations such as Great Britain and France to officially recognize the independence of the Confederacy.

John L. O'Sullivan is considered significant because

he was the first writer to coin the term "Manifest Destiny"

After giving a speech in which he criticized pro-slavery activists, Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts

was assaulted by a southern Congressman named Preston Brooks in 1856.

According to the Military Reconstruction Act, the South

was divided into five military districts and 20,000 U.S. troops were sent to police them.

At the Battle of Fallen Timbers,

western Indians led by Tecumseh were defeated by U.S. forces in 1794.

Texas settlers and the Mexican president disagreed on which of the following issues

whether the province of Texas should be allowed to draft its own constitution.

Which of the following was a consequence of the Harper's Ferry Raid:

white southern voters became very worried about the threat from militant northern abolitionists and elected radical pro-southern politicians to their state legislatures.

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