History Quarterly #1

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What is the definition of the crusade in this text?

An ultimate battle of religions.

Which word in the passage does the author use to describe Europe of a place of lawlessness?


Describe the incorporations of Renaissance art techniques in the painting on the quarterly.

Colored with oil paints, has depth, a point of view, has arches, tone is set.

Why would architects choose to honor this god?

Architects would choose to honor this god because they wanted to thank her for their success against the Persian Empire.

How does Aristotle's belief in human reason contrast with the ancient Greek religious values?

Aristotle's belief in human reason contrasts with ancient Greek religious values because he is stating that human reasoning is superior to any other, and describing it as god-like. Religious values for Greeks include putting the Gods above themselves, not saying humans are superior or equal to them in any way.

The Parthenon in Greece was built to honor who?


"...Your brethren who live in the East are in urgent need of your help... For, as most of you have heard, the Turks and Arabs have attacked them and have conquered the territory of Romania... They have occupied more and more of the lands of those Christians... They have killed and captured many, and have destroyed the churches and devastated the Empire... All who die by the way, whether by land or sea, or in battle against the pagans, shall have immediate remission of sins." How does this call for crusade demonstrate the power of the Pope and church?

Even through all the chaos, the Church will forgive sinners.

How does he feel about priests, church, and religious order? Why?

He feels that they are all immoral and are becoming unholy. They are focused more on money than anything, rather than education and philosophy, two things being achieved by people outside of the Church.

Who was Aristotle, and what did he believe about human nature?

He was a Greek philosopher, and he believed the human reasoning was superior to any other.

What happened to the Eastern Roman Empire after the fall of the Western Roman Empire?

It became the Byzantine.

What modern European countries make up what was the Western Roman Empire?

Italy, Spain, and France.

How have specific features of this building influenced Western civilization?

Its style represents perfection, so it inspired artists to be perfect... The fact that there are no absolute straight lines gave it an organic character for such a geometric looking building.

Pope Urban II called for a crusade against which religion?


Does the passage portray Europe as economically stable? What words or phrases prove this?

No, Europe is not economically stable at this time, and this is portrayed through phrases and words such as unceasing terror, ravaged fields, anarchy, and the fact that there is no longer any trade or government.

What was the cause of the fall of the Roman Empire?

Over-expansion, also because Christianity was being introduced...

What could be gained from undertaking a crusade?

Religion: Pride in it Government: Gain more land

Who was Socrates, and what was he suggesting in this quote?: "The unexamined life is not worth living."

Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher, and in this quote he was suggesting that a life without reflections of the past or knowing why you think and act the way you do is not a life worth living, since you never grow or improve as a person.

Antigone: for me, it was not Zeus who made that order. Nor do I think your orders were so strong that you, a mortal man, could overrun the gods' unwritten and unfailing laws..... I know I must die.... But if I left my brother dead and unburied, I'd have cause to grieve as now I grieve not. This passage shows the values such as family and religion. "Named the 'New Wisdom', Rome's brutal use of military power served as a warning to potential foes. Roman generals were not pressed to win quick, brilliant victories, but to defeat the enemy through patient, deliberate preparation, and decisive force. Ideally, the enemy would be so awed by Roman forces that it would never dare oppose them. Indeed, the next addition to Rome's holdings came by inheritance when, in 133 BCE, the king Pergamum in Asia Minor bequeathed this kingdom to Rome at his death." What Greek city-state is this referring to?

Sparta because of the passion of war and a good army that is portrayed.

How are the values presented in this document going to help and hurt the empire?

Strength, future planning, and using fear as a weapon are the values presented. The values shown will help the empire because with elaborate planning, the empire will always be prepared for what is coming their way. They will also make sure their army is always ready for battle. This could hurt the empire because if they always use fear and long- term plans to lead to victory, they will just end up making more enemies. Also, this could lead to enemies being able to find out their strategies and/or invading them instead because they didn't move quick enough.

"The world is waking out of a long deep sleep. The old ignorance is still defended. Time was when learning was only found in the religious orders. The religious orders nowadays care only for money and sensuality, while learning has passed to secular princes and peers and courtiers. Where in school or monastery will you find so many distinguished and accomplished men as form your English court? Shame on us all! The tables of priests and divines run with wine and Echo with drunken noise and scurrilous jest, while in princes' halls is heard only grave and modest conversation on points of moral or knowledge..." What change is coming?

The Churches are becoming more corrupt and greedy, and other non-religious organizations are becoming more educated in things other than religious beliefs.

"In the Middle Ages both sides of human consciousness lay dreaming or half awake beneath a common veil. The veil was woven of faith, illusion, and childish pre possession... man was conscious of himself only as member of a race, people, party , family, or corporation- only through some general category. In Italy this veil first melted into air...; man became a spiritual individual, and recognized himself as such. In the same way Greek had once distinguished himself from barbarian... when this impulse to be highest individual development was combined with a powerful and varied nature... Then arose the all sided man... in Italy all the time of the Renaissance we find artists who in every branch created new perfect works, and who also made a great impression ." What metaphor does Burchhart use to show ignorance and lack of knowledge during the Middle Ages?


"The barbarians have broken through the ramparts. The Saracen invasions have spread in successive waves over the South. The Hungarians swarm over the Eastern provinces... they sacked town and village, and laid waste the fields. They burned down the churches and then departed with a crowd of captives... There is no longer any trade, only unceasing terror... The peasant has abandoned his ravaged fields to avoid the violence of anarchy. The people have gone to cower in the depths of the forests or in inaccessible regions, or have taken refuge in the high mountains... Society has no longer any government." According to this, what were the conditions of Europe?

Very bad!

According to historian Jacob Burchhart, was there a difference between the people of the Middle Ages and people of the Renaissance?

Yes, the people of the Renaissance were described as artists who made great impressions, unlike the people of the middle ages who were uneducated and living like animals.

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