Honors World History B Unit 5: The Age of Imperialism

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Taiping Rebellion

(1850-1864) A revolt by the people of China against the ruling Manchu Dynasty because of their failure to deal effectively with the opium problem and the interference of foreigners.

Sino-Japanese War

(1894-1895) Japan's imperialistic war against China to gain control of natural resources and markets for their goods. It ended with the Treaty of Portsmouth which granted Japan Chinese port city trading rights, control of Manchuria, the annexation of the island of Sakhalin, and Korea became its protectorate.

Russo-Japanese War

(1904-1905) War between Russia and Japan over imperial possessions. Japan emerges victorious.

Leopold II

(reigned 1865-1909) King of Belgium who employed Henry Morton Stanley to help develop commercial ventures and establish a colony called the Congo Free State in the basin of the Congo River

Opium War

1839-1842. Chinese attempted to prohibit the opium trade, British declared war and won against Chinese. Treaty of Nanjing, agreed to open 5 ports to British trade and limit tariffs on British goods and gave Hong Kong.

Matthew Perry

A commodore in the American navy. He forced Japan into opening its doors to trade, thus brining western influence to Japan while showing American might.


A Zulu chief in Southern Africa who used soldiers and good military organization to create a large centralized state.


A country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger power.


A governor or ruler exercising authority on behalf of a sovereign in a province or colony


A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.

Open Door Policy

A policy proposed by the US in 1899, under which ALL nations would have equal opportunities to trade in China.

What were the goals of Chinese reformers?

Chinese reformers sought to modernize and Westernize the economy and government.

indirect rule

Colonial government in which local rulers are allowed to maintain their positions of authority and status

Which form of imperialist rule led to the greatest influx of Europeans into a colony? Why?

Direct rule, because it required that Europeans administer the colony themselves; That meant Europeans needed to move to the colony to serve as government officials, soldiers, and advisors. In other forms of imperialist rule, Europeans shared power with or advised local rulers, so fewer Europeans were needed.

Henry Stanley

British-American explorer of Africa, famous for his expeditions in search of Dr. David Livingstone. He helped King Leopold II establish the Congo Free State.


Capital of Japan

Why was China so resistant to Western influence? How did European imperialism push China toward reform?

China's systems had worked successfully for a very long time; the Chinese did not value new industry or merchants, and individualism and technology threatened Confucian philosophies. Losses in war against Japan and European countries pushed China toward reform, however.

Which three countries colonized most of Southeast Asia?

France, Britain, and the Netherlands


an appointed official of the Ottoman Empire who collected taxes, maintained law and order, and was directly responsible to the sultan's court

Boxer Uprising (Boxer Rebellion)

anti-foreign movement in China from 1898-1900


noun. (often used with a plural verb) the choice or best of anything considered collectively, as of a group or class of persons. (used with a plural verb) persons of the highest class: Only the elite were there.


originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.

Yaa Asantewaa

queen of the Asantes that led the fight against the British in the last Asante war, took power after the king was exiled

Europeans sought to exploit the vast natural resources of Southeast Asia. According to the map, to which resources did the Dutch have exclusive access?

spices and coffee

Boer War

The war began on October 11 1899, following a Boer ultimatum that the British should cease building up their forces in the region. The Boers had refused to grant political rights to non-Boer settlers, known as Uitlanders, most of whom were British, or to grant civil rights to Africans.

Ram Mohun Roy

"Father of Modern India" modern thinking, tried to move india towards independance and away from traditional ideas

sphere of influence

A foreign region in which a nation has control over trade and other economic activities.

British East India Company

A joint stock company that controlled most of India during the period of imperialism. This company controlled the political, social, and economic life in India for more than 200 years.


A member of a Polynesian group that settled New Zealand about 800 C.E.


A soldier in South Asia, especially in the service of the British.

Guang Xu

A young emperor who launched the hundred days of reform; modernized industries, schools, military; imprisoned by conservatives who opposed reforms

Cite evidence from the text for the argument that India grew more unified under British rule.

According to the text, the railways and the telegraph and postal systems that the British introduced led to better communication and a more unified country.

What were the effects of the Boxer Uprising?

After the Boxer Uprising was crushed, China took steps toward modernization in education, agriculture, and industry. At the same time, Chinese nationalism spread.

The graph and timeline show some effects of the British Raj. All things considered, was British rule a positive or a negative for India? Why?

Answers will vary but could quote information on famine to support the drawback argument or railway growth to support the benefit argument.

How did the Industrial Revolution lead to the new imperialism?

As Western nations industrialized, they needed to acquire sources of raw materials and new markets for their products. The colonies provided these raw materials as well as new customers.

The Industrial Revolution was both a motivator for British imperialism and a cause of British control over China. How did it affect China's history?

Because of the Industrial Revolution, Britain had economic motivations to increase its exports, but China did not want many British goods. This gave Britain motivation to exert control over China. Industrialization helped Britain achieve this because advanced military technologies led to an easy victory over China in the Opium War.

Compare and contrast the revolts against the Ottoman empire in Greece and Armenia.

Both countries wanted to gain independence from the Ottoman empire. Armenia's revolt was brutally suppressed, as the Turks enforced genocide on the Armenians. Greece was successful at gaining independence.

How did concessions lead to European troops being stationed in Persia?

Britain and Russia gained oil concessions from the Persian government. They then sent troops to Persia to protect their oil resources and spheres of influence.

Why did the Ottoman empire allow Britain to dictate policies in Egypt?

Britain had gained a controlling interest in Suez Canal, so it had economic power. Also, after an Egyptian nationalist revolt, the British made Egypt a protectorate.

What did the Treaty of Nanjing give Britain?

Britain received a huge payment for war costs and was given the territory of Hong Kong. The treaty also made China open its ports to foreign trade.

How did race factor into the relationship between British men like Rhodes and African leaders like Chief Kabongo?

Cecil Rhodes believed that he was part of a superior race and that being part of that race justified imperialism. Chief Kabongo, who refers to a Western visitor as a "Pink Cheek man," is angry with the Westerners who seized power from the local people.

How does Chief Kabongo respond to imperialists in his land?

Chief Kabongo tells the "Pink Cheek man" that Africans elect their own leaders and make their own rules. The Westerners insist that Africans follow laws made by a faraway king.

David Livingstone

David Livingstone was a Scottish missionary, doctor, abolitionist, and explorer who lived in the 1800s. He sought to bring Christianity, commerce, and "civilization" to Africa and undertook three extensive expeditions throughout much of the continent.

Write a brief letter in response to one of the speakers.

Dear Chief Kabongo,I am writing in support of your anti-imperialist position. What right do the English have to impose their king and his laws on you and your people? None, sir. They have no right to your land and resources under any system. A direct rule, indirect rule, a protectorate, and even spheres of influence all place your people in a role that is subject to the wishes of the English, albeit to varying degrees. An English king has no legitimate authority to tell you who you can and cannot trade with or change cultural norms that your people have followed for centuries. Unlike what some believe, the English are not a superior race to your people, and under the basic principles of human decency, they have no right to impose their will on you or others. I join you in your fight against oppression.Sincerely,


Deforestation refers to the decrease in forest areas across the world that are lost for other uses such as agricultural croplands, urbanization, or mining activities. Greatly accelerated by human activities since 1960, deforestation has been negatively affecting natural ecosystems, biodiversity, and the climate.

Usman dan Fodio

Denounced the corruption of the local Hausa rulers

First Sino-Japanese War

During this war, Japan took Korea, which was a protectorate of China, and then invaded China itself. After invading Manchuria and destroying the Chinese navy, the Treaty of Shimonoseki was signed, giving Japan its first two colonies: Taiwan and the Pescadores Island.

Think about each group of people listed below. What was the motivation for each group to go to the colonies? What roles did each group play? How might the goals of these groups conflict with each other? Would one group have a better chance at success? soldiers traders government officials missionaries

Each group had different goals, such as making profits for traders and spreading religious ideas for missionaries. These goals could conflict with each other if two groups, such as soldiers and missionaries, try to accomplish different ends among the same group of people.

Menelik II

Emperor of Ethiopia who played Italians, British, and French against each other while buying weapons from France and Russia. In the Battle of Adowa, Ethiopian forces successfully defeated the Italians and maintained their independence.

How did geography play a part in European interest in Muslim regions?

European nations wanted access to trade routes. Russia tried to get access to the Dardanelles and the Bosporus straits so that it could have access to the Mediterranean. Britain worked against Russia so that its own interests in the Mediterranean [and India] were protected. By building a railway from Berlin to Baghdad, Germany tried to extend its influence in the Middle East.

How did Social Darwinism play a role in the new imperialism?

Europeans thought their racial superiority entitled them to dominate what they saw as weaker races by the law of nature.

What was the likely reaction to the news that Melenik's forces had defeated a European army in battle?

Europeans, whose strength had enabled them to divide up most of Africa fairly easily, would have been shocked by news of the battle. Africans would have been encouraged by the news of Italy's failed effort to colonize Ethiopia.

How did the travels of explorers and missionaries pave the way for the migration of soldiers, traders, and government officials?

Explorers and missionaries were often the first to travel to a region, opening that region for European influence. Once that European presence was established, soldiers and government officials could use the geographic information provided by the explorers to move in to protect the presence of the missionaries and gain control of the region.

What impact did explorers and missionaries have on Africa?

Explorers opened Africa's interior to other Europeans. Missionaries built churches, schools, and clinics but undermined African cultures by urging Africans to adopt Western ways.


Foreign residents in a country living under the laws of their native country, disregarding the laws of the host country. 19th/Early 20th Centuries: European and US nationals in certain areas of Chinese and Ottoman cities were granted this right.

Compare and contrast how Britain and France ruled their colonies.

France practiced direct rule, whereas Britain often used indirect rule through a local ruling class.


Hawaiian Queen who tried to eliminate white control in the Hawaiian government. The white population revolted and seized power. Under McKinley Hawaii was annexed

Sun Yat-sen (Sun Yixian)

He was the first president when the Republic of China was founded in 1912

What problems might an outside country create if it draws borders without understanding local political or ethnic situations?

If borders separate close political or ethnic groups, those groups will be unhappy and might have more reason to revolt against the outside power. Placing rival political or ethnic groups within the same borders might create conflict that could have been avoided.

By the 1890s, how had the more modernized Japan changed its relationship with the West?

In 1853, the United States forced Japan from its isolation; by the 1890s, Japan had become more powerful and started acquiring its own empire and revising unequal treaties.

Spanish-American War

In 1898, a conflict between the United States and Spain, in which the U.S. supported the Cubans' fight for independence

How was setting up a protectorate different from practicing direct rule?

In a protectorate, the Western country left a local ruler in place. This ruler was supposed to listen to European advisers on certain issues, such as trade. When using direct rule, the Western country sent its own officials to run the colony.

What country tried to colonize Ethiopia?


How did Japan change course in the late 1800s?

Japan went from isolation and a rigid feudal order to a modern industrial economy and new political and social system, with a central government and a democratic constitution.

Who won the Sino-Japanese War, and what did the victor take?

Japan won and gained control of Taiwan.

Imagine you have traveled back in time to the Age of Imperialism. Write four dated log entries that describe in detail what you would see and do during your visit. Each entry should be 2-3 sentences in length and include historically accurate information about the significance of the event. The following are sample events that you could use to write your log entries: Australia becomes an independent commonwealth. Britain annexes New Zealand. Filipino-U.S. conflict France takes over Indochina. Meiji Restoration New Zealand becomes independent. Russo-Japanese War Sino-Japanese War Spanish-American War The United States annexes Hawaii. United States warships arrive in Japan demanding that Japan open its ports to trade.

Japan: July 1853. I rode in one of the small Japanese wooden boats in Tokyo Bay on the day Commodore Perry arrived with a letter from the United States demanding that the Japanese open their ports for trade. The sea was very rough, and our small boat had problems with the waves from the larger ship. I thought I was going to be sick. We were all quite intimidated by the size of the American ships. Their masts towered into the sky, and everyone called it "the black ship." My eyes were focused on the big guns pointed toward us.This experience was significant because the United States, because of its military prowess, was able to force Japan to open its ports for trade. Many Japanese found this humiliating and shameful. Japan: 1867. Today, I took part in a secret meeting with some daimyo and samurai who are frustrated with the unequal treaties and the failure of their leaders to demand more respect from other countries. The daimyo wore their ceremonial crested robes to the meeting. The robes were V-shaped in the front like a vest, with large, loose-fitting sleeves. They debated on what steps they should take to restore Japan's integrity in the world.This experience was significant because the frustrated daimyo and samurai led a revolt that changed leadership and eventually became known as the Meiji Restoration. Philippines: 1898. I was aboard an American battleship that destroyed the Spanish fleet that was stationed in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War. I hid down below the deck, but I was able to see out a small opening. Every time the Americans fired a cannon, I felt the entire ship shake. The smoke filled the air around me. I could hear the destruction when cannons hit a target and when they missed.The echo of the cannon hitting the water was unlike any sound I have ever heard. The Filipino people were integral in helping the Americans destroy the ships and were looking forward to declaring independence from the Spaniards.This experience was significant because the Filipino leaders believed that aligning themselves with the Americans would help guarantee their independence, but in the end, Spain and America negotiated the transfer of control of the Philippines. They ended up trading one colonizer for another. New Zealand: 1840. Today, I spent the day in a Maori stronghold in New Zealand. White colonists continue to arrive in massive numbers and are taking over land by force and attempting to purchase it. There is a meeting among the Maori leaders about whether to sell the land to Europeans. They agree that they are not willing to give up the land that has served them for generations. I finally understand why the Maori have such an attachment to their land. This is the most beautiful country I have ever visited. The rocky coast is filled with towers that rise from the sea like warriors standing tall. The


King of Siam, who didn't underestimate Western power. He prevented Siam becoming a European colony.

Muhammad Ali

Leader of Egyptian modernization in the early nineteenth century. He ruled Egypt as an Ottoman governor, but had imperial ambitions. His descendants ruled Egypt until overthrown in 1952.

How did Korea both benefit and suffer under Japanese rule?

Korea benefited from the factories, railroads, and communication systems that the Japanese built, but the Japanese controlled most of them. Rice production increased dramatically, but most of it went to Japan. Koreans suffered because the Japanese imposed harsh rule and tried to erase the Korean language and national identity.


Large conglomerate corporations through which key elite families exerted a great deal of political and economic power in Imperial Japan. By WWII, four of them controlled most of the economy of Japan.


Last imam in a series of twelve descendants of Muhammad's son-in-law Ali, whom Shi'ites consider divinely appointed leaders of the Muslim community. In occlusion since ca. 873, he is expected to return as an apocolyptic messiah at the end of time.

How did Africans resist European imperialism?

Many Africans battled the European invaders (the Ethiopians were successful), and the new African elite began organizing for independence.

What led to resentment of foreigners living in China in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

Many resented Western missionaries for trying to replace Chinese Confucianism. Also, the Chinese did not like foreign troops or the new technologies on their soil. Finally, foreigners did not have to follow Chinese laws.

How did Ethiopians resist imperialism?

Menelik II modernized and Westernized both his country and army, so Ethiopia was prepared to fight Western troops. Ethiopians defeated the Italian invasion and remained independent.


Military and political leader with absolute authority over a Muslim country

What evidence in the text supports the claim that Japan successfully updated its industries during the Meiji Restoration?

Modern machinery helped increase Japanese silk production output. The Japanese also had successful shipyards, copper and coal mining, and steelmaking.

What events led to the persecution and slaughter of Armenians in the Ottoman empire?

Muslim Turks accused Christian Armenians of supporting Russia and their plans against the Ottoman empire. When the Armenians protested repressive treatment by the Ottomans, the sultan had tens of thousands of Armenians killed. Even more were killed or died from starvation over the next 25 years.

For what reason did Persia attract foreign interest in the early 1900s?

Oil was discovered.

How is migrating to find work a cultural as well as an economic effect of imperialism?

Pre-colonial traditions were weakened when many community members migrated to find work to pay their taxes.

What reasoning does Cecil Rhodes use to justify imperialism?

Rhodes is using the ideas of Social Darwinism—he believes that the English are superior to other races, and so they should spread across the world to make the whole world better. He thinks that the more English people there are, the better the world will be.

One goal of British imperialists in Africa was to gain control "from Cairo to the Cape" (South Africa). Which colony stood in the way of that plan? Which European country controlled that colony?

Tanganyika; German East Africa, controlled by Germany

Why did the Berlin Conference cause government officials to go to Africa?

The Berlin Conference set the rules for claiming colonies in Africa. It said that European countries could not claim territory in Africa unless they had set up a government office there. Therefore, European officials went to Africa to set up those offices so their countries could claim territory and govern it.

What caused the Qing dynasty to fall?

The Boxer Rebellion led to greater Westernization, which led to nationalism, which combined with discontent and a weak emperor (a two-year-old) to topple the dynasty.

What were some of the positive things that the British East India Company did in India?

The British East India Company worked to improve roads, preserve peace, and reduce banditry. It also introduced Western education and legal procedures. Additionally, it tried to end slavery and banned sati.

How did industrialized powers divide up the various lands of Southeast Asia and the Pacific?

The Dutch took over the Dutch East Indies; the British took over Burma and Malaysia; the French took over French Indochina; and the United States took over the Philippines and Hawaii.

How did the British gain control of the Suez Canal?

The Egyptian leader sold ownership of the canal to Britain to repay debt.

What details in Western Imperialism Spreads Rapidly support the idea that superior weaponry helped Western imperialism spread?

The Maxim machine gun, repeating rifles, and steam-driven warships are all mentioned as "strong arguments in persuading Africans and Asians to accept Western control."

The dogs represent the United States, Japan, and Britain. They guard an open door that says "China Trade." Which country opened the door? What is the illustrator implying about the Open Door Policy? Think about the goal of the Open Door Policy and whether or not the goal is being fulfilled.

The United States; The illustrator is implying that Chinese trade is open to everyone, but that the United States and Britain—and Japan on a smaller scale—are exerting greater influence on trade policies.

How did Siam remain free of colonization?

The king studied foreign language and gained knowledge of the modern world. He kept an open mind and was able to negotiate with Western powers, holding off imperial nations

According to the text, missionaries wanted to help Africans and thought that expanding Western influence into the interior of the continent would improve life for Africans. How do you think these missionaries would have reacted to King Leopold II's rule of the Congo?

The missionaries would strongly disapprove of the way that King Leopold exploited and brutalized African workers.

Meiji Restoration

The political program that followed the destruction of the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1868, in which a collection of young leaders set Japan on the path of centralization, industrialization, and imperialism.

What was the global impact of Western imperialism?

The power of the Western nations grew; Western imperialism continued to spread in Africa and Asia; Western technologies and communications went global; imperialism sparked nationalist movements in the colonized countries.

Describe how a republic replaced the Qing dynasty.

The rise of nationalism and widespread discontent led to the overthrow of the Qing dynasty and creation of a republic.

What were the long-term effects of imperialism on the colonized peoples?

Their culture was changed to reflect Western beliefs, they adopted European ideas of nationalism, and their economies focused on cash crops. Many non-Westerners were robbed of their cultural heritage.

How did the United States gain control of the Philippines?

They bought the country from Spain for $20 million and then crushed a Filipino rebellion.

What did the rebels try to do in the Boxer Rebellion?

They tried to get rid of foreigners who were in the country.

How did Western imperialism spread through Africa and Asia so quickly?

Westerners had stronger economies, governments, and technology, along with the necessary military power.


a payment for damage or loss

Who built the Suez Canal?

a French company organized by Ferdinand de Lesseps

Muhammad Ahmad

a Sudanese man who announced he was the Mahdi, setting off resistance to British expansion in northern Africa

penal colony

a colony to which convicts are sent as an alternative to prison

direct rule

a system of government in which a province is controlled by a central government.


a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands; a thing conceded.

How did King Leopold II set off a scramble for colonies in Africa?

by sending explorers to the Congo and trying to establish treaties to dominate trade


emperor of Japan who encouraged the modernization of Japan (1852-1912)

What was the Berlin Conference about?

dividing up Africa between various European countries

Why did Europeans want colonies?

economic growth, power, wealth, and prestige

What main factors contributed to European imperialism in the 1800s?

economic motives, political and military missions, humanitarian and religious beliefs, and Social Darwinist ideas

Samori Touré

leader of forces fighting the French in West Africa

What factors drove the new imperialism in the 1800s?

money, economic interests, access to natural resources and new customers, military bases, nationalism

homogenous society

society in which the people share a common ethnic and cultural background

Cecil Rhodes, a strong supporter of British imperialism in Africa, was an industrialist and mine owner. A British colony—Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe)—was named after him. What statement does the cartoon make about Cecil Rhodes?

that he was a "giant" among men [oversized and powerful] and that he wanted to control the continent of Africa

French Indochina

the French colonies of Cambodia and Laos and Vietnam were formerly organized as French Indochina

trade deficit

the amount by which the cost of a country's imports exceeds the value of its exports.

trade surplus

the amount by which the value of a country's exports exceeds the cost of its imports.


the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

balance of trade

the difference between a country's total exports and total imports


the foods and beverages a person eats and drinks


the system of governing a country as a father would a child


the traditional Middle Eastern custom of seclusion for women


the traditional practice of burning a widow on her husband's funeral pyre; outlawed in 1829, though it still occurs rarely

What was the main reason Japan became an imperialist power?

to obtain natural resources to support industrialization

What demand did the United States make on Japan in 1853?

to open its ports to trade and diplomatic contacts


woman who led the Shona of Zimbabwe against the British until her capture and execution

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