HMD 225 Quiz 3

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According to Zemke's four generations of workers, which of the following statements is most likely true of the Baby Boomers?

They are concerned about creating a level playing field for all.

Which of the following statements is most likely true of servant leaders?

They need to integrate present realities and future possibilities.

Ends-based thinking is often characterized as

do what's best for the greatest number of people.

According to Zemke's four generations of workers, the Millennials

doubt the wisdom of traditional racial and sexual categorizing.

Terrorists may call themselves "freedom fighters," and firing someone may be referred to as "letting him or her go." These are both examples of

euphemistic labeling

Advantageous comparison refers to the process of using cosmetic words to defuse or disguise the offensiveness of otherwise morally repugnant or distasteful behavior.


Authentic leaders behave as they do to attain status, rewards, and other advantages rather than to achieve personal conviction.


Being helpful, honest, and logical are examples of terminal values.


Gen Xers tend to be more committed to a specific organization than to their vocation because they believe in job security.


In the context of moral potency, moral ownership is best described as the fortitude to face risk and overcome fears associated with taking ethical action.


An authentic leader will most likely

have a realistic self-perception

Which of the following best describes attribution of blame?

justifying immoral behavior by claiming it was caused by someone else's actions

Values are most likely

learned through the socialization process

Which of the following is an approach, developed and popularized by Covey, which postulates a fundamental interdependence between the personal, the interpersonal, the managerial, and the organizational levels of leadership?

principle-centered leadership

Which of the following best describes ethics?

principles of right conduct

According to the dual-process theory, moral judgments dealing primarily with "rights" and "duties" are made by automatic emotional responses.


Ends-based thinking, known as utilitarianism in philosophy, is premised on the idea that right and wrong are best determined by considering the consequences or results of an action.


Instrumental values refer to modes of behavior, and terminal values refer to desired end states.


Leaders ultimately must be judged on the basis of a framework of values, not just in terms of their effectiveness.


Which of the following statements is true of managers with the Theory Y orientation?

They reflect a view that most people are intrinsically motivated by their work.

According to Zemke's four generations of workers, which of the following statements is most likely true of the Veterans?

They represent a wealth of lore and wisdom.

In-group favoritism occurs when people overrate the quality of their work and their contributions to the groups and teams to which they belong.


Dr. Jonathon realizes that his patient is suffering from a highly contagious disease that is likely to pose a threat to the entire city. However, he is uncertain about sharing this information with city officials to protect his patient's privacy. In this scenario, which of the following ethical dilemmas does the doctor most likely face?

individual versus community

In the context of moral potency, the belief or confidence in one's capability to mobilize various personal, interpersonal, and other external resources to persist despite moral adversity is referred to as

moral efficacy.

Managers with Theory X orientation rely heavily on coercive, external control methods to motivate workers, such as pay, disciplinary techniques, punishments, and threats.


Moral reasoning refers to the process leaders use to make decisions about ethical and unethical behaviors.


Rule-based thinking is consistent with Kantian philosophy and is characterized colloquially as "following the highest principle or duty."


Servant leadership puts an emphasis on listening effectively to others.


The ultimate test of a servant leader's work is whether those served develop toward being more responsible, caring, and competent individuals.


Through a distortion of consequences, people minimize the harm caused by their behavior.


Leadership behavior enacted by individuals who take action to maintain ethical standards in the face of questionable moral behaviors by higher-ups is referred to as

upward ethical leadership

What are the four qualities of leadership that engender trust term-10according to Bennis and Goldsmith?

vision, empathy, consistency, and integrity

Hall and Donnell reported findings of five separate studies involving over 12,000 managers that explored the relationship between managerial achievement and attitudes toward subordinates. Overall, they found that managers who strongly subscribed to Theory X beliefs

were highly likely to be in their lower-achieving group

Leaders who pull people together on the basis of shared beliefs and a common sense of organizational purpose and belonging are most likely the ones

who create a compelling vision.

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