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September 12 1938

As a result of the speech the Sudeten Germans rioted and martial law was declared in Czechoslovakia

September 3rd 1939

Britain declared war on Germany.

March 31st 1939

Britain promised to defend Poland.

September 1st 1939

German forces invaded Poland.

September 29th, 1938

Germany, Italy, France, and great Britain singed the Munich Pact in germany. Hitler wanted the part of Czechoslovakia with many Germans called the Sudetanland. France and britain accepted Hilter's demands to prevent further confrontations.

April 1938

Henlein announced his program for Sudeten to have a self-government, which lead to chaos and as a result weaking Sudetenland

October 1st 1938

Hitler invaded the Sudetenland and Hitler now had control of the Czech fortifications which would would make his act of aggression much easier. Also Hitler and Chamberlain signed a treaty saying to never attack each other.

September 15th 1938

Hitler made a deal with Chamberlin the prime minister of Britain, saying that the Germans could have Sudetenland and the British wouldn't interfere. Also the prime minister convinced the leaders of France and Czech to agree as well in order to prevent war.

September 1938

Hitler made a speech against the Czechoslovakian President at a Nazi rally at Nuremberg, which created more issues in Czechoslovakia.

May 1938

Hitler moved his army top surround the Czech boarder and as a result the leader of Czech made his army go to the boarders as well. This created a standoff between Germany and the Czech army

March 1938

Hitler ordered Henlein to create a crisis in the country. The Sudeten Germans made audacious demands from the government. However, some times these demands could not be attained so when this occurred the Sudeten's claimed themselves to be getting persecuted.

March 1938

Hitler ordered Henlein to create a crisis in the country. The Sudeten Germans made audacious demands from the government. However, some times these demnands could not be attained so when this occurred the Sudeten's claimed themselves to be getting persecuted.

July 1938

Hitler promised Britain's Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, that he would not invade Czechoslovakia if he were given control of the Sudetenland.

March 16th 1939

Hitler's takeover of Czechoslovakia started in the Sudetenland. Hitler wanted Sudetenland to be a part of Nazi Germany and he wanted to leave the rest of Czechoslovakia weak.

May 22nd 1939

Italy and Germany signed the Pact of Steel to help each other in the event of war.

March 15th 1939

The German army invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia.

October 21st, 1938

The northern ,southwest, and western regions of Czechoslovakia had a large population of germans. Hitler wanted these germans to help add to his power and army, and at the same time he wanted to weaken Czechoslovakia.

August 23rd 1939

The soviet union and Nazi Germany signed a pact that said they would not attack each other. This pact gave Germany the right to attack Poland in September 1939

September 1st 1939

This invasion marked the beginning of WWII in Europe. German troops invaded from everyside except the East.

September 22 1938

With the agreement of the Czechoslovakian government, Chamberlain offered Hitler control of the Sudetenland. Hitler demanded that the Czechoslovakian army leave the Sudetenland by the 1 of October. This was a demand designed to push the Czechs and to give Hitler an excuse to invade the entire country.

September 29th and 30th 1938

representatives of France, Britain, Italy and Germany met at Munich to discuss the Sudetenland problem. Neither the Czechs, nor their allies Russia, were consulted. Hitler traded the promise of peace in Europe for the Sudetenland. The Czechs had to either accept or face the might of the German army alone. They accepted."

August 23rd 1939

to the dismay of France and Britain, the Nazi-Soviet Non Aggression pact was signed by Germany and Russia. The two nations promised not to fight each other.

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