history first half of new unit

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what does king geroge II say in reponse

"if he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world". King george says this because it would mean that george washington is giving up his power. It shows that GW isn't power hungry and he could walk away from power. this also represents whig odeology

2b = checks and balances

-each branch can check or stop the other branch.

consitution fix of AOC

3 branches of government and not just legislative

first form of government

AOC not constiution since AOC failed

According to Jefferson, have the states been peaceful or chaotic? Support your answer with evidence from the document.

According to Jefferson the states haven't been chaotic other than currently because of Shays Rebellion. Jefferson thought it was normal for the states to be chaotic as in the time of Shays Rebellion , "And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let the people take arms." This shows that the people have been fighting to get what they want. Although, usually the states are peaceful since they haven't had a rebellion for 20 years as the text says,"God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion."

What does the executive branch do?

Enforce (execute) the laws Execute means to carry out or enforce

**Nationalists speak out **Who were members of this group?

GW. madison, hamilton (mainly wealthy elite)

What does separation of powers mean?

Giving each branch of the government separate jobs to do

How does the Congress check on the President

Override the President's veto

What did Shays expose about the American government?

Shays exposed that the state legislatures have become more democrative and in favor of poor people. This would mean that the American government would weaken property rights and vote to take property from the wealthy. congress is too weak-they couldn't tax so they couldn't fix the economic problems of the country. the congress also couldn't fix the problem of a congress having the ability to enforce laws since at any point people could be like well we are rebellioning now and they would be allowed. a strong national/defereal gov is needed and states have to give up power to a binding/unifying entity. but then the founders are worried about a 2nd revolution because they know people are mad and have power to act and the rich are worried about a social revolution

What happened May 1787?

The constitutional convention began

: Restructuring the Legislative Branch:

VA Plan = large state plan. "__bicameral_________ Congress"

The 2 views at the Convention?

abolitionists want it gone(ben franklin). but the south must have it or no constitution"every republic in history had it."(athens, rome, sparta-but no one has had slavery based on race like the sout) 20 percent of USA population is slave and 40 %of south is slave

How does the Supreme Court check on Congress?

can rule laws unconstitutional

What does pardon mean?

cancel out a judgement against an individual Like forgiving a crime

Each branch of government has the power to limit or check the other two. This is an example of:

checks and balances

coin moey


What was Federalist Paper 51 about?

having checks and balances

What was the original purpose of the Constitutional Convention?

revise the Articles of Confederation

south wants

slaves to count as one person in population to determine population -number of reps is determined by population

provide for and suprivise schools


type of govt in constituion(constituion fix)

we are federal system and republican government and we are republic State sovereignty under Constitution? Pwr shared between states & fed govt

**What voices fueled the concerns? 🠝

wealthy elite nationalist think too much power has been given to the states and the ordinary citizens (these ppl aren't strong enough or vitruous enough to handle the power being given to them) so they are worried that these ordinary cizens will make bad decisions and it will result in mobocracy(ruled by a mob) all of the above evidence why it is a bad idea ordinary citizens- why is this bad? not smart or virtuous enough. will make bad decisions...mobocracy

notable figure of convention

(theya are the founding fathers)- washington, madison, hamilton, and franklin. (franklin was oldest member and GW is president of convention

Why did Americans prefer it?

-the 0 means free(no government) and the 10(means order) means that there is total control. -according to the whig ideology you just need enough order to protect people's natural rights and not anymore - it is a sliding scale because sometimes you need more government just like during covid or in times of war -they also wanted the america states to have power because of the war that we just previously fought- states need to be as separate as possible. they wanted their states to have separate power because we just fought against the centralized power.

What is GW and what did he believe

-whig ideology- accoridng to the whigs(just like john locke and all of founding fathers) believed that we don't need a standing army(army at all times) the us has a standing army now adays tho. but whigs thought that having a standing army would be too much power fort he government to have unless you are fighting a war. GW was like no one needs a commander in chief if I wans't going to fight war anymore.

# of votes each state has in Congress for AOC


the great compromise

1 house based on equality-the senate. then each state gets two senators(upper house) lower house(based on...)

when was the AOC adopted


when was AOC approved


problems with 1 vote in AOC

23K GA= 230K MA(but each only get one vote so how is this fair) 68K RI= 680K VA (but each only get one vote so how is this fair) someones vote in RI is worth like 100 times more than someones in virginia wasn't even for votes because even if one state has more people it only have 1 vote

Mechanism 2a +2b are utilized to break up power in the national/federal government...

2a = separation of powers -among the 3 branches(Leg, Exec, Jud) -split power 3 ways

Which of the following is NOT true about Anti-Federalists?


The only real power a vice president has is to:

Break a tie in the Senate

Who was Daniel Shays and what did he do?

Daniel Shays was one of the rebellion leaders of Shays' Rebellion since he was a bankrupt farmer. He was also a former captain in the Continental Army. He joined together with 1,200 farmers in January of 1787 and headed to a state arsenal in order to seize weapons before they headed to Boston. After realizing what was about to be done, the governor sent 4,000 people under the command of General Benjamin Lincoln to defend the arsenal. Although Shays and the other farmers still attacked and the militia who were defending the arsenal fired on the farmers. Four farmers ended up dying and others retreated. Lincoln's troops than arrived and ended the rebellion the next day

Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Do you think he wanted to see America form a strong central government? Why or why not?

I don't think that Thomas Jefferson wanted America to form a strong central government because he wouldn't want to reinstitute the reason why they broke apart from Great Britain in the first place. They only separated from Great Britain because they were holding a strong central government over the colonists so it doesn't make sense to have another central government because then the same oppressive rule could occur.

What is the role of the Judiciary

Interpret the laws

Jefferson thinks the people at the Constitutional Convention are over- reacting to Shays' Rebellion. What does he worry they might do as they write the new Constitution? (Note: this answer is not in the document; you need to think).

Jefferson is worried that the government might take away some of the states powers because it is because of the states that the Americans have been revolting since it is the states laws. If they took away the state power, which could include the decisions of some uneducated people, then there wouldn't be a lot of rebellions since the laws would have to pass through a big government. Therefore, it is less likely for the people to be mad about it. This made him worried because he wanted state governments and he didn't want more power going to the central government.

What does Jefferson mean when he says, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants?"

Jefferson meant that the cost in order to get freedom would be battles and deaths of people. Jefferson felt that it was normal to have rebellions since people wanted to fight for certain things. Although, as a consequence for getting liberty, there was going to be tragedies and wars consisting of people dying.

Which branch creates lower courts (such as a court for traffic fines, divorce, or criminal court)?


THREE mechanisms (or systems) infused in the Constitution to spread power out

Mechanism #1 = federalism -system of rule where power is divided and shared among federal state governments -federal gov has some powers only to itself -state govs have some powers only to themselves -federal gov and state govs share some powers.

Where do we see slavery in the Constitution? Why don't they use the word "slave" or "slavery"?

They say "three fifths of all other persons". They do this because the founders were embarrassed and don't want to right slave.

What was the position of the Federalists?

They supported the new constitution

How does this document challenge or expand the information you read in the textbook?

This document challenges and expands the information I read in the textbook because unlike how most people felt in the textbook and their feeling of needing of a central government so the state governments don't abuse their power, Jefferson felt that rebellions are natural and acceptable to have and the state governments should stay. With the textbook mentioning the conflict of whether there should be big government or a small government, this text further shows that not everyone felt that there should be less state governments.

hays' Rebellion...August 1786 to June 1787 (140-141) The Cause of the Rebellion. How does the story go? How do things go bad?

This started in Massachusetts of 1786. The rebellion started once the government of Massachusetts decided to raise taxes instead of issuing paper money to pay off its debts. After this occurred many people were unable to pay off their debts so some faced the loss of their farms. This is why farmers started to rebel in late August of 1786. These farmers marched to the state supreme court and tried to prevent farm closures. Things started to get bad one Daniel Shay got involved and caused an attack on the arsenal.

To pass any law or money measure, you need ________ of ________ states to vote To make a change to Articles, you need ________ of ________ states to vote for AOC

To pass any law or money measure, you need ____9_____ of ___13______ states to vote To make a change to Articles, you need _____13____ of ____13_____ states to vote

the NJ plan

__uni-cameral__________ Congress

What kind of government was created? How was power shared? AOC

a confederation was created states had the power (power was with the states) the three branches- legislative: makes laws(federal government-congress),Judicial branch; judges laws( court system), executive branch; enforce the laws (powers invested in the president)

AOC type of govt

a confederations and states had power

What was the number one fear the Founding Fathers had when planning our new government?

a tyrannical central government that would destroy people's rights

who bigger wins the 3/5th and why

bigger winner? south What does 3/5ths compromise do to Southern power? it artificially inflates the power of the south. -slaves are counted as a fraction of a person but gets 0 rights so a landowner in south carolina with one slave now counts as 8/5 of a vote versus a landowner in NY who has no slaves counts as 5/5 vote. nj has 220,000 free white ppl. SC has 100,000 free white and 200,000 slaves 3/5ths of 200,000 is 120,000 so it total they have 220,000 people. so NJ's vote counts less

**What issues did the Nationalists bring up in the media?

chase=tyranny, chaos can lead to tyranny other issues -megalomania(people who are designed to greatest).. founding father thought they are meant to do great things but they thought they would be a one-hit wonder"rock band" -1st album is a hit - 2nd album stinks- AOC -3rd album they new they had to get it right so they made the consitiution

unicameral mean

congress is to be one hose

what happeed who wentConstitutional/Philadelphia Convention:

delegates from 12 of the 13 states attended- no rhode island. prayer to start each meeting. they originally just want to fix the AOC, but they end up getting rid of it completely. they don't know if the states will accept what they are doing. this was also held in secret and they made it extremely private.(return to make third album)

What do the men at the Constitutional Convention think about slavery?

didn't want to mention it or everyone might not agree on constitution.

the solution about slaves

each slave counts as 3/5ths of a person for taxes and 3/5ths a person for population. they still had 0 rights.

north wants

each slaved taxed because then more money would be given to the government. slaves to be counted as one person for tax because taxes are money to the federal gov -since slaves are viewed as property they should be taxed as property

unicameral representation and what can congress do where are the changes to the AOC

each state has an equal number of representatives(congress is given more power). one representative per state and an excuctive elected by a national legislater congress can tax and regulate forign and interstate commerce. fed gov=3 branches too. in fed gov vs states tug of war-states would swin. added power to raise revenue and regulate commerce and forighn affairs

Who were the 55 delegates?

fear was 56 mostly wealthy elites and well educated. they are nationialist and believed in republicanism. rich, WAsP men with property), most were lawyers)

post offices


power to tlk to forign leaders


Effects of the Rebellion. What major realizations were now made by all Americans?

he Americans started to get worried and realized that the public could be at risk after experiencing the rebellion and the unstable currency around them. This is why merchants, artisans, and creditors started to argue for a stronger central government and even members of the Confederation Congress wanted the states to fix what they have recently been doing.

**George Washington December 23, 1783 photo

he is turning in his letter of resignation of commander and chief

economic problems of confederation

huge amount of war dept.(but we can't tax, regulate trade, can't protect murchant boats, states print too much money which causes inflation so money valuless, can impose taxes on eachother) there isn't a good federal govt solution available-they can't raise the money, can't regulate trade between states.., cant regulate trade with other countries, can't protect merchant boats the state govs print too much money, tariff/duties/taxes on eachother...NY vs CT and NJ

what now happens with realizing these problems

imporant people (founding fathers) realize we need to change AOC

what legilative branch couldnt do in AOC

it couldn't tax because we just fought the war where people were taxed so they wouldn't tax had to petition states for money(hey NJ can you give us money)(lucky to get ¼) They couldn't regulate trade(couldn't tell ppl where they could trade so was unorganized since states could do whatever they wanted. NJ could make any laws like no one could buy anything in china fro ex) -they couldn't raise an army so had to ask states to form their own militias -federal gov may had to ask states for milias -can't enforce laws on states(its like you can make laws but then can't enforce them then their isn't a point since if their wasn't a penalty for breaking the law than what is the point. -forgeign or interstate commerce(tariffs)

problems with passing laws amt

it makes it impossible to pass laws since no one would be able to agree on these amounts difficult to enact laws and there is no practical way to change powers of govt or the AOC,(the constitution has to be adaptable but we didn't have this under AOC)

Father of the Constitution:

james madison(he pretty much wrote the constitution)_______________

branches left out in AOC and problems with this

judicial and executive branch were left out no executive branch- no one can execute the laws -still a bitter taste of George III - president of congress was like prime minister problems?- no one to enforce laws of congress, depended on states to enforce laws -no effective way to coordinate work of the govt no judicial brand- no one to defend and interpret the laws) no national court or federal system.. only state courts(so if two states are fighting no one could solve it) problems?- can't handle offenses against the central government laws. can't settle disputes between states just no supreme court but still other courts no legislative branch- no pwr= to lay or collect taxes- problem? govt always short on money could not support an army or navy- problem? dependent on state militias no PWR= to regulate interstate or forign trade -problem? economic disputes between states, difficulties arranging trade with other countries.

goal of convention

just want to fix but new constitution is made. this move shocks some of the delegates

Which type of states would like the Virginia Plan of representation based on a state's population?

large states

What is the main job of Congress?

make laws


may-sept 1787

what were the founding fathers

meglomaniacts(thought they were destined to do great things)

Foreign Policy Problems(international)

no respect worldwide- europe is rooting against us (cuz if we fail than they can prove that a monchary is the only sucessful form of govt) we are strugling because GB resticts trade, they assited americans in attacking us, spain closes mississpii river to trade, north african states have pirates attacking enslaving our merchant ships) so not going well but we don't have a way to protect ourselves the republic is struggling europe's actions.. TOO MUCH LIBERTY=CHAOS AND TYRANNY/ AOC caused chaos.

First House of Reps ...what does this mean for slavery?

north states=35 reps south states=30 reps takes 2/3rds representatives are needed to propose an amendment in the house(where they start) -because of this compromise the south can prevent any amendment abolishing slavery cause they have the most ppl.

Goal of the Constitution and the new US Government is to prevent...

overnment structure in the constitution- they prevented tyrannical government with concentrated power(they don;t want concentrated power so they want to spread it out). so the solution is they make government in a constant tug a war over powers and responsibilities. tug of war never has a conclusion or winner.



What issue did the Great Compromise settle?

representation in Congress

Which type of states would like the New Jersey Plan of each state being represented equally?

small states

these founding fathers needed a push to decide what they wanted and to rip up AOC

so shays rebellion is this push.

power to maintain and build roads

state and federal

power to tax

state and federal

congress can...in bicameral

tax and regulate forign and interstate commerce. fed vs states tug of war. VA plan has 3 branches

who likes bicameral

the big states all like it and the small states dislike it (NJ and DE)

What do they do about slavery in the future?

the consitution was ratified without addressing the porblem of slavery: -this causes the problem of slavery to become bigger and it gets worse -decides future generations will be able to deal with the issue of slavery they hope it will eventually die out -not the case and going to have to fight civil war to result slavery

only branch in AOC

the only branch created in the AOC was the legislative branch(the congress).

How did SOUTHERN states want each slave to be counted toward representation?

the same any other person

How does Congress check the Judicial branch?

they can impeach a justice

Duties/Powers of Legislative Branch? in AOC

they create a congress which can conduct wars but can't declare wars. it can conduct forign relations, make laws(kind of cuz they couldn't enforce laws), and borrow money cuz they couldn't tax, could set coin standards(one coin can be 2 dollars...), run postal service.

Which of the following is NOT true of the Federalists?

they disapproved of the new constitution

bicameral congress means How is representation determined for each state?

they propose a bi-cameral congress which means 2 house. congress is made up of the house of representatives and the senate based on population(more ppl= more members of congress0

**What did most Americans think?

they still liked the articles of confederation and they didn't think they these ppl had too much power

Concerns about the Articles of Confederation and the country What realization was made because of problems above?

they thought the states and ordinary citizens had too much power, they thought that ordinary citizens were not smart enough or virtuous enough to handle this power, and they worried that ordinary citizens would make bad decision that would result in mobocracy(ruled by a ,ob).

**What did they want

they wanted a stronger national government

When to abolish transatlantic slave trade?

this is NOT slavery slavery goes away after civil war but the slave trade goes away in 1808. since the slave trade can't be banned until 1808. -the convention worte in the constitution for the debate to be put off for 20 years -only in 20 years will... constiutional convenion argued about the abolish of the TST since south wanted to keep it -the south won the debate by puhshing off the abolisn for 20 years -after this timeppl use the TST illegally the kidnapping of africans that were sold into US slavery -founders assumed the abolishment would cause slavery to die out since they would no longer have the supplu of slaves -this doesn't happent ho and female slaves rre raped and forced to have kids-the abolishment cause slavery to beocome more imporatn


this is when the head of state is represenative of the people. we are in a reuplic, our represenatives have power because we give them power.

What is one way the President checks on the Congress

veto Congress' laws

state dominate

virginia, they have the most population and best prepared delgates and they want slaves to be counted as a whole person so their population increases. they want representation in congress to be based on population so they can have most representation

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