history final

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This excerpt from the Progressive Party platform concerns which issue?

The relationship between government and industry

In the 19th century, tenements such as this were examples of

The social issues affecting urbanization

The United States government justified the forced relocation of Japanese Americans during World War II on the grounds that...

The wartime need to assure national security was more important than the protection of individual rights

Why did many Americans criticize President Roosevelt for attempting to add new Justices to the Supreme Court?

They accused Roosevelt of trying to expand the executive branch's power

Social Settlements, for example, Hull House opened by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr, were significant because (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY):

They advocated for child labor laws and juvenile protection agencies They provided aid for needy immigrants and the working poor, including childcare and kindergarten They offered secondary education and adult classes on civil rights and civil duties

How did new farming methods in the 1920s impact the Great Plains?

They altered landscapes and made the land more vulnerable to drought

Why did many conservatives criticize Roosevelt's New Deal?

They argued that the massive expansion of the government threatened individual liberty and the free market system

How did many American women experience change during the 1920s?

They expanded their professional and intellectual lives

How did the policies of Presidents Harding and Coolidge reflect a change of direction in U.S. politics?

They rejected social reform in favor of laissez-faire (hands-off) economics and support for big business

Why did people like Babe Ruth and Charles Lindbergh become the new American heroes?

They renewed hope and optimism after WWI

Why did many farmers go into debt in the late 1800s?

They took out loans on the value of their farms to pay the increased costs for new machines and other supplies

Based on the image above, what happened to most of the Jewish refugees aboard the SS St Louis?

They were sent back to Europe where they were at risk of persecution

What was the main purpose of the Social Gospel movement?

To apply Christian ethics to social problems, especially social injustices

What is the purpose of this passage?

To encourage Americans to cooperate with rationing of goods

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was created

To provide protection for bank deposits

Upton Sinclair's novel, The Jungle, had a significant impact on the United States in all of the following areas EXCEPT:

Turning over control of corporations to public ownership

these spy planes were used in secrecy to phtograph missiles 90 miles off the coast of cuba


Why did the U.S. presence in Guam and the Philippines prior to the war create tension between Japan and America?

U.S. presence in the region jeopardized Japan's access to important natural resources

on april 17th, 1961, 1,400 armed exiles know as La brigada tried to overthrow Fidel Castro and within 2 days, Castro's forces killed or captured almost all of the soldiers. The event embarrassed this country

United States

What process is being described here

Vertical integration

The Bonus Army consisted of

WWI veterans who wanted to be paid the money promised them for their service

The US government outlawed practices such as this traditional Native American ceremony in order to

Weaken tribal cultures and encourage assimilation

Why were President Wilson's Fourteen Points disregarded at the Paris Peace Conference?

Wilson's ideal of national self-determination threatened the interests of other Allied powers

According to this document, why did Suffragettes, like Susan B. Anthony, argue for the right to vote?

Women could not ensure their liberty without having the right to vote

Why did women like Carry Nation support the Temperance movement? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY:

Women were victims of domestic violence from alcohol abuse- correct Women were victims of domestic violence from alcohol abuse-correct Women were victims of domestic violence from alcohol abuse??????

This political cartoon represents the "gilded age" in all of the following ways except

Workers were successfully organizing for labor reform

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire galvanized (shock or excite into taking action) labor activists and resulted in reforms because:

Young children were killed in the fire

The Constitution was ratified only after

a Bill of Rights was promised to be added

Based on the information shown, which of the following would do the most damage to the South's economy during the Civil War

a blockade of Southern ports

Emancipation Proclamation

a decree freeing all enslaved persons in states still in rebellion after January 1, 1863

the graph above is consistent with which of the following true statements about the era portrayed

a full economic revovery did not occur until the US involvement in WWII

"Crouched over the coal chutes, the boys sit hour after hour, picking out the pieces of slate....I once....tried to do the work a twelve- year- old boy was doing day after day, for ten hours at a stretch, for sixty cents a day. The gloom appalled me...." - John Spargo The author of this passage was most likely

a muckraker

the great compromise

a plan that resolved how states would represent in congress

What was a territory called that was technically independent and sovereign, but was actually under the control of an imperial power?

a protectorate

During the late 19th century, Yellow Journalists printed exaggerated accounts of Spanish atrocities in Cuba. These reports helped to bring about the Spanish-American War primarily by

angering the Spanish government

How did Chinese immigrants contribute to the opening of the west

by helping to build the transcontinental railroads

Which of the following best reflects anti-imperialist sentiment?

"It is not necessary to own people to trade with them."

What was one way that "new" immigrants o the late 1800s were unlike "old"immigrants?

"New" immigrants shared relatively few cultural characteristics with native born Americans

How were Americans affected on the home front during World War II? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY

- Americans were asked to ration - Americans attended scrap metal and rubber drives - Americans got updates on the war in Europe and in the Pacific at the movies through the Movie Tone News

Marcus Garvey's "Back to Africa" Movement found widespread support with its message of (Select all that apply)

- Black pride and support of black run businesses - the separation of the races

What were some of the positive impacts of the Harlem Renaissance?

- It enabled the subculture of the LGBTQ community to become more visible - Jazz music becomes widely popular, in both White and Black communities - It was a uniquely creative period for art, literature, and music

What were the effects of FDR's Fireside Chats? (select all that apply)

- Restored American's hope in their future and the nation - Ended the banking crisis

Which of the following are examples of the United States' transition from the policy of isolationism to intervention? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY

- Roosevelt sent Navy destroyers to Europe in exchange for naval bases in British territories - The Cash and Carry arms sales provision that replaced the Neutrality Acts - The Lend-Lease program

What effects did the end of WWI have on race relations? Select all that apply

- The end of the war reduced the number of job opportunities for African Americans - Racial tensions, violence, and deaths exploded in 1919, leading to what will be termed "Red Summer" - The competition for jobs and housing led to race tensions, including riots

Black Tuesday resulted in (select all that apply)

-Panic selling -Stocks losing $10-15 billion in one day -Distrust in banks

Select the following methods that were utilized by the Women's Movement to achieve suffrage: (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)

-Public marches -Speeches on street corners -Hunger Strikes

Why was the election of 1912 significant? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY:

-Teddy Roosevelt and the Bull Moose/Progressive Party split the Republican vote -Newly elected Democrat Wilson continued to trust-bust and break up monopolies

How did people escape from the harsh realities of the Great Depression? (Select all that apply)

-Watching Disney Cartoons -Listening to the radio -Going to the movie theater

The Great Plains saw significant change in all of the following : select all that apply

1 - government policy to remove American Indians 2 - The birth of the American cattle industry 3 - settlement of the west by farmers

What artist of the above cartoon is most likely commenting on standards oil (select all that apply)

1 - monopoly on oil industry 2 - influence over politicians and government 3 - horizontal integration

Congressional reconstruction began with the passage of What legislation that granted citizenship to all persons born in the United States

14th amendment

The "noble experiment" referenced in the above passage was

18th Amendment

What is a monopoly?

A company that achieves control of an entire market

The graph above is consistent with which of the following true statements about the era portrayed?

A full economic recovery did not occur until the U.S. involvement in WWII

What demographic effects did the war have on northern cities such as Detroit and Chicago?

A large number of African Americans migrated there from the South to work in the factories.

Based on this quotation, what did Wilson want to achieve with the end of the war?

A lasting peace in Europe

Women and minorities made economic gains during WWII because...

A shortage of traditional labor created new opportunities

This organization was founded as a result of the Palmer Raids in order to protect the civil liberties of American citizens


The political cartoon above best reflects which of the following problems?

After the stock market crash, run on banks, and the resulting closures left millions of Americans penniless

How did the growth of the railroads promote industrialization

Brought abundant raw materials from west to the east

The purpose of the Manhattan Project was to

Build the atomic bomb

How did President Hoover believe that the economy could be revived?

By supporting industry in the hopes federal dollars would trickle down to the poorest americans

Which piece of legislation would have been supported by the political cartoon above

Chinese exclusion act

How did World War II change the employment situation for women?

More women were able to find jobs in manufacturing and other fields not traditionally considered to be women's work

1. An organization founded in the early 20th Century to promote civil rights and equality for African Americans was the


An organization founded in the early 20th Century to promote civil rights and equality for African Americans was the


The artist of this cartoon above is critical of which group


This group of Native Americans played a vital role in helping the U.S. to win the war in the Pacific as a result of their critical role as "code-talkers".


The Trojan Horse at Our Gate, The 1933 political cartoon shown above suggests that

New Deal programs would bring in unconstitutional restrictions on American freedoms and liberties

The idea that President Wilson explained was the basis of a program he called

New Freedom

What sentence best expresses President Roosevelt's message?

No nation can be completely isolated from other nations

Which event of the early 1900s is evidence that Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle had an important impact on the United States?

Passage of legislation requiring federal inspection of meat

The Supreme Court established the principle of "separate but equal" in this landmark case that ruled segregation based on race in public accommodations was legal and did not violate the 14th Amendment?

Plessy v. Ferguson

All of the following were weaknesses of Articles of Confederation except

Power to control the settlement and sale of land in the West

Which of the following was NOT an affect of the Great Depression?

President Hoover started a massive public aid program to help ease the suffering during the Depression

The New Deal drew most directly on which of the following earlier sets of ideas?


The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) saw a rise in membership during the 1920's as a result of all of the following EXCEPT:


In response to several unfavorable Supreme Court rulings concerning New Deal Programs, Franklin Roosevelt

Proposed legislation that would allow him to appoint new federal and Supreme Court judges

What did the National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) do?

Protected worker's rights to strike and collectively bargain

In what ways did the U.S. government guide the economy during World War II? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY

Regulated production of important materials through the War Production Board Encouraged the purchasing of war bonds

The idea expressed in the cartoon most directly reflects which of the following continuities in U.S. History?

Debates about the role of the federal government in the economy

According to laissez-faire capitalism, the economy works best when the government

Does not interfere with business

The flow chart below refers to the Farming crisis-> drought and famine ->grapes of warth/migrants to california

Dust Bowl

What is an example of a "pull" factor that brought immigration to the United States

Economic opportunity in the United States

The homestead act of 1862 was designed to

Encourage farms on the great plains

President Roosevelt created the Fair Employment Practices Commission to...

Enforce nondiscrimination in hiring workers in defense industries

1. Consumer activities in the 1920s were impacted by all of the following EXCEPT


the monroe doctrine declared that the united states would

European interference in the Americans as a threat to the National interest of the u.s.

"The man who is employed for wages is as much a business man as his employer" In this excerpt from his speech, Bryan is implying that

Every worker contributes to the growth of the economy

Which of the following was the primary reason that the United States began to seek colonies during the late 1890s?

Expansion of American industry made acquiring new markets and additional resources desirbale

According to the statement above, the goal of John Spargo and other muckrakers was to

Expose the truth about social injustice

The goal of journalists, writers, photographers, and social reformers of the time period was to

Expose the truth about social injustice

The above cartoon is most likely referring to

FDR's court packing plan

"There are only three great crops raised in Nebraska" What opinion does this quote imply

Farmers are unfairly exploited by businessmen

What is the theme of this illustration? "I feed you all!"

Farmers have an important job in American society

a major result of the civil war was that the

Federal Government's power over the States was strengthened

Why were there fewer women in the American workforce in 1920 than there were ten years earlier?

Fewer women were needed in factories after the men returned home from the war.

During the 1920s, the United States government reacted to its experience in World War I by

Following a policy of political isolationism

In his speech to Congress, President Woodrow Wilson addressed the issue of

German unrestricted submarine warfare

Wealthy industrialist who gave away millions of dollars to fun projects such as building libraries and universities were following which philosophy

Gospel of wealth

Which of the following is most closely associated with the 16th Amendment (1913)?

Graduated income tax

As a result of victory over Spain in the 1898 Spanish-American War, the U.S. acquired (gained)

Guam The Philippines Puerto Rico

What was the first major action that Roosevelt took as President?

He closed all of the nation's banks and ordered inspections

How was William Jennings Bryan different from the majority of other presidential candidates of the era?

He toured the nation, doing his own campaigning.

What argument sums up the difference between isolationists and interventionists regarding aid to the Allies?

Isolationists thought aid would bring us into war; interventionists thought aid would keep us out of the war

Why was President Roosevelt's reform policy more successful than Hoover's approach?

It advocated strong leadership by the federal government

Which quality makes Jazz a unique musical form indigenous to the United States?

It combines different musical forms and cultural influences

"Who is the Master?" New York Herald What does this cartoon suggest about the Roosevelt presidency?

Roosevelt was determined to gain control of monopolies that hurt public interest

This icon was a symbol for all American women who worked in war-related industries to help win the battle of production

Rosie the Riveter

Which New Deal program was chiefly designed to correct abuses in the stock market?

Securities and Exchange Commission

1. As a result of this 1918 law, thousands of Americans were arrested and jailed for speaking out against World War I:

Sedition Act

When the U.S. entered World War I it lacked the necessary manpower to go to war. What solved this problem?

Selective Service Act of 1917

How did the reformers hope the Dawes act (1887) would encourage assimilation of Native Americans?

The Dawes act ended tribal landholding and encouraged economic assimilation by making it Native Americans private land owners

What do the actions listed in this chart suggest about the League of Nations?

The League of Nations criticized the actions of aggressive nations but did not take effective measures to stop the aggression

What was the main result of the Wannsee Conference, where the "Final Solution" was discussed, in January 1942?

The Nazis outlined their plan to systematically exterminate the Jewish population.

What effect did installment buying have on the U.S. economy?

The economy grew as Americans purchased goods that, without installment buying they would have had to have saved for years to afford

Why did immigration to the US decrease after World War I?

The fear of the Red Scare and the after-effect of World War I resulted in immigration quotas

Which of the following was NOT a major contributing factor to the onset of the Great Depression?

The federal government interfered too frequently with the economy, causing investors to lose confidence

All of the following statements are true about the economy of the United States between 1865 and 1900 except

The government imposed regulations on industry

Which development prompted President Roosevelt to make this statement?

The growing military aggression of Nazi Germany

"Who stole the peoples money" The political cartoon references

The illegal activities of boss tweed in New York City

What might explain the pattern of casualties for Poland shown in this chart?

The many Nazi death camps in Poland resulted in high civilian casualties including the loss of much of the country's Jewish population.

Which Great Depression phenomenon is Steinbeck describing?

The migration of farmers as a result of the Dust Bowl

which development prompted President Roosevelt to give a speech outlining what he described as "Four Freedoms"

The necessity of american involvement in WWII amidst the growing military aggression of Nazi Germany

The above 1892 party platform would have most likely belonged to this political party

The populist party

What factor negatively affected open range cattle ranching?

The price of beef dropped due to oversupply.

The United States gained control of the land it needed to build the Panama Canal by

planning and supporting a Panamanian revolution against Colombia

The so-called Zoot Suit Riots in Los Angeles in 1943 were a result of

racial tensions related to the huge influx of laborers from Mexico.


rebuilding of the South after the Civil War

Based on the congressional elections of 1894, in which region of the country did Populism seem to have the most support?


What are Jim Crow laws?

state laws that passed throughout the south

A main cause of the Great Depression was the

stock market crash

black tuesday resulted in

stocks losing $10-15 billion in one day, panic selling, distrust in banks.

The Federalist wanted

strong central government

In order for President Theodore Roosevelt's "speak softly and carry a big stick" policy to be meaningful, it was necessary for the U.S. to have a

strong navy

. • over production • decline in farm prices • stock market speculation

structural weakness in the American economy.

According to this quotation, Mexican Americans

suffered discrimination in many industries.

The strength of the political machines was typically built on

support from large immigrant groups.

Many in Congress opposed the League of Nations because they

supported the isolationist view that the organization would entangle the United States in foreign conflicts

The Federalist Papers were a series of essays written and published for the purpose of

supporting the ratification of the Constitution

The increase in leisure pursuits (free time) in the 1920s was one sign of

technological innovations

After the Civil War many African Americans and poor white farmers in the South worked as

tenant farmers and sharecroppers

this offensive was executed by the vietcong during their lunar holiday to destroy major cities in the south

tet offensive

this offensive was executed by the vietcong during their lunar holiday to. destroy major cities in the south

tet offensive

eisenhower adopted the policy known as the domino theory which meant

that all countries in southeast asia would fall to communism

The Zimmermann Note proposed

that in case of war, Mexico join with Germany against the United States

In the election of 1920, there were 26,768,457 votes cast by the "new" electorate. What can this increase be attributed to?

the 19th Amendment

The bridge has decided to tax the colonists because

the French and Indian War was costly and created considerable debt

over-speculation • overproduction • farming crisis • consumer credit/debt The events listed above led to

the Great Depression.

1. During the World War I years, thousands of African Americans moved to northern cities in search of war-related jobs and to escape the Jim Crow laws and segregation of the South. This large-scale movement of people was known as

the Great Migration

In this text, Corpsman Anderson is describing

the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

What "ocean possession" is Beveridge referring to in this statement?

the Philippines

the deal ended the cuban missile crisis

the US removing it's missiles from turkey the soviet union removing it's missiles from cuba

This excerpt from the Atlantic Charter confirmed that

the United States and Britain support the sovereignty of countries affected by war

train w people working on it *image*

the assembly line

these led to

the attack on pearl harbor

The northern states sell more industrial growth than Southern States in the early 1800s because of

the beginning of the industrial revolution, the arrival of European immigrants seeking work and an abundance of natural resources

this served as a visible symbol of the cold war division between east and west

the berlin wall

What was the official reason the United States gave for declaring war on Spain in 1898?

to liberate Cuba from Spanish tyranny (oppressive policies) ??????

In this text, which form of warfare from World War I is Truffaut discussing?

chemical warfare

what happens if the government fails to do the job outlined in the text

citizens can overthrow the old government and create a new one

The U.S. rate of aircraft production from 1940 to 1942 best reflects

congressional approval of the Neutrality Act of 1939

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

create has a bloody conflict between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces

The CCC, PWA, CWA, AND WPA were all similar in that they were

created to provide immediate jobs relief for the unemployed

Organized labor welcomed the Clayton Antitrust Act because this act

declared that unions were not considered monopolies and did not constitute an illegal restraint of free trade

A major justification for the United States decision to build the Panama Canal was the

desire to move goods and the military more efficiently

What European nation played the largest role in helping the colonists defeat the British during the Revolutionary War


The following text was written by which influential abolitionist and former slave

fredrick douglas

The agency given the task of feeding and clothing were refugees in the South was called the

freedmans bureau

The themes of artists and writers of the Harlem Renaissance revealed that African Americans

gaining confidence and pride in their cultural achievements

1. The War Industries Board, the War Labor Board, and the Food Administration were created as part of the U.S. war effort in World War I. Their creation demonstrates that in time of war

government becomes more involved in directing the economy

The "political realignment" described in the excerpt contributed most directly to the

greater identification of working-class communities and African Americans with the Democratic Party

The economic activity that brought virginia's the greatest amount of wealth an prosperity was

growing tobacco

these irregular troops who usually blended into the civilian population and were often difficult for the regular armies to fight were called


The election of FDR to the presidency in 1932 reflected the desire of many Americans to

have government take an active role in solving economic problems

what were Abraham lincoln's intentions toward the secessionist states when he first became president

to prevent southern states from seceding

according to the text, what is the role of government

to protect peoples rights

Dorothea Lange Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California March 1936 What was the purpose of photographs such as this?

to raise awareness about the plight of American farmers

according to Thomas Jefferson, what was the purpose of the us government

to secure the rights of people

What was the purpose of this declaration, which was issued after a meeting of the leaders of the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union?

to show that the Allies were unified in their efforts to defeat Germany

1. The Tennessee trial of John Scopes in 1925 illustrated a conflict concerning

traditional fundamental religious beliefs and modern scientific thought

a main cause of the great depression was

uneven distribution of wealth

A main cause of the Great Depression was the

uneven distribution of wealth.

According to the Supreme Court chief justice Rodger Taney why was Dred Scott unable to sue for his own freedom

he was not considered a citizen by the constitution

The basis of Franklin Roosevelt's political philosophy was the idea that government should

help people in need.

Shay's Rebellion

highlighted the need for a stronger central government

In this report, Samuel Gompers is explaining the need for


In this quote, Chief Satanta is explaining

why the Native Americans resisted the white men.

This poster was made to encourage

women's service in the military

Families from Oklahoma faced anger from other workers because they

worked for lower wages

This late 19th century quotation best reflects a United States foreign policy of


In the United States, the main purpose of anti-trust legislation is to

increase competition in business

The initiative, referendum, and recall are all intended to

increase participation in government by citizens

In the United States, the Red Scare was prompted in part by

increased labor union activity

1. Which characteristic of the 1920's is best illustrated by the Red Scare, the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti, and the activities of the Ku Klux Klan?

increased nativism

undergrounds railroad

informal but unorganized network of sympathisers who helped thousands of slaves flee north

All of the following were causes of the Dust Bowl EXCEPT:


The economic boom and the financial speculation of the 1920's were caused by

installment buying and an unregulated stock market

Drag the boxes to the matching category of changes that occurred in the 1920s

international - America becomes the largest creditor nation cultural change - Modernism influences the arts social change - Cities grow; suburbs expand economic change - Stock prices rise in a bull market

why did Andrew jackson oppose a national bank

it favored a small number of rich investors

why did some people call the war of 1812 the second American revolution

it proved strength and stability of the united states

What did John O'Sullivan mean when he described the manifest destiny

it was the destiny of Americans to move across the continent

what was the significance of the D-day invasion at normandy?

it was the largest land, sea and air invasion in history, it resulted in the liveration of france, the success of the allied invasion forced germany to fight a two-front war

all of the following are associated with the louisiana purchase except

it worsened relationships between the us and france

how did harry truman justify using the atomic bomb against japan

it would save american lives

In 1803, Chief Justice John Marshall use the dispute in case of Marbury versus Madison to assert that Supreme Court had the power of

judicial review

Seneca Falls Convention

(1848) the first national women's rights convention at which the Declaration of Sentiments was written

The invasion of Normandy was significant because...

American, British, and Canadian forces opened a second major European front against the heavily fortified German occupied French coast

As a result of the Progressive Movement

Americans now expect the government to take an active role in regulating the economy and solving social problems.???????

After the fall of the Philippines in 1942, Japanese soldiers forced approximately 75,000 American and Filipino prisoners to march 65 miles without food and water to a prison camp. Thousands died as a result of this event

Bataan Death March

During the 1930s, most people from the Dust Bowl area migrated to


Folsom would be most likely to call John D. Rockefeller a

Captain of Industry

Which of the following most strongly sought to limit the New Deal reforms described in the excerpt?

Conservatives in Congress and on the Supreme Court

According to the above decision, The Supreme Court ruled in Korematsu v. United States that the relocation of Japanese Americans was...

Constitutional because it was based on military urgency

What happened to Cuba and Puerto Rico after the Spanish-American War?

Cuba became independent but the Platt Amendment tied it to the United States; Puerto Rico became a territory.

The most likely reason that angel island was not welcoming to Chinese immigrants was a result of

Cultural prejudice

One major reason for the growth of urbanization between 1860 and 1900 was that

many factory jobs were located in cities near transportation routes

Which of the following statements about WWI is illustrated by this photo?

Highly destructive weapons were widely used in this war

What accounted for the FDR's landslide victory in the election of 1932?

Hoover being blamed for the Depression

To which disease does the author of the text refer?


What effect did the phrase "Remember the Maine!" have on public opinion in the United States during the period just before the Spanish-American War?

It encouraged anger toward Spain and helped lead to war.

What is Carnegie's message in the text above

It is the responsibility of wealthy people to give back to society

What effect did the growth of the populist party have on the two major political parties of the time

It pressured them to consider endorsing some new demands.

According to James Weldon Johnson, how did the Harlem Renaissance change the perception of African Americans in the United States?

It promoted positive representations of African Americans

How did the writing of F. Scott Fitzgerald reflect modernist ideas?

It showed the disillusionment that many of his generation felt with the American Dream of wealth and success

What was the importance of the Lend-Lease Act?

It stated the United States could provide material aid to the Allies

What was significant about Charles Lindbergh's flight?

It was the first solo, nonstop flight across the Atlantic

What is Warren G. Harding's presidential administration mainly remembered for?

It's internal corruption

What did the presence of White Jazz musicians and composers suggest about American society

Jazz helped to bridge the races and bring Americans together

According to the map, a significant number of migrants who headed to California to escape the Dust Bowl came from


Of which literary movement or group is this work by Ernest Hemingway representative?

Lost Generation

as a result of the Guadalupe treaty, the us acquired all the following except


How did the Haymarket Riot hurt the labor movement?

Many Americans came to believe that union members were violent anarchists

What was one unintended consequence of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?

Many single-crop ranches in California struggled economically.

Migrant farm workers from Mexico were invited by the U.S. government to work in the American Southwest as a result of which of the following?

The Bracero Program

Perhaps even in those first days we made a beginning toward that object which was afterwards stated in our charter: To provide a center for a higher civic and social life; to institute and maintain educational and philanthropic enterprises; and to investigate and improve the conditions in the industrial districts of Chicago." Jane Adams, Founder of Hull House 1889 Which movement is described in the passage above?

Social Reform

This program assists retirees, the unemployed, and people with disabilities

Social Security Act

aid for the disabled • unemployment insurance • old age pensions Which New Deal program provided the services listed above?

Social Security Act

How does this photo of the Brooklyn bridge reflect the technological innovations of the late 19th century

Steel was a necessary component for construction

According to the image above, the Americanization movement of the early twentieth-century sought to assimilate immigrants by

Teaching them english

The largest project undertaken during President Roosevelt's New Deal was the

Tennessee Valley Authority

Which program provided new jobs, cheap electric power, flood control, and recreation for its region?

Tennessee Valley Authority

Which idea did Eugenics support?

That certain ethnic groups were inferior due to undesirable physical and social traits

This Japanese-American (Nisei) combat unit became the most decorated in American military history, despite the internment of their family members on the home front.

The 442nd Regiment

Which overall theme can best be inferred from this speech?

The Nez Percé were hopelessly outnumbered and worn down.

How does this photo of the Triborough Bridge (now called the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge) exemplify the goals of the Public Works Administration?

The PWA sought to build infrastructure that would be used for years to come.

This was an agreement between the U.S. and Cuba that led to Cuba becoming a U.S. Protectorate

The Platt Amendment

Consider the "Island Hopping" strategy. Why were Iwo Jima and Okinawa important military targets?

The U.S. could use the islands to set up supply lines and bases to prepare for an invasion of Japan.

What was the immediate effect of the above quote?

The U.S. declared war on the Empire of Japan

Which belief was the basis of President Roosevelt's "Big Stick Diplomacy"?

The United States can intervene in the western hemisphere to protect American business interests

The Committee on Public Information, which produced movies that encouraged American patriotism during World War I, such as "Under Four Flags," was an agency of which institution?

The United States government

Choose the option that best represents the message of the above cartoon.

The allies turned the tide of the war in the Pacific by defeating the Japanese at the battle of Midway

Which public debate in the 1920s is best associated with the passage of the Volstead Act?

The allocation (issuing) of government resources to enforce the Act's provisions

The most divisive of all reform movements that began in the early 1800s with the movement for the immediate end to slavery or


emmett till

african american teenager murdered in mississippi

montgomery bus boycott

african americans refused public

*image* The main reason the United States developed the Open Door policy was to

allow the U.S. to expand its trade with China

which of the following ideas is portrayed in this world war II propaganda

american women had a new, vital role to play during the war

In this statement, captain Pratt is most likely advocating which of the following for the Native Americans

assimilation into mainstream culture

John Locke (1632-1704)

believed people were born with natural rights

sit ins

blacks refusing to leave restaurant counters because they were denied service

the colonists primary method of pressuring parliament was

boycotting british imports

the flow chart below refers to the

dust bowl

The passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act was the result of the

efforts made by the Progressive movement to protect the public welfare

jim crow laws

enforced segregation on African americans

According to the beginning of this text, how do people get their rights

everyone has these rights from birth

The early 20th century policy of dollar diplomacy indicated a United States desire to

expand its influence in Latin America through trade and investment

Mobilizing the American economy for World War II created almost 19 million new jobs and

finally ended the Great Depression.

The purpose of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 was to

limit farm production.

The Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) and the Clayton Antitrust Act (1914) were similar in the both were designed to

limit the power of big business and ensure competition within an industry

the magna carta

limited the power of english monarch

how did people escape from the harsh realities of the great depression

listening to the radio, going to the movie theater

In this paragraph, Riis drew attention to the

living conditions of the urban poor

brown vs board of education

made segregation in public schools illegal

In this message, President Wilson described the form of diplomacy he supported, also known as

moral diplomacy

advantages of the north before the civil war

more manufacturing, railroads, bigger population

voting rights act of 1965

motivated many african americans to register as new voters

Supporters of the Neutrality Act of 1937 believed that

neutrality was the best option despite German aggression

What is the main argument of this cartoon?

new U.S. territories had to be educated in ways of self-government

Due to its cold climate in rocky soil, settlers in these colonies supplemented farming with harvesting and fishing

new england colonies

based on the quote in question 43, martin luther king was in jain in birmingham, alabama because of his belife in protesting injustice through the use of

nonviolent civil disobedience

Based on this quotation, Dr. King advocaterd which of the following tactics to achieve his goals

nonviolent resistance

what was the name given to the rapid US troop builup and massive bombing campagn by lyndon johnson on north vietnam

operation rolling thunder

Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer was convinced that he needed to protect the American people from

political radicals

In the eyes of many Americans, which concept did President Jackson symbolize


Inflation and labor unrest led to all of the following Except

prices of agricultural goods and cattle continued to rise after the war

Which of the following was not a product of the Great Awakening and enlightenment

proclamation of monarchies

the Missouri compromise

prohibited slavery above the southern border of Missouri, and allowed main to enter as a free state

Paragraph 1.1. Marriages between Jews and citizens of German or German related blood are forbidden. Marriages which have been performed in spite of this law, even if they have been performed in a foreign country are void.2. The complaint declaring them void can only originate with the District Attorney... The purpose of Paragraph 1 of the law quoted above was to

promote Nazi ideology of isolating Jews from the "Aryan" race

selma alabama

protest march across edmund pettus bridge in 1965 bloody sunday

The most immediate goal of the New Deal programs proposed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was to

provide work for the unemployed

Buying stocks "on margin" refers to the practice of

purchasing stock with only a percentage down instead of the entire amount

Evidence that the United States generally followed a policy of isolationism during the period from 1919-1939 is that the United States

refused to join the League of Nations

Both Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson believed that the role of government in correcting economic inequities (not equal) should be to

regulate big business

This law passed by Congress in 1917 had the effect of

restricting freedom of speech

which situation is immediate result of the United States Civil War

secession was no longer regarded as an option to be exercised by states

which was included in the US Constitution to prevent the situation described in the statement

separation of powers between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches

Hoovervilles were often referred to as


these four students used ____, a form of protest first used by union workers in the 1930's to desegregate restaurants


The 3/5ths compromise resolved the issue of representation relating to


Which two philosophies dominated the thinking of most political and business leaders during the late 19th century in the United States

social Darwinism and laissez-faire

The house in this image, typical of those built by homesteaders adapting to their physical environment of the Great Plains, was made from


The rapid growth of expansion and slavery in the South can be attributed to what invention

the cotton gin

these tensions lasted "thirteen days" over the summer of 1962 between the US and the Soviet Union

the cuban missile crisis

What factor most influenced economic growth in the United States between 1870 and 1920?

the expansion of American world trade markets

which of the following caused investors to engage in panic selling in 1929

the fear of further investment losses in the stock market

Which of the following caused investors to engage in panic selling in 1929?

the fear of further investment losses in the stock market.

Which statement best expresses a view held by President Theodore Roosevelt?

the federal government has a responsibility to conserve natural resources

In the Compromise of 1850, the South demanded the inclusion of ________ to force Northerners to turn in runaway slaves

the fugitive slave law

the events listed above led to

the great depression

manifest destiny

the idea that the nation was meant to spread all the way to the pacific

The Trail of Tears is most closely associated with what act of government

the indian removal act

which great depression phenomenon is steinbeck describing

the migration of farmers as a result of the Dust Bowl

According to the text, where does government get its powers

the people

What did the Roosevelt Corollary add to the Monroe Doctrine?

the power to intervene in the affairs of Latin America and the Caribbean, exercising international police power

how did the election of 1860 lead to the southern states seceding

the republican canidate, abraham lincoln, was elected without winning any southern states

As a result of the New Deal,

the role of the government expanded.

The Anti-Federalists or Democratic-Republicans wanted

the states to have greater rights

Decisions made at the Paris Peace Conference were shaped by

the territorial interests of the Allies and a desire to punish Germany

Admittance into the United States through Ellis Island was largely dependent on

the validity of the immigrant's stateside sponsor

the south seceded from the union bc

they saw lincoln as an abolitionist

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