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All of the following were characteristic of the massive social and economic change that took place during the Antebellum Era, except:

(things that were in the antebellum era massive imigration to america americans begin to move westward industrilization)

Which form of feminism believes that society would be better off if traditionally feminine traits, such as kindness and nurturance, were rewarded instead of traditionally masculine traits, such as aggression?

Cultural feminism

Education for girls during the 17th century centered mostly around reading, writing, and the domestic arts. The first schools for girls in the colonies were known as:

Dames Schools

An integral part of preparing to give birth and welcome a new life into the world was to also prepare for:


Which best describes why the right to control the process for distributing food was a powerful position for women?

Distributing food in a fair manner would main equailty and stability in the coummunity

All of the following were goals of the Dawes Act of 1887-1934, except:

Encourage Native American cultures to flourish on a separate but equal basis to American culture

All of the following were results for Native American women of the spread of white culture and government across the west, except:

Establish of a voting rights campaign

When feminists study the difference between men and women in history or literature, they assume:

Gender determines everything, including values and language

Which best expresses the concept of "predestination"?

God already chosen who will be saved. people will know they are saved because they are blessed with good fourtune and prosperity (hardwork= prosperty = sign you are saved)

What demonstrated that women seemed to develop a new sense of purpose as a result of the Revolution and the new responsibilities as patriots and the need to stand in for their husbands at home?

In letters to their husbands, they would refer to the farm as "ours" rather than "yours," signaling that they had begun to embrace the idea that they and their husbands were equal partners in the process of maintaining the family homestead

Some people credit Phillis Wheatley with: =

Inspiring George Washington to allow black men to serve in the Continental Army

Why do some historians believe the commonly understood story of Pocahontas may be inaccurate?

It has only ever been told from the English point of view, since Pocahontas never left written evidence of her own perspective

. She was the first English woman to travel to the American colonies

. Eleanor Dare

Prenuptial pregnancy took a sharp decline due to the new ideals about women's proper behaviors.

. True

Who was Wetamo?

A Wampanoag Indian woman who, as sachem, commanded an army of 300 warriors

Who was Phillis Wheatley?

A slave woman who was the first internationally renowned American poet

According to the author, the history of American women is about the fight for freedom, although not in the sense of women overcoming oppressive male dominance, but rather:

A struggle to straighten out the perpetually mixed message about women's roles that was accepted by almost everybody of both genders

How is the American slave system unique in human history?

Africans were defined as slaves for life slave status were passed on to children by 1700, slavery was based exclisicvely on skin color

Which is not one the questions a Feminist might ask when analyzing the power relationships between men and women in either literature or history?

All are questions that feminist ask (what type of relationship is it: family, romantic, professional, etc.? is the women subservient to the man? Does the man treat the women like an adult? And Are the man & women political & economically equal?)

Which of the following were reasons why the Salem girls would be so concerned about finding out who they would marry that they would turn to Tituba's "little sorceries"?

All of the above ( the ratio of men and women was beging to even out many single man were moving out to the frontier leaving a surplus of single women behind and by the late 17th century, prospective brides no longer enjoyed a seller's market)

Which best describes why women's status began to decline as a result of America's developing consumer culture?

As more and more products became available for purchase, women no longer needed to make them at home, causing some people to see women as not contributing to the family's success through label but rather as sponging off the labor of their husbands

Why did so many colonial women work in fields, even though the English believed that fieldwork on a farm was a man's task?

Because people believed that there wasn't enough material to fill up an entire semester

Why were college professors discouraged from teaching women's history only a few decades ago?

Because people believed that there wasn't enough material to fill up an entire semester

Why did pamphlets aimed at recruiting women to move to the colonies always make a point to claim that American women spent all their time at housework?

Because the goal of most Englishwomen was not to work side by side with her husband in the fields, but to be in charge of her own domestic establishment in the home

Why did events in the South such as communal barn raisings or husking frolics fall out of fashion?

Because they provided one of the only social occasions when neighbors from far away would all come together, the social aspect tended to overshadow the task that was meant to be accomplished

How did Native American divorce laws differ from white American divorce laws?

Native american women were allowed to initiate a divorce and Native American women kept custody of of the children after the divorce

Which is the best definition of the word Misogyny?

Negative attitudes toward women

. Why were women living in New Amsterdam able to maintain a separate civil identity after marriage, buy and sell goods and property, contract debt, and determine who would inherit their property when women elsewhere in the colonies were subject to the restrictions of Femme Covert?

New Amsterdam was originally settled by the Dutch which encouraged women to engage in business

What was the only colony that permitted women to vote after the Revolution?

New Jersey

According to Feminist Theory, in both literature and society, the Western world is described, analyzed, and interpreted from a perspective that is fundamentally:


Which of the "types" of feminism listed below is NOT one of the common types described in the lecture?

Patriarchal feminism

How did Puritans define adultery?

Sex between a married woman and any man other than her husband

Although Anne Hutchinson held her own throughout much of her trial, what sealed her fate?

She began to instruct the judges as she had the audiences in her own home

What was significant about Eliza Lucas Pickney?

She helped revolutionize the Southern agricultural economy by introducing the cash crop indigo

Which form of feminism is most concerned with the current economic and political systems in place and how capitalism serves to continue sexism against women?

Socialist feminism

Which best describes the reality of those women who sold themselves into indentured servitude?

Some women were lucky and married after their contracted time of servitude ended, but a quarter of them died before they were to be set free, and many had to deal with physical abuse, rape, and unwanted pregnancy

What did Virginia frontier women do to participate in Bacon's Rebellion?

Spread the word about Bacon's victories and about the governor's unwillingness to defend colonial households from the murderous Indians

What did they call the illness that struck the New England colony and killed almost all of the women who came over on the Mayflower?

The General Sickness

The author uses the examples of the Viking women, Gudris and Freydis, to illustrate:

The common pattern of history for American women in that it is comprised of women who did great things from within the context of the traditional expectations of their gender, as wells as those who stepped outside their appointed roles

What happened to the settlers at the Roanoke colony

They disappeared without a trace, and to this day, no one knows for sure what happened to them

How did women of America's new wealthy leisure class show their status and compete with one another to appear to conform to the new ideals of the submissive, chaste, not very intelligent woman?

They embraced fashion that became increasingly outlandish and made it impossible to do any sort of physical labor

Which of the following constituted the two mixed messages that women were receiving in the 18th century regarding their place in society?

They prepared for married life by spending their youth in leisure that was supposed to be so refined as to leave them almost immobile They were expected to become wives so they could perform an enormous number of tasks so skillfully that their husbands never noticed that they were busy

The story of nine year old Susan Boudinot illustrates what?

Though the ideal for women was to be submissive, once the Revolution was afoot, women were praised for their defiance and assertiveness if it was against Britain

Why was southern white womanhood supposed to be submissive, as well as frail and chaste?

To create a distinct contrast between them and black women who were seen as sturdy and sexually promiscuous

Why did Pennsylvania eventually give women who were left in charge of their husband's businesses the right to establish credit in their own name and sign contracts?

To protect their creditors in case traveling husbands abandoned them

Why was Anne Hutchinson's religious philosophy so attractive to Puritan men and women?

To the gloomy Puritan community obsessed with sin and perpetually worried that they may not turn out to be among those predestined for salvation, the idea of a personal, joyous relationship with God must have given them hope

. In an attempt to lure women to the colonies, some recruiters began to offer free passage to the New World and trousseaus to women of good reputation, and in return the men they married in the colonies would pay the recruiters 120 pounds of good tobacco. These women were commonly known as:

Tobacco Brides

How did Tituba save her own life?

Told her questioners what she thought they wanted to hear, which was a confession

In many Native American communities Mothers, rather than Fathers, were considered the heads of families.


What 1662 Virginia law was the first law that really ushered in what would become America's harsh slave system for the next 200 years?

White masters were given free rein to molest their female slaves and children of slave women were automatically slaves no matter who their father was

In general, those who lived in Village were __________ those who lived in Salem Town.


Which best describes why the women's work in the home was actually harder than the work men did out in the fields?

all of these

How were Quakers different from Puritans in terms of women's roles?

all of these Quaker woman could rise in the community under her own power if she developed a reputation of saintliness and good sense in meetings . Quakers gave women an active role in church affairs In some cases Quaker women were even allowed leadership positions in the church

All of the following are ways in which the Cult of True Womanhood empowered women, except:

barred from medicine law and ministry

The Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions in England during the 17th century led to:

boom in population and competion for land food jobs

According to John Winthrop, why did the Puritans come to the New World?

create a christian utopian society

What was particularly significant about the Edenton Tea Party?

did not hide their identies 51 women signed penelope baker = decleration of independence

119. Thomas Jefferson was a strong advocate of women's rights.


Because women often outlived their husbands, and because they often remarried, it was impossible for them to move up in the world in terms of social and economic status through serial marriage


Most women's advice books in the 17th century focused on providing tips for the proper raising of children as that was seen as the woman's most important duty.


The Cult of True Womanhood, and the expectations it established, was completely valid for working class, immigrant, and slave women because their daily lives created the conditions by which they could easily fulfill the social ideals of women that it demanded.


The Puritans believed that "Saints" did not need to show charity toward the less fortunate, because they were already saved.


Women were encouraged by men to speak in public at conventions and rallies for the various Antebellum Reform Movements.


Why was Anne Hutchinson put on trial and exiled from her community?

had superior knowledge of scripture than her clergy claimed direct communication with holy spirit banished to Rhode Island

By the 1840s, the Antebellum Women's Movement had emerged as a result of:

increased education between gives women ability to articuliate problem inconsistency between alleged superioty

The ability to accuse someone of a crime, without having to provide proof, gave the accusers a taste of something they probably had never known before. What was it?


All of the following are rights Matrons has except:

kill the male representive if he did not adhere to her wishes

How did Anne Hutchinson's actions, in stepping beyond the bounds or acceptable behavior women during her time, backfire for women in the end?

led to greater social restrictions for women

She was well known for opening up her home for use as a hospital and lending her medical expertise to helping the wounded soldiers.

margaret hills morris

What was the tradition of Femme Covert?

married women

Which best describes the Doctrine of Separate Spheres?

men and women live in separate but complimentery spheres

The emergence of the Separate Sphere Ideology can best be described as:

men=aggressive rough suited for impersonal competive business professions women= gentle emotional sensitve suited for home child care nurturing

The single most important result of the American Revolution for women was:

more women begin to engage in traditionally male occupation

As women began losing their status as household producers, they were gaining respect as:


According to the text, what type of revolution was America experiencing in the late 17th century?


the Second Great Awakening was a:


In what way did the English colonies differ from the French and Spanish colonies in the New World?

religious: purer form of worship economic: escape poverty or the threat of life a long poverty personal: to escape bad marriages or jail terms

When Lydia Wardell was brought to trial for failing to attend Sunday church services, what did she do?

showed up in the nude saying she did so to get their attention so she could point out the error of their ways

How did the new social and economic changes of the Antebellum Era effect slave women?

slave women forced into the fileds / more manual labor more seperation of slave families huge demand for southern cotton upper south had stagnated economy = sale slaves to lower south

she became famous for riding through Connecticut to mobilize the minutemen who not only stopped the British advance, but also forced them to retreat.

sybil ludington

. How did the new social and economic changes of the Antebellum Era effect middle class women?

the home becomes woman domain and men beging to leave home to work

The "Antebellum Era" refers to:

the time in between the american revoultion and the civil war

Why did married women have less freedom than unmarried women in the colonies?

they could own property / engage in business

Which best explains why the Puritans placed so much value on hard work?

to become a saint

Which best describes why the author relates the story of Louisa Adams?

to demonstrate the duality of the female experience in American history

. Anne Bradstreet, although proud of the success of her poetry, was well aware that many people would dislike her for it.


. The dissolution of the normal boundaries between women's work and men's allowed some women to operate with an independence the nation would never really see again until the twentieth century.


According to the author, the history of American women is marked by a pattern of suspending the rules of sexual decorum when emergency arose.


Most of the single women who came to the southern colonies did so voluntarily by selling themselves into indentured servitude.


Some of the first female colonists came to the New World because they were kidnapped from England sold into indentured servitude in the colonies.


Unlike the southern colonists, the Puritans never allowed things to become so disorderly that the normal lines of male dominance got blurred.


What was the purpose of the Femme Sole Trader Act?

unmaried women diorced etc. can own property / engage in business

What was a Femme Sole?

unmarried women

Most of the accusers were:

were from the west side servants accusation 1/2 lost parents to Indian conflict

What types of women tended to be accused of witchcraft?

women who inhert property and usually unfeminine assertive women

How did the new social and economic changes of the Antebellum Era effect working class women?

women work in factories

This signaled an important shift in the thinking of women during the Revolution:

your farm ='"our farm"

When comparing a definition of feminism in general to specific types of feminism, which type of feminism most closely aligns and is the most common form seen in modern society?

Liberal feminism

She brought water to the men of the Continental Army during the Battle of Fort Washington and stepped in for her slain husband, sustained a wound that caused her to lose the use of one arm, was awarded a pension, and was eventually buried in the cemetery at West Point.

Margaret Corbin

Inheriting or determining descent through the female line.


Why is it not surprising that when women in New England attempted to assert themselves, they did it through theology?

Church was everything -- the organizing principle around which government, community, and individual households revolved

Despite what Disney would like us to believe, Pocahontas eventually married John Rolfe (not John Smith) in order to:

Cement peace between the Jamestown colonists and Powhatan's confederacy

People in the South referred to their slavery dominated culture as:

The Peculiar Institution

Which of the definitions below is an appropriate description of feminism, in general?

The belief that man and women deserve equality in all opportunities, treatment, respect, and social rights

Which best characterizes the circumstances of Bacon's Rebellion in 1676?

The wealthy members of Virginia society had gained control of most of the resources and politics in the colony, and hose poorer colonists located on the Virginia frontier were angry that their concerns were rarely taken seriously by those in power

Who were the "white aprons"?

The wives of some of the most prominent and powerful men in the Virginia colony who were kidnapped by Bacon's troops and used as human shields to keep the government forces from invading Bacon's fortress

How did the work women did in their own homes actually become an unofficial, yet vital, part of the survival of the entire community?

They community of women was both an informal barter economy and a network of mutual assistance

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