History Test Flashcards Chapter 8

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Which of the following was most clearly NOT a consequence of the Second World War? a The independence of Brazil b The independence of Indonesia c The nuclear standoff between the Soviet Union and the United States d The democratic constitution of Japan e The division of Berlin


with regards to passage about Bobby Sands, who died in a prison hunger strike in Belfast in 1981) What organization was the author most likely affiliated with? A - Ulster Defense Association B - Basque Homeland and Freedom (ETA) C - Irish Republican Army (IRA) D - Royal Irish Constabulary Special Reserve


After which event did the United States and the Soviet Union emerge as superpowers with respect to the rest of the world? a The United States Civil War b The promulgation of the Monroe Doctrine c The First World War d The Second World War


Excerpt by president of Soviet Turkmenistan's Academy Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage? a The need to suppress armed resistance to Soviet rule in Central Asia b The mass migration of Turkmens and other Central Asians to Soviet Russia c Soviet embrace of economic liberalization and free-market principles d Pressure resulting from the need to keep peace with Western economic development during the Cold War


(with regards to passage about Bobby Sands, who died in a prison hunger strike in Belfast in 1981) Was the conflict in Northern Ireland ever resolved? A - A cease fire was reached, and the IRA renounced violence B - The British withdrew from Northern Ireland C - The violence continues but less intensely D - A wall was built between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic


Bunch of silly cartoons Which of the following developments in the late twentieth century best explains why the type of power that Soviet leaders wished to highlight through the public event shown in Image 1 diminished? a The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was an expensive failure that helped prevent the Soviet military from closing growing technological gaps with the United States military. b Soviet suppression of uprisings in Eastern Europe weakened moral within the Soviet military. c Soviet conflicts with communist China led to the loss of substantial territories in the east and signaled the end of Soviet Leadership of the communist world d The USSR lost tens of thousands of troops during proxy conflicts in Africa and Latin America.


Excerpt from Kwame Nkrumah about how independent states of Africa can't do much for their people, but together they could. The speech above by Nkrumah is best understood in the context of which of the following? a Twentieth-century transnational movements attempting to unite people across national boundaries b Competition between Cold War powers to influence the development of newly independent states C African and Latin American ant-colonial movements motivated by Enlightenment ideology d International economic institutions attempting to spread free market economics in the developing world


Excerpt from Robin Cook about how an Indian dish is now a British dish as well The development of the British cuisine described in the excerpted speech above is best seen as an example of which of the following? a The effects of migration by former colonial subjects to imperial metropoles b The spread of culture through new communication technology c The global spread of Western popular and consumer culture d The resistance to immigration by nativist groups


Excerpt on Western economics The author's point of view regarding the West was likely influenced by which of the following developments at the time he was writing? a the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the end of the Cold War b the growing strength of environmental protest movements c the outbreaks of ethnic violence in Africa and Eastern Europe d the spread of the liberation theology movement in Catholic Latin American states


In 1949, NATO was established so that Western leaders could counter a the perceived threat that the Soviet Union and its allies would spread communism b Free-market advocates in the United States and Great Britain c the decolonization of Africa and nationalization of Western industry there d the growing power of developing countries in the United Nations


Map of the US and Allies, the USSR and Allies, and proxy conflicts Which of the following likely explains the political positions of most of the nonaligned Asian and African states shown on the map? a As former colonial territories, they were wary of being dominated by another foreign power. b as former large empires, they admired the territorial ambitions of the United States and the Soviet Union. c As states that had populations with deeply traditional values, they were uninterested in ideological debates between capitalists and communists. d as states with extensive natural resources, they wanted to grant free-trade privileges to all nations.


Of the following, which represents a challenge to superpower domination by a smaller nation during the Cold War? a Prague Spring b Helsinki Accords c Brezhnev Doctrine d Marshall Plan


Quote by Li Zhisui about how the workers lied to Mao Zedong to make him think that China was flourishing, when in fact in was in poverty. Which of the following best explains how the historical situation in which Li Zhisui wrote his biography of Mao Zedong influenced Li's assessment of the experience of the Great Leap Forward? a Writing in the United States years after the events he described, Li Zhisui is free to offer his honest opinion, without fear of retaliation from the Chinese government. b Writing a biography of his former national leader, Li Zhisui is trying to portray Mao's policies from a loyal and sympathetic point of view. c Writing in the 1990s in the context of a deindustrializing United States economy, Li Zhisui is skeptical of the value of China becoming an industrial nation under Mao's rule. d Writing many years after the events he describes, Li Zhisui likely misremembers many of the actual details of the experience of Chinese industrialization under Mao's rule.


The author's opinion in the third paragraph regarding the caution that the United States was employing in Supporting African independence movements is most directly explained in the context of which of the following developments in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War? a The United States had vastly more economic and military power than its European allies. b The United States and the Soviet Union preferred to engage in proxy wars rather than in direct conflict. c The United States used its influence in international organizations to rally support for its policies in Third World nations. d The United States used its intelligence agencies to overthrow regimes in Third World nations.


The founding North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is best understood in the context of which of the following? a The Cold War b The growth of a globalized economy c The establishment of the Nonaligned Movement D The post-Second World War population boom


Western-led military alliance systems such as NATO that emerged during the Cold War period sought to a prevent the spread of communism b encourage a foreign policy independent of the United States and the Soviet Union c create democratic governments worldwide d share nuclear technology with nonaligned nations


Which of the following statements about Africa after 1946 is true? a Most African colonies gained national independence. b The Organization of African Unity resolved the issues that most African states found divisive c Most African countries joined either NATO or the Warsaw Pact. d There was little postcolonial conflict in newly independent states.


Which of the following was a common characteristic of the major revolutions that occurred in Russia, China, and Mexico in the early twentieth century? a Nationalism and socialism helped shape all three revolutions. b Foreign powers played an important role in each revolution's initial success. c The upper class of each society led the movement that resulted in revolution. d Each revolution failed after a short period of violent civil war.


big interview about the UN decision on the rapid withdrawal of Belgian troops, and how the Congo likes the USSR more that the US. Which of the following explains the most significant difference between the circumstances of military competition between Western nations and the Soviet Union in developing regions such as Africa and the circumstances of military competition between Western nations and the Soviet Union in Europe in the late twentieth century? a Unlike in Africa, military competition between Western nations and the Soviet Union in Europe involved the establishment of rival military blocs. b Unlike in Europe, military competition between Western nations and the Soviet Union in Africa involved covert military actions by rival intelligence agencies. c Unlike in Europe, military competition between Western nations and the Soviet Union in Africa involved the establishment of puppet regimes. d Unlike in Africa, military competition between Western nation and the Soviet Union in Europe involved using political propaganda to weaken states.


2 excepts about Muslims in India making the Muslim League During the negotiations to end British rule in India in the aftermath of the Second World War, British actions were ultimately most strongly influenced by which of the following arguments? a The argument in Source 1 that, for the British, "the concept of party government and parliamentary rule has become the ideal ... for every country" b The argument in Source 1 that "to yoke together two such nations under a "single state" would lead to "destruction" c The argument in Source 2 that "religious and cultural differences should not interfere with [Indians'] shared association with our homeland." d The argument in Source 2 that "the [Indian National] Congress ... has made provisions for the protection of all religions, cultures, and languages in a future Indian state"


Big paragraph by George F. Kennon Which of the following best explains the purpose of the arguments expressed in the passage? a To influence Soviet government officials to adopt economic policies that would harm the Soviet Union b To influence United States government officials to adopt policies designed to avoid a major war. c To convince world leaders to unite in order to stop the evils of communism d To convince Soviet citizens that the United States meant the no harm in the hopes of creating a sustainable peace.


Excerpt about the Camp David Accords According to the above passage, what basic element is required for peace in the Middle East? a more natural resources b Secure borders c economic cooperation d territorial fluidity


Has stuff about Ghana conference. The conference's decision to "endorse other methods," as mentioned in the second paragraph, is best explained in the context of which of the following? a The growth of the international arms trade provided armed groups in Africa with military superiority over European powers. b Many African colonies had failed to obtain the greater self-governance promised after the First World War and doubted that European powers would fulfill similar promises after the Second World War. c Many African societies had been strongly influenced by European methods of administration, economic and political philosophy, and culture. d The Non-Aligned Movement was attractive to many African societies that opposed both European policies in Africa and the development of a bipolar global order.


Long excerpt and interview of the Shining Path in Peru Which of the following would likely explain Gonzalo's theoretical discussion of the idea that "the party is not a mass party, though it has a mass character" during his answer to the first question? a His intended audience was indigenous peoples in impoverished areas of Peru who fought for the Shining Path movement. b His intended audience was leftist intellectuals in Latin America and other regions who sympathized with communist ideology. c His intended audience was liberal intellectuals in Latin American governments who knew little about the differences between Leninist and Maoist ideologies. d His intended audience was criminal organizations in Peru that had agreed to help the Shining Path movement.


Map of the US and its Allies, the USSR and its Allies, and proxy conflicts Which of the following best explains why the United States and the Soviet Union preferred to engage in the type of conflicts shown on the map? a To maintain control over their former colonial states through puppet governments b To avoid direct military confrontations that could lead to nuclear war c To obtain new military technology before a direct confrontation d To acquire natural resources by forcing states to favor United States or Soviet companies


The partition of British India in 1947 created the new Muslim states of Pakistan and the predominantly Hindu states of India. The immediate result of the drawing of new geographic boundaries was a a lasting nuclear nonproliferation pact between the newly created states b religious and ethnic violence that led to mass migrations and deaths of hundreds of thousands. c a peaceful transition to independence along the lines that Mohandas Gandhi, the nationalist and advocate of nonviolence, had envisioned d The peaceful annexation of Kashmir, a predominantly Muslim state, by Pakistan


The relocation of Hindus and Sikhs from Pakistan to India and Muslims from India to Pakistan between 1945 and 1955 reflects which of the following world historical processes? a The migration of former colonial subjects to imperial metropoles b Population resettlement caused by redrawing former colonial borders c The development of ethnic enclaves as these migrants moved for work d The seasonal migration patterns associated with temporary work


Which of the following was a significant effect of Western imperialism in the twentieth century? a The decline of migrations to industrialized countries b The development of nationalism among colonized peoples c The conservation of the environment in colonized areas d The systematic deterioration in public health conditions


Which of the following was the most significant factor that prevented many African states from achieving political stability in the decades after their independence? a Continued military intervention by former colonizing powers b Ethnic and religious conflicts caused by the inclusion of rival groups within the same borders c Lack of exploitable natural resources d Frequent attempts by the larger states to conquer their smaller neighbors


big interview about the UN decision on the rapid withdrawal of Belgian troops, and how the Congo likes the USSR more that the US. Which of the following most likely explains the Soviet Union's motivation for being involved in the Congo as described in the passage? a It wanted to establish its own colonies to extract natural resources for its industrial factories. b It wanted to take advantage of a regional conflict to expand its military power and ideological influence. c It wanted to expand its economic power by establishing free-trade agreements with dependent states. d It wanted to promote greater stability in Third World Countries by ending regional conflicts.


quote by Merry Wiesner-Hanks about total war no longer being an option during the Cold War Which of the following occurrences during the Cold War best supports the main contention of the passage above? a Both the United States and the Soviet Union actively sought ways to neutralize each other's nuclear missiles. b Both the United States and the Soviet Union armed and supported rival countries and factions in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. C A large movement protesting the nuclear arms buildup developed in Western Europe and the United States. d Several nonaligned countries sought to obtain nuclear weapons technology.


2 excepts about Muslims in India making the Muslim League In the second half of the twentieth century, the kind of tensions illustrated by the two sources would most directly lead to the emergence of which of the following in postcolonial Asian and African states? a Communist movements b Popular movements advocating the restoration of colonial rule c Movements advocating for regional autonomy d Famines and epidemics


All of the following were policies pursued by both the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War EXCEPT a reliance on military alliances for national security b promotion of proxy wars in other states c centralized planning of the national economy d development of massive nuclear arsenals


Bunch of silly cartoons The inclusion of the trucks in Image 2 best helps explain which of the following developments in the Soviet Union in the late twentieth century? a the recent collectivization of agriculture weakened the ability of Soviet farmers to compete with Western agricultural businesses. b Although free-market reforms made the Soviet economy more efficient, climate change led to famines and crop failures. c Despite the introduction of free-market reforms under the perestroika program, the USSR's economy continued to deteriorate. d the increasing role of multinational corporations in the Soviet economy led to protests about growing economic inequality


Excerpt about Declaration of Independence of Viet Nam. Talks about how all men should be born free. The quotation above by Gamel Abdel Nasser (in power 1952-1970) was most influenced by a Soviet communism b Islamic thought c Nationalism d International laws


Excerpt about the Camp David Accords Which was the intended consequence of the Camp David Accords? a an election defeat for Menachem Begin b An alliance between Egypt and Iran c A peace agreement between Israel and Egypt d An invasion of Gaza by the PLO


Excerpt about the Camp David Accords Who rejected the proposed peace treaty? a Anwar Sadat of Egypt b Menachem Begin of Israel c Yasser Arafat of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) d US President Jimmy Carter


Graph of Nuclear Weapons Stockpiles, 1945 to 2015. The data in the chart best supports which of the following claims? a The Soviet Union was primarily responsible for the escalation of the arms race in the 1950s and the 1960s. b The Soviet Union and the United States usually had about the same number of nuclear weapons. c The Soviet Union was behind in stockpiling weapons until about 1980, when it overtook the United States in the number of weapons. d The Soviet Union conceded defeat in the arms race when the United States had a large enough lead in the number of weapons.


Graph of Nuclear Weapons Stockpiles, 1945 to 2015. Who predicted that increases in weapons stockpiles in the Soviet Union and the United States would have significant political and economic consequences? a President Franklin Roosevelt at the Yalta Conference b Several leader of anti-colonial movements after WWII c President Dwight Eisenhower, who described a military-industrial complex d President Harry Truman, who insisted on free elections or Eastern European Countries


How did the author of the above passage view himself? A - as a terrorist B - as a nonviolent protestor C - as a victim of terrorism D - as a political theorist


Long excerpt and interview of the Shining Path in Peru Which of the following explains the most likely purpose of Gonzalo's answer to the second question in the interview? a to call for the prosecution of those responsible for mass violence in Peru b To challenge the continued political influence of Western states in Latin America d To appeal to politicians in Latin American states to adopt reforms to their respective political institutions


Has stuff about Ghana conference. The conference as described in the first and second paragraphs is best explained in the context of which of the following developments in the aftermath of the Second World War? a The development of regional free-trade agreements b The intesification of ethnic rivalries in Africa c The spread of industrial methods of production d The dissolution of European empires


Quote by Li Zhisui about how the workers lied to Mao Zedong to make him think that China was flourishing, when in fact in was in poverty. Li Zhisui's description of the actions of the local party secretaries in the third paragraph is significant because it can be most directly used to explain the ways in which individuals within communist China reacted to the government's a use of propaganda that advocated for spreading communist revolution in Western societies b implementation of cultural policies that attempted to suppress the practice of religion c use of physical violence against anyone seen as not fulfilling the mandates of the central Chinese leadership d glorification of peasant military contributions and suffering during the war with Japan


Quote by Li Zhisui about how the workers lied to Mao Zedong to make him think that China was flourishing, when in fact in was in poverty. Which of the following best explains the significance of Li Zhisui presenting two contrastion views of the success of Mao's industrialization policy in the second and third paragraphs? a By doing so, Li Zhisui is trying to show that Mao's approach of copying Wstern methods of industrial production was finally proved to be a failure. b By doing so, Li Zhisui is trying to convince his audience that adopting Chinese agricultural methods was the only way to end the food shortages plaguing Third World Countries. c By doing so, Li Zhisui is trying to illustrate the discrepancy between the reality of the resource redistribution policy and the facade communist created for propaganda purposes. d By doing so, Li Zhisui is trying to reject the Maoist argument that peasants can be used as substitutes for industrial workers in trying to increase a county's economic output.


The Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union during the second half of the twentieth century was characterized by competition primarily over a religion and culture b the distribution of natural resources c ideology and economic structure d control of key trade routes


Which of the following was a significant long-term cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union during the late twentieth century? a geopolitical rivalry between the Soviet Union and communist China b the dismantling of the Berlin Wall and the end of restriction on emigrating from communist countries c the cost of the arms race between the Soviet Union and the United States d the establishment of the Non-Aligned Movement


Which of the following was the most immediate effect of the collapse of the communist regime in the Soviet Union? a US involvement in wary in Iraq and Afghanistan b the Chinese communist government's institution of market-reform policies c the end of the Cold War d The expansion of the European Union to include countries in Eastern Europe


Big paragraph by George F. Kennon The recommendation provided in the second paragraph is best explained in the context of which of the following historical situation in the aftermath of the Second World War. a The emergence of fascist states engaged in territorial expansion in Asia and Africa c The Creation of secret competing alliance systems by European powers d The attempts by Soviet officials to establish ideological ties with newly independent states


Big paragraph by George F. Kennon Which of the following best explains how the historical circumstances of Kennan's service as a diplomat in the Soviet Union influenced his point of view regarding the "Soviet structure of power" in the first paragraph? a He witnessed how the Soviet Union used its industrial capabilities to produce vastly more quantities of war equipment than Germany could produce. b He witnessed how German atrocities had turned ethnic groups within the Soviet Union who had initially opposed Stalin against the Nazis. c He witnessed how the Soviet Union's defeat of Nazi Germany allowed it to decide the fate of states in Eastern Europe that it occupied. d He witnessed how conflict between Germany and the Soviet Union allowed Stalin to further centralize his power and use Russian nationalism to mobilize the population.


Bunch of silly cartoons The depiction of the Soviet Union in the images is best explained as illustrating which of the following developments in late-twentieth-century communist states? a increasing instances of using force to quell political protests b rising ethnic nationalism c increasing political instability because of military coups d rising public discontent


China's strategy for modernization and economic development in the 1950s most closely resembled the developmental strategy of a India b Japan c Britain d Soviet Union e United States


Graph of Nuclear Weapons Stockpiles, 1945 to 2015. Which accurately describes an effect of the changes shown in the table? a Both countries saw little change in their leadership as a result of the increase in the number of nuclear weapons during this period. b People around the world supported the buildup of nuclear weapons and agreed it was the best way to ensure peace. c The stockpiling of nuclear weapons actually strengthened the economies of both the United States and the Soviet Union d The arms race was distressing to many around the world, leading to protests against the stockpiling of nuclear weapons


In China between 1958 and 1962, Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward, an effort to make China an industrial power through mass collectivization of agriculture, is best understood as an example of a an attempt by China to win favor with policy makers in the United States b a free-market policy designed to position China as a major power in a globalizing economy c Market communism in which the state increasingly cedes control to businesses run by Communist Party associates d a communist government exerting control over the national economy


In order to achieve victory in China and Vietnam, Asian communists such as Mao Zedong and Ho Chi Minh did which of the following? a Relied on the leadership of educated urban elites and factory workers. b Retained key elements of Confucianism while deposing the traditional elites c Gained the support of fascists in the Second World War to defeat local enemies. d Adapted their revolutionary theories to reflect the major concerns of the peasants.


In the mid-twentieth century, which of the following was a similarity between the approaches of China and the Soviet Union in Managing their respective economies? a Insistence on the participation of industrial workers in planning their economies b Recognition of the independence of satellite states in developing their economies c Building popular support for their regimes by slowing the pace of industrialization d Direct intervention in their economies to speed the process of industrialization


Long excerpt and interview of the Shining Path in Peru The views expressed by Chairman Gonzalo in the passage are best explained in the context of which of the following historical circumstances of the late twentieth century? a The expansion of the military-industrial complex in Latin American states b The rise of movements that challenged colonial rule in Latin America c The rise of separatist movements that demanded regional autonomy d The intensification of political conflicts between state and non-state entities


Mao Zedong and Mohandas Gandhi both appealed to which of the following as a base of support? a Warlords, wealthy landowners, and merchants b Westernized elites c Traditional rulers d Peasants e Urban factory workers


Nationalist leaders in Africa and Asia, such as Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969) and Kwame Nkrumah (1909-1972), had which of the following in common? a Defense of capitalism b Support for fee-trade systems c Rejection of violent revolution d Opposition to colonial rule


The map above (of India and Pakistan) shows the territorial arrangements in South Asia that resulted from a Akbar's expansion of the Mughal Empire b rival Arab trading empires c Dutch and Portuguese colonies d partition at the time of decolonization e treaties with Russia and China


Which of the following was a major similarity between the goals of leaders of the Chinese Communist Revolution, such as Mao Zedong, and the goals of leaders of the Mexican Revolution, such as Emiliano Zapata, in the early twentieth century? a Advocacy of a global workers' revolution b Active encouragement for integration into the global economy c Concern primarily with improving conditions for urban factory workers d Support for redistribution of land to poor peasants


Which of the following was a principal cause of the Cold War? a Proxy wars in Latin America b Competition for natural resources in Africa c The nuclear arms race d Conflicting capitalist and communist ideologies


big interview about the UN decision on the rapid withdrawal of Belgian troops, and how the Congo likes the USSR more that the US. The level of military engagement between Western nations and the Soviet Union referred to in the passage is best explained by which of the following developments after the Second World War? a The economic decline of communist states made it impossible for them to transport large armies to distant regions. b The ability of the United Nations to send peace-keeping forces limited the scale of the involvement of major military powers in regional conflicts c The continued importance of resource-rich regions in Africa to economic development in the West and the Soviet Union discouraged them from engaging in large-scale conflicts that could cause vast destruction. d The possession of nuclear weapons by the United States and the Soviet Union made it too dangerous for Western nations and the Soviet Union to engage in large-scale military conflict with each other.


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